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科技文献中的“亲和”与“亲合”辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向东 《编辑学报》2008,20(4):298-299
列举科技文献中"亲和"和"亲合"的错误用法,对二者的正确使用提出了建议.  相似文献   

董延寿 《兰台世界》2016,(11):130-132
"洛""雒"两字看似简单,实际涉及较深的历史问题、学术问题。"洛""雒"有相同的地方,亦有不同的地方,有时候可以通用,有时候不可以通用。对"洛""雒"的解读有助于丰富洛阳城市的文化内涵。  相似文献   

本文是在对高校图书馆文化形态和功能科学概括、提炼的基础上,结合图书馆的具体环境特点.对高校图书馆文化的概念作出合理的规范,并就图书馆文化的特点、结构、层次做出进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

赵丽莹  张宏 《编辑学报》2011,23(5):470-470
“营利”“盈利”与“赢利”这3个词,读音相同,词义相近,有时还相通,所以极易混淆。例如“根据期刊是否以盈利为目的分为非营利性期刊和营利性期刊”,“与非赢利的开放存取出版者PLoS的主要区别在于,BMC声称自己是赢利性机构,希望通过OA出版赢利”,“模式陈旧,不能实现产业营利”等句中画线词语的使用值得商榷,并有待更正。  相似文献   

受“就业率”指标管理的现实影响,一些高职院校把“就业率”放在不恰当的位置,重视“教育产品”在人才市场的“推销”和“就业率”统计的“包装,”忽视“教育产品”在“生产过程”中的投入和“内在质量”的提高,即学生“就业力”的提高。这不仅将产生功利、浮躁的就业指导,还可能导致高职教育教学和学生全面培养上的急功近利。本文对“就业率”与“就业力”进行辨析,认为“就业率”数字里折射出的学生“就业力”问题,才是高职院校和高职教育工作者应该关注的实质问题。  相似文献   

蒋京兰 《新闻世界》2010,(7):189-190
"民生新闻"应以"民"为主体,以"民生"为题材。因此,对"民"与"民生"的理解至关重要。"民"有"市民"和"农民",而"民生"有"大民生"("国计")与"小民生"。而现实的"民生新闻",却恰恰在这两点上存在误区:其一,可见"市民"而不见"农民",这就使得农民在"民生新闻"中缺席;其二,多见"民生"而少见"国计",这就使"民生新闻"流于形式、沦于琐碎。  相似文献   

“左”与“右”这一对方位词,在文学这一历史长河中,词义非常丰富,它使用于军事、政治、人文、地理、生物等多方领域之中。不同的语言环境,它就有不同的意义。例如以左右定上下,分贵贱,别尊卑,辨男女,决阴阳,断吉凶等。因此对于它的词史和用法,给以研究分析,与同行们酌商。  相似文献   

王娜 《晋图学刊》2007,(3):77-79
文章从辨伪的历史、辨伪的内容、辨伪的方法等方面谈到了古人在古书辨伪工作上的历史功绩,同时也指出了他们的阶级局限性,提倡现代人要用辩证的眼光去看待他们的辨伪工作.  相似文献   

This bibliography is a selection of articles, books, and selected other material relevant to antidiscrimination laws and fat people. Prejudice against fat people has been widely discussed in the media. Many people are actively engaged in discourse about how our society treats fat people and whether discrimination against them is acceptable. At the same time, a small but growing body of law has developed to address discrimination against fat people in employment and public accommodations. This bibliography is intended to assist scholars, practicing lawyers, policy makers, and activists by gathering, organizing, and annotating the relevant literature and legal resources.  相似文献   

在档案学的学习和研究过程当中,笔者常会碰到一些意思相近或联系甚密的概念和现象。纵观学界中的诸多著作和论文,对某些基本概念的解释尚有争议,有的是同一种事物出现多种提法,有的是不同的事物使用同一种称呼,很容易让人混淆。在此,笔者尝试对某些概念和现象进行分析,以理清思  相似文献   

医学论文常见歧义辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵金文 《编辑学报》2003,15(6):422-423
从词类和短语使用不当以及编辑加工的角度分析医学论文中歧义产生的原因,并结合例句进行了辨析。  相似文献   

参考文献引用原则辨析   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:26  
陶范 《编辑学报》2006,18(4):252-254
辨析参考文献的引用原则.认为参考文献的引用应遵循8项原则,即公开性原则、原始性原则、必要性原则、准确性原则、适当性原则、新颖性原则、代表性原则和标准化原则.  相似文献   

通过敦煌汉文写卷纸张、题记、正文内容、收藏印章、承传关系、形制、书写特征、墨迹与黏痕等方面整体上对敦煌汉文写卷作伪与辨伪方法进行归纳分析,使读者对敦煌汉文写卷的作伪方法和辨伪方法有一个总体认识.  相似文献   

丁冬 《图书馆建设》2012,(2):84-85,89
目前学术界有观点认为图书馆员正在走向"去职业化",体现为图书馆学院系易名、图书馆业务外包、图书馆人员结构呈非专业化、存在图书馆专业歧视等。然而,这些观点没有客观、全面地反映出图书馆员职业化建设的实质性问题和职业发展趋向,更多的只是一种对图书馆发展与变革的职业担忧,不足以支撑"去职业化"的推论。  相似文献   

张凤  周瑜  李建英 《编辑学报》2011,23(1):28-29
数据图表等是科技论文的基石,但因作者经验、时间、不严谨等原因而导致错误时有发生,对论文学术质量造成了影响。编辑运用科技编辑方法论中的相关性原则,凭借丰富的经验和直觉可以发现并改正此类错误。  相似文献   

Quan Zuwang and Zhang Xuecheng were both bibliognosts of Qing Dynasty. In Quan s theory of bibliography, there is neither the connotation of enlightenment thought nor the ideological content of, what is called the Yi Wen Xue An in Zhang s bibliographical thinking, which, together with his literary and historical thinking has reciprocal outward show and inner thought. He had founded the theory of new bibliography and developed a school of his own. It s true that his theory carries on the theories of his predecessors and those of the same generation of him,but it is by no means the product of "being very close"to any of theirs.  相似文献   


Pakistan’s journalists confront severe safety risks across the country and impunity to crimes against them allows the perpetrators to go unpunished. Now the country is recognized as one of the deadliest places for working journalists in the world. Given this situation, the Pakistani female journalists are more vulnerable because they are not only prone to safety risks and sexual harassment, but also they face gender discrimination when it comes to their recruitment and equal pay-scale. In the past decade, there has been an alarming increase in attacks on female journalists and incidents of their sexual harassment in Pakistan. Notwithstanding the growing plague of sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the country, the resilience of female journalists to work within a threatening and prejudiced environment has not yet fully explored and analysed. Therefore, drawing on the postcolonial feminist theory, this study aims to investigate the Pakistani female journalists’ lived experiences of sexual harassment, threats and discrimination. The study also analyses the impacts of sexual harassment, threats and gender discrimination on the country’s female journalists. To achieve the aforementioned aims, this study uses the qualitative methods of in-depth interviews and focus groups discussion, and offers a thematic analysis of qualitative data.  相似文献   

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