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宋人歌诗采用了一种特殊的方法———“著腔子” ,即借用现成的曲调歌唱。这一现象 ,前贤略有述及 ,惜未作细致分析。宋人唱好诗 ,所借之腔主要有《阳关》 (《渭城曲》)、《小秦王》、《瑞鹧鸪》、《木兰花》、《竹枝》、《柳枝》、《鹧鸪天》等 ,所歌诗体主要为七绝、七律。歌七绝多用《竹枝》 ,歌七律惯用《瑞鹧鸪》。歌唱方法或加和声 ,或用叠 ,或依字而歌。文中对之作了尝试性分析  相似文献   

宋人歌诗采用了一种特殊的方法--“腔子”,即借用现成的曲调歌唱。这一现象,前贤略有述及,惜及,惜未作细致分析。宋人唱好诗,所借之腔主要有《阳关》(《渭城曲》)、《小秦王》、《瑞鹧鸪》、《木兰花》、《竹枝》、《柳枝》、《鹧鸪天》等,所歌诗体主要为七绝、七律。歌七绝多用《竹枝》,歌七律惯用《瑞鹧鸪》。歌唱方法或加和声,或用叠,或依字而歌。中对之作了尝试性分析。  相似文献   

戏曲是中国独有的艺术瑰宝,有着上千年的悠久历史,中国戏曲声乐理论经过历代艺术家、理论家的美化,使其得到更加久远的历史继承,尤其是它在“咬字发音”、“吐字行腔”等方面的技巧和“气息运用”、“韵味风格”等方面的把握上,都是我们在民族声乐的演唱中要学习继承和借鉴的。中国传统戏曲的演唱与民族声乐的演唱虽有差异,但相互促进,共同发展。  相似文献   

本文分析了国内外“生涯教育”的研究现状 ,提出“规则修炼”是人的生涯发展的“基石” ,也是“生涯教育”的一项重要内容 ,“生涯教育”的实施途径应以“规则体验”为主  相似文献   

This article describes a recent observational study done on four Head Teachers/Principals in the act, Australia. The study attempted to discover what activities preoccupy a Head/Principal during a ‘typical’ working week. The study further attempted to devise instruments which could show a Principal the relationship between the observed time he/she spent on activities undertaken with the time the Principal desired to spend on each activity. It was hypothesized there would be considerable difference between the two. The instruments or tools proposed are ‘Matrix’ and ‘Scattergram’ methods of providing Principals with the means to reflect on the relationship of observed and desired time durations and were developed as a suggested approach for Principals to identify those tasks which were preoccupying too much time now relative to how they would desire to use their time.  相似文献   

Super Junior-M is a music group established as a response to the rising popularity of Korean boy band Super Junior in China,focused entirely on the Chinese music market.As the first international music group composed of members from both Korea and China,this band was well known throughout China and Asia before its debut.  相似文献   

本文结合实施新课程的体会,试对生物教师专业发展途径作探寻。  相似文献   

高校毕业生的择业心态与就业心理指导   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校毕业生择业心态的特点表现为:有自主择业的意识,但不善于利用择业的自主权;有竞争的渴望,但又缺乏竞争的勇气;择业观有理想化的倾向,期望值较高;在择业过程中,有明显的依赖心理,并把择业的难易、成功与否归因于客观因素;有公平竞争的意识,但对竞争机制的公平性仍有怀疑;从整体上看,毕业生在择业过程中情绪稳定,但有些人情绪波动较大。因此,有关部门应针对高校毕业生的心理特点和具体情况做好毕业生的就业教育和指导工作。  相似文献   

科学遴选高职院校基层党组织培养活动的内容载体、改进创新学生党员党性教育活动方式方法,既是提高基层组织凝聚力和战斗力的重要途径,又是有效增强高职大学生党性修养的迫切需要。本文总结了新时期党性要求的主要内容和高职大学生党员的党性现状;从高职大学生党建工作的视野和以生为本的角度,对锤炼高职大学生党员党性有关活动的内容和方式方法进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

一、目的意义 在以往的调查中我们了解到:大多数学生有了心里话不愿意给老师说。这种状况不利于师生之间的交流,极大地影响了良好师生关系的建立。为了改善师生关系,我设计  相似文献   

The paper presents evidence from three recent/ongoing projects in Sri Lanka and South Africa supported by the University of Exeter School of Education, the aim of each project being to enhance the capacity of teachers or trainers to evaluate their performance through the development of criteria of effectiveness or competence. Models of sustainable teacher development based on empowerment and collaborative engagement are reviewed and form the rationale for a process by which competence criteria were developed in each project by the participants themselves. Examples of the specific stages in the process and the outcomes from each project are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

农民负担重已成为社会热点问题,本从分析农民负担重的原因入手,提出了减轻农民负担的关键在于为农民提供合理的公平竞争环境,即让农民享有与城市居民平等的竞争机会,打破城乡壁垒,统一城乡税制,改革户籍制度,给农民一个公平的发展机会,让他们的负担轻起来。  相似文献   


Yoga has been found to provide numerous health benefits to older adults including preventing or slowing physical frailty and subsequent functional limitations. The purpose of this study was to examine pre-frail or frail older adults’ beliefs about yoga as well as to identify barriers to participation. We recruited 37 older adults from a Faint, Fall, and Frailty Clinic at a medical center and asked them to complete questionnaires regarding their physical health and beliefs about yoga using the Beliefs About Yoga Scale. Frailty and fall risk were obtained through electronic health records. Participants’ had mean age of 72.81 years. Participants were considered to be prefrail (66.7%) or frail (33.3%), and most (78.4%) had fallen at least once in the past year. Over 72% of participants engaged in light physical activity. The BAYS mean score was 59.17 (SD = 12.5; Range 11–77). Higher scores indicted more optimistic beliefs about yoga. Over 90% of participants had not practiced yoga, 97.1% had no intentions to practice, 61.8% did not know locations placed where yoga classes were offered, 82.4% were unsure about the costs associated with yoga, and only 56.3% reported having transportation. The three primary barriers to practicing yoga were perceived difficulty of yoga practice, lack of motivation, and fear of injury. Participants held positive beliefs about yoga, yet had limited experience and little intention to participate indicating a need to provide targeted educational interventions to this population of older adults.  相似文献   

高校辅导员是开展大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是高校学生日常思想政治教育和管理工作的组织者、实施者和指导者,是大学生的知心朋友.在社会转型和构建和谐社会的新形势下,要使思想政治工作适应时代发展的需要,应该着力加强辅导员队伍素质建设,素质乃是履行思想政治工作职责成败的关键.  相似文献   

要培养学生自改习作的能力,只有必须明确学生自改习作的意义,消除传统习作批改的弊端,探究培养学生自改习作的方法,思考培养学生自改习作的步骤,才能使学生在自改习作的实践中逐步形成修改的习惯和能力而提高习作的水平,才能使教师提高习作教学效益而实现(《语课程标准》提出的习作教学目标.  相似文献   

目前高职生普遍存在厌学、恐考、早恋、人际关系紧张、对未来职业生涯规划缺乏信心等心理问题,这些问题严重降低了高职生大学生活的主观幸福感。积极心理学对于培养高职生发现幸福、体验幸福、创造幸福的能力有积极的作用。  相似文献   

学困生是教师教学生涯中遇到的极其普遍的问题。教师应从转变学生观、帮助学困生设置合理的学习目标,激发学困生的学习动机,调整学困生的学习情绪,引导学困生建构学习策略,塑造学困生良好的学习行为等方面,采取有效的策略,帮助学困生走出差生的阴影和自卑,提高学习成绩。  相似文献   

数学教学除了教给学生数学知识外,更重要的是教学生"会学"数学.数学教学是思维活动的教学,在教学过程中引导学生思考,教会学生思考的途径和方法比单纯地做大量的练习要有效得多.荀子说:"君子博学而参省乎已,则知明而行无过矣."教学实践表明,在教学过程中注重引导学生做解题后的反思,可以不断地培养学生良好的思维品质,克服学生解题粗心的现象,提高学习效果.解题结束后,应再次审视题设条件和解题过程,检查是否充分利用了已知条件,解题过程是否严密,方法是否恰当,有无其它解法,这些解法中蕴含着哪些丰富的思想内涵.  相似文献   

Staff employment is a key element in a complex code, which constitutes academic conduct. Staff and, indeed, individual persons stand at the interface between the three relevant systems of science (knowledge production), the university (institution), and the market. The conduct of all member‐groups in academia is highly determined by internal and external expectations and traditions that form the patterns of behaviour, which were protected by traditions and institutional privileges in the past. Today, all academic conduct is being challenged by external competition and the imperatives to perform within a rigid set of rules. They all are placed at the interface between academic freedom, institutional autonomy and quality standards. Individual misconduct has become only one dimension in a systemic temptation to malpractice, corruption and fraud, which are inbuilt attacks on the noble ideals of the university.  相似文献   

Several states in the United States of America and countries in Europe punish parents when their minor child commits a crime. When parents are being punished for the crimes committed by their children, it should be presumed that parents might be held responsible for the deeds of their children. This article addresses the question whether or not this presumption can be sustained. We argue that parents can be blamed for the crimes of their children, not because they have the duty to control their children as is often maintained, but because they have the duty to assist their child to develop in such a way that s/he becomes a morally competent agent.  相似文献   

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