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生物学在自然学科中有着非常重要的地位,不管是生活中的衣食住行,还是医药卫生事业,还是高科技的其他领域都少不了生物知识的应用。就连我们现在中学的物理、化学等学科与生物学科的交叉之处也很多。要想学好生物,实验是不可缺少的重要手段.因为生物学是实验、实践性很强的学科,离开实验.一些抽象的和微观的知识光凭理解记忆是不可能掌握的。如何将实验探究在课堂上充分显示其作用。经多年的生物教学实践,笔者有以下几点体会供各位同事参考。  相似文献   

赵业盛 《广西教育》2009,(23):47-48
德育是学校教育的永恒主题,在各学科的教学中都要实施德育。那么,生物教学如何结合生物学科的特点,将学科教学与德育有机地结合起来,做到既教书又育人呢?  相似文献   

韦德珊 《中学理科》2007,(9):86-86,111
生物学是与人们日常生活最密切的学科之一,生活中的一些生命现象和生物学事实,都可以体现在生物教学中.作为中学生物教师,在教学中应根据生物学科的特点,联系日常生活实际,并运用一些教学手段,在课堂中融环境教育、卫生教育、健康教育和创新教育于生物教学之中,引导学生树立正确的人生观和健康观念,激发学生的学习兴趣,锻炼他们的思维能力,让学生在生物教学过程中加深对生命和生物科学价值、人类生存和重大社会问题等的认识,  相似文献   

创新是一个使用非常广泛的概念,因为使用的领域和范围不同,也因为使用者的不同,有着各种解说。生物学是理论性、实践性和科学性都很强的综合性学科,在培养学生创新精神方面具有独特的优势。作为中学生物教师,在新一轮课程改革中如何根据生物学科特点,充分挖掘生物教学内容中创新因素,培养学生创新精神是一个值得探讨的问题。笔者结合自身的中学生物教学实践对这一问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

教育教学评价有很强的导向功能,形成素质教育机制的关键之一是解决教育教学评价问题。中学历史学科要推进素质教育,必须改进教学评价特别是课堂教学评价。传统的历史评价中,评论学生学习好坏的标准是考试的成绩,这固然有有利的一面,  相似文献   

教学评价是教学中十分重要的一环。制定良好的学生评价机制,不仅能及时、准确地反映学生的学习情况,为教学改进提供依据,更能增强学生的信心,提高学习积极性,展示学生多方面的能力。学生评价方法与策略的改进是落实新课改理念的重要举措。文章分析了现阶段初中生物教学中学生评价的改进方向及策略,以期为制定适应学生全面发展的评价机制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

作为从事生物基础教育的工作者,必须要更新教育观念,在培养学生生物科学素质的同时,应在教学中关注学生的情感,注重对学生创新能力的培养,注重对生物学科的拓展及对学生动手能力的培养。  相似文献   

针对中学生物教学中评价方式单一的问题 ,以新课程的评价理念为指导 ,对学生的学习采用多元化的评价方式 ,经过教学实验研究 ,获得了一套既能提高学生学习兴趣 ,又能改进学习方法 ,提高学习成绩的多元评价整合方案 ,在实践中收到了满意的效果。  相似文献   

密娜 《青海教育》2004,(11):46-46
《生物课程标准》中提出了“提高生物科学素养”、“倡导探究式学习”等课程基本理念。生物科学素养是公民科学素养构成中重要的组成部分,科学态度则是科学素养的主要构成因素。生物教学中,对学生进行科学态度教育,对培养学生的文化素质、道德素质、心理素质和科学素养都有极其重要的作用。一、科学态度教育的内容在生物新课程理念下,对学生进行科学态度教育应包括:(1)教育学生学会全面地看待自然界、生物界和生物学知识,克服认识上的片面性。(2)教育学生学会用变化发展的观点来看待生物的生命活动过程,避免孤立、静止地去看待生命活动。(3)…  相似文献   

本文就如何培养学生严肃认真,实事求是的科学态度,进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptual orientation and attitudes toward science of freshman community college students and the relationship of these characteristics toward science achievement. It was found that perceptual orientation (field independence-dependence) was related to attitudes toward science. In addition, it was found that students who were field independent and possessed a positive attitude toward science scored significantly higher on the science achievement test than students who were field dependent and possessed a negative attitude toward science.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the influence of resequencing general science content on sixth grade students' science achievement, attitudes toward science, and interest in science. Resequencing content was accomplished for experimental group students through revising the order of textbook chapters in a general science course, in order to clarify content structure and establish interrelationships among major concepts. The subjects were 203 sixth grade learners randomly assigned to the two treatment groups of resequenced content and nonresequenced content. The findings revealed that students for whom content structure was clarified through resequencing general science chapters exhibited significantly higher science achievement, significantly more positive attitudes toward science, and significantly greater interest in science than students for whom general science content was not resequenced.  相似文献   

This article will describe an in-school intervention project that used female role models to change the attitudes of 964 Iowa girls and boys in 57 ninth-grade science classes toward science, math, and technical curricula and careers. The differences between the students' mean pretest and posttest scores on each of six factors found to be associated with students' attitudes toward science and math and technical careers were analyzed to determine which of five experimental groups responded most positively to the intervention. Higher difference scores indicated that the attitudes of girls and boys who participated in the intervention improved more than the attitudes of girls and boys in the control groups, suggesting that the use of female role models in the science classroom is an effective way to change students' attitudes toward science, math, and related careers.  相似文献   

The attitudes toward science of nonscience college students were investigated using quantitative and qualitative forms of inquiry. Quantitative methods were used to determine (a) how attitudes toward science of nonscience college students compare with attitudes of science majors, and (b) whether attitudes toward science change with instruction. Qualitative assessment was used to investigate attitude development as it relates to science. The subjects were 102 nonscience students and 81 science students. Six attitudinal variables were investigated using the Attitudes Toward Science Inventory (ATSI) as the quantitative instrument. Hotelling's T2 showed a significant difference (p = 0.0001) in attitudes between the two groups. T tests revealed significant differences between the two groups for all six variables. A significant difference (p = 0.0001) was found between pretest and posttest results for the nonscience students. T tests showed significant differences between the two sets of scores for all six variables, indicating a favorable change in attitudes. An interview questionnaire was used to investigate factors contributing to attitude development. The interview results suggested that attitudes toward science are formed by interactions of both school and nonschool variables.  相似文献   

Student views on the nature of science are shaped by a variety of out‐of‐school forces and television‐mediated science is a significant force. To attempt to achieve a science for all, we need to recognize and understand the diverse messages about science that students access and think about on a regular basis. In this work I examine how high school students think about science that is mediated by four different program genres on television: documentary, magazine‐format programming, network news, and dramatic or fictional programming. The following categories of findings are discussed: the ethics and validity of science, final form science, science as portrayed by its practitioners, and school science and television science. Student perceptions of the nature of science depicted on the program sample used in this study ranged from seeing science as comprising tentative knowledge claims to seeing science as a fixed body of facts. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 234–256, 2003  相似文献   

Problem solving in science lessons: How students explore the problem space   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report examines, from a constructivist framework, how students presented with discrepant event problems during science lessons begin the problem solving process by exploration of the problem space. Three discrepant events were presented to five classes of eleven to thirteen year-olds using three different teaching strategies identified from the literature. The teaching strategies used teacher demonstrations followed by students asking the teacher questions, teacher demonstrations followed by an explanation by the teacher, and small groups of students under the guidance of the teacher. Data were collected from field notes, video tapes of the lessons, and student interviews using a stimulated recall technique to elicit the students' thinking during the lessons. The extent to which students could explore the problem space was found to be determined by the teaching strategy used, as the first and last strategies encouraged students to find their own explanations. Different information sources were also available in each of the teaching strategies. That is, exploration of the problem space was inextricably linked to the social context, partially determined by the teaching strategy. Because of constraints imposed by each teaching strategy none of those used was considered entirely satisfactory. An alternative strategy is suggested from a combination of aspects of the strategies trialled.  相似文献   

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