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M r.Sm ith m oved to another town,and soon he needed a new doctor,so he went to see one.H e sat down in the waiting room and lookedaround.The doctor's nam e was on the wall.Suddenly M r.Sm ith rem em-bered there had been a classm ate w ith the sam e nam e in his class at se-chool,and he had becom e a doctor.A s he w ent in to see the doctor,he rem em bered a young,handsom estudent,and was sad to see how old and heavy and grey this m anlooked.M r.Sm ith said to him,“G ood m orning,D octor.…  相似文献   

New Clothes     
M om:The new clothes are expensive!D on’t com e hom e from school w ith ahole on the knee.B oy:O k,m um,w here w ould you likethe hole?New Clothes@晓兰  相似文献   

一、单项选择(20分)1.Everyone is here.Lets the bus.A .get up B.getdown C .geton D .getoutof2.W e each an English book.A .have B.has C .is D .are3.They are going to leave Sunday m orning.A .at B.in C .on D .w ith4.There is going to a footballgam e this afternoon.A .have B.is C .are D .be5.Playing gam es is as im portant as classes.A .have B.has C .to have D .having6.M arch 8th is .A .W om ens D ay B .W om en s D ayC.W om an s D ay D .The w om en s D ay7.Y ou d better in class.A .…  相似文献   

G ood M orning,ladies and gentlem en。Today I’d like to tell a story.Eleven years ago,there was once ahappy fam ily in a village of H enanProvince.B ut all of a sudden,it was com-pletely changed because of their father’sspecial illness and loss of w ork,whichcaused their m other’s leaving w ithout say-ing“G ood-bye”.The eldest brother had nochoice but to support the whole fam ily w ithhis tender little shoulder.H e was then only12years old.D ay after day,year afteryear,he was alw ays p…  相似文献   

Thanks very m uch.W ho can drew a fish?W here are you going?W ho is it?1 2W hat are you doing here?Is it w et today?3 4W hat do youwant,sir?G ood m orning.A .M e, sir. B.You re welcom e. C.Good m orning, Peter.D .Its m e, John. E.Tea, please. F.Shopping.G .W aiting for the bus. H .N o, its dry. ( )●答 案 :1~8 BA FD G H C E7 8对答如流(英文)@刘碧群…  相似文献   

1TEA C H E R:A lfred,how can one person m akeso m any stupid m istakes in oneday?A LFR ED:I get up early.2TEA C H E R:Tom m y,w hy do you always get sodirty?TO M M Y:W ell,I’m a lot closer to the groundthan you are.3H A R O LD:Teacher,would you punish m e forsom ething I didn’t do?TEA C H E R:O f course not.H A R O LD:G ood,because I didn’t do m yhom ework.4TEA C H E R:I hope I didn’t see you looking atD on’s paper.JO H N:I hope you didn’t either.5G A R Y:I do…  相似文献   

Images Of Mother     
4 Y E A R S O F A G E ~ M y M om m y can do anything! 8 Y EA R S O F A G E ~ M y M om know s a lot! A w hole lot! 12 Y EA R S O F A G E ~ M y M other doesn’t really know quite everything. 14 Y EA R S O F A G E ~ N aturally, M other doesn’t know that  相似文献   

本栏目将把2006年各地高考试卷做一盘点,并加以解释和点评。本期聚焦2006江西高考卷。第一部分:听力部分(省略)第二部分:英语知识运用。第一节单项选择21.M y cousin w ent to C anada tw o years ago.H e_____there for a few m onthsand then w ent to Am erica.A.w orked B.w ould w ork C.w ould be w orking D.has been w orking22.—I’m dead tired.I can’t w alk any farther,Jenny..2外—_____,T om m y.Y ou can do it。A.N o problem B.N o hurry C.C om e on D.T hat’s O K23.After the earthquake,the injured w e…  相似文献   

1.M y parents gave______a nice toy dog form y birthday.(2006年北京市)A.I B.m e C.m y D.m ine【点拨】选B。give sb.sth.给某人某物,代词用宾格。2.—D o you know the w om an overthere?—Y es.She’s______aunt.(2004年济南市)A.Lily and Lucy B.Lily’sand Lucy’sC.Lily’sand Lucy D.Lily and Lucy’s【点拨】选D。题干中的aunt是一个人,是莉莉和露西两人的姨妈。3.M ore and m ore people in Shanghaiare ableto talk and w rite______English these days.(2004年上海市)A.for B.w ith C.in D.to【点拨】选C。“…  相似文献   

Ben w as aw akened by a gunshot. The sharpB noise cam e through thethick stone w alls of the house. It w as cold in the b edroomand B en N ew m an w as shakingas he got out of bed. H e put on his eyeglassesand w ent over to the w ind ow .The field w as covered w ith frost 霜 ( )w hite .N othing m ovedout there in the deep quiet justbefore sunrise. B en looked p ast the fieldto the thick w ood s. Tw o w eeksago he saw a d eer am ong thetrees. H e held his breath w ithago he saw…  相似文献   

H i,dad!H ow are you in Beijing?M om and I went to the Chinese schoolthis m orning.It w as a big school.M omand I went to its fourth floor for registra-tion.U nfortunately,M om didn’t bring anycash,so w e got m oney from the bank.Thecost of registration was75dollars.O n our way back,we m et a wom anwho brought a ten-year-old boy.She askedus if there was any K arate(空手道)trainingclasses,and we said w e were sorry becausewe were also the new com ers there....M om wanted to buy a new sw i…  相似文献   

1.Johnny was nineyears old,and he w as avery bad boy.2.O ne day,after he hadcom e hom e from school,John-ny’s teacher phoned his m oth-er.3.“M rs.Perkins,did you know thatJohnny saved a boywhile we w ere out for awalk this m orning?”4.M rs.Perkins w as very happy when sheheard this.A nd she said:“Johnny’s turninggood boy.”.95.“That was your teacher.W hy didn’tyou tell m e you had been such a brave boyand saved one of your friends when he fellinto the river this m orning?”6.Johnny …  相似文献   

Valentine's Day has come and gone for this year, and I only got one small present. That may sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not, for it was the most wonderful gift I have ever received on that special day.C om m ercialism has ruined m any of our annual celebrations—Easter,C hristm as, M other’s D ay, Father’s D ay. The true m eaning is often lost inadvertising hype. There are ready鄄m ade cards for every occasion, so it’s easy topick som eone else’s w ords and send them to a love…  相似文献   

H ello!I’m C lever M ouse.Today w e’lltalk aboutw eather.Let’s listen to the w eath-erm an.让我们听听气象先生怎么说吧!W eatherm an:W hat w illthe w eather be like tom orrow?I'lltellyou.In London,itw illbe rainy and w indy tom orrow m orning,butin the a  相似文献   

暑假,森林里的小动物们最喜欢玩的游戏就是“老师和学生”,今天当老师的是Little T iger,我们一起看看他的课上得怎么样吧。:C lass begins!G ood m orning,stu-dents!:_____________!A.O K!C lassbegins!B.G ood m orning,teacher!C.Let’sbegin.瞧,Little T iger还挺认真呢。  相似文献   

个人档案 汤姆 克鲁斯 ·英文名 Tom Cruise :生 日 1962 年 7 月 3 日 :出生 地 美国纽约州西拉克 斯 :身 高 1.70 米 :星 座 巨蟹座 :教育程度 : G len R idge H igh SchoolT om C ruise汤姆 克鲁斯 ·2000年 《谍 中谍2》(M ission:Im possible2)1999 年 《木兰 花 》(M agnolia)1996 年 《甜心 先 生》(Jerry M aguire)1996 年 《谍中 谍 》 (M ission:Im possible)1994 年 《夜访 吸 血鬼 》 (Interview w ith the V am pire)1992 年 《好人 寥 寥》 (Few G ood M en)1990 年 …  相似文献   

Thanksgiving is A m erica s national holiday for giving thanks to G od.Thanksgiving D ay has a special significance for A m ericans because it istraced back to that group of people w ho w ere am ong the first to com e tothe N ew W orld in search offreedom.In1620,102sea-w eary Pilgrim s landed on the peninsula of C apeCod.Their ship,the M ayflow er,had intended to go to V irginia,but itm ade its landfall far to the north.A fter som e w eeks of exploring,thecolonists decided not to m ake th…  相似文献   

教学内容:小学英语(EEC版)第三册第七课第一部分。学习目标:学会说打电话时常用的句型,学会用英语提建议。教学重点:Is X X there?This isX X.Let’s go swim m ing this afternoon.教学流程:Step O ne:G reetingsStep Two:Leading in the class(W hen Iask the questions,m y m o-bile rings.T he screen show s:A w om aniscalling to m e.W e are speaking.)W om an:H ello.Is M iss Y ao there?This is M iss Chen.T:H i,M iss Chen.This is M iss Y ao.W om an:Let’s go swim m ing thisafternoon.(T he screen show …  相似文献   

阅读与提高(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Ⅰ.M iss G reen和M iss R ead虽然初次见面,但是聊得很开心。请你把她们的对话补充完整,好吗?每空填一词。M iss G reen:12。M iss R ead:G ood afternoon.M iss G reen:Excuse m e.A re you M iss R ead?M iss R ead:3,I am.4your nam e?M iss G reen:M y nam e is H elen G reen.M iss R ead:Can you5your nam e,6?M iss G reen:Y es,7,H elen,8,G reen.M iss R ead:Thank you.K ey:1.G ood2.afternoon3.Y es4.W hats5.spell6.please7.H—E—L—E—N8.G—R—E—E—NB.提高阅读Ⅰ.D avid一…  相似文献   

Bedtime PrayersJulie was saying her bedtim e prayers.“Please G od,”she said,“M ake N aples the capital of Italy.M ake N aples the capital of Italy.”H er m other interrupted and said,“Julie,w hy do you want G od tom ake N aples the capitalofItaly?”A nd Julie replied,“Because thats w hatIputin m y geography paper!”Jesus s T V SetchoolardenfnghA child on C hristm as tim e asked for som e paper and crayons inorder to draw a crib(耶稣诞生像).Eventually the artistic m asterpiecewas …  相似文献   

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