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Advances in psychological theory have made significant contributions to the considerable progress that has been achieved in intervention research and practice, especially in the past two decades. This article presents a discussion of the major conceptual and methodological issues that have arisen in intervention research, with a focus on interventions for children with learning problems, particularly reading problems. Examples from our own research are presented to illustrate how conceptual and methodological factors in intervention research can be taken into consideration in the design of intervention studies.  相似文献   

沂蒙精神是沂蒙人民在中国共产党的领导下,历经革命、建设和改革而形成的具有鲜明时代特色的先进群体意识和可贵革命精神,是我们党践行马克思主义群众观的光辉典范,是中华民族优秀文化的重要组成部分,是党和国家的宝贵精神财富。作为沂蒙精神发源地的临沂,在第二批群众路线教育实践活动中,更应该把弘扬沂蒙精神和群众路线教育实践活动结合起来,以弘扬沂蒙精神为实践载体开展群众路线教育实践活动。在群众路线教育实践活动中进一步弘扬沂蒙精神,对于提高全体党员干部贯彻落实群众路线和群众观点的自觉性,增强他们全心全意为人民服务的宗旨意识,发挥沂蒙精神的重要作用具有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   

美学从一开始就被限定在直觉-情感-艺术的领域,它的基本问题一般被表述为艺术与现实的关系,而按照马克思的理解,美学基本问题应为人与自然的统一.在一定意义上,也就是康德讲的感性与理性的统一.从这一点出发,美学应该给予自然美,即自然的鉴赏以更多的关注.在自然环境遭到严重破坏的今日,人与自然的统一已是美学不能不面对的最为迫切和重大的课题.  相似文献   

我国幼儿园主题式教育组合课程实践模式研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
目前我国幼儿园主题课程存在的问题有:幼儿园课程设计等同于集体教学活动设计,集体教学活动与区域活动、生活活动等环节脱节,整合课程即五大领域课程拼奏,课程决策个人化,各子主题活动缺少沟通与晕化,不利于儿童学习品质发展等。主题式教育组合理念及课程实践模式能够支持幼儿进行主动的、一致的和连续的学习,有助于幼儿学习品质发展,优化幼儿园课程结构,提高主题式课程实施品质,促进幼儿园课程内涵建设和教师专业发展。  相似文献   

面对后现代主义美学的“重写现代性”所倡导的消解理性、主体性及其意义异延论(解构美学),社会差异论(生存美学),语言游戏论(解释学美学),非主体可能论(崇高美学),实践美学从以物质生产为中心的社会实践出发,力图建构起人文理性、多维主体性、自由个体性、回应西方现代美学的不确定性、多元化、非人化、语言学转向等问题和趋向,开辟新世纪美学发展的康庄大道。  相似文献   

胡元倓是我国著名的教育家。他生活在民族危亡的关键时期,受现代学制的影响以及福泽谕吉的教育实践活动的启发,一生致力于“教育救国”事业,并把它落实到教育实践活动上。他通过艰苦创校、苦心筹款、诚聘良师、从严治校、鼓励留学以及坚持德育体劳全面发展的教育实践活动,创建了独特的教育体系,并促进了新思想的传播。研究胡元倓的教育实践活动,启示我们教育要注重实践,学以致用;重视树立教育楷模,言传身教。  相似文献   

在接受问题视域下,接受美学理论对思想政治教育具有重要的借鉴作用。把期待视野、审美经验、读者参与和第二文本等接受美学理论的概念引入思想政治教育,将意味着一种思路的转换,即在思想政治教育中将关注的视角由教育者转向受教育者,由教育转向接受,从灌输论转向接受论,从而增强思想政治教育的接受效果,达到预期的教育目标。  相似文献   

本文根据作者于2018年4月在纽约召开的(美国)全国教育测量学会(NCME)年会上的主席演讲稿修改而成。作者首先介绍了未来教育测量发展变化的11个可能特征、每个特征之所以重要的原因,以及应该如何看待这些变化。随后概述了未来教育测量领域不太可能发生变化的几个方面。最后对今后十年的教育发展进行了展望,并就这些发展对教育测量工作者可能产生的影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   


Taking terminological questions as a starting point the authors give an overview of the theory and practice of moral education in Germany. Special emphasis is given to the historical background of current theories of moral development as well as to legal and political questions concerning the present state of moral education in W. Germany. The authors are clear about the ways which should be chosen and the issues which should be dealt with if moral education is to meet the tasks and challenges posed by modern society and by problems of democracy, peace, and ecology. Nevertheless, they are sceptical whether these will be attempted by moral education in W. Germany.  相似文献   

王朝闻一生致力于美学研究,他从艺术实践、艺术欣赏出发,探讨审美规律,并将之与人的审美生存紧密联系起来,加速了当代美学研究的深化,切入到美学与人的生存的内在联系的研究,在审美关系研究、审美研究对象开拓、审美特性确立、当代生活艺术化尺度等美学问题上都有重要的贡献。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of complexity of problems on the degree of disparity between intuitive (PDM) and computer-assisted (DSS) decision-making. 840 teachers chose intuitive solutions for educational dilemmas, and recorded the relative importance of the guiding criteria. Utilizing this information, DSS calculated preferred solutions. Of the 2 measures of complexity, the number of alternatives contributed more significantly than did the number of criteria to explanation of the variance between PDM and DSS. This finding casts light on cognitive processes activated during complex decision-making and clarifies the conditions under which the use of DSS in schools is advisable.  相似文献   

本从分析我国教师教育体制改革的方向入手,指出教育创造力是教师教育改革中永恒的主题。章阐释了教育创造力的基本内涵,分析了新任教师教育创造力的现状及其成因,提出了提高教师专业学生教育创造力的基本途径。  相似文献   

Aesthetics and the Paradox of Educational Relation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper establishes the principle of 'back-formation' of artistic creation, the process by which artists realise in their work a theme or motif that had not been previously intended but is brought into being as the work comes to fruition. The authors suggest that teaching also should be guided by this principle. To solve the inherent problem of power imbalance in teaching, they appeal to Bakhtin's recourse to aesthetical judgment in addressing relational issues. Gadamer's rehabilitation of prejudices shows that not only is an ethics of relation worked out as an aesthetic practice, but also that aesthetic practices are worked out within an ethics of relation.  相似文献   

When educators develop and introduce new learning approaches or resources, they usually have specific didactic goals in mind that they want to achieve. However, these goals may not always match the needs of their students, who often confound such plans by finding new and different uses for the educational tools that are offered to them. Originating from the author’s work as the histology component director at the University of Michigan, the experience described here provides an example of a learning resource being reappropriated by the learning community. In order to encourage dental students to study histological micrographs after faculty-guided laboratory sessions were eliminated, the author prepared and offered them a series of PowerPoint files with histology images and some corresponding questions. However, instead of increasing their motivation to use the online virtual microscopy resources, students adapted this new tool for reviewing the material and for self-evaluation whether they were prepared for upcoming examinations. Although the product did not succeed as originally devised, it turned into a very popular review resource for the author’s students. Students’ feedback and critical input, as well as their active participation in producing additional, similar learning tools were the deciding factors for this successful change of purpose and the further development and refinement of this new learning resource.  相似文献   

受“科技理性”支配的教育观视教学仅仅为传递和接受知识的过程,教师和学生沦为知识的“奴隶”,教师和学生的主体性难以确立。只有当教育回归“生活世界”,教育才能挣脱“唯科学主义”的樊篱,摆脱多年来所深陷的工具价值的地位,确立能够重视人的价值和经验的“主体教育观”。  相似文献   

天目山以其丰富的生物多样性、文化多样性,成为当今世界生物多样性研究的热点区域、国内科研院校的科教基地及公众接受环境教育的理想之所。天目山保护区牢固树立科教兴区的思想,从进一步完善科教基础设施入手,加强科教基地的硬件设施建设,并进一步规范管理,优化服务,改善保护区科教工作的软环境,将天目山保护区逐渐建成保护、发展及后勤功能和谐发展的世界生物圈网络示范区。  相似文献   

Lifelong science literacy begins with attitudes and interests established early in childhood. The use of trade books (i.e., a literary work intended for sale to the general public) in North American school classrooms to support the development of science literacy invites an examination of the quality of science content disseminated to students. A total of 116 trade books were examined to: (a) determine the degree to which science trade books complement expected science knowledge outcomes outlined in school curricula, and (b) compare trade book content to the goals of scientific literacy. Analysis across four science topics, Dinosaurs, Space, Inheritance, and Growth and Life Properties, revealed that this body of children’s literature is inconsistent in its coverage of curricular goals and elements of scientific literacy. Because trade books represent children’s first exposure to science, these shortcomings should be addressed if these books are to be maximally effective in promoting science literacy. Implications for using trade books in the classroom are discussed.
Hayli StockEmail:

教育思维:教育理论走向教育实践的认识性中介   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育思维是人类的教育实践理性,是教育理论认识在教育实践面前的凝结,也是教育实践经验在人们认识中的凝结;就其实质来说,是一定的教育观及其支配下的教育操作思路的统一体。基于教育思维特殊的内涵和鲜明的思想色彩,它可以充当教育理论走向教育实践的认识性中介。  相似文献   

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