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“告状行为”现象普遍存在于小学低段。研究发现小学低段学生“告状行为”类型有维护教师权威型、自我维护型、维护纪律型、道德维护型、试探型以及其他类型。其特点表现为:有明确类型导向,集中发生在课外时间,学生大多既是“被告者”同时也是“报告者”,随着年级增长逐渐减少。其原因有:学生自身原因,如社会性发展不足,儿童道德发展影响,儿童心理发展阶段影响,儿童自我保护意识等,也有教师、学生家庭、社会环境等外部因素。其对策建议可以从教师、家长、学校三方面着手。  相似文献   

Despite ongoing efforts to promote ethnic, racial and socio-economic integration, segregation continues to challenge education administrators and legal scholars. Privileged parents seeking to avoid integration employ various strategies such as attending private schools or buying houses in neighbourhoods with good school. This paper offers a combined empirical and legal research of another such strategy: the resort to religious schools. The research is conducted within one specific context, that of Israeli Religious State Schools. The empirical study examines whether “Torani” religious state schools (a category of religious schools that offer enhanced Jewish studies and a strict religious environment) induce socio-economic segregation. The findings indicate that “Torani” schools are indeed socio-economically segregated and serve children from higher socioeconomic class than regular religious state schools. It also shows that “Torani” schools are less reflective of their surroundings than regular religious state schools, and are more likely to be established by privileged parents in poor areas, where they are dissatisfied with the local state schools. The legal research offers an explanation of how legal regulation can determine whether religious schools will become a means for avoiding integration. Specifically, it points to three areas in which “Torani” schools are regulated differently than regular religious state schools – the rules regarding the establishment of new schools; the rules concerning school funding; and the rules concerning student enrolment – and argues that special treatment meant to protect religious interests is responsible for making “Torani” schools socially segregated.  相似文献   

城镇挤乡村弱是当前我国义务教育阶段最为显著的结构性问题。学校布局作为肇始之基,为更好补齐学校短板提升教育质量,现阶段的工作重点已聚焦至农村两类学校,重心也逐渐转向优化。在城乡义务教育一体化的时代背景下,为实现“就近入学”与“上好学”的优化目标,农村两类学校布局优化工作在农村教育为农与离农的冲突中,应服膺人本理念进行消解;在教育公平优先与教育效率先行的矛盾中,应合理配置教育资源进行平衡;在“由‘小’到‘寄’”与“由‘寄’到‘小’”的纠葛中,应明确两类学校定位进行调适,以助力农村学校布局工作。  相似文献   

Between 2007 and 2010, the German state of Schleswig-Holstein disbanded the school types “Hauptschule” and “Realschule”. Instead the state replaced the traditional structure of Hauptschule, Realschule, and Gymnasium by a demand-led model consisting of two alternative columns of schooling. One option is a regional school and a Gymnasium and the other is an integrative community school. The completion of this transformation in the school year 2009/2010, according to law, now offers the opportunity to analyze this system change. This will be done in three steps: Firstly, we will present the overall results of this change to the school landscape. Secondly, we will investigate the local and regional conditions leading to the decision to establish regional and community schools. Finally, the duration and phases of this process of change will be looked at. In each of these three areas, we come across unexpected results, which, in sum, show a clear acceptance of inclusive schooling and indications of the importance of the organizations responsible for running schools as coordinators of a local understanding of general education.  相似文献   

民国时期性教育的实施是家庭、学校、社会共同努力的结果,但因当时的父母囿于旧道德观念的束缚,缺乏性教育所需知识,而社会又处于百废待兴的状态,性教育的重担自然落到了学校的肩膀上。整体而言,民国时期的学校“性教育”存在以下特征:在教育目的上,经历了从“教性”到“教养”的转变;在教育主体上,主张以“教师为主,医师为辅,父母配合”;在教育内容上,主张建立渗透式的泛课程体系,将性教育渗透进具体的课程中进行教授;在教育方式上,按照“分阶段、分性别、个别与团体相结合”的方式实行。分析民国时期学校“性教育”的特征,对现今我国学校“性教育”的发展具有启示意义。  相似文献   

The introduction of “all-day schools” (i.e. schools that provide extended education times and extracurricular activities) has been a major topic in educational debates in Germany in the last decade. One of the main goals for expanding the provision of all-day schooling in Germany was to support the development of academic skills and abilities of all students independent of their socio-economic-background. Based on empirical results of current studies and the data of the “study of the development of all day schools” educational effects of extracurricular activities are analyzed. Typically studies show that extracurricular participation supports social learning rather than academic achievement. Nonetheless, data provide first hints of compensatory effects. Thus all-day schools can weaken the link between socio-economic background and academic achievement.  相似文献   


The imbalance in allocating high school educational resources within the county region has expanded the imbalances in local high school educational development. This has caused “diseconomies of scale” in high schools, aggravated the “expansion impulse” in building model high schools, limited the growth of effective demand by families for high school education, and restricted the expansion of the size of overall local high schools. Therefore, balancing the allocation of high school education resources, increasing investment and support for nonmodel high schools, canceling “model high schools,” and guiding all high schools onto the path of “running schools with features” is the necessary path for ensuring that Gansu high school education can develop continually and healthily.  相似文献   


This paper considers the role that schools have in determining whether school leavers participate in higher education or not. It examines the association between schools and university participation using a unique dataset of 3 cohorts of all young people leaving maintained schools in Wales. School “effects” are identified, even after controlling for individual-level factors, such as their prior attainment, socioeconomic circumstances, ethnicity, and special educational needs. Schools appear to have a particular “effect” on the likelihood that a young person enters an elite university. However, the findings suggest the concept of a school “effect” on higher education participation is not straightforward – schools appear to have different levels of effectiveness depending on the gender of the young people and the nature of their higher education participation. These findings are considered within the policy contexts of school effectiveness and widening access to higher education.  相似文献   

市属特殊学校(中心)因为具有各种优越条件,具有成为区域特殊教育"中心校"的天然优势,应该发挥区域特殊教育"中心校"的作用;这些作用主要体现在六个方面。然而,现实中森严的行政壁垒及由此而致的"中心校"职能赋予缺乏,妨碍着其"中心校"作用的充分发挥。要消除这些因素,促进区域特殊教育的发展,必须建立以之为中心的区域特殊教育网络。  相似文献   

在各级各类学校积极探索培养学生创造精神和实践能力的可行路径与方法的背景下,研究中职创业教育与专业教育融合的目的是回应现阶段我国“培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点”的教育目的,探索形成适合于中职学校创新创业教育的框架逻辑与可行路径。结合中职教育在层次和类型上的特殊性,中职学校创业教育与专业教育融合的机理包括四个维度:课程建设实现结构性融合、课堂教学实现过程性融合、实践平台实现功能性融合、机制建设实现长效性融合。针对中职学校创业教育存在的“学生难学”“教师难教”“项目难找”“创业难成”现实困境,中职学校应通过改革课程教学、升级师资队伍、打造实践基地、完善支持机制的实践路径,实现创业教育与专业教育的有机融合。  相似文献   

This study investigated how graduates of an urban alternative school understood, interpreted, and compared their experiences in previous schools that they considered ineffective with their experiences at an effective alternative school. This study found that students find those schools effective that create or allow spaces where they can be empowered, leading to a sense of place. Students’ ownership or affinity to school spaces that lead them to refer to school as “my place” derived from school practices that were instrumental in promoting a sense of identification, commitment, integration, and alliances among students and faculty at the school. Based on the findings of the study, this article argues that for urban schools to be effective for students at risk, they not only need to focus on caring relationships and diverse learning experiences, they also need to create the space to foster a sense of “my place” for students.  相似文献   


This paper presents a secondary analysis of data from a survey of teachers in the Jewish schools of three communities. Previous findings had shown that only 19% of teachers have professional training in both Jewish content areas and in the field of education, and despite incomplete professional backgrounds, little professional growth was required of teachers. What can be done to enhance and expand professional growth activities for teachers in Jewish schools? Analyses reported in this paper examine three possible “levers” for changing standards for professional growth: state licensing requirements for pre‐schools, state requirements for continuing education among professionally‐trained teachers, and community incentives for training of supplementary school teachers. Results indicate that pre‐school teachers in state‐licensed pre‐schools and supplementary school teachers who were paid for meeting a professional growth standard reported that they were required to attend more in‐service workshops, compared to other teachers who were not subject to these conditions. In addition, standards for the quantity of in‐service were higher among teachers who have stronger Judaic backgrounds and who are committed to a career in Jewish education.  相似文献   

Politicians and scientists are pinning their hopes on the expansion of the provision of all-day school, assuming that these programs provide particularly favorable conditions for supporting students’ cognitive skills. Against this background, this paper examines whether and under what conditions participation in all-day schooling is connected with the development of competencies in the domains of reading and mathematics. Using data from Starting Cohort 3 of the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), our research considers different forms of all-day schools, the usage of extracurricular learning activities, as well as student ratings of the attractiveness of extracurricular activities. Furthermore, selective access to different school types and usage of extracurricular activities is carefully controlled for. The results show a positive association between student-rated attractiveness of extracurricular activities and competence development. Neither the organization of schooling nor participation in learning activities show significant independent main effects on competence development from grade five to seven.  相似文献   

After introducing a differentiation model for the benefit of gifted pupils in regular schools, this article discusses some important findings of the research project “High giftedness in education”, carried out at the ISOR, the Educational Research Department at the University of Utrecht. Data from survey research indicate what special provision has been made for gifted pupils in secondary schools in the Netherlands. Further data summarize experiences with the differentiation model at two different types of secondary school. Finally, some adaptations of the differentiation model are outlined.  相似文献   

在STEM教育起步阶段,课程选择是教学实践的首要问题。通过文献分析发现,“国家或地方非营利性组织机构”提供的支持或指导型STEM课程、“第三方机构”提供的直接交付型STEM课程以及学校自主开发或与其它组织合作开发的校本开发型STEM课程构成了STEM课程可选择的三种类型。其中,兼具“学生发展立场-学校改革创新-教师专业实践”多重内涵的“校本开发型STEM课程”是办学主体实践智慧的凝结。国际上主要从教育决策、学校发展定位、教师专业发展、课程开发方法和策略等四个方面展开STEM课程校本开发的研究和实践。STEM课程校本开发的国际经验为我国STEM教育起步和发展提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

丰富多彩的校园文化是近代教会办学的一个特色。主张以优美的校园、深邃的校训、深情的校歌和生动多样的课外生活来陶冶学生的身心,促进学生能力的发展。尽管基督教中学校园文化有其特定的历史背景和文化诉求,但其中蕴含的教育经验,对今天的教育发展仍具有历史借鉴和启发价值。  相似文献   

义务教育阶段的“择校热”和“就近入学”一直备受争议,民办学校的兴起为择校提供了新选择,也冲击着义务教育的发展格局。民众对优质教育资源的渴求助长了各地招生乱象,严重影响了义务教育的公益性与普惠性。国家全面推行的“公民同招”政策在有力维护教育起点公平,确保良性竞争的同时,也面临着现实困境和深层隐忧:公平起步与均衡依赖的鸿沟、自主择校与政策调剂的分歧、民办与公办学校的分化。平衡两类学校的协同发展,稳步推进政策,不能搞“短平快和一刀切”。需通过优化资源、维护程序公正,加强校际治理,逐步冲破改革阵痛,促使义务教育优质均衡发展,把新政之弊降到最小。  相似文献   

This article uses a fictionalized scenario to examine how three students at an “ordinary” suburban high school in Canada negotiate the context-specific conditions, discourses, and practices that make schools important sites of identity formation. It argues that drawing from Foucault's ideas on the “subjection” of individuals, as well as from the field of performance studies, provides a fresh perspective to redress the potential mismatches between official multicultural education discourses and the lived schooling realities of students. In the process, it demonstrates how subjection and adolescent performativity can be useful analytics through which to understand student identities and/in schooling. The article concludes with some implications for shifts in policy, pedagogy, and practice to help schools engage with student diversity.  相似文献   

Inclusive STEM high schools (ISHSs) can be viewed as opportunity structures for students underrepresented in STEM. By opportunity structures, we mean an education that provides not only access to high quality STEM curriculum and instruction or “opportunity to learn,” but also the capacity to create learning environments where students can build STEM social capital and the dispositions, knowledge, skills, and networks to be successful in STEM college majors and careers. This is a cross‐case analysis of case studies that describe the design and implementation of eight “exemplar” ISHSs. Beginning with 10 hypothesized critical components, we found evidence for all 10, but present in unique patterns of prominence, depending on the school context. Further inductive analysis located an additional four emergent critical components that complete the picture of how these successful ISHSs were able to achieve their goals. Importantly, across schools, four components stood out as foundational: a flexible and autonomous administrative structure; a college‐preparatory, STEM‐focused curriculum for all; well‐prepared STEM teachers and professionalized teaching staffs; and supports for students in underrepresented groups. Although many of the critical components found in the ISHSs are also found in the school reform literature, these schools also had characteristics unique to STEM education. This paper is important in understanding STEM high schools as opportunity structures and as a school reform alternative that can help solve equity and social mobility gaps in STEM.  相似文献   

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