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Teachers’ attitudes, motivation and self-efficacy are aspects of their professional competence affecting students’ motivation and learning via instructional behavior. In the present study, school type-specific differences in these teacher competencies and their relation to instruction when teaching with texts and integrated pictures are analyzed, further focusing on effects of school subject and teaching experience. Teachers (N?=?265) of primary school, lower and upper track secondary school filled in questionnaires. Primary school teachers were less intrinsically motivated to teach text-picture integration than secondary school teachers. They showed more negative attitudes towards texts with pictures than upper track teachers and avoided discussing the picture to a higher degree. All teacher characteristics predicted instructional behavior, further school type-specific effects of the subject occurred. The results provide starting points for teacher training and the potential for further research concerning the support of students in class.  相似文献   

The present study examines the assumption of positive correlations between certain characteristics of school organization (goals, organization and human resources) and teaching quality. Therefore, inspection data from the Brandenburg school inspection are examined. These data are suitable due to the wide coverage of school and teaching characteristics and the fact that data from approximate all public schools is available. The results confirm positive correlations between school characteristics and teaching quality at the school level in the range of small to medium effects. Moreover, with an increase in school characteristics, the variation of teaching quality within a school decreases (small effects). The study provides evidence on potentials and limitations of inspection data for school quality research and the optimization of current inspection instruments.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the relationship between the expansion of higher education and the development of unemployment among higher education graduates by discipline using time series data. Our results find that the overall relationship between higher education and the world of labor is a recursive one. The relative weight of some disciplines among graduates, changes according to labor market needs, but this reaction is not immediate and subject to a delay. Other disciplines however develop independently of employment prospects. The rising proportion of graduates within these disciplines leads to pressures for change on the labor market. In both cases our data shows that the employment system absorbs the expansion of higher education graduates. This happens through a diversification of employment positions in order to accommodate the expansion of higher education graduates.  相似文献   

Item response theory (IRT) models can be subsumed under the larger class of statistical models with latent variables. IRT models are increasingly used for the scaling of the responses derived from standardized assessments of competencies. The paper summarizes the strengths of IRT in contrast to more traditional techniques as well as in contrast to alternative models with latent variables (e. g. structural equation modeling). Subsequently, specific limitations of IRT and cases where other methods might be preferable are lined out.  相似文献   

The transition from school to apprenticeship marks a turning point in the life of teenagers because it can affect the course of their professional careers. Currently, this transition appears to be difficult for many older teenagers. Science deals with factors and conditions which contribute to the complication of this transition process. Teachers and their beliefs play an important role in this process but are largely neglected in the literature. Research has shown that there is a dialectic and dynamic interaction between knowledge and action (i.?e. knowledge is the basis for action). Thus, it is important to investigate the knowledge and beliefs of teachers about the transition from school to apprenticeship. It is documented that beliefs of professionals are underdeveloped in some areas in comparison to the epistemic truth status of scientific knowledge. A certain type of teacher develops an independent and creative professional-action strategy based on his/her beliefs.  相似文献   

The biographical sketch on Waldus Nestler (1887 to 1954) outlines the development of a nearly forgotten Leipzig pedagogue who, together with the theologians Leonhard Ragaz and Alfred Dedo Müller became an important spokesman of religious socialism. His own experience of the reality of war as a gasdefence officer led Nestler, as a Christian with a sense of responsibility, to the International League for Reconciliation. In 1919 Nestler was one of the founders of the German section of this league, the German League for Reconciliation, of which he became the secretary in 1925. On lecture tours in France, Sweden, Denmark, England, and Switzerland, as wellas in numerous German towns Nestler tried to promote peace and international understanding. From 1919 he also strove to realize his visions of reconciliation as a practising teacher at the world‐famous Gaudig School in Leipzig. A highlight of his commitment to peace pedagogy was the warning publication “Poison Gas over Germany” (Berlin 1931), a remarkable contribution to the debate on poison gas. Because of his religious‐pacifist attitude Nestler was defamed, transferred as a punishment, and demoted; this happened twice: first as a teacher on the basis of the infamous “Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service” in April 1933, and later as Rector of the Gaudig School as a result of the Stalinist exclusion of progressive pedagogy which commenced in the East of Germany around 1948.

Thus his fate exemplifies the rejection of progressive pedagogy and pacifism in theyoung GDR. Today his name stands for a humanist school tradition worthy of cultivation, as well as for personal commitment in the fields of peace and progressive pedagogy.  相似文献   

Based on a theoretical model, which distinguishes between primary and secondary effects following Boudon, the present paper summarizes empirical evidence regarding the impact of family background on the transition from elementary into secondary school. In doing so, three types of secondary effects are distinguished: secondary effects of school grades, teacher recommendations, and the transition itself. The empirical literature suggests that both primary and secondary effects exist in the German school system: In addition to having lower achievement, children from disadvantaged backgrounds receive lower grades and fewer recommendations for higher tracks and are less likely to attend a high track even when controlling for their achievement. The paper closes by presenting findings from studies analyzing the relative importance of primary and secondary effects and a discussion on how effects of family background on the transition into secondary school can be reduced.  相似文献   

Die Untersuchung von übergangsprozessen vom Bildungs- in das Besch?ftigungssystem ist vor dem Hintergrund der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit von besonderer Bedeutung. In Japan wird der übergang vielfach als gelungen tituliert. In den letzten Jahren mehren sich allerdings Zeichen, die auf eine ver?nderte Sachlage hindeuten. Der vorliegende Aufsatz analysiert diese Problematik am Beispiel der beiden japanischen Personengruppen „Freeter“ und „NEET“. Dabei handelt es sich um Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene, die nicht (direkt) in ein regul?res Besch?ftigungsverh?ltnis eintreten. Zun?chst werden hier die Ursachen analysiert, dann werden bildungspolitische Ma?nahmen zur Beseitigung der Probleme kommentiert. Durch die Heranziehung von wissenschaftlich fundierten Erkl?rungsans?tzen wird gezeigt, dass sich die beiden genannten Personengruppen durch eine geringe formale Schulqualifikation auszeichnen. Die soziale Herkunft ist hingegen nicht von entscheidender Relevanz, allerdings deutet sich an, dass die finanziellen M?glichkeiten der Eltern hinsichtlich des Besuchs von hochrangigen Bildungsinstitutionen zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Die in der japanischen ?ffentlichkeit vielfach konstatierten abweichenden Werte und Einstellungen dieser jüngeren Personengruppen lassen sich auf Basis der existenten empirischen Befunde gleichfalls nicht eindeutig fundieren. In der Konsequenz sind Gründe für die übergangsprobleme eher in Zusammenhang mit einer durch die lang anhaltende Wirtschaftskrise angespannten Arbeitsmarktlage auszumachen. Neben einigen Initiativen der Bildungspolitik wird es für Japan daher in Zukunft darauf ankommen, die Integration der schrumpfenden Schul- und Hochschulabg?ngerkohorten effizient zu regulieren.  相似文献   

Competence models are supposed to structure a competence into different sub-competencies and to describe different levels of competence with respect to these sub-competencies. In developing a competence model (and measuring the respective competence) the following questions need to be answered: How many sub-competencies can be meaningfully differentiated and at which grain size should different levels of competence be measured. The number of sub-competencies and the grain size of the competence levels define the level of detail of a competence model. Previous research in the field of competence modeling suggests that the same competence can be modeled at different levels of detail. This raises the question which relation such competence models have to each other. The following article presents the results of a discussion of these questions in scope of the priority program “Competence Models for Assessing Individual Learning Outcomes and Evaluating Educational Processes”.  相似文献   

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