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During the Bologna reforms, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (abbr.: Standing Conference) formulated education standards for higher education teacher training programmes (KMK 2004a) in the areas of teaching, educating, diagnostics, and innovation. Currently there is very little research on the extent to which these education standards are reflected in the teacher training curriculums at universities. This contribution analyses the course regulations, module handbooks, and exam regulations for teacher training programmes at 16 universities for the inclusion of content required by the education standards. The document analysis shows that a large proportion of the education standards introduced by the Standing Conference (KMK 2004a) are not considered by the curriculums of many universities.  相似文献   

Family is the central place of socialization during childhood and adolescence. What are the determining factors of family life that are important for the health of children and adolescents and in which stages of their life do these factors take effect? The question is answered with reference to the general health of children and adolescents as rated by their parents. The analysis is conducted with data from the KiGGS study 2003–2006 which is representative of Germany (n?=?17641, age: 0–17 years). The gender-specific effects of different family factors on good health are analysed in five age groups using binary logistic regression analysis including structural, socioeconomic and origin-related factors of family as well as housing conditions and family cohesion. Bivariate analysis indicates significant effects on general health for almost all included factors (at least in some age groups). Multivariate analysis shows family cohesion to be the most important factor for good health. In boys a bilateral migration background also has an adverse effect on good general health until the beginning of adolescence.  相似文献   

In Germany, the main datasets available for addressing empirical educational research questions are cross-sectional data, which are often supplemented by state-specific or group-specific longitudinal surveys. The latter are usually focused on specific transitions in the educational system. The challenge of an approach to educational research that takes the perspective of life-course theory, however, lies in analyzing educational and competency development across the entire life span and the dependence of these processes on institutional and individual environment contexts. The present paper shows the opportunities that the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), a household and individual survey now running for over 25 years, offers for empirical educational research aimed at confronting such research challenges. In addition to outlining the available educational information and methodological innovations in the SOEP’s education-related survey program, we also describe the survey’s comparative strengths, particularly for educational analyses stretching ‘from the cradle to the grave’ and dealing with intergenerational and familial contexts.  相似文献   

The assumption of specific functions and expectation of specific effects, which are prevalent in discussions concerning teachers’ sabbatical years, have only been looked at in a small number of qualitative German-language studies. This contribution will add to such research efforts by investigating this special career-model empirically on the basis of a sample of 241 teachers, who took a sabbatical year in 2009/2010. We will show which motives lead to teachers taking a year out of their profession. Links between different motivations and job-related stress, staff resources, job satisfaction and having particular job-related styles of behavior will be investigated. In this way, the article will analyze whether in view of the fact that teachers tend to be exposed to continuous high demands the programmatic characterization of a sabbatical year as a preventative, intervention measure concurs with the motives of sabbatical-taking teachers or whether instead a more complex picture emerges after consideration of different job-related settings and personal situations. In the end, the analysis shows that the decision for a sabbatical can only be seen as a reaction to professional strain in a limited number of cases.  相似文献   

Looking at two urban higher education regions, in this paper we investigate the question of which positions head teachers of “exclusive” German gymnasiums adopt with regard to concepts such as ‘elite’, ‘excellence’ and thus also to schools’ attempts to distinguish their own profiles in the education system, all the while bearing in mind the context of public discourses about ‘elite’ and ‘excellence’. In doing so, we reconstruct four modes of dealing with the elite concept. All of these modes—even the most positive references—show that for “exclusive” German Gymnasiums the term ‘elite’ is precariously situated, associated as it is with a considerable need for legitimation. By contrast, it is not problematic to refer to a meritocratic elite concept that involves functional academic and leadership elites in the sense of excellence. On the other hand, any association of these upper secondary schools with power, financial and business elites does seem highly problematic and is vehemently rejected. This clear rejection occurs—and this is the central thesis of this article—because otherwise meritocracy itself, as the hegemonic academic form of legitimation, would be threatened to its very core.  相似文献   

In the history of education it is rather common to distinguish two opposing ideas of childhood: the romantic image of the innocent child on the one hand and the image of the evil child that has to be rescued on the other. According to historiography at the beginning of the twentieth century this dichotomy has gained a particular shape in German pedagogy: the exponents of Progressive Education recover the child and founded their pedagogy on trust in its good nature. Their agenda tries to overcome the prevailing Herbartian pedagogy. Those “conservative” educators stress the importance of the technological aspects of education. They are said to have no explicit understanding of the child as they would regard it only as the negative counterpart to an education that aims to overcome its nature. This article claims to prove that such a simple dichotomy is not sufficient to describe the complex image of the child in the German pedagogical debates at the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth century. For this purpose the article concentrates on the first volumes of the “Zeitschrift für Kinderforschung” (Journal of Child Studies) that was founded in 1896. The ideology of the main editors of the journal is attributed to Herbartianism. In the “Zeitschrift für Kinderforschung” those Herbartians aim to bring together pedagogy with child studies as well as with medicine and psychiatry. Moral education is an important topic within the journal’s discussion but the child is usually not morally judged itself and therefore regarded neither as evil nor as good. Instead the knowledge of natural research and child studies is adapted to learn about the nature of the child and its development. According to the journal’s authors the results of child studies form a crucial background for professional education in general. Later on, those children that do not develop as scientifically expected can be declared the object of special pedagogical care. Should the deviating development be classified as pathological, this “treatment” will be inspired by medicine and psychiatry. Thus the religious or ethical categories of “good” and “evil” are partly replaced by scientific ones such as “normal” or “pathological”. Nevertheless pedagogical theorising remains highly moral in its goals – and setting these goals is regarded as the duty of adults. Although the child is understood as an active being, the educational authority has to be borne by the grown‐up generation. Altogether the educational programme of the “Zeitschrift für Kinderforschung” conforms to the attitude of the Wilhelminian era. In contrast to most of the “progressive” movements, the ideas are not utopian – they aim neither for a republican society nor for the improvement of the German race as the basis for a new nation. The editors explicitly neglect the notion of a child as a political subject with its own rights. Later they remain highly sceptical about the character of human nature itself and do not believe that a new society can be built only upon the faith in it. Nevertheless some of the key authors are regarded as representatives of Progressive Education today – for example Karl Wilker, who acted as an editor of the journal and was also engaged in the New Education Fellowship later on. Also the journal authors’ claims for a renewal of education resemble those of the “progressive” movements: They also call for a turn to the child as the basis of pedagogy. These findings lead to the result that a history of childhood and education may not start out from a distinction between a child‐centred progressive education on the one hand and a conservative education on the other. Phrases like “the child” or “child‐centred” are to be found in very different pedagogies and hence are not sufficient to characterise a particular educational programme. In fact a great number of very different pedagogues recovered “the child” at the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth century and founded their model on this idea. In consequence “the child” turns out to be more like a metaphor. This insight does not mean that “the child” was an empty and useless phrase for historiography. On the contrary: as a medium of education it may help to gain a deeper understanding of the contrasts and similarities between different pedagogical approaches – regardless of whether they turn out to be more “progressive” or “conservative”. Therefore it is necessary to analyse in which contexts within the pedagogical discourse “the child” arises and which special functions it is meant to contain.  相似文献   

Wie die historiographische Forschung gezeigt hat, lassen sich die deutschen Geschichten der Pädagogik des 19. Jahrhunderts durch die Elemente ?Personalismus“, ?Eklektizismus“, ?Kanonisierung“ und ?Nationalismus“ kennzeichnen. Ausgehend von diesem Befund wird an den besonders und von alters her programmatischen Einleitungen untersucht, wie die Geschichten der Bildung des 19. Jahrhunderts sich selbst rechtfertigen: Was heißt und zu welchem Ende studiert man überhaupt die Geschichte der Pädagogik? Welche ?Selbstwahrnehmung“ lassen die Vorreden zu den Geschichten der Bildung des 19. Jahrhunderts erkennen?  相似文献   



Cognitive Preference (CP) studies in science education have been met with several criticisms. One of these relates to response‐format i.e. the ipsative nature of the scores, another to linguistic factors, in particular the possible causing of preferences for the Q(uestioning)‐mode by matters unrelated to test modes as operationally defined. The present study used a horizontally split‐half method of testing, converting the first half of the 40‐item CP into an all‐Q format, and leaving the other half in its traditional form (recall, principles, questioning and application). Intercorrelations between both parts were thus non‐ipsative. Comparing subjects’ CP‐scores, mode‐intensities and within‐format correlations little or no differences were found. Moreover within and between‐format correlations turned out to be essentially identical. Factor‐ and SSA‐analyses confirmed the identical structures of both formats. It was concluded that ipsativity does not distort CP‐data unduly, neither does the particular linguistic format of Q‐statements cause substantial deviations from CP‐patterns.  相似文献   

The lack of secondary school students’ motivation in mathematics lessons poses a great challenge. According to the Expectancy-Value Model (Eccles et al., Achievement and achievement motives: psychological and sociological approaches, New York, Freeman, S. 75–146, 1983), teacher and classmates influence students’ value beliefs. Using data of 1868 ninth grade students and their 72 math teachers, this study was designed to assess the association of several indicators of relevance-oriented teaching strategies and of perceived classmates’ math valuing with students’ value beliefs in mathematics. Two-level linear regression analyses provided evidence that the student-rated practical focus of math lessons predicted students’ intrinsic, attainment, utility, and cost value mainly at the individual level; student-rated classmates’ math valuing was associated with students’ value perceptions more strongly at the class level. Over the course of six months, these effects increased at the individual but not at the class level. Teacher-reported effort to establish connections between math and other domains was positively associated with students’ attainment and cost value. Teacher-rated use of daily life examples led to a decrease in students’ cost value over the course of six months.  相似文献   

The Self-Report Checklist for Social and Learning Behaviour (SSL) is a student questionnaire comparable to the Teacher Report Checklist for Social and Learning Behaviour. The SSL assesses ten facets of social and learning behaviour using self-reports by students. The present study of 1267 students aged 9 to 19 years examines the factorial structure, psychometric properties and validity of this questionnaire. The reliabilities (Cronbach’s Alpha, retest) of all ten scales were sufficiently good and the postulated factorial structure was found in exploratory as well as in confirmatory factor analysis. Correlations of SSL-scales with scales of the Differencial Aggression Questionnaire and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire as well as with grades in German and mathematics indicated mainly convergent and divergent validity. Furthermore, positive correlations were found to corresponding teacher ratings.  相似文献   

In the present study it was investigated whether the pedagogical knowledge of teachers has an influence on the process quality of physics instruction and on the learning achievement of students as well. Pedagogical knowledge, conceptualized as knowledge about strategies in classroom instruction that is domain-general and relevant for teaching behaviors, was measured using a paper-and-pencil test with two scales: one scale on declarative knowledge, the other on conditional-procedural knowledge (Lenske et al. 2015). As a basic aspect of the process quality of classroom instruction, classroom management was assessed using video ratings of two lessons from each participating teacher. Students’ learning achievement was assessed using standardized domain-specific knowledge tests in a pretest-posttest design. The sample included 34 teachers from higher-track secondary schools and their students (N?=?993). A complex bootstrapping mediation model shows that teachers’ pedagogical knowledge, mediated by their classroom management, has a positive effect on their students’ learning achievement.  相似文献   

Ebenso wie die Anspruchsgrundlagen für Abfertigungen von Universit?tsmitarbeiterInnen sind die Bestimmungen zur Rückforderung in hohem Ma?e inhomogen. Auch mit In-Kraft-Treten des Universit?ten-Kollektivvertrages hat sich die Situation nur unwesentlich ge?ndert. Vor allem bei den Schnittstellen zu neuen Arbeitsverh?ltnissen mit der Universit?t kommt es zu unterschiedlicher Berücksichtigung alter Abfertigungsanwartschaften.  相似文献   

Im Universitätspersonalrecht findet sich eine Reihe von zeitlichen und systemischen Schnittstellen hinsichtlich des Anspruchs auf Abfertigung. Als mögliche Rechtsgrundlagen für die Abfertigung kommen das AngG, das BMSVG, das VBG, das BDG, das UniAbgG und der Universitäten-Kollektivvertrag in Frage. Diese Anspruchsgrundlagen wechseln nicht nur entsprechend der Art des Arbeitsverhältnisses, sondern stehen auch in Relation zum In-Kraft-Treten des UG und des Universitäten-KV. In Summe ergibt dies eine Fülle von Problemlagen, die der Gesetzgeber keiner eindeutigen Lösung zugeführt hat.  相似文献   

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