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Although outcome‐based education (OBE) is currently a popular reform movement, it is difficult to describe because of its many versions. Central to all interpretations, however, is a commitment to equity and excellence in learning for all students—particularly the traditional “have nots.” Whether OBE currently achieves these goals is not so clear, and its ramifications for gifted programs may be not only an operational definition of giftedness that expands opportunities, but also potential losses for bright students who, for whatever reasons, do not meet criteria for enrichments. These ramifications should pose concerns for gifted educators.  相似文献   

Teaching values should have an important place in the curriculum of gifted adolescents  相似文献   

Achievement/affiliation conflicts arise for gifted students when they associate certain achievement attitudes or behaviors with betrayal of their social, gender, ethnic, or racial culture. Studies suggest that a good number of gifted students begin to struggle with these conflicts during early adolescence and that these conflicts are a contributing factor to academic underachievement, risk avoidance, and a long‐term reduction in aspirations and overall achievement. The essence of keeping motivation and achievement high among gifted young adults is not so much avoiding these conflicts, but developing the attitudes and skills needed to manage them as they arise. Interventions and supports should be aimed at anticipating and normalizing such conflicts as well as at direct instruction of specific coping strategies.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the perceived stressfulness of life events by 53 gifted adolescents in a rural southeastern area. In comparison to previous samples, these youths rated life events as similar except for items related to achievement, social status, and career aspirations, which they rated as more stressful. Pressure to perform was rated as stressful, but actually being labeled gifted was rated as a relatively low stressful event.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of recent evidence suggests that speed of information processing (SIP) may be related to general giftedness as well as contributing to higher mathematical ability. To date, no study has examined SIP associated with both general giftedness (G) and excellence in mathematics (EM). This paper presents a part of more extensive research aimed at a multidimensional examination of mathematical giftedness, which is a complex function of the G factor and EM factor. The research population consisted of four groups of 10th–11th grade students who differed in their G level and EM level. 190 participants performed five SIP tests: Visual-matching, Cross-out of numbers, Digit-symbol, Symbol-search and Simple arithmetic exercises. We found that the G–EM group outperformed the three other study groups on all five tests. The findings reveal that between-group differences in performance on Cross-out of numbers and Simple arithmetic exercises tests are associated with both G and EM factors, whereas especially the G factor had an effect on students’ scores on Digit-symbol, Symbol-search and Visual-matching tests. In addition, we found gender differences on the Digit-symbol and Symbol-search tests. The results of this study suggest that EM and G factors are interrelated but represent different traits with respect to the SIP.  相似文献   

Two hundred fourteen school officials who had students participate in an academic talent search through the Center for Talent Development of Northwestern University responded to a survey regarding how they use off‐level test scores for students’ talent development in school. Data showed that generally talent search is perceived by schools as a means of providing access to outside‐of‐school academic opportunities such as summer and distance learning courses. Few schools use talent search scores to design school‐based educational programs or to determine eligibility for in‐school gifted programs. Other findings included that schools learned about talent search mainly through mailings from the talent search center, gifted coordinators primarily administered talent search in their schools and participation was encouraged via letters to families, students were selected for talent search participation based on achievement test scores at the 95th percentile or above and follow‐up on talent search scores typically consisted of passing out certificates at a special ceremony. Schools that were more active versus less active in talent search were not different in terms of how they conducted or used talent search off‐level test scores. More efforts are needed from local schools to recognize the important role that talent search scores can have in their local programming to enhance the impact of talent search on gifted students.  相似文献   

Research on the sex-role problems of gifted adolescents rarely lifts its sight beyond Western developed countries, making generalizations to the Third World suspect. The present study, by exploring the relationship between gender and adjustment among gifted adolescents in Singapore, hopes to extend the consideration of developmental sex-role issues to a society different from the West. Specifically, it reports that Singaporean gifted girls, like some of their Western counterparts, had difficulty in reconciling their giftedness with societal notions of femininity.Conceivably, this conflict placed them on the threshold of stress, leaving them more vulnerable than the gifted boys to adjustment problems. In addition, having internalized the gender stereotypic view that academic excellence was less important to them than to the boys, the gifted girls might inadvertently put ceilings on their own achievements. The paper concludes with several remedies for educators, counsellors, and parents to help gifted girls embark upon their road to self-fulfilment.
Zusammenfassung Forschungen über die Probleme begabter Jugendlicher bezüglich geschlechtsspezifischer Rollen erfassen selten Zielgruppen außerhalb der entwickelten westlichen Länder. Demnach wird jede Übertragung auf die dritte Welt fragwürdig. Diese Studie beabsichtigt, mit einer Untersuchung über die Beziehungen zwischen Geschlecht und Anpassungsfähigkeit unter begabten Jugendlichen in Singapur, den Kontext der Debatte über entwicklungsbezogene geschlechtsspezifische Rollen auf eine nicht-westliche Gesellschaft zu erweitern. Insbesondere wird berichtet, daß begabte singapurische Mädchen es ebenso wie westliche Mädchen schwierig finden, ihre Begabtheit mit gesellschaftsüblichen Begriffen der Weiblichkeit zu vereinbaren. Es wäre durchaus möglich, daß dieser Konflikt sie bis an die Schwelle des Stresses bringt, so daß sie für Anpassungsprobleme anfälliger als begabte Jungen sind. Indem sie die geschlechtstypische Ansicht verinnerlichen, daß wissenschaftlicher Erfolg für sie weniger bedeutsam ist als für Jungen, könnten die begabten Mädchen ihren eigenen Leistungen unbewußt Grenzen setzen. Der Artikel endet mit verschiedenen Vorschlägen, wie Pädagogen, Berater und Eltern begabter Mädchen dazu beitragen könnten, daß diese Mädchen zu ihrer Selbsterfüllung finden.

Résumé La recherche sur les problèmes liés au rôle des sexes des adolescents doués porte rarement son regard au-delà des pays industrialisés occidentaux, rendant les généralisations au Tiers Monde suspectes. En étudiant le rapport entre les sexes et l'adaptation chez les adolescents talentueux de Singapour, la présente étude espère étendre l'examen des problèmes de développement liés au rôle des sexes à une société différente de celles du monde occidental. En particulier, elle relate que les filles douées de Singapour, comme certaines de leurs homologues occidentales, ont des difficultés à concilier leur talent avec les notions sociales de fémininité. II est concevable que ce conflit les ait mises sous pression, les rendant ainsi plus vulnérables que les garçons doués aux problèmes d'adaptation. Par ailleurs, ayant assimilé le point de vue stéréotypé des sexes selon lequel l'excellence scolaire est moins importante pour elles que pour les garçons, il se peut que les filles douées fixent, par inadvertance, un plafond à leurs propres performances. Cet article conclut en proposant quelques remèdes aux éducateurs, conseillers et aux parents pour aider les filles capables à s'engager dans la voie qui leur permettra de s'accomplir.

Involving 740 highly gifted math and science students from two different countries, Korea and the United States, this study examined how these gifted adolescents perceived their interpersonal ability and peer relationships and whether there were differences between these two groups by demographic variables. Based on the survey data, results showed that our gifted students perceived their interpersonal ability and peer relationships at levels comparable to or higher than those of their non-gifted counterparts. They were satisfied and confident with their peer relationships and did not identify negative effects of being gifted when forming and maintaining friendships. Differences were found between Korean and American students by gender in their profiles of interpersonal ability and peer relationships. Positive self-portrayal of social competence found for our sample disputed previous studies suggesting that highly gifted students tend to struggle with social relationships. Given that each group of students had different educational, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds, the results should also be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Corinne Bees 《Roeper Review》2013,35(2):155-161

Adolescents who are both gifted and learning disabled have unique needs. The GOLD program is a successful model which includes both resource room support and enrichment. Entrance criteria are described. The curriculum includes teaching students about learning disabilities, self‐advocacy, critical thinking, word processing, communication skills, and ethics. Time is provided for remedial and subject work. As well as the curriculum, the success of the program has resulted from intense involvement of staff, one‐to‐one tutoring, a flexible approach to timetables and attendance, and an environment that encourages hope, humor, trust, and student decision making.  相似文献   

Gifted underachievers perform worse in school than would be expected based on their high intelligence. Possible causes for underachievement are low motivational dispositions (need for cognition) and metacognitive competences. This study tested the interplay of these variables longitudinally with gifted and non-gifted students from Germany (N = 341, 137 females) in Grades 6 (M = 12.02 years at t1) and 8 (M = 14.07 years). Declarative and procedural metacognitive competences were assessed in the domain of reading comprehension. Path analyses showed incremental effects of procedural metacognition over and above intelligence on the development of school achievement in gifted students (β = .139). Moreover, declarative metacognition and need for cognition interactively predicted procedural metacognition (β = .169), which mediated their effect on school achievement.  相似文献   

Although creativity and expertise are related, they are nonetheless very different things. Expertise does not usually require creativity, but creativity generally does require a certain level of expertise. There are similarities in the relationships of both expertise and creativity to domains, however. Research has shown that just as expertise in one domain does not predict expertise in other, unrelated domains, creativity in one domain does not predict creativity in other, unrelated domains. People may be expert, and people may be creative, in many domains, or they may be expert, or creative, in few domains or none at all, and one cannot simply transfer expertise, or creativity, from one domain to another, unrelated domain. The domain specificity of creativity matters crucially for creativity training, creativity assessment, creativity research, and creativity theory. The domain specificity of creativity also means that interdisciplinary thinking, interdisciplinary collaboration, and interdisciplinary creativity are even more important than one would assume if creativity were domain general.  相似文献   

This study investigated the factors which had influenced the role of motivation in the high levels of achievement of a sample of fifteen gifted students, aged 14/15 years, in five secondary schools in England. The students were interviewed individually, and their parents and teachers were also interviewed for validation of the students' comments. The results indicated the influences of teaching and learning provision, of support and of social and emotional factors on the students' motivation. The role of motivation in the realisation of the students' high ability, in achievement of personal goals and in maintaining the progress and achievements of those who had problems was also clear. Evidence of the importance of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the students' achievement was also shown.  相似文献   

This study explored whether and how teachers’ beliefs about moral values are reflected in the student-teacher relationships (i.e. levels of control and affiliation in teachers’ and students’ perceptions of this relationship), and in teachers’ cultural competence. A positive association was found between teachers’ paternalist beliefs and their own perceptions of control. A negative association was found between teachers’ liberal beliefs and students’ perceptions of affiliation. Positive associations were found between teachers’ liberal beliefs and the metacognitive and motivational components of cultural competence. We discuss the implications for preparation of teachers to reflect on the manifestations of their beliefs in practice.  相似文献   

This study examined different lists of values for commonality and the comparability of the frequency ofCareer Decision-Making System (CDM) value selections among samples in five countries. A convergence of work values appeared among the American value listings. Correlations showed substantial commonality of CDM value rankings between countries. Discussed was the CDM's methodology of value data collection and its use with clients.  相似文献   


Eight gifted and eight general‐education students engaged in discussions regarding their observations of, experiences in, and recommendations for education. Six categories emerged through qualitative analysis of their conversations. These categories include: problem solving, task commitment, self‐perceptions, education, communication, and discrimination. Content within each category provides a glimpse into the students’ perceptions of their schooling experiences. The roles of ethnic identity development, identification with majority culture, adolescence, and gifted‐ness are examined and recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

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