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Children and adolescents of families with immigrant background are less successful in the German education systems than those without immigrant background. These differences can largely be explained by deficits in the language of instruction, indicating a lack of learning opportunities in the second language. The present paper investigates how it is possible to reduce language disparities before children enter school on the one hand and during the course of schooling on the other hand. This is being done by presenting the current state of research on the acquisition of a second language. In particular, recent findings on the influence of the quantity and quality of early childhood education on the language acquisition of children are summarized. Furthermore, findings on the effectiveness of attending all-day schools and of current programs for language instruction are presented. Finally, potential avenues for further development of language instruction as well as for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Schule den Erwerb von medienbezogenen Qualifikationen zu erm?glichen, ist in Deutschland seit langem in vielen Richtlinien und Lehrpl?nen als Ziel verankert. Die vorliegende Studie geht im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie an der Universit?t Paderborn der Frage nach, welche Kenntnisse und Annahmen zukünftige Lehrpersonen über das Medienhandeln von Kindern und Jugendlichen, über dessen Einflüsse und über die Aufgaben von Schule im Medienzusammenhang besitzen (N = 173). Die Skalen wurden theorie geleitet auf der Basis eines Modells medienp?dagogischer Kompetenz von Lehrpersonen entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass die Kenntnisse und Annahmen der Lehramtsstudierenden Defizite bzw. Probleme aufweisen, die eine Integration von medienp?dagogischen Lehrangeboten in die Lehrerausbildung notwendig erscheinen lassen.  相似文献   

This article contains a review of recent research on the topic of language development in an educational research perspective. The contribution is focussed on research which was carried out in the German education system. The starting point of such research was the insight that mastery of a language is of core importance for educational success as well as for participation in a society. The research which is presented in this review article strives to identify factors that are relevant for the development of different language abilities during an education biography. The article starts with an overview of international and national research traditions which build the ground for the investigation of language development in an educational research perspective. A second part of the article deals with research projects that aimed to unveil factors which are influential for differential language development during a school career. In the third part of the article, an outlook on recent research is presented which deals with the question how language development can be fostered and supported by educational institutions. In Germany, such projects are just beginning. They mainly derive from the evaluation of model projects or other practical experiments; only very few experimental intervention studies have been carried out.  相似文献   

Unter dem UOG 1993 kam den einzelnen Fakultäten, Instituten und der Universitätsbibliothek eigene Teilrechtsfähigkeit zu. Das ist seit 1.1.2004 nicht mehr der Fall: Das UG 2002 kennt nur mehr die Rechtsfähigkeit der Universität als solche. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Überleitung jener Zivilrechtsverhältnisse, die vor diesem Stichtag im Rahmen der Teilrechtsfähigkeit begründet wurden, und damit zusammenhängenden Aspekten.  相似文献   

What are the fields of cultural or artistic activities of higher education students in Germany? To what extent are they related to the studies? Do the parents have some influence on those cultural activities? Due to a lack of data, questions of this type could not be answered yet. Now this is possible based on a survey conducted for the national education report “Education in Germany 2012” whose specific thematic focus was arts education. A high share of nearly two thirds of all students report own cultural or arts acitvities. The rate of active students varies by field of studies and gender. Differences with respect to kind of degree or study period are rather low. While studying 25?% of students give up former cultural activities. Remarkably high is the effect of parental cultural activities that exceeds the impact of the parent’s level of education. The parent’s example also has an influence on the field of the student’s activities.  相似文献   

Family is the central place of socialization during childhood and adolescence. What are the determining factors of family life that are important for the health of children and adolescents and in which stages of their life do these factors take effect? The question is answered with reference to the general health of children and adolescents as rated by their parents. The analysis is conducted with data from the KiGGS study 2003–2006 which is representative of Germany (n?=?17641, age: 0–17 years). The gender-specific effects of different family factors on good health are analysed in five age groups using binary logistic regression analysis including structural, socioeconomic and origin-related factors of family as well as housing conditions and family cohesion. Bivariate analysis indicates significant effects on general health for almost all included factors (at least in some age groups). Multivariate analysis shows family cohesion to be the most important factor for good health. In boys a bilateral migration background also has an adverse effect on good general health until the beginning of adolescence.  相似文献   

Trotz hoher Studentinnen- und Absolventinnenzahlen in den meisten Studienrichtungen ist der Anteil der Frauen an akademischen Spitzenpositionen noch immer gering. Die Gründe für dieses Missverhältnis liegen in einer Reihe spezifischer Schwierigkeiten, mit denen Frauen bei universitären Laufbahnen konfrontiert sind. Die Politik der Europäischen Union verfolgt seit 1999 das explizite Ziel, Frauen stärker in der universitären und außeruniversitären Forschung zu verankern. Mit dem Vertrag von Amsterdam wurde auch der gemeinschaftsrechtliche Rahmen neu gestaltet. Das UG 2002 hat "Frauenförderung" und "Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern" zur Aufgabe der Universitäten und damit zu einem zentralen Teil ihres Bildungsauftrags erklärt. Die Europäische Strategie des "Gender Mainstreaming" wurde so in eine innerstaatliche, alle Universitätsorgane bindende Verpflichtung umgesetzt. Der Beitrag behandelt die rechtlichen Möglichkeiten der vollrechtsfähigen Universitäten zur Frauenförderung und bewertet Reichweite und Wirksamkeit der neuen Rechtslage.  相似文献   

Im Zuge der Drittmittelaktivitäten der Universitäten, die oftmals in den Bereichen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsverträge, Kooperationsverträge sowie Patentlizenz- und Know-How-Verträge durchgeführt werden, wird in diesem Beitrag in kurzen Zügen umrissen, welche kartellrechtlichen Fragestellungen auf die Universitäten zukommen und daher beim Abschluss von Verträgen zu berücksichtigen sind.  相似文献   

Die Universität benötigt zur Umsetzung ihrer hoheitlichen und privatwirtschaftlichen Aufgaben und Ziele eine Vielzahl vertraglicher Vereinbarungen. In diesem Beitrag werden beispielhaft gewählte Vereinbarungen und einige wesentliche vertragliche Regelungen im Folgenden dargestellt und sollen als Praxisanregung bei der Vertragsgestaltung mit der Universität dienen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Herkunftsbedingte Unterschiede der Bildungsbeteiligung und des Kompetenzerwerbs stellen einen Untersuchungsschwerpunkt in der Pisa-Studie dar. In der Bundesrepublik war ein besonders enger Zusammenhang zwischen Strukturmerkmalen famili?rer Lebensverh?ltnisse (sozio?konomischer Status, Bildungsniveau, Migrationstatus), Bildungsbeteiligung und Kompetenzerwerb nachweisbar. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, auf Grundlage der Daten der nationalen Erweiterung von PISA die disparit?tserzeugenden Effekte famili?rer Strukturmerkmale durch Prozessmerkmale famili?rer Lebensverh?ltnisse (kulturelle und kommunikative Praxis), institutionelle (Schulform) und psychologische Faktoren zu erkl?ren. Dies geschieht in zwei Schritten: Zun?chst wird mit Hilfe von Strukturgleichungsmodellen gezeigt, dass die Effekte von famili?ren Strukturmerkmalen überwiegend durch die kulturelle Praxis von Familien vermittelt sind. In einer sequentiellen Berechnung von Regressionsmodellen ergeben sich sodann deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass die Wirkung famili?rer Struktur- und Prozessmerkmale im Wesentlichen über individuelle F?higkeits- und Motivationsunterschiede (kognitive Grundf?higkeiten, Lesegeschwindigkeit, Leseinteresse, metakognitive Lernstrategien) transportiert werden. Die psychologischen und institutionellen Vermittlungsmechanismen tragen gemeinsam, aber auch jeweils spezifisch und damit kumulativ zu sozialen Unterschieden im Kompetenzerwerb bei.
Summary Disparities in Educational Participation and Attainment: An Institutional and Individual Mediation Model The effect of students’ social background on their educational participation and attainment is a central focus of the PISA study. For Germany, the link between structural features of the family background (socio-economic status, level of education, migration status) and educational participation and attainment was shown to be particularly strong. Drawing on data from the German national extension of the PISA study, an explanation of these disparity effects is proposed, relying on process-based features (cultural and communicative practices), institutional factors (school type) and psychological factors. This is done in a two-step approach. First, structural equation models are used to show that most effects of family background structures are mediated by families’ cultural practices. Second, sequential analyses of regression models are run, providing strong evidence to suggest that the effects of family structures and processes are essentially transmitted through individual differences in competencies and motivation (basic cognitive abilities, reading speed, interest in reading, meta-cognitive learning strategies). Psychological and institutional mediation mechanisms contribute, jointly as well as individually, and thus cumulatively, to social differences in attainment.

The present article addresses the question of how social origin affects access to higher education. The role of class-specific differences in school performance (primary effect) and cost-benefit considerations (secondary effect) are considered as well as the way in which changes in the institutional setup of the educational system may interact with social origin. The review shows that educational decisions at this later transition are mainly influenced by secondary effects. In particular, differences between social classes are explained by group-specific investment costs and expectations of the social context associated with continuing higher education. Although expansion of institutional pathways in upper secondary education has reduced social inequality in acquiring higher education entrance qualifications, secondary effects at the transition to university have been found to increase over time. Thus, within younger cohorts, high-school graduates with lower social status are more often diverted from higher education at universities by attractive vocational or nonuniversity pathways. The article discusses approaches to reduce secondary effects of social origin.  相似文献   

In diesem Beitrag wird das konzeptionelle Profil von evangelischen und katholischen Schulen beschrieben und es werden diese Schulen mit solchen in ?ffentlicher Tr?gerschaft hinsichtlich ausgew?hlter Bildungs- und Sozialisationsertr?ge verglichen. Anhand der in PISA 2000-E aufgenommenen Schulen in kirchlichter Tr?gerschaft untersuchen wir, inwieweit sich das konzeptionelle Profil dieser Schulen in schulischen Effekten zeigt. Dabei werden Rekrutierungseffekte erfasst, was einen Blick auf die Effizienz der Schulen erm?glicht. Anders als bisher vor dem Hintergrund der Schuleffizienzforschung angenommen, gelingt es diesen Schulen, ihren konzeptionellen Anspruch zumindest in Teilbereichen (Kompetenzvermittlung, Schulklima) umzusetzen. Keine Effekte zeigen sich hinsichtlich der Lernmotivation und des sozialen Lernens.  相似文献   

Der Beitrag diskutiert aus der Perspektive historischer Sozialisationsforschung gegenw?rtige Bilder vom Kind. Er skizziert die Grundzüge des romantischen Kindheitsmythos um 1800 und analysiert seine Kontinuit?ten in der P?dagogik um 1900 und an der Wende zum 21. Jahrhundert. Er zeigt, dass sowohl dem aktuellen Bestseller von Elschenbroich „Das Weltwissen der Siebenj?hrigen“ (2001), als auch Positionen der zeitgen?ssischen Kindheitsforschung durchaus romantische Elemente zugrunde liegen. Kritisch befragt werden in diesem Zusammenhang sowohl das Konzept der „Selbstsozialisation“, als auch die Annahme vom Verschwinden der Differenz zwischen Kindern und Erwachsenen. Der Beitrag endet mit einem Fazit, in dem Gründe für die Attraktivit?t des Kindheitsmythos aufgeführt sowie Forschungsfragen und -probleme er?rtert werden.  相似文献   

The implementation of inclusion in schools currently requires new reflections of competence profiles of the teachers involved. Especially in elementary school, which can so far be considered as the most developed institution of inclusive schooling in Germany, questions of differences in the profiles of elementary and special education teachers have been raised. As professional skills also have motivational and volitional aspects, a beliefs model (domain overlapping) was developed based on the construction of the TEDS-M research project, which aims to study specific special educational beliefs. Using a quantitative questionnaire designed in the context of a corresponding preliminary investigation a three-factor-solution for mapping a special supportive belief profile among student teachers and teachers in the field of elementary and special education was tested. Initially this profile model was confirmed by the results of a subsequent analysis based on a nationwide sample of elementary school and special education students (N = 951). In addition to these findings different manifestations of the beliefs model could be identified among student teachers for elementary schools and student teachers for special education.  相似文献   

The term and schope ‘inclusion’ features prominently in public, political and pedagogical discussion. However, from an academic point in view there is neither a clear understanding of the term, nor it is clarified how the partially contradictory ideas of inclussion as a social principle and inclusion in its realisation in the field of education are related to one another. The article clarifies the term of inclusion by an interdisciplinary academic reflection of the normative settings and single patterns of logic. Therefore, the relationship between ideal and the reality is elaborated by referring to an ethical and philosophical body of thought. Then educational theory is used to reconsider how inclusive principle of the school system can be understood. Finally, implementation measures of the inclusive principle and the aporia linked with them are discussed, amongst others referring to discourses in sociology, school pedagogy and school psychology. Academic perspectives and profession-related implications are discussed using the example of teacher education.  相似文献   

Teachers’ attitudes, motivation and self-efficacy are aspects of their professional competence affecting students’ motivation and learning via instructional behavior. In the present study, school type-specific differences in these teacher competencies and their relation to instruction when teaching with texts and integrated pictures are analyzed, further focusing on effects of school subject and teaching experience. Teachers (N?=?265) of primary school, lower and upper track secondary school filled in questionnaires. Primary school teachers were less intrinsically motivated to teach text-picture integration than secondary school teachers. They showed more negative attitudes towards texts with pictures than upper track teachers and avoided discussing the picture to a higher degree. All teacher characteristics predicted instructional behavior, further school type-specific effects of the subject occurred. The results provide starting points for teacher training and the potential for further research concerning the support of students in class.  相似文献   

Teachers’ pedagogical/psychological knowledge (PPK) is an important aspect of teacher competence. All conceptualisations developed so far assume that PPK is general and not specific for subjects or educational contexts. The authors take up this assumption and examine empirically whether PPK of school teachers and adult education teachers is general, i.?e. generic for subjects and educational contexts. Based on a conceptualisation validated through an expert survey (N = 44) the development of a digital test instrument with text- and videobased items is described. The article reports on the results of the structure, reliability, and DIF analyses of two PPK-facets on a total of N = 212 school and adult education teachers; analyses showed that both facets can be measured reliably with only small DIF-effects. The results point to the fact that – largely in line with the results of a literature content analysis and the expert survey – PPK is general over educational contexts. Finally, results are discussed with regard to the potentials of videobased instruments to measure teachers’ professional competence.  相似文献   

The study offers an overview of the history of pedagogics at the Austrian universities between 1895 and 1970. From its beginnings in Vienna, where the first Austrian chair for pedagogics was established in 1805, the author describes the varied development of the discipline at the universities of Vienna, Pra‐gue, Graz, Innsbruck, and Salzburg. A detailed presentation of the biographies of professors teaching at these universities is combi‐ned with a critical history of the respective educational theories they advocated. The analysis of dissertations, Habilitationsschriften (postdoctoral dissertations), and further publications shows that up until the last third of our Century pedagogics as a “science” has led a shadowy existence. An essential cause for the regrettable lack of independent educational‐science theory con‐struction was the understanding of pedagogics as a practical “teaching of the art” ("Kunstlehre") of education. This was also one of the reasons why pedagogics, or respectively, educational science, has for some time been rejected by the social sciences in general as an independent science in its own right.


?konomisches, soziales und kulturelles Kapital z?hlen zu den zentralen Determinanten des übergangs von Jugendlichen in die Ausbildung und in den Beruf. Allerdings zeichnen sich diese Faktoren durch eine relativ hohe interpersonelle Variabilit?t aus, die gerade in Bezug auf benachteiligte junge Erwachsene einer differenzierten Analyse bedarf. Der folgende Beitrag m?chte deshalb zun?chst in Anlehnung an die Kapitalientheorie von Pierre Bourdieu die Frage untersuchen, ob es innerhalb der Gruppe von benachteiligten Jugendlichen Unterschiede in der Kapitalausstattung gibt, und ob diese eine Wirkung auf den Verbleib in und den Anschluss an eine Ma?nahme haben. Anhand eines Datensatzes, der im Rahmen der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des Modellprogramms „Freiwilliges soziales Trainingsjahr“ (FSTJ) durch das Deutsche Jugendinstitut generiert wurde, werden theoretische Annahmen zu unterschiedlicher Kapitalausstattung benachteiligter Jugendlicher im FSTJ und ihre Wirkungen empirisch überprüft.  相似文献   

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