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1.[误]On the boy's lastremark,the bookseller looked athim curiously. [正]At the boy's last remark,the bookseller looked at himcuriously. [析]at表示“因……而,一……就……”说明引起动作、感情的原  相似文献   

1.近几年,我们的家乡发生了巨大的变化。[误]Our hometown took place greatchanges in the past few years.[正]Our hometown has greatlychanged in the past few years.[正]Great changes have taken placein our hometown in the past few years.  相似文献   

请根据下面四幅图画内容,写一篇短文,记述昨天发生在你叔叔身上的事。注意:1.词数100左右。2.词汇:吊销驾照(revokeadrivinglicense)Onepossibleversion:Myunclewillneverforgetwhathappenedtohimyesterday.Towardstheevening,hewasinvitedtoaninn.Heenjoyedhisdnerwithhisfriends,drinkingalotofbeers.Asaresult,hegotdruHeinsistedondrivinghomeafterthemealhimself,althoughhisfrietriedtopersuadehimnotto.Afewminuteslater,hewaswindinghiswayonthestreet.Andthiscarranintoatalltree.Fortunately,hewasstillalive,thoughserious鄄…  相似文献   

根据下面四幅画,写一篇短文,描述小明在放学路上的一段经历。注意:1.词数:100左右;2.可增加部分细节,使短文行文连贯,内容充实;  相似文献   

Make Our Youth Fly in the Blue Sky A saying goes,"Where there is a will,there is a way."That’s definitely right.So I think,in our youth’s dictionary,there is no"impossible".So whatever we do, we should display our mien[mi:n](风采) to the top of our bent(尽情地).And let our youth fly in the blue sky forever. Only if we are willing to can we do anything well. But,in the modern high school,there are still some scenes that are not satisfying.For example,some students become tired in class,that is to say,they are not interested in any class.Because they get into playing computer games and they all are attracted by games.It is really a waste of time.When they are buried into playing as if they forget what time it is.We should say no to the net bar without thinking.Our youth should be filled with enthusiasm and sunshine.If you are out of a bad habit,it is honorable.Only using our strong belief can we get out of the bad habit.  相似文献   

1.我身上没带钱。误:I have not money with me.正:I have no money with me.正:I have not any money with me.析:副词not不能直接修饰名词,形容词no可直接修饰名词。  相似文献   

2005年 11月 11日,2008年北京奥林匹克运动会吉祥物最终被选定。这意味着奥运会倒计时 1,000天的开始。请根据下表提供的信息,用英语写一篇介绍北京奥运会吉祥物(福娃)的短文。参考词汇:吉祥物 m ascot;倒计时 countdow n;繁荣 prosperity;福娃 friendlies;藏羚羊 Tibetan antelope;燕子 sw allow ;热情 enthusiasm学生习作:O n N ovem ber 11,2005, the m ascots of the 2008Beijing O lym picG am es w ere final① chosen. A s you can im agine, this m arks the start ofthe 1000-days② countdow n to the 2008O lym pic G am es.…  相似文献   

最近的一项调查表明,北京大约有 50%的青少年不吃早餐。请根据下表中的内容用英语给 21世纪报(21st Century)写一篇短文。短文的题目为“Top M eal of the D ay”。注意:1.不可逐字翻译上表内容,但可根据上述要点适当发挥。2.词数:100左右。学生习作:T op M ealof the D ayA recent study show s that nearly 50percent of the school kids inBeijing do not have breakfast. They tend to feel sleeping① all day andhave bad m em ory②, so it is hard for them to get high m arks in all kindsoftests.Som e students ∧ ③ stay…  相似文献   

郭继东 《考试》2010,(7):51-52
一、考生在答卷中存在的主要问题 1.审题不够,不能紧扣主题 审题是写作的关键所在,仔细审题才是深刻理解题目所要表达的主要意思和写作要求。不论是文字提示写作还是图表类写作,都要仔细审题,弄清写作内容。  相似文献   

潘光威 《内蒙古教育》2003,(8):16-17,19
2003年高考已经结束了。不论对本届考生还是对下届考生,静下心来认真分析一下考题,从中得到启发和提高,都是很有必要的。本文以考生习作为例,谈谈英语的书面表达。 做题的步骤为:审题看图,列出要点;段落层次的布局(先写什么,后写什么);落笔成文;检查。 做题的第一步是仔细审题,列出要点。今年写作题给出已知信息的方式有二:1.汉语。除了题干中的写信目的、信的主要内容,还有左图中的汽车站牌和公寓,均以汉语给出。2.图画。左图表明  相似文献   

五、动词(二)50她进来时,你为什么不站起来?Wrong:Whydidn′tyouraisewhenshecameintotheroom?Right:Whydidn′tyourisewhenshecameintotheroom?Notes:toraise和torise极易混淆。torise是不及物动词,有“升起”“起身”“起源”“进升”等意思。是不规则动词,其变化形式为:rise--rose--risen--rising.  如:(1)月亮升起来了。 Themoonhasrisen.(2)早睡早起身体好。 Earlytor…  相似文献   

1.误:How is the weather like today? 正:How is the weather today?/What is theweather like today? 析:问“……怎么样?”可用How is…?句型或What is…like?句型。 2.误:He asked me to take a message to you. 正:He asked me to take a message for you. 析:表示“给……捎口信,的固定结构是take amessage for sb。  相似文献   

17.误:The airport is ten miles far away from here. 正:The airport is ten miles away from here. 析:ten miles已经是具体的距离,再用far则为语义的重复,故应删去。18.误:I believe he won’t make the same mistake. 正:I don ’t believe he will make the samemistake. 析:believe,think等动词的宾语从句,其否定词  相似文献   

看图,判断句子是否符合所给情景,用√或×表示1.A:CanIhelpyou?B:Yes,aneraser,please.2.A:Whatdoyouwant?B:WantanewcolourTV.3.A:Howmanypineapplesdoyouwant,MissGao?B:Three.A:They’refouryuan.4.A:WhatcanIdoforyou?B:Yes,please.I’dlikeanewdress.5.A:Howmuchisthetelephone?B:It’sahundredandeightyyuan.6.A:CanIhelpyou?B:Acupoforange,please.A:Hereyouare.B:Thankyou.案:1.√2. √3.×4.×5.×6. √责任编辑/于哲E看图判断正误(英文)@周森…  相似文献   

Dear editor, I’m writing to tell you about the discussionwe've had about whether an entrance fee shouldbe charged for parks. Opinions are divided on the question.60% ofthe students are against the idea of entrance fees.They believe a public park should be free ofcharge.People need a place where they can restand enjoy themselves.Charging entrance fees will  相似文献   

吴国清 《辅导员》2013,(14):25-26
有些同学在书面英语表达时,往往受汉语思维方式的影响,经常犯一些表达错误,下面是一些容易犯错的句子,归纳如下:一、及物动词不及物化英语中的有些及物动词在汉语表达中通常会有一个介词出现,这时同学们往往会画蛇添足,加上一个介词。  相似文献   


弓长 《英语辅导》2000,(9):26-26
[误]Are those bus?[正]Are those buses?[析]从汉语句看,“公共汽车”不是一辆,因此bus应改为复数形式。  相似文献   

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