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我与图书馆的缘——有耕耘必有收获   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对从事图书馆工作五年来的体会作了讲述.学习生活的真实写照是:"书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟."成绩取得的真实写照是:"勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才."服务态度的真实写照是:"愿作春雨润无声,服务育人显真情."  相似文献   

谭永钦 《图书馆论坛》2003,23(3):137-138
《图书馆论坛》杂志的从业抒怀栏目向我们介绍了很多图书馆界老前辈辛勤耕耘 ,默默奉献的事迹 ,让我备受感动。与他们相比我是一个新人 ,我加入图书馆工作才九个多月的时间 ,对图书馆的工作才刚刚勉强入门。在这些老前辈精神的鼓舞下 ,我梳理一下自己的感情 ,进一步调整自己的心态 ,争取早日成为一名合格的图书馆员。2 0 0 2年 6月 ,我从华中农业大学植物保护系农业昆虫与害虫防治专业毕业 ,获得了农学硕士学位。学校为了加强图书馆的建设 ,需要懂农科专业的硕士研究生 ,而我因为先生已经留校任教 ,考虑到要照顾家庭 ,支持先生的工作 ,我选…  相似文献   

在图书馆的平凡岗位上实现人生价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在我校2008年新年晚会上,我很荣幸地被全校师生评选为"2007年校园媒体关注人物",主持人饱含深情地诵读了颁奖辞:"网络难道仅仅只能提供娱乐?谭谭,一位图书馆的普通工作人员给我们作出了不一样的回答.  相似文献   

本文从图书馆工作的实际出发,阐述了自我价值的实现与图书馆工作的辩证关系.指出了在图书馆工作中,要实现自我价值,发展自我,首先要正确选择和认识自我,在为读者服务的过程中,只有不断完善自我、创造自我,最终才能达到实现自我价值的目的.  相似文献   

胡茂凤 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(4):240-243
光阴似箭,日月如梭。一转眼间,我在图书馆已度过了三十几个春秋。1973年的秋季,我走进了中学时期的母校的图书馆,成为图书馆的一员。三十年来,我以自己牢固的图书馆员职业思想,默默地耕耘在这片土地上。虽无辉煌的业绩,但也为自己在这片土地上奉献的绵薄之力能受到读者的好评和社会的认可而感到由衷的欣慰。  相似文献   

又到木棉花开时—我在图书馆的日日夜夜   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陈宝珍 《图书馆论坛》2001,21(5):102-103,42
踏着新世纪的步伐 ,又到木棉花开时。弹指一挥间 ,我已在图书馆送走了几十个春秋。 1972年木棉花开的季节 ,我走进了图书馆 ,成为图书馆的一员。几十年来 ,风风雨雨 ,花开花落 ,岁月的流逝 ,总是脚步匆匆。留不住的岁月 ,却留住了让人难忘的情怀。1 图书馆与舞台我从事图书馆工作 ,纯属偶然。我原学中文专业 ,196 5年在华南师院 (即现在的华南师范大学 )毕业后 ,被分配在学校当教师。由于出身于教师之家 ,从小对老师就情有独钟。如果不是“文革” ,可能至今我还是一个手执教鞭的教师匠。“文革”期间 ,我与千千万万的知识分子一样 ,被下放…  相似文献   

图书馆长年记--2001年的回忆   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
肖群忠 《图书馆》2002,(6):70-72
本文对西北师范大学图书馆一年多的管理理论和实践作了回顾和总结,还以图书馆的身份谈了自己对图书馆工作与人生的感悟。  相似文献   

我主要想讲三个问题。第一问题,为什么提出这个问题。我们都是主流媒体.当然要做好主流新闻.但是我个人觉得.在一些地方媒体.包括电视媒体上,在这个方面出现了一些偏差。主要是两种:第一种对主流新闻有一种很机械和很片面的理解.他们年复一年,日复一日去报道一些政府的会议、领导的活动.有一些是需要的.但是量已经大大超过。生搬硬套地摘要一些政治口号和公文语.对老百姓关心的经济建设和民生问题.也仅仅是片面的介绍.应该说老百姓看这些新闻犹如嚼蜡。另一个偏差,是将主流和老百姓对立起来.他们认为老百姓不爱看主流新闻.所以他们少做.  相似文献   

王彤 《档案学研究》2002,16(5):14-16
本文对运用普通心理学指导档案工作 ,提高服务工作的针对性 ,以及运用多种方法研究利用者心理 ,充实、完善服务内容 ,作了阐述。  相似文献   

江苏镇江广播电视总台近两年来,坚持以项目为抓手,跳出镇江宣传镇江,取得了可喜成果,其做法被一些专家、学者概括为“小城市、大手笔,低成本、高回报”,使原来长期滞后的对省内、国内和境外的宣传工作很快走在了全省前列。  相似文献   

Although the Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Services Providers recommend that librarians “welcome the patrons and place them at ease … [and] make the patrons feel comfortable in a situation which may be perceived as intimidating, risky, confusing or overwhelming” (Reference and User Services Association, 2004 Reference and User Services Association.2004Guidelines for behavioral performance of reference and information services providers. http://http://www.ala.org/rusa/resources/guidelines/guidelinesbehavioral (http://http://www.ala.org/rusa/resources/guidelines/guidelinesbehavioral)  [Google Scholar]), our literature provides little exploration of welcoming behavior. To fill this gap, we introduce the concept of emotional labor to the library context, presenting a qualitative analysis of librarians' experiences. In addition, we offer recommendations to help librarians manage the emotional aspects of work and discuss implications of librarianship's changing emotional demands.  相似文献   

Abstract To bring great art to the people, art that would transform their lives, used to be the aim of museums. But in the twenty‐first century, contemporary trends in cultural policy reflect a diminished idea of the public and human subjectivity, and a diminished concept of culture. The outcome of this defensive turn is a retreat from difficult exhibitions and a replacement of them with celebration of the ordinary and the banal: the obviously popular topics which challenge no one. As a consequence of the collapse of culture with a capital “C” and the crisis of human subjectivity, cultural policy demands less of the public and delivers less.  相似文献   

As part of an exploratory research study, museum professionals were asked to share their stories about pivotal learning experiences in museums. Several offered personal narratives of how they first became interested in museums and started down the path toward careers in museum work, or had their imaginations opened to the possibility of broader life horizons. This group of stories seemed to be grounded in particularly vivid memories and frequently elicited strong emotions in the telling. The narratives are evidence of the impact of early museum experiences on people who later found their way into museum careers, and suggest avenues for further study of the roots of museum careers as well as other ways museums profoundly affect people's lives. The stories can also reveal to the teller, as well as to researchers and others, what stands out in their memories and the importance they assign to those memories. By attending to the thematic and emotional content of these narratives, both narrator and colleagues can find clues about where their beliefs and values really lie and, therefore, where their and the profession's time and resources might be most productively invested.  相似文献   

计算机编目是图书馆实现自动化的基础,但计算机编目与传统的著录相比,难度更大。本文结合计算机编目工作实践,对计算机编目CNMARC格式中容易出现的问题进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   


This paper reports on findings from an exploratory investigation about parents’ perceived role of the Facebook Like in sharenting (i.e., sharing about their children on social media) by drawing on the qualitative results of an online survey. Findings show that the majority of participants think that getting a Like on a picture of one’s child can encourage a parent to share more about him/her because of two main understandings of this paralinguistic cue: the Like as a received validation of one’s parenting, or as a metric of connection with important people, causing emotional reactions in the receivers. Several parents, though, judge the Like as more commonly being important for others, explaining this difference in terms of internal characteristics. This study aims to extend our understanding of the motivations behind sharenting by taking into account the role of the Like in this practice and highlighting how parents position themselves in such an exchange of digital photo-sharing and feedback. As communication does not happen in a vacuum, we advance that research on parents’ photo-sharing behavior online may benefit from considering whether and how social media liking can foster and shape interpersonal communication between posters and recipients.  相似文献   

User generated content forms an important domain for mining knowledge. In this paper, we address the task of blog feed search: to find blogs that are principally devoted to a given topic, as opposed to blogs that merely happen to mention the topic in passing. The large number of blogs makes the blogosphere a challenging domain, both in terms of effectiveness and of storage and retrieval efficiency. We examine the effectiveness of an approach to blog feed search that is based on individual posts as indexing units (instead of full blogs). Working in the setting of a probabilistic language modeling approach to information retrieval, we model the blog feed search task by aggregating over a blogger’s posts to collect evidence of relevance to the topic and persistence of interest in the topic. This approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of effectiveness. We then introduce a two-stage model where a pre-selection of candidate blogs is followed by a ranking step. The model integrates aggressive pruning techniques as well as very lean representations of the contents of blog posts, resulting in substantial gains in efficiency while maintaining effectiveness at a very competitive level.  相似文献   

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