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文献检索与职业学校学生的研究性学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展研究性学习,关键是要向学生提供丰富的献信息资源,并指导学生学会检索、利用这些信息。因此,要加强教师检索献信息的能力,提高中职学校图书馆员素质,同时在中职生中开设献检索课,使学生和教师都能快速、高效利用图书馆和网络资源。  相似文献   

鹭江职业大学图书馆学生读者调研分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据调查鹭江职业大学学生读时献信息资源的需求与利用情况,献检索的手段、能力以及学生读时图书馆服务工作的评价,建议图书馆开展导读工作,加强学生读的信息意识、献检索的知识教育;采取优化馆藏结构、提供良好的服务环境等措施。  相似文献   

献检索课的主要任务是培养学生的信息意识,激发他们获取信息的自觉性和主动性,进而提高他们获取信息的基本技能。献检索课的教学改革要依据这一目的,改进教学方法,讲究教学艺术,融洽教与学的关系,结合专业教学合理安排实习。  相似文献   

高校系资料室应有针对性地搜集和整理与本系有关的专业性献资料,其中要将开发和利用期刊信息作为首要工作来抓,为教师提供定题、专题献检索等深层次和动态的情报服务。  相似文献   

文献信息检索课程教学手段创新探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息资源检索方法随着Internet的发展在不断发展,研究、探索、改进检索方法具有重要实用意义,本文分析了传统检索;Internet文献信息站点的搜集与分类利用;自建文献信息检索网站的特点;并在检索研究与教学研究实践的基础上,提出创新见解。  相似文献   

文献检索课教学改革的理论与实践探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本指出了传统献检索课的局限与不足,并给出新时期献检索课程的设置体系及其教学改革的途径与发展方向。  相似文献   

中医药信息检索是在中医药献检索、中医药情报检索的基础上发展起来的一门实践性较强的课程。我国现代的献或情报检索历史不长。大致可分为三个阶段:1966年以前为启蒙阶段,这一时期有些院校为学生开展了参考咨询讲座;1976年-1983年为创立阶段,这一时期有些院校已开设了献检索选修课;1984年-今,为发展阶段,国家教委于1984年下发了《关于在高等学校开设<献检索与利用课>的通知》之后,又于1985年和1999年两度发,要求各高校在建立本专业的献检索课程的基础上,大力加强该课程的教学力度。中医药信息检索‘多维-贯通’‘教学模式’。一改过去教学过程中存在的教学内容陈旧、方法比较单一、教学手段相对落后、教师讲解过多、实习课检索题课内容范围小等缺点和不足,取得了较好的教学效果,在培养学生的信息意识,提高学生中医药信息的查找,分析和利用的基本技能上收效显。  相似文献   

《化学化工献检索》课是化学化工类专业本科生的一门专业基础课、一门方法课。从1984年教育部发出要求高等学校开设《献检索与利用》课后,许多高校很快开设了献检索课,我校也于1984年从81级化工系学生中率先开始开设《化学化工献检索》课,收到了较好的效果。笔从1987年开始讲授这门课至今已有十多年,期问为了保证教学质量除了依据原国家教委《献检索教学基本要求》和原化工部“高等学校本科《化学化工献检索》课程教学基本要求”来组织讲稿进行教学,另外在教学过程中也傲了一些尝试,积累了一些经验,现将自己的教学体会和经验——介绍。  相似文献   

工程技术领域献的首选检索工具Ei由SHE、PIE和Ei三部分组成。SHE通过主、副标题词相互限定与See、SeeAlso、Notes等进一步限制调整的有机结合,保证了把用户输入自由词转化为规范化标题词输出。PIE通过编码出版物参照表与编码出版物索引构成的闭合环,实现了全称与缩写的双向检索和互查。Ei通过主题途径、索引、单位索引三条途径实现检索,是一般检索工具实现检索的基本途径。在此基础上,根据献工作的标准,归结出了科技献检索工具的一般结构。  相似文献   

网络环境下文献检索课教学探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
章探讨了献检索课开设的意义,分析了献检索课教学的不足,着重从四个方面探讨了上好检索课的途径。  相似文献   

文献检索课是一门实践性很强的方法课.分析信息时代大学生信息素质教育与文献检索课的关系与现状,并对如何加强高校文献检索课建设提出几点建议.  相似文献   

如何利用文献检索语言的特性、优势,加以改进后使之成为网络信息资源整台组织的方法,是整个信息界包括文献工作者的重要使命,因此,对文献检索语言的分类进行系统研究就显得非常重要。分析了网络环境下文献检索语言的类型、彼此之间的联系和未来发展趋势,并着重对分类系统的构建提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

传统的标本共享系统大多采用以概念为中心的信息描述框架,无法揭示矿物基本概念或术语之间多层次的语义关系,难以解决一词多义、多词一义、词义含混等问题,使得信息检索效率低下、资源集成困难.领域本体作为特定领域内共事概念模型的明确的形式化规范说明,能够清晰地表达复杂的语义信息,有助于解决这些问题.现以"概念-关系"为中心,利用与平台无关的矿物领域本体对标本结晶学与矿物学的内容进行描述,结合关系型数据库,设计并实现了基于领域本体的标本网络共享系统,有效表达了矿物标本检索中的语义信息,提高了标本检索的效率,减少了误检、漏检现象.  相似文献   

The relations between changes in the scalp-recorded electroencephalogram (EEG) and the development of the ability to perform successfully 2 cognitive tasks attributed to frontal lobe functioning were examined in 13 infants from 7 to 12 months of age. Infants successful in performing the A-not-B task with increasingly longer delays across the second half of the first year of life showed changes in power in scalp-recorded brain electrical activity in the frontal region and an increase in anterior/posterior EEG coherence. Infants with rapid mastery of object retrieval did not differ in frontal EEG development from infants who exhibited the normal developmental progression in object retrieval performance. In a task examining inhibition of reaching to a novel toy, there were no differences in frontal EEG as a function of performance. Results from a cross-sectional sample revealed similar findings. These data confirm work with nonhuman primates on the importance of maturation of frontal cortex in the successful performance on certain tasks (A-not-B), but do not confirm nonhuman primate data on the importance of frontal cortex for other tasks (object retrieval). The data also suggest that the electroencephalogram may be useful as a noninvasive measure of central nervous system development during the first year of life.  相似文献   

针对图像底层视觉特征与高层情感语义间的语义鸿沟,分析色彩与情感的关系,建立情感空间,采用概率神经网络建立图像颜色特征与情感空间的映射,融合图像底层视觉特征和人类情感特征,提出并实现了一种感性图像检索方法。实验结果证明了该方法具有较好的效果,为图像情感语义的研究提供了一种行之有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

Cumulative experience with a variety of symbolic artifacts has been hypothesized as a source of young children's increasing sensitivity to new symbol-referent relations. Evidence for this hypothesis comes from transfer studies showing that experience with a relatively easy symbolic retrieval task improves performance on a more difficult task. Significant transfer was found for the 2(1/2)-year-old children in the 3 studies reported here, even with relatively low levels of contextual support (according to the taxonomy of transfer by Barnett & Ceci, 2002). Transfer occurred even though the 2 tasks were encountered in very different settings and there was a prolonged (1-week) delay interval between them. Transfer also occurred to a much more difficult task (one that even 3-year-olds typically fail).  相似文献   

In 3 experiments, 6-month-old infants learned to move a mobile by kicking and were tested 1 to 21 days later for retention of the newly acquired memory as a function of the training and testing contexts. In Experiment 1, decreasing the relative distinctiveness of the training and testing context did not impair retrieval of the newly acquired memory. In Experiment 2, however, testing in a different context completely eliminated retention after delays of 1 and 3 days, when retention was otherwise perfect; after progressively longer delays, retention improved paradoxically. The familiarity or novelty of the test context was not a factor in the failure of infants to recognize the mobile in the altered context after 1 day. In Experiment 3, the effect of an altered context was assessed in a reactivation paradigm. After the training memory was forgotten, infants were presented with the original mobile as a reminder and were tested for retention of the training memory 1 day later. When either the reminding context or the testing context was different, they exhibited no retention. These findings reveal that memory retrieval at 6 months is highly specific to the setting in which the memory is acquired. We propose that infants learn what specific events are associated with what specific places prior to the age when they can locomote independently and acquire a spatiotemporal map of the relations between those places.  相似文献   

An implicit assumption underlying many educational and psychological theories is that the brain is a memory system. Modern information processing theory, which dominates computer science, linguistics, psychology, economics, and biology, is a theory of the storage, organization, and retrieval of information. But did human intelligence evolve as the nervous system's solution to memory requirements or to some other problem (set) more inherently related to survival than memory? Taking an evolution-inspired (Edelman, 1987) biofunctional (Iran-Nejad, 1980) approach, this article argues that the human nervous system and its processes evolved in the natural environment to solve and generalize survival problems associated with what Gestalt psychologists identified as figure-ground relations in the realm of perception. It is concluded, therefore, that the brain's functional processes and their counterparts in learning can be more appropriately explained as fundamental figure-ground than memory processes.  相似文献   

本文从理论和实践上对联机信息检索进行探讨.首先从总体上介绍了什么是联机信息检索,接着描述了联机信息检索的数据库及其类型,讨论了联机信息检索的硬件配置及所需软件,随后从用户的角度提出了联机信息检索的策略,最后在介绍世界上著名的联机检索中心的同时,以美国的DIALOG为例,描述了联机信息检索的实际操作过程.  相似文献   

近几年来,各高校图书馆都纷纷建设统一检索平台,比如上海交通大学的"思源探索",北京大学的"未名学术搜索"等,都试图通过统一检索平台给读者带来知识服务。但这些检索平台还未能解决输入关键词的语义联想以及检索平台的元数据更新问题,这也会产生很多实际问题。为了解决这些问题,就必须要在统一检索平台中引入语义网的相关技术,从而在细节上完善统一检索平台,真正为读者提供一站式的检索平台。  相似文献   

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