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We studied the commercialization strategies of young biotechnology companies in the United States building on previous studies by assuming that commercialization also includes intermediate forms like hierarchical or bilateral cooperation. Our hypotheses are derived from the Resource-Based View, Transaction Cost Economics, and Property Rights Theory. The results show that the propensity to integrate is related to the appropriability regime, direct capabilities, financial resources, and synergies between the products. Our results show that the Resource-Based View and Property Rights Theory contribute a great deal to explaining commercialization strategies, whereas Transaction Cost Economics explains less.  相似文献   

美国航空业科技创新体系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对美国航空业科技创新的组织设置、计划体系、人才保障、经费投入和政策制定等方面的论述,对美国航空业科技创新体系进行了深入剖析,特别对美国航空业重大科技创新体系NextGen作了详尽的分析,美国航空业之所以能保持全球领先地位,主要得益于有完整的航空运输业科技创新体系,这对我国民航科技创新建设有重要的启示。  相似文献   

由于生物产业具有巨大的发展潜力,而我国在生物产业上拥有相当的技术积累,生物技术产业对我国而言至关重要.从创新经济学的观点来看,创新又是产业发展的决定性因素.本文在考察现代生物技术产业技术经济特点和我国生物产业技术创新状况的基础上,对我国生物技术产业国家创新系统作了分析和探讨,阐明了构建我国生物技术产业国家创新系统的实施重点和发展战略.  相似文献   

由于生物产业具有巨大的发展潜力,而我国在生物产业上拥有相当的技术积累,生物技术产业对我国而言至关重要.从创新经济学的观点来看,创新又是产业发展的决定性因素.本文在考察现代生物技术产业技术经济特点和我国生物产业技术创新状况的基础上,对我国生物技术产业国家创新系统作了分析和探讨,阐明了构建我国生物技术产业国家创新系统的实施重点和发展战略.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104621
We explore how the size of social movements and the ecology of their target industries influence entrepreneurial entry. By leveraging a 14-year panel in the solar energy industry, we demonstrate how a larger social movement stimulates entry. We reveal how this relationship is contingent upon the density of both the focal industry and the industries that are mutually connected to the cause of the movement, as well as the concentration of generalist firms. We demonstrate how larger social movements act in a compensatory role to elicit entry when ecological conditions are least favorable to entry. By uncovering the conditional influence of movements, we contribute to theory at the intersection of social movements and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

This paper advances a friendly critique of the national systems of innovation approach and offers some suggestions for its future development. I argue that the approach has difficulty accounting for bounded change in national systems. I review three recent changes in the U.S. innovation system - the Internet boom and bust of the late 1990s and early 2000s, the response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the acceleration of productivity growth since the mid-1990s - in order to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the framework in this respect. Future research might be enriched, at least in the case of large national innovation systems, by absorbing concepts developed in other strands of institutionalist literature, such as “intercurrence” and “embeddedness”.  相似文献   

In previous work it was established that the U.K. tractor industry was characterised by a high degree of technical change and that this was brought about by a process of more or less continuous incremental innovation. What was lacking was an analysis of how much technical change had been introduced and an indication of the role played by technical change in determining the performance of the U.K. tractor industry internationally. This paper concludes that on the average technical change in the industry had increased by as much as 150 percent during the years 1959–1977, though there is some indication that the rate of change might now be slowing somewhat.In order to determine the relative importance of technical change a method was developed to operationalise the distinction between price and non-price competition as well as the idea of intrinsic (technical) and associative (non-technical) factors as constituents of the latter. Based on cross-sectional data for the year 1978, it has been possible to show that British manufacturers tend to produce moderately priced tractors of low to medium technical sophistication: that German manufacturers produced the most technically sophisticated tractors; that the Italian manufacturers are not generally more sophisticated, technically, than the British producers except with respect to their development of four-wheel drive; and that COMECON-based producers combine a very low price with some degree of technical sophistication. Finally, it has been possible to show that the tractors with the highest sales are among the less sophisticated in each of the power ranges investigated and that new entrants used technical sophistication as an element of their entry strategy. The answer to the question of what allows the market leader to be market leader required the development of measures for associative non-price factors, such as the availability of a dealer network brand loyalty, resale prices of tractor models, etc. By performing a regression analysis on these measures along with previously derived measures of quality-adjusted price and relative technical sophistication it has been possible to show that market leadership is achieved as a result of a balance of a number of factors, the most important of which are the size of the dealer network, warrants cost, advertising, technical sophistication and price.  相似文献   

The biotechnology industry is a striking example of the disconnect between the location of knowledge creation and its commercial development. I argue that national technological performance in biotechnology is critically affected by institutions governing scientific careers, which shape the professional identities and boundary-spanning activities of research scientists. I test this in a comparison of the United States and France. Drawing on fieldwork and analysis of patent data, I compare institutional frameworks and estimate models of forward patent citations. The models show that entrepreneurial firms are associated with high-performing innovations in this sector whereas large established firms perform poorly in both countries, and highlight the importance of institutions in creating country-specific combinations of human capital with organizational capabilities.  相似文献   

本文采用专家调查方法来测度产业创新能力的国际差距。我们通过锚点校准法,提高了专家调查方法的结果的可靠性。将该方法运用到中美两国的集成电路设计产业中,了解专家群体对该产业创新产出和创新能力的主观判断,从而测量中美两国之间集成电路设计产业创新能力的差距。调查结果表明,中美两国的集成电路设计产业技术能力相差约40个月。研究还对两国的创新环境和创新政策进行了比较。总之,基于专家调查的创新能力评测为传统的创新测量提供了一个有益的补充。  相似文献   

This paper redefines “frugal innovations”, particularly for physical products with relatively complex designs, by using a multidimensional framework that covers design, technological, and economic aspects of innovations, refining and broadening its initial definition as “low-cost innovations” for the unserved lower end of the mass market (ULM). By applying our framework, this paper clarifies and broadens the concept of frugal innovation. The applicability of this broadened concept is demonstrated by using this framework to illustrate two cases of radical frugal innovations in the automobile industry, Tata Motors Nano and Citroën 2CV, from an emerging country and an advanced country respectively.The study shows that frugal innovation may improve (rather than decrease) performance of the products deliverable to the ULM under extreme budget constraints by extensive architectural changes and creation of technological knowledge, that integral architectures may be adopted more frequently in frugal radical innovation of relatively complex products such as automobiles, and that such products may not be destructive for producers in the higher price segments.The study shows that the existing concepts of frugal innovation that emphasize “low cost/good enough” innovation of “simple products” need to be re-examined, because frugal innovation can also be treated as technological product innovation in the sense that it may improve the performance of relatively complex products deliverable through their architectural changes and creation of technological knowledge. This study shows that there is a domain of innovation policies and strategies activating frugal innovations that calls for integrative and strategic approaches, not only to R&D, but also to other value-adding functions of firms and industries.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical framework for an explanation of how exploitation and exploration build on each other, in a ‘cycle of discovery’, developed in earlier research. The framework is tested empirically, in the sense of seeing whether it can help to reconstruct and understand the emergence of the pharmaceutical industry. One of the conclusions is that whereas recent literature stresses the idiosyncratic nature of the biotechnological revolution, our analysis seems to reveal that this does not seem to be as unique as suggested. From this, we conclude that the theoretical framework we propose, serves its purpose of explanation. But there are also some lessons for improving it.  相似文献   

美国专利制度创新及其影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先回顾了20世纪80年代以来美国专利制度创新的基本背景,进而从四个方面分析和考察了美国专利制度创新对专利活动和技术创新活动产生影响的作用机制和实际效果,最后对我国专利制度发展和专利战略提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Identifying innovation in surveys of services: a Schumpeterian perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ina Drejer 《Research Policy》2004,33(3):551-562
In order to compensate for decades of neglect of services in innovation studies, a strand of literature has emerged, which emphasises alleged distinctive features of service innovation. These studies apply innovation concepts developed especially for services, thereby contributing to the existing divide between manufacturing and services. The present paper demonstrates that Schumpeter’s original innovation concept is indeed broad enough to encompass services and manufacturing, and that a more direct reference to Schumpeter, in particular innovation as a contrast to activities based on routine systems, in service oriented studies would add a needed theoretical and conceptual strengthening to service innovation studies.  相似文献   

基于TCI的中美软件业资源优势比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以中美软件业部分上市公司作为样本,利用基于要素相对价格调整后的技术选择指数(TC I),通过比较两国软件业在资本和劳动力的成本和利用率方面的区别,分析两国软件业资源优势的差异。最终借鉴美国软件业的发展经验,提出中国软件业发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of research covering 86 innovations from seven Polish industries. The sample of innovations includes traditional and modern branches - clothing, leather and automotive industry; intermediate products - synthetic fibres and dyestuffs; capital goods - textile machinery; and final consumption goods - furniture and electrical equipment. The purpose of the research was to identify the stimuli and restraints on innovation, especially from the economics and financial system of enterprises in which the innovations were implemented.The research findings show that process innovations are more frequent than product innovations and that Polish enterprises innovate more often because of a need to overcome supply shortages than to meet demand needs. There is evidence of the dominance of in-house developments based on wide utilisation of foreign technological knowledge, both from socialist and from capitalist countries. The important pressure to innovate comes in current economic conditions from research establishments and the above enterprise level (associations and industrial ministries). This study also showas the important role of the non-financial motivations of individuals to engage in innovations,and the existence of some weak points in financial incentives to promote innovations. The Last fact partly explains, The former findings.  相似文献   

美国亲专利政策与高科技产业竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为应对国际竞争力的下降和日本的威胁,美国自1980年开始实施"亲专利"政策,设立了联邦巡回上诉法院,对美国专利商标局进行改革,将知识产权保护作为国际贸易政策的组成部分,扩大了专利的保护范围,推出了《拜杜法案》。美国亲专利政策与美国的法律体制相适合,产生了巨大的经济效应和社会效应,成功恢复了高科技产业的竞争力,对我国有极强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

浅析美国动漫产业的文化与现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现在劝漫产业是资金密集型、科技密集型、知识密集型和人才密集型的重要经济一文化产业,是21世纪开发潜力巨大的世界热门产业.英国是当今世界上最大最强的动漫产业国.本文对美国的动浸广业链的形成,动漫产业的游戏规则、动漫产业的职业精神、动漫的消费环境等方面进行了一定的剖析.  相似文献   

The dynamics of national innovation systems (NISs) are a source of considerable academic and policy interest, especially when to address new competitive challenges they involve changing institutions and relationships within successful systems. This paper examines the case of Taiwan which is embarking on a new phase in its approach to building its national innovative capacity through creating the infrastructure for a biotechnology industry. By examining the process and mechanisms by which new biotechnology innovation networks are being created, and contrasting their development with existing networks, we analyse the dynamics of Taiwan's NIS. The paper reviews the prospects for this new phase in Taiwan's transition from ‘imitation’ to ‘innovation’. The paper aims to add to the understanding of how innovation systems evolve. It is concerned with the contributors, processes and challenges of NIS evolution and the form and meaning of its dynamic changes.  相似文献   

A summary of the findings of a study of innovation among firms in the food sector (suppliers of equipment and packaging, and food processors) is presented. The methodology to incorporate national innovation policy concerns is discussed, including the analysis and impact of firm preferences for federal innovation incentives. Generally, it was found that government influence tends to discourage innovation in this sector, although there are notable exceptions. National science and technology policy recommendations included the following: (1) the most desirable actions are those that make more investment capital at a lower interest rate available to the sector. This would aid food processors in adopting equipment and packaging that would make them more productive and stimulate suppliers to innovate in these product categories. (By one source, suppliers account for more than half the significant innovations in this sector); (2) large food processor and large supplier firm size is a justifiable condition for innovation in the food sector; (3) national innovation policy would be more effective if informed by an increased awareness and understanding of the technology strategy formulation process at the firm level; (4) although tax incentives for innovation are preferred by the sector, the results of this study do not unambiguously inform innovation tax policy; (5) desirable regulatory reforms, especially in the areas that are extreme cost burdens to smaller firms, include the speed-up of the decision making process, and clarification and increased consistency of regulations (e.g., labeling); (6) dissemination of information on the innovation process is a desirable goal to be maintained by government; and (7) any government actions that foster supplier-food processor collaboration for innovating purposes would be desirable.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings of a study designed to test whether differences in spatial layout of research offices and labs (workspace planning) affects face-to-face technical consultations, and ultimately innovation process outcomes in research settings critical to government supported innovation strategies—university research centers (URCs). The study involved a mixed-method (multivariate predictive and multiple case comparison) evaluation of six organizationally similar but spatially different URCs. Data analysis revealed relationships between workspace planning, consultations and innovation process outcomes. Multivariate analyses showed that configurational accessibility, visibility and walking distances significantly affect the frequencies and locations of unprogrammed face-to-face consultations. Cross-case comparisons revealed that URCs featuring overall high configurational accessibility, shorter walking distances and intact territories exhibit higher face-to-face consultation rates, consultation network connectivity, and subjective/objective innovation process outcomes. Implications for research policy, practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

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