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The benefits of drawing for children are wide‐ranging but are likely to be mediated by the art curriculum and other governmental guidance to teachers relevant to drawing/art. Furthermore, such statutory regulations vary between cultures, and therefore curricula represent an important influence on the cultural differences found in children's drawings. Previous articles on the teaching of drawing in Chinese schools have commented upon the emphasis placed on children copying from adult drawing models. However, a new art curriculum was implemented in Chinese infant schools (3–6‐year‐olds) in 2002, still in operation today, which instead places an emphasis on the children's enjoyment of drawing through making creative and expressive pictures from their imagination. This article describes the key objectives stated in the Chinese art curricula for infant schools. We also present an interview with a Chinese infant school teacher in which she provided in detail how the curriculum is typically applied to the teaching of drawing. The interview also provided some background context to why the curriculum was changed and to its delivery. The article comments on the pedagogical practices adopted, and comparisons are made with Western art education and, in particular, to the teaching of drawing/art in England for the same age group. Finally, we consider what implications the Chinese approach has for the ‘non‐interventionist’ approach to young children's drawing/art that is frequently found in Western art education.  相似文献   

绘画心理测试与自陈式量表结合,在新生心理普查预警学生筛查中能较好地发挥两种测试的优势。绘画测试注重潜在心理危机的分析和评估,具有干预和治疗作用,在心理筛查和心理约谈中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

This article investigates the ways in which drawing is taught and assessed in post‐16 UK schools and colleges, with a particular focus on A Level art and design courses. Through an historical survey of the development of syllabi and assessment methods, it traces how the role of drawing in the curriculum has changed over the past sixty years. From a series of prescribed observational drawing exercises, the A level exam has evolved into a holistic exploration of each student’s creative process, and drawing is now seen mainly as an integral part of that process. The article demonstrates how the art history element of the syllabus has also been gradually integrated into practice, and thus into the drawing process itself. Questions are raised about how these changes have influenced the nature of the portfolios which students entering higher education bring to interview. In short, this article seeks to answer the question: do we now teach and assess observational drawing skills ‘through a glass darkly’, obscured by other considerations within the art educational curriculum?  相似文献   

Concept: Few empirical studies have investigated the influence of teachers, parents and children on children's drawing experience. The current study aims to examine the attitudes and practices of these three key players that shape children's drawing experience. Method: A survey methodology was used, as typically found in previous research in this area. Participants were 270 5–14 year old children, 44 of their teachers of the National Curriculum for Art and Design, and 146 of their parents. The teachers and children participated in individual interviews and the parents completed a postal survey. Responses to most interview questions were transcribed and content analysis used to identify salient themes. The other questions involved responses on five‐point scales, these were analysed by reporting percentages. Results: The findings are discussed in five sections. First, the positive perceptions of children's drawing behaviour and attitudes. Second, the perceived importance and principal aims of the National Curriculum for Art and Design Education. Third, the numerous sources of encouragement and support for drawing development. Fourth, the differing perceptions of what constitutes a good and bad drawing. Fifth, issues surrounding an age‐related decline in children's drawing activity. Conclusions: The findings are related to theories of drawing education, and implications for children's drawings and drawing pedagogy are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对中国中铁、中国铁建、中交股份、中国建筑一线路桥施工企业的走访调查,普遍反映我校学生的就业岗位需要很强的审阅施工图的能力。为此,我们致力于在《桥梁施工》课程中推行以施工蓝图为核心的教学方法的改革与实践,期许培养道桥工程类学生的施工图审读能力,从而能够使学生尽快转换角色,适应路桥施工技术的工作需求。  相似文献   

In this article we argue that research into children's drawings should consider the context in which drawing occurs and that it is crucial to investigate the attitudes and practices of teachers, parents and children themselves that shape children's drawing experience and the drawings which they produce. We review the findings of seven empirical studies reporting data collected through direct observations, interviews and questionnaires from the three main players (teachers, parents and children) on the attitudes and practices shaping children's drawing. Issues covered include teachers' perceptions of the purposes and importance of drawing, support offered by teachers, parents and children for children's drawing endeavours, and possible factors that may lead to an age‐related decline in the amount of drawing children choose to do. We end the review by reporting some preliminary findings from our own large‐scale interview and survey study of 270 5–14 year old children, their parents and teachers, that provides a comprehensive assessment of attitudes and practices influencing children's drawing experience at home and at school. The findings provide further insight into the aforementioned issues, particularly children's, teachers' and parent's explanations of why children's drawing behaviour might decline with age. It is hoped that by reporting these preliminary findings some additional understanding of the context in which children produce their drawings can be gained and new areas for debate opened up.  相似文献   


The past is not in the classroom to observe and study. Thus, creating a lively and understandable image of a past period or situation is an achievement to be learned. A variety of tasks can be used to stimulate students to create an image of the past. In this experimental study, 151 grade 9 students (14–16 years old) participated by completing a drawing task or a writing task on the Roman Forum in Ancient Rome. Their products were compared. Additionally, the students’ perceptions of the tasks were explored by means of a questionnaire and an interview. The findings show that the written products contained more information elements than the drawings. However, in terms of the historical plausibility of the product, the drawn products and written products were comparable. Students who made a drawing reported higher situational interest than students who wrote a text.


采用问卷调查和个别访谈方法,编制高职院校教师胜任力问卷,量化高职院校教师的工作,为高职院校教师考核提供科学化、规范化的实践依据。  相似文献   

Developing an emancipatory interest enables individuals to free themselves from the intersubjective or commonly held meanings that dominate their understanding of their current world, and subsequently change their practices. We argue that developing an emancipatory interest is critical in learning to create social change, that is, wanting to create a better world and society for self and others. In this paper we provide an insight on how to do this by drawing on research about a learning program with Australian university students. A semi-structured interview schedule using eight broad questions was administered between March and May 2011 with students involved in the program. The discussion is informed by Habermas' concept of the life-world and the use of the data analysis tool Leximancer.  相似文献   

This paper describes findings of a year-long collaborative study of the impacts of rapid social and economic change on child-rearing, early education and community mobilization in Kenya. The study employed a collaborative, micro-ethnographic design, drawing heavily from interview data and repeated observations in eight districts of Kenya, sampling an array of local stakeholders in early childhood care and education. Research questions, sampling procedures, interview questions, and other aspects of the research design were constructed collaboratively with Kenyan colleagues and a Fulbright researcher. The study utilized individual and small group interviews with 462 parents, grandparents, children (older siblings of children under age three), preschool teachers, community leaders, and professionals working with children and families in communities representative of four types of settings: (1) traditional/pastoralist, (2) rural/varying agricultural productivity, (3) plantation/tea and coffee estates, and (4) urban/high population density.  相似文献   



This study evaluated the impact of comfort drawing (allowing children to draw during interviews) on the quality of children's eyewitness reports.


Children (N = 219, 5 to 12 years) who had participated in an earlier memory study returned 1 or 2 years later, experienced a new event, and described these events during phased, investigative-style interviews. Interviewers delivered the same prompts to children in the no drawing and drawing conditions but provided paper and markers in the drawing condition, invited these children to draw, and periodically asked if they would like to make another picture.


Most children in the drawing condition were interested in using the materials, and measures of eyewitness performance were sensitive to differences in cognitive ability (i.e., age) and task difficulty (i.e., delay between the remote event and interview). Comfort drawing had no overall impact as evidenced by nonsignificant main effects of condition across 20 performance measures, although more of the younger children reported experienced touching in the drawing than no drawing condition.


The children successfully divided attention between voluntary drawing and conversations about past events. Importantly, comfort drawing did not impair the amount of information recalled, the accuracy of children's answers, or even the extent to which interviewers needed to prompt for answers. Due to the large number of analyses, the benefit of drawing for younger, touched children requires replication.

Practice Implications

Comfort drawing poses no documented risks for typically-developing school-aged children, but the practice remains untested for younger children and those with cognitive impairments.  相似文献   

This paper describes findings of a year-long collaborative study of the impacts of rapid social and economic change on child-rearing, early education and community mobilization in Kenya. The study employed a collaborative, micro-ethnographic design, drawing heavily from interview data and repeated observations in eight districts of Kenya, sampling an array of local stakeholders in early childhood care and education. Research questions, sampling procedures, interview questions, and other aspects of the research design were constructed collaboratively with Kenyan colleagues and a Fulbright researcher. The study utilized individual and small group interviews with 462 parents, grandparents, children (older siblings of children under age three), preschool teachers, community leaders, and professionals working with children and families in communities representative of four types of settings: (1) traditional/pastoralist, (2) rural/varying agricultural productivity, (3) plantation/tea and coffee estates, and (4) urban/high population density.  相似文献   


In recent years, there has been growing interest in the role of affect within education. Within this paper, the authors make a distinction between affective pedagogy, which they refer to as ways of teaching that are designed to evoke particular emotional states, and affective knowledge, which they refer to as aspects of knowledge or knowing which seem to bring forth particular emotions organically. Using explicit grammar knowledge as a test case, they explore student teachers’ affective responses to learning, drawing upon interview data and observations made during a series of grammar courses. They argue that grammar learning is a potential source of pleasure, wonder and intensity. The findings provide an important counter-narrative to the prevailing discourse of grammar as dull and threatening. They also draw broader conclusions about the significance of affect in education, drawing upon affect theory and recent work on epistemic emotions.  相似文献   

高等职业院校人才培养工作评估是一种发展性评估,预审、听说课、专业剖析、深度访谈、下结论、开方是关键环节。每一个环节都有其特定的内容和要求。  相似文献   

利用文献资料法、专家访谈法等对河南省公共就业服务体系的现状进行了分析,指出当前河南省就业服务体系存在的主要问题和原因,通过借鉴国内外的成功经验并结合河南省情,对完善河南省公共就业服务体系提出了针对性的对策和建议。  相似文献   

李军 《林区教学》2021,(2):25-27
掌握基本的田野调查技巧既是旅游管理专业学生高质量完成毕业论文的重要前提,也是提升旅游管理专业人才培养质量的重要手段.通过田野调查既可以丰富毕业论文研究内容,也可以做到理论与实践的统一;既可以增强人际沟通能力,也可以提升服务社会能力.其基本技巧包括调查前拟定提纲及计划、调查中深度参与访谈、查漏补缺完善调查资料、表达谢意保...  相似文献   

This paper outlines research undertaken during a study visit to The Gambia (2008) and our thinking about the value of this, and other such visits for education students. The qualitative methodology made use of interviews and reflective journals. We argue that such visits may have the power to transform peoples’ values and, drawing on literature on identity and positioning, we tentatively suggest some possible explanations for such transformative processes. This kind of experience is thought to be of considerable potential benefit to beginning teachers and the paper indicates some of these benefits, with illustrations drawn from interview data.  相似文献   

This study explores high school students’ views of Jews in one minority-dominated school in Oslo, Norway. Employing a qualitative approach, semistructured interview guides and classroom-based discussions teased out attitudes toward Jews drawing on questions from a nationwide research conducted by The Center for Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities (2012). The findings are analyzed through the conceptual prism of anti-social capital and the literature on anti-Semitism with a focus on Jean-Paul Sartre’s (1948) analysis. This study warns that failure to pay attention to the increasing fragmentation of the educational landscape in Norway along ethnico-religious lines will serve to undermine teachers’ efforts to combat anti-Semitism.  相似文献   

This paper draws from a novel study of graduates from a one year Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) course at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. The study explored how beginning teachers in their various contexts used the theoretical ideas of inclusive pedagogy. Observation and interview data were analysed to reveal linkages between the principles that informed the course and the practices of programme graduates. By drawing on examples from the data that illustrate inclusive pedagogy in action, questions are addressed about how teachers in diverse classrooms create learning environments with opportunities that are available to everybody.  相似文献   

Citizenship education in Australia is embedded throughout the school curriculum. Despite a coherent policy context for the inclusion of citizenship and civic education at all levels of schooling, the links between education and civic minded citizens are tenuous. This paper explores these connections by drawing on the views of participants in an international community service program between Western Australia and Tanzania. By situating the interview data in relation to the policy goals, the paper argues that the current policy framework ‘sanitises’ the political nature of modern citizenship. The results from this study demonstrate that students have little understanding of the connections between the civic, the social and the political realms of citizenship. These results suggest that the current policy context does not adequately prepare young people to position themselves in the political realm.  相似文献   

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