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贫困生认定工作是做好贫困生资助管理的基础。文章从学生家庭经济量化、班级评议量化和辅导员评议量化三个维度构建了助学金量化评定体系,并通过多年的实践证明,全面客观地量化评定体系对于营造和谐的校园环境和良好的校园文化以及学生管理工作的有效开展奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

随着国家对家庭经济困难学生资助额度的增加,国家助学金的评定与发放成为困难学生资助工作的重点。针对当前国家助学金评定工作中存在的问题,研究新形势下国家助学金量化评定模式的指标体系、评分体系、评定过程,探索高效、合理的国家助学金评定工作模式,实现公平、公正、公开分配国家资助资源。  相似文献   

我国高等院校助学金制度的迅速推进,促进了高校教育的蓬勃发展。然而,由于缺乏量化标准,高校在评选过程中难以做到公平、公正,从而引发诸多负面影响。因此,在国家助学金评定过程中应围绕公平原则,以学生综合素质为评审标准、公平筛选资助对象,广泛开展宣传工作和诚信教育,细化资助工作步骤、建立公平评选程序,加强助学金发放后的跟踪管理,确保评定工作的公平与公正。  相似文献   

从国家设立助学金的目的和助学金申请的基本条件入手,分析了国家助学金在班级管理中的作用,特别对助学金在学生思想政治教育、纪律教育、诚信教育、感恩教育,自强自立教育、班级决策小组的选配等方面的作用进行了详细的分析,并对辅导员在班级管理中如何运用好助学金,实现助学金育人和引导功能及完善班级制度方面提出了建议.为辅导员在班级管理中提供了新思路.  相似文献   

绩效考核是现代人力资源管理的重要内容之一。科学合理地应用绩效手段对学生进行全面、客观、准确的绩效管理,在充分考虑其可行性的基础上,把优秀学生干部评选、学生奖学金、助学金的确定与其绩效考核成绩直接挂钩,把个人与集体的目标紧密结合,对高职院校管理水平的进一步提升有着特别重要的意义。本文主要研究的是高校学生绩效管理量化考核指标及其在高校学生绩效管理中的实际应用。  相似文献   

在国家助学金的评审过程中,如何提高大学生对国家助学金评审的满意度是国家助学金实施的核心问题。本研究以调查为基础,得出大学生对国家助学金评审的满意度较高;并找出有无国家助学金申请的准入制度以及有无国家助学金的量化评分标准是影响国家助学金评审满意度的两个因素。  相似文献   

近来年,随着经济的发展,国家助学金的评选比例不断扩大。然而由于缺乏客观的量化标准和程序,导致高职辅导员在国家助学金的评定过程中出现了贫困认定不严、评定标准和程序较为主观随意等诸多问题。而要解决这些问题,一方面高职院校应出台统一的、可量化的客观标准和程序,以便辅导员在组织评定过程中有据可依;另一方面高职辅导员在评定中也应坚持公平、公正和公开原则,本着一颗以学生为本的心,努力做好国家助学金评定中的宣传动员、审核、主持、监督和思想教育等工作,使国家助学金的评定能够顺利进行。  相似文献   

目前在很多高校,国家助学金评定存在很多问题,如人为因素过重、有违奖金设立的初衷、评定结果学生意见大等。鉴于此,我们特制定了一套量化考核的办法,在一个班先行先试,试验结果表明效果良好,可为其他高校在评定国家助学金时提供借鉴。  相似文献   

国家助学金是高校贫困生资助的主要方式之一。目前高校助学金评定中普遍存在着因评定不够客观、有失公平而引发的问题,使国家资助不能够发挥其最大功效,甚至引发各种矛盾。本文对高校助学金评定的量化评分办法进行了探索和研究,旨在增加贫困生认定和助学金评定的客观性和易操作性。  相似文献   

据美国教育部官方网站2011年6月7日报道,教育部宣布在今后的几周内将推出一些试点项目。这些项目将允许高校通过取消学生助学金资格的某些要求,来改革高校管理联邦学生助学金的方式。教育部的目标是使高校和学生都能摆脱助学金的管理负担,同时进一步完善联邦学生助学金项目。  相似文献   

限制性股票授予日确定的法律分析及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
限制性股票是当前上市公司实施股权激励的主流方式之一。有关股权激励的法律法规将确定限制性股票授予日的具体界判标准的自由裁量权授予上市公司,由于各上市公司的主观认识不同或故意操纵,即便各上市公司在遵循既有关于股权激励法律法规的前提下,所用确定限制性股票授予日的具体界判标准亦有所不同。但在整体上,依据债权法原理、合同法的具体...  相似文献   

《管子》是一部先秦诸子时代百科全书式巨著,其中可见现代人力资源管理思想。其以人为中心的人力资源管理思想,包括审授官、明赏罚、培育人才以及“说在爱施”等内容。《管子》先进治国理念以及管仲在齐国的治理漏洞,为当今的人力资源管理提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

In the 1950s and 1960s, several institutions were created in India to cater to the needs of management education and to assist in the process of national development. To date, there has been very little systematic comparative analysis of the experience of creating these institutions and examining their performance. The present paper reports the results of an attempt to assess the performance of six management education institutions in India which were established in the 1950s and 1960s and equally divided between post-graduate and post-experience education. Being an exploratory study, the emphasis has been on developing a methodology for assessment of performance and applying this to the area of management education. Basically, performance on both system survival and system effectiveness dimensions has been incorporated into the performance measurement attempt. System survival has been operationalized through a series of indicators on capability development; the system effectiveness dimension has been operationalized through a series of indicators on innovative thrust and penetration for these six institutions. An attempt has also been made to relate various process mechanisms of institution building to the different aspects of performance. Thus, the paper also explores the relationship of institution building processes with performance.The project on which the present paper is based is funded by the Indian Council of Social Science Research through its grant F-1-265/76 RG. However, the responsibility for the facts stated, opinions expressed, and conclusions reached is entirely that of the author and not of the ICSSR nor that of the Administrative Staff, College of India where the author was based during the work on the project; nor that of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, where he is presently located.  相似文献   

Using data published by the U.S. Office of Education, shift-share analysis is used to examine changes in the number and proportion of bachelor's degrees awarded in seven curriculum areas in the historically black and the historically white land grant colleges in the South between 1967 and 1977. Our guiding hypothesis suggested that recent pressure brought by the federal government to enhance programs at black land grant colleges coupled with the opening-up of a wide spectrum of traditionally white occupations would result in a broadening of the areas of study pursued by students at the black land grant colleges. Results show that, in general, students are pursuing a wider range of curriculums in the black land grant schools than in the past. Especially notable are increases in business, engineering, and the social sciences, while the number of education degrees has declined dramatically.  相似文献   

近年来我国加大了对高校贫困生资助的力度,国家助学金发放范围扩大,数额增加。但相关政策在缓解贫困生求学困境的同时,在实际运行中也存在一系列问题。为更好地发挥国家助学金政策的作用,应当在资格认定、分配管理和心理扶持等方面加以改进,以完善高校贫困生资助体系。  相似文献   


Significant differences in perceptions between teachers in primary and secondary grant‐maintained schools are reported and analysed. Parents were more frequently involved in promoting opting‐out in primary schools, primary teachers had more favourable attitudes to the grant‐maintained school policy and, in primary schools, grant‐maintained status delivered improvements in classroom conditions, most notably reduced class size and increased para‐professional support in classrooms. The findings are discussed in terms of the management of primary schools, of theorising about reputation management in grant‐maintained schools, and of the explicit objectives of the grant‐maintained policy. It is further suggested that the evidence provided about grant‐maintained primary schools could be used to inject new life into a policy faltering in secondary schools.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the leadership and management of multi-university collaborations funded by national teaching grants. The paper commences with a review of literature relating to stages of project development, key operational issues, impediments to collaboration and the leadership and management of teaching grant collaborations. Finally, we explore critical success factors in teaching grant collaborations from three perspectives – those of leader, manager and team member.  相似文献   

Educators secure funding for MSW students to become a grant-making entity and provide monies to address local needs. An exploratory research design is used to obtain quantitative and qualitative data from students participating in the course-based project. Feedback suggests that students perceived increased abilities in the area of community needs assessments, grant writing, grant making, fund raising, public relations, and professional interest in efforts to secure monies. The merits and challenges of implementing a course-based grant-making and philanthropic project in the social work education are examined.  相似文献   

税收授权立法应包括授予地方税收立法权。在我国,授予地方税收立法权是完善分税制财政管理体制和适应我国地区经济发展不平衡的需要,并且具有法律上的可行性。在授予地方税收立法权时要维护法制的统一,不得破坏全国统一市场的形成和发展。  相似文献   

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