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With the knowledge that malnutrition affects the quality of life of an individual, the Colombian Government set up in 1976 a unique multi-sectorial plan (PAN), to combat the country's serious malnutrition. Government agencies and private industries in the sectors of production, distribution, health, sanitation, and education have coordinated their previously independent efforts. Among the interesting aspects are the coordination of sectors through work at various levels and through control of the budget, the limitation of bureaucracy, and the decentralization of decision-making. The ongoing attempts to overcome the difficulties encountered include making decisions in the face of inconclusive knowledge on what constitutes a well-balanced diet; combating the lack of knowledge of professionals about the environment of the poorest percentage of the population; and revising the traditional teaching method to make it more successful through a multi-media approach to assure wider coverage and more impact for the least cost, using materials such as games, puppets, posters and radio.
Zusammenfassung In der Erkenntnis, dass Untererernährung die Lebensqualität des Menschen beeinträchtigt, erstellte die kolumbianische Regierung im Jahre 1976 einen einzigartigen, mehrere Sektoren umfassenden Plan (Pan), um die schwerwiegende Unterernährung im Lande zu bekämpfen. Gemäss diesem Plan werden jetzt die früher zerstreuten Bemühungen von Behörden und privaten Industrieunternehmen auf den Sektoren Produktion, Verteilung, Gesundheit, Kanalisation und Erziehung koordiniert. Zu den interessantesten Aspekten gehören die Koordinierung von Sektoren durch Arbeit auf verschiedenen Ebenen sowie durch Kontrolle der Etats, die Beschränkung der Bürokratie und die Dezentralisierung von Entscheidungsbefugnissen. Unter den Versuchen, die bestehenden Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden, werden hervorgehoben: Entscheidungen angesichts unzureichenden Verständnisses von ausgewogener Ernährung; Bekämpfung des Mangels an Kenntnissen von Umweltspezialisten über den ärmsten Teil der Bevölkerung; und Revision der traditionellen Lehrmethoden mit dem Ziel, sie durch Einführung eines Multi-Medienansatzes, d.h. durch den Gebrauch von Spielen, Marionetten, Plakaten und Radio erfolgreicher zu gestalten.

Résumé Conscient du fait que la sous-alimentation affecte la qualité de vie d'un individu, le Gouvernement colombien a appliqué en 1976 un plan unique à secteurs multiples (PAN) dont le but est de combattre la sérieuse sousalimentation du pays. Les agences gouvernementales et les industries privées appartenant aux secteurs de la production, de la distribution, de la santé, de l'hygiène et de l'éducation coordonnent désormais leurs efforts précédemment dispersés. Parmi les aspects intéressants de ce plan, on relève la coordination des secteurs tant au moyen du travail à différents niveaux que du contrôle du budget, la limitation de la bureaucratie et la décentralisation de la prise de décision. Les efforts qui se poursuivent dans l'intention de venir à bout des difficultés rencontrées visent à prendre des décisions malgré les connaissances nonconcluantes de ce qui constitue un régime bien équilibré; à combattre le manque de connaissance des professionnels sur l'environnement du pourcentage le plus pauvre de la population; à réviser la méthode d'enseignement traditionnel en utilisant des moyens d'approche par multimedia, ceci afin d'assurer une plus grande couverture de la population, avec un impact supérieur, et ce au moindre prix, en utilisant comme matériel des jeux, des marionnettes, des affiches illustrées ainsi que la radio.

The once firm divisions between regular and special education are now fading. In many regions, the integration into regular classrooms of formerly extruded atypical students has an accepted and sometimes legally determined future. Much greater responsibility has thus fallen upon the shoulders of the classroom teacher, and when the failure of students to learn is attributed to a failure to teach them effectively, the question of professional accountability becomes poignant indeed. So, too, for the educational psychologist. Assessment, tied to placement, is no longer acceptable as a raison d'etre. His/her primary contribution in an era of integration for special education is towards improving the quality of instruction in regular classrooms and the quality of learning. Activities of educational psychologists, including assessment, research dissemination, programs of evaluation, systems analysis, and work with parents are reconstrued in this paper as contributing to better instruction in better classrooms.  相似文献   

Indonesia, like many developing countries, has problems of increasing numbers of students, shortage of qualified teachers, limited resources and strong support for traditional schooling. Educational technology has been introduced to help alleviate some of the problems and has been relatively successful over the past 15 years. A planned effort to use educational technology in appropriate ways began in the mid-1970s and is still growing. Such success does not come easily. The lessons learned from this effort are explicitly stated in four categories: (1) cultural affairs (2) personnel and training (3) organisation and management and (4) leadership. Each 'lesson' is stated as a principle or guideline. Conclusions emphasise the importance of leadership, commitment, local control, long-range planning and the presence of a communications satellite.  相似文献   

Starting from the assumption that administrative personnel in educational programmes would be more efficient, if they were professionally trained; this paper outlines the guiding principles of good training and attempts to derive appropriate methods of training. To illustrate its argument, it analyses the current prerequisites for school principals and concludes that the current basic requirement that principals be experienced teachers is inappropriate. On the contrary, principals should be selected from a reservoir wider than the teaching profession, subjected to criteria pertinent to principalship and more thoroughly trained in all dimensions of its functions.  相似文献   

According to an influential narrative in Swedish educational historiography, the Swedish educational system underwent a drastic change during the 1990s, moving towards a more individualistic and marketised system. Without denying the relevance of this perspective, this article argues that we can trace antecedents to the reforms undertaken in the 1990s far back in post-war education policies. It maintains that the endeavour to democratise the educational system during the post war years when radicalised, started to counteract these democratic tendencies. Applying what French historian François Hartog names ‘regimes of historicity’ as an analytical tool, it argues that a politically pertinent shift took place in the 1970s. Since then, an increasingly stronger emphasis on the present at the expense of both past and future has contributed to an undermining of the centralised comprehensive school.  相似文献   

高校课程理论框架的构建是高等教育研究中的一个难点,高等教育的自身特点是导致这一结果的重要原因。曾就职于美国"提高中学后教学与学习国家研究中心"的斯塔克(Stark,J.S.)教授在近10年研究的基础上,构建了一个较为全面、系统的高校课程理论分析框架。该框架把课程看作"学术计划",其核心包括八个构成要素,外部社会、高校组织层面及高校内部等三方面的因素则成为型塑高校课程的重要影响因素。  相似文献   


The new federal definition of scientifically based research may have significant implications for educators. This paper describes the new definition, the implementation of the definition, and summarizes the criticisms of this definition. The definition is situated within the context of the great divide that has historically separated educational researchers. Potential implications are discussed concerning stakeholder empowerment, scholarly and practitioner research, the preparation of educators, and university promotion and tenure. Finally, the political context of this definition is discussed in relation to the culture wars.  相似文献   

教育信息化是教育现代化的重要基础,本文主要论述教育信息化对促进教学过程新特点的形成的作用.  相似文献   

This paper argues that, while distance education may have a continuing role as ‘complementary’ education, it is better viewed as part of the resources of the total life‐long education process. Any face‐to‐face classroom teacher exercises a range of options in catering for individual needs. Distance education is surely one of the wider range of options available to every teacher, and to any individual with capacity for independent learning.

To suggest that the attractiveness of distance education lies in its potential for economies of scale may not only under‐value the capacity of distance education to satisfy a wide range of needs but also lend support to the notion that cheap education is the paramount criterion in assessing the efficacy of the educational process.  相似文献   

Conclusion Education is, however, already beginning to reflect the whole range of pluralisms that constitute the relatively complex, urbanized and semi-industrialized societies of most of Latin America.Modernity in these societies assumes the form of cultural pluralism with a centrifugal and fragmented social basis, in which deep divisions of class and social strata still exist alongside emerging tensions due to the spread of markets, privatization in civil society, the disintegration of the traditional state, the rapid internationalization of communications and expectations, and the consolidation of liberal-democratic regimes that enable all this diversity to be expressed more freely.The new pluralism of Latin American education has therefore more to do with the modernization of societies and their cultures than with the more restrictive notion of complementarity among well-structured socio-cultural elements that fight to preserve their identity and that attain a form of expression recognized by the state in the field of education. The latter type of pluralism, found in more stable and better structured societies, is replaced in Latin America by a more fluid and ambiguous educational pluralism which, in the final analysis, reflects a process of construction of modernity that began only recently but is now in full swing. Specialist in the sociology of education. Professor-researcher at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), vice-president of the Chilean Higher Council of Education, where he chaired the Presidential Study Commission on Higher Education. Member of the Executive Committee of the Latin American Social Sciences Council. His most recent books are: Educación superior en América latina: cambios y desafíos (1990), Chile: transformaciones culturales y modernidad(1989), and Recursos humanos para la investigación en América latina (1989).  相似文献   

The positive psychological research underpinning the strength-based approach makes two important claims of relevance to the practice of educational psychologists (EPs): (1) there are key, ubiquitous strengths, some of which are more worthy of development and amplification than others; and (2) this approach could resolve some of the issues associated with the traditional deficit model, by moving practice away from problem-focused language, negative labelling and within-person hypotheses. This paper aims to explore these two claims from social constructionist and systemic perspectives, respectively. It is argued that it is imperative for EPs to critically reflect on the research underpinning this approach and to consider how the principles of social constructionism and systemic thinking may facilitate its application in practice. It is concluded that, in order to move the approach forward, it will be essential for personalised strength-based approaches, which consider an individual’s strengths contextually, to be developed and utilised.  相似文献   

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