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(A)Im a m iddle school student.I did wellin m y studies,1.butI have a problem thattrouble m e allthe tim e.It is the2.relationship am ong m y m other and m e.M y m other is a3.university professor,w ho works really hard.She s m uch4.strict with m e,and ha…  相似文献   

M y C hinese nam e is Li Zuo,w orks in a bank,and m y m other and m y English nam e is Frank.w orks in C ER IS.M y father is an I m a boy.I m ten years old.I officer,and m y m other is an T his Is M e’’live in X uan W u D istrict.T here engineer.Ihave a…  相似文献   

Xiaoying is my aunt's daughter. She is three months older than I. We are sisters, and we are also good friends. We often help each other.X iaoying is m y aunts daughter.She is three m onths older than I.W e are sisters,and we are also good friends.W e oft…  相似文献   

M y mother serves in the arm y. She has a regular w ay of lifeon her w orkdays.She gets up at 6o’clock every w orkday.Then she runs at6:15am . After running, she has her breakfast, she eats eggs,bread and apples.W hat a funny tim e to eat breakfast。She goesto w ork at 7o’clock, and she w orks for five hours, she servesin the arm y,because she likes an exciting job.At noon,she goeshom e and has lunch.W hat a short but happy tim e to have lunch。At 2:30pm ,m y m other still goes to w ork.A…  相似文献   

一、完形填空女儿磨难多,女儿当自强。M ake efforts,and you’ll get in Finally,it’s 2:50 pm 。I quickly pack m y books and rush hom e.That black m ail- box is standing there restlessly. There should lie a fat envelope from the U niver- sity of California,Berkeley. It’s 1 。 This is already m y fifth letter and I am 2 waiting on other colleges I 3 to. I cannot 4 to open this heavy envelope and m y heart keeps on 5 fast. “Congratulations。...,I am pleased to 6 you adm ission to ...” Y es,I…  相似文献   

A.T alking about future plans【集中地】1.—What are you doing for vacation?—I’m visiting m y grandm other.2.—W here is she going for vacation?—She is going to H ainan for vacation.3.—W hen are you going hom e?—I’m going hom e on M ay1st.4.—A re you going to have a trip nextSaturday?—Y es,I am.【加料区】用英语谈论将来的计划时,常用到be go-ing结构,其形式有:be going+副词(地点);begoing to+名词(地点);be going to+动词原形;be+动词的-ing形式(仅限com e,go,leave,start等表示位置移动的动词。它…  相似文献   

It is a nice day. He is here.It's a nice day.He's here.I am here. She is here.I’m here. She’S here.  相似文献   

The first word I learnt in m y life is “m um ”.From then on,I learntto know m ore aboutthis m agic word from m y m um s tender love.W hen I was a child,m y curiosity about everything m ade M um worrya lot about m e.N aturally,I was interested in everything that M um didn twant m e to do. She didn t criticize m e or punish m e, instead she spenther valuable tim e with m e to m ake sure I w as free from any trouble.But I used to be a troublem aker in m y childhood.Being naughty andactive,…  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子补全下面的对话,其中有一个多余选项。A:D o you have a sister?B:Y es,I do.A:1B:She is m y aunts daughter.A:W hats her nam e?B:H er nam e is H u D an.A:2B:She is only five.A:3B:N o,she isn t.A:W hat does your sisters face look like?B:She has a round face.A:4B:Itis shortand black.A:5B:H er favorite sportis jum ping.A:W hat else does she like?B:She likes singing,too.B.阅读理解(1)M y M otherM y m others nam e is G uan X iuyan.She is a worker.O n wee…  相似文献   

My name is Ben. I’ m a boy.I am a student.I’m smart, I like painting and music. My father is a driver. He’s handsome.He likes watching TV. I look like my father. My mother is a teacher. She’ s kind. She’ s  相似文献   

根据上句写出下句,使两句意思相同或相近。每空填一词。1.—Thank you very m uch.—Thats O K.—.—Y ou re.2.The w om an is m y m others sister.She is w earing a red sweater.The w om an is m y.3.C an I help you?can I you?4.W hat do you wantto have for supper?W hat you for supper?5.C an you help m e?Can you?6.Tom and I are classm ates.Tom is one of.7.H is father is w orking now.H is m other is working,too.H is are now.8.Its tim e for breakfast.Its tim e breakfast.9.M y bike is broken.There is…  相似文献   

仔细观察下面的图画,并根据图片的内容和下列各句的意思,把各句的序号填在图片下边的括号内。A.M iss G rey is typing a letter.B.She is em ptying a basket.C.M r R ichards is opening the window.D.M y m other is m aking the bed.E.Sally is shutting the door.F.The dog is eating a bone.G.M y sister is looking ata picture.H.Jack is reading a m agazine.I.H e is brushing his teeth.J.She is dusting the dressing-table.K.M rs Ford is cooking m eal.L.The catis drinking its m ilk.M.Bessie is sw eeping th…  相似文献   

Dear editor,My name is Wang Yumei.I am a student from Shaoxing M iddleSchool.I wantto tellyou som ething aboutour environm ent.I was born here.I love our city,but I am sorry that now the lakenear m y hom e is no longer clean,the air is no longer fresh,the…  相似文献   

I’m a m iddle schoolstudent in W uhan.M yChinese nam e is LiuX iaolu.M y English nam eis Cherry.I’m twelveyears old.I’m in Class2,G rade1.I like Englishvery m uch.A ll m y teach-ers are very friendly tom e and I like them all.I’m a tall girl.I havelong black hair and brightbig eyes.A ll m y classm atessay I’m pretty.There are three people in m y fam ily.M yfather is an engineer.M y m other is a nurse.They both work hard.In m y eyes,they aregood parents.M y favorite sport is ping-…  相似文献   

One afternoon when I was passing thecakeshop, I rem em bered that m y greatm other’ sbirthday was com ing … Lastyearm y fatherwas badly hurtin a trafficaccident. Afterthat, m y m otherhad to work fromm orning tillnightto supportthe whole fam ily.Ev鄄ery m orning she got up very early, and cookedbreakfastform e. Then she wentto the hills to cutsom e firewood orworked in the fields.She did thesam e thing day after day, year after year, butshenever uttered a word ofcom plaint. Atni…  相似文献   

Greetings —— 寒 暄y m other used to be a professor ofEnglish and taughtm e English w hen Iw as a kid.She told m e that English鄄speaking people,including,I think,the B ritish and Am ericans,are generally courteous and they tend to greet one another a lo  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇A.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.You should drink p of water.It’s good foryour health.2.H elen is a scientist.She has been doing herr work for m any years.3.If you want to be popular am ong friends,I thinkyou should be a good l first.4.You are clever and hard-working,I’m c ofyour success.5.The Chinese governm ent has given som e mequipm ent to som e African countries.6.W ith the p of the headm aster,our classvisited the zoo.7.M y sister is hardly ever tired.W e all say she is tooe.…  相似文献   

以下是一些有趣的问题,你能找出答案吗?1.M ary s husband is the grandfather ofm y son.W ho am I?2.John s son is the father ofm y son.W ho am I?3.M y father has not any brothers;m y m other has not any brothers,ei-ther,butI have m any uncles.W ho are they?4.M  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读代词可是我们七年级英语学习的一大热点和重点。阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的代词,使短文意思完整,语法正确。M y nam e is Tom.There are three people in1fam ily:2fa-ther,3m other and4.5father is a policem an.6is thirty.7m other is a teacher.8likes9students.10teaches11very well.12am a student.I have two good friends.13nam es areJim and Lucy.14often do15hom ework(家庭作业)together(一起).16each have a pen.But17pens are new.M ine is old.Jim spen is blue.Lucy s pen is red.18is purple.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句子意思及首字母完成单词。1.Jules V erne is called the father ofscience f.2.She show ed great interest in bw hen she was young.3.I want to a for the job.4.H e was m y only Chinese c duringm y stay in A ustralia.5.They will m ake a long v acrossthe A tlantic O cean.6.I have just been inform ed that m yl had already arrived.7.H e h before he answ ered becausehe didn’t know what to say.8.She had already gone a the planewhen he arrived at the airport.9.She swam to the s after spendingt…  相似文献   

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