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本研究以主题概念和表达式之间的语义关系为基础,考察主题写作是否影响产出性词汇的记忆。通过对比目标词在议论文和摘要写作中的使用情况,发现写作任务有助于产出性词汇记忆和保持,其中摘要写作对词汇记忆的保持效果胜于议论文写作。本研究在一定程度上证明了语境语义联想对词汇记忆及保持的积极作用,为今后充分利用语境帮助外语习得教学的发展提供了可验证视角。  相似文献   

记忆主要包括识记、保持、再认和回忆(再现)。识记和保持是再认与回忆的前提,而再认、回忆又是识记和保持的结果和验证。掌握记忆的规律,寻找出较科学的、有效的记忆方法,对记忆英语单词和进行英语学习有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

数学学习离不开对数学知识的记忆,因此,促进数学知识的保持就成为数学教学的一项重要任务.本文将根据知识保持的一般规律和数学知识保持的特殊性提出促进数学知识保持的三个主要教学策略. ■一、加强过程教学过程教学对于促进数学知识保持主要有以下两个作用: 1.有助于理解记忆在积极思考、达到深刻理解的基础上记忆材料的方法叫做理解记忆.理解记忆  相似文献   

家长给孩子讲完故事后,马上向孩子提问刚才讲的是什么,要他复述一下故事内容,这时孩子往往回答不上来,要么答错,要么干脆说不知道,成人越追问,孩子越不愿回答。这是为什么呢?我认为有以下几种情况:从记忆的角度来看,人在学完一个材料以后,随着时间的进展,保持量呈减少的趋势,也就是说,人对其所经历的事物总要忘掉一些的。但是,也有这样的情况:学习的东西过两天测得的保持量比学习后立即测得的保持量要高,这种现象叫记忆恢复现象。记忆恢  相似文献   

数学学习离不开对数学知识的记忆 ,否则学习就无法进行 .因此 ,促进数学知识的保持就成为数学教学的一项重要任务 .本文将根据知识保持的一般规律和数学知识保持的特殊性 ,提出促进数学知识保持的三个主要教学策略 .1 加强过程教学 ,促进数学知识保持过程教学对于促进数学知识保持主要有以下两个作用 :1.1 有助于理解记忆在积极思考、达到深刻理解的基础上记忆材料的方法叫做理解记忆 ,理解记忆的效果大大优于机械记忆 .德国著名心理学家艾宾浩斯在做记忆的实验中发现 :为了记住 12个无意义的音节 ,平均需要重复 16.5次 ,为了记住 36个无…  相似文献   

记忆是一个过程,它由识记、保持、再认和再现三个基本环节组成。再认和再现能力是识记和保持的结果,是建立在识记、保持能力的基础上的。文科知识,尤其是历史学科的知识在相当程度上表现出要求记忆的特点。那么根据历史学科的特点,应该掌握哪些方法呢?1.进行积极思维的理解记忆对历史知识记忆主要属抽象记忆。这种记忆是以语词、概念、观念、思想、理论为内容的。抽象记忆具有高度的逻辑性和理解性,因此必须借助于积极的思维活动一只有理解了事物的本质及其内在联系(逻辑关系),才能深刻地接受和长久地保持它。记忆力强的人  相似文献   

记忆过程与英语词汇学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记忆的基本过程由识记、保持和回忆三个环节组成。英语词汇的记忆是英语学习中的一个重要环节。本文运用记忆的原理,从识记、保持和回忆的角度对英语词汇的学习方法进行分析。在学习过程中,要自觉地运用多种英语词汇学习方法,以提高英语词汇的记忆效果。  相似文献   

对于一个外国人来说,学习英语的难点之一就是如何保持对所学英语单词的长久记忆,通过对不能保持英语单词的长久记忆原因的归纳,着重介绍了要保持所学英语单词的长久记忆,学习者应该注意的问题和应当采取的方法,目的在于提高广大英语学习者的学习兴趣、扩大单词量。  相似文献   

自学考试的复习备考中,记忆是一个重要的不可或缺的要素,面对繁多的复习内容,如果能有效的利用记忆规律,则能大大的提高复习效率,做到事半功倍的效果。记忆是对过去经验的反映。记忆是学习的一种基本的要素。记忆是通过识记、保持、再认或回忆三个环节来实现的。识记、保持是记忆的前提和基础,再认或回忆是检  相似文献   

词源信息对惯用语学习的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以英语专业大学生为被试,检验了词源信息对惯用语记忆及保持力的影响。实验组(N=35)根据词源信息记忆惯用语,对照组(N=35)根据约定含义予以记忆。第一次试后测试检验学生对惯用语的记忆;第二次测试检验学生对惯用语的记忆保持力。方差分析检验结果实证了本文的两个假设:熟知词源信息更能有效地加深学生对惯用语的记忆,并呈现较长的记忆保持力。基于实验结果笔者认为:为了促进惯用语的长期记忆,熟知词源信息较机械学习更加可取。  相似文献   

This study examines the updating ability of poor or good problem solvers. Seventy-eight fourth-graders, 43 good and 35 poor arithmetic word problem-solvers, performed the Updating Test used in Palladino et al. [Palladino, P., Cornoldi, C., De Beni, R., and Pazzaglia F. (2002). Working memory and updating processes in reading comprehension. Memory and Cognition, 29, 344–354.]. The participants listened to wordlists, each comprising 12 words referring to objects or animals of different sizes. At the end of each list participants were asked to recall the 3 or 5 words denoting the smallest objects/animals in the list. Results show that poor problem-solvers recalled fewer correct words and made more intrusion errors (recall of non-target words) than good problem-solvers. Results support the hypothesis that the ability to select and update relevant, and suppress irrelevant information, is related to problem-solving, even when the influence of reading comprehension is controlled for. With reference to Baddeley's, and other recent WM models [Miyake, A., and Shah, P. (Eds.), (1999). Models of working memory: Mechanisms of active maintenance and executive control. New York: Cambridge University Press.], our results point to the idea that problem-solving relies on the central executive for processing and updating information contained in the problems.  相似文献   

单词记忆枯燥乏味、词汇课程空洞无内容是许多师生的同感。文章从师生角度,用教育心理学理论剖析了这一现象。学习效果不佳、授课反应平平主因是学生急功近利,依赖短时记忆能力,未能及时将短时记忆转为永久记忆储存。有的学生则依赖于时间仗,靠拉长战线,长时间疲劳记忆导致记忆效果不佳。教师在单词教学过程当中方法单一,单纯通过听抄翻译词义的方式授课,增加教学负担,学生反应也不好。文章提出根据人的记忆特点,采用高频度短时间反复记忆,用听、说双管齐下的“懒人”方法结合画面感辅助记忆方法加强记忆,加速短时记忆的转化。  相似文献   

After third grade of elementary school, native Hebrew speakers in Israel gradually become expert in reading two kinds of writing systems: the one they start with that contains signs for every phoneme of the spoken language, and another, to which they are steadily introduced, beginning with the second grade, which omits most vowels, together with few consonantal distinctions. Earlier studies indicate that single voweled words are read faster than unvoweled words, particularly in a naming task. This study examined another possible contribution of vowel signs in reading Hebrew: Its effect on memory and comprehension. It was assumed that if subvocalization facilitates memory of words while reading, and if vowel signs facilitate phonological processing, as is perhaps the case in naming tasks, then vowelization may intensify the processing of the articulatory loop and this should improve memory and comprehension. Our first two experiments assessed the contribution of vowel signs to the memory of word lists in either recognition memory or word recall tasks. The third experiment examined the contribution of vowel signs to the reading of connected texts. We found that vowel signs speeded up recognition memory of words in third graders, and improved the recall of words printed in the context of mixed lists in sixth graders. We also found that vowelization improved memory and comprehension of some prose texts.  相似文献   

自1972年Tulving提出了信息在长时记忆中储存的两种形式:情节记忆和语义记忆,语义记忆的研究就成为记忆的另一新课题。语义记忆指对词语、概念、规则和定律等抽象事物的记忆,如对词语的意义和语法规则、化学公式、物理定律、乘法规则以及各种科学概念的记忆。这篇文章介绍了五种关于语义记忆与大脑研究的假说。  相似文献   

记忆英语单词的有效途径包括心理暗示法、对比记忆法、朗读记忆法、阅读记忆法、卡片记忆法、构词记忆法等。  相似文献   

英语词汇记忆方法很多,然而学生在实际记忆词汇的过程中却很少能灵活运用,或者即使记住单词,却难以在使用时灵活变通运用。问题的根本在于这些方法是零散的,未能使记忆后的词汇形成一个在逻辑上相互联系的整体。基于选择性的逻辑联想就是建立一个6维的记忆模式,或者说是一个词汇记忆体系,这个体系能够为学生记忆每个看似“零散”词汇时提供一个相对固定的范式。  相似文献   

Orthographic facilitation refers to the boost in vocabulary learning that is provided when spellings are shown during study periods, but not during testing. The current study examined orthographic facilitation in beginning readers and whether directing their attention to print enhances the effect. In an experiment, first graders (N = 45) were randomly assigned to either an attention or no attention condition. They studied two sets of novel spoken words paired with pictures and spoken definitions, one set displaying spellings of the words beneath pictures, and one set with no spellings. Tests with no spellings present revealed that children learned pronunciations of words significantly better when spellings had been seen than not seen, and the benefit was still evident 2 weeks after training ended. Superior ability to spell the words by children who saw them showed that spellings were retained in memory to support learning. More advanced readers gained more benefit from spellings over no spellings in learning the words. However, drawing children’s attention to print did not boost memory for the words, suggesting that simple exposure was sufficient to activate grapheme-phoneme connections automatically and bond spellings to pronunciations of words in memory, even in beginning readers. Memory for the meanings of words was not improved by spelling exposure, possibly because children possessed no grapho-semantic mapping system comparable to the grapho-phonemic system to enhance the formation of connections between spellings and meanings in memory.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported that investigate the cognitive processes underlying contextual and isolated word reading. In Phase 1, undergraduate participants were exposed to 75 target words under three conditions. The participants generated 25 words from definitions, read 25 words in context and read 25 in isolation. In Phase 2, volunteers completed either an explicit recall task (Experiment 1), an implicit word stem completion task (Experiment 2) or both tasks (Experiment 3). Our findings provide converging evidence that contextual and isolated word reading elicit different patterns of cognitive processing. Specifically, Experiments 1–3 demonstrated that words read in context were remembered similarly to words generated from definitions: words from both conditions were recalled more frequently in the surprise memory task and selected less often to complete the word stems in the implicit memory task. The opposite pattern was noted for words read in isolation. Reading in context is discussed in terms of its greater reliance on semantic processing, whereas isolated word reading is discussed in relation to perceptually driven processes.  相似文献   

在英语词汇教学中,引导学生就词的历史文化背景、语音、词形和词义展开联想,去发现单词内部的联系、词与词之间的联系、词与外部世界的联系,扩大学生的词汇量,强化学生的记忆,提高学生运用词汇的能力。  相似文献   

It has previously been demonstrated that enactment (i.e., performing representative gestures during encoding) enhances memory for concrete words, in particular action words. Here, we investigate the impact of enactment on abstract word learning in a foreign language. We further ask if learning novel words with gestures facilitates sentence production. In a within‐subjects paradigm, participants first learned 32 abstract sentences from an artificial corpus conforming with Italian phonotactics. Sixteen sentences were encoded audiovisually. Another set of 16 sentences was also encoded audiovisually, but, in addition, each single word was accompanied by a symbolic gesture. Participants were trained for 6 days. Memory performance was assessed daily using different tests. The overall results support the prediction that learners have better memory for words encoded with gestures. In a transfer test, participants produced new sentences with the words they had acquired. Items encoded through gestures were used more frequently, demonstrating their enhanced accessibility in memory. The results are interpreted in terms of embodied cognition. Implications for teaching and learning are suggested.  相似文献   

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