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This paper analyses the causality between inventor productivity and inventor mobility. The results show that the level of education has no influence on inventor productivity. Making use of external sources of knowledge, on the contrary, has a significant effect on productivity. Finally, firm size has a positive impact on productivity. Firm size also influences inventor mobility, although negatively. Whereas existing research implicitly assumes causality to point in one direction, this study ex ante allows for a simultaneous relationship. To deal with the expected endogeneity problem, instrumental variables techniques (IVREG and IVPROBIT) will be employed. Results show that mobile inventors are more productive than non-movers. Whereas a move increases productivity, an increase in productivity decreases the probability to observe a move.  相似文献   

论文通过构建行为选择模型,依托Netlogo仿真平台进行仿真实验,以获得实验数据,然后采用描述统计分析的方法研究科研人员的个体特征好奇心、创造性和探索性精神、独立性和自主性三者之间的动态交互影响效应。分析结果表明:好奇心、创造性和探索性精神、独立性和自主性对诚信科研人员数量均值有显著的正向交互影响,对诚信科研人员数量标准差有显著的负向交互影响;好奇心、创造性和探索性精神、独立性和自主性都处在最高水平时,科研人员选择诚信行为的概率并不是最高;好奇心、创造性和探索性精神、独立性和自主性之间存在协同促进作用。  相似文献   

发明家网络中结构洞填充的影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
企业内部发明家合作创新网络中的结构洞对提高发明家的创新绩效有着重要作用,这在西方个人主义文化中得到了广泛论证。而近来的研究表明,在中国的集体主义和儒家传统文化中,填充结构洞才能得到更高的绩效。在此背景下,基于13家中国高新技术企业的专利数据,研究了这些企业内部研发团队的网络结构(社会资本)差异和成员特征(人力资本)差异对结构洞填充的影响。研究发现,团队的网络中心性差异和地位差异均对结构洞的填充产生显著正向影响;团队的知识范围差异与结构洞填充之间存在倒U型关系。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104655
We investigate the impact of deadly terrorist attacks on inventor productivity and mobility in the U.S. During the five-year window after such events, nearby firms generate fewer and less impactful inventions. Moreover, their inventors typically exhibit a post-attack decline in their patent production, unless they move to a distant company (which some tend to do after an attack). Firms' financial constraints and inventor talent appear to provide channels underlying our productivity and mobility findings, respectively. These results provide novel insights about the impact of shocks that distort the invention process and promote the mobility and reallocation of inventors among firms.  相似文献   

网络功能取决于网络的结构,网络结构则是由网络上的个体行为决定的,因此网络功能的优化须从网络上个体行为的优化着手.本文以豆瓣社区中个体的读书时间序列数据、关注其他用户的序列数据及参加小组的关系数据,进行两两关系序列数据间的相关性分析,由此得出个体嵌入网络的行为过程.通过对比有创新能力的个体组与无创新能力的个体组的行为过程,发现有创新能力的个体有个体网络的嵌入,无创新能力的个体则没有网络嵌入.研究结论表明个体的网络嵌入行为可以按有创新能力个体的嵌入网络的方式进行优化,同时在研究方法上,整个研究过程体现了扎根理论研究中尊重数据,尊重过程的研究范式,这为规范过程网络研究及优化网络结构、改善网络功能的研究做了开创性尝试.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of local and foreign labor mobility in India by modeling one regional and one global network, each of which captures the inter-organizational mobility of inventors. Our analysis of the regional network shows that, within India, the productivity of inventors does not improve when they move from foreign to Indian organizations. In the global network, we find that Indian organizations remain located in the periphery as a result of employing a small number of inventors from foreign organizations. However, in the instances when inventors are hired from foreign organizations, they are able to produce patents with a higher impact in comparison to inventors hired from other Indian organizations. Furthermore, when the inventors are hired from abroad, the impact of their patents is even higher in comparison. The implications of these findings for innovation and policy in the emerging economy context are discussed.  相似文献   

目前,我国个人消费信贷市场空间不断拓展,住房信贷、汽车信贷、耐用消费品信贷、助学信贷等业务获得迅速发展。2000年,全国金融机构贷款余额增加1.33万亿,同比增长14.3%,其中消费贷款累计增加2,592亿元,比1999年多增加1,693亿元,占全部金融机构各项贷款增加额的68%,在全年贷款总增长额中的贡献率为19.7%。随着消费贷款规模的不断扩大,该项业务中存在的问题和风险也逐步暴露出来,在有些地区还表现得比较明显,商业银行应加强对消费信贷风险的分析与识别,以便及时采取措施,防范消费信贷风险。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of departmental level characteristics and resources on individual involvement with industry using a national survey of STEM faculty. An integrative model of industry involvement is developed and tested that integrates a multi-level perspective on university–industry relations. Three measures of industry involvement are tested: the amount of time a researcher spends with industry, the number of activities a researcher engages in, and the intensity of those activities. Results of the model show that the quality of human capital in a researcher's home department is a significant influence on industry involvement. Non-federal R&D expenditures and direct industry funding also positively increase the likelihood of industry involvement. Policy and managerial implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

豆腐因其丰富营养和保健功能,深受人们喜爱。综述了花色豆腐的开发现状,并对今后豆腐工业的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(2):104416
Do informal social ties connecting inventors across distant places promote knowledge flows between them? To measure informal ties, we use a new and direct index of social connectedness of regions based on aggregate Facebook friendships. We use a well-established identification strategy that relies on matching inventor citations with citations from examiners. Moreover, we isolate the specific effect of informal connections, above and beyond formal professional ties (co-inventor networks) and geographic proximity. We identify a significant and robust effect of informal ties on patent citations. Further, we find that the effect of geographic proximity on knowledge flows is entirely explained by informal social ties and professional networks. We also show that the effect of informal social ties on knowledge flows is greater for new entrepreneurs or ‘garage inventors’, for older or ‘forgotten’ patents, and for flows across distant technology fields. It has also become increasingly important over the last two decades.  相似文献   

个体、群组、组织间知识转移影响因素的实证研究   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
基于现有知识管理理论,以个体、群体和组织为中心,提出知识转移的因素模型。通过多家企业的问卷调查,采用结构方程(SEM)的分析方法,对该因素模型进行了验证和修订。揭示了信任、人际关系、激励、决策者态度、知识管理系统、知识吸收能力六因素及其相互间的量化关系,为企业知识管理的实施和改进提供指导。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(2):104448
The management of research productivity is central to university governance and drives a broad range of decisions, including those on hiring, promotion and funding allocation. Policymakers and academic leaders responsible for improving their institutions’ research performance need an evidence-based understanding of the organizational factors that can be managed in pursuit of better publication outcomes. Our paper reviews the empirical evidence on the drivers of research productivity that can be actively managed by organizations and policymakers. Such drivers include organizational structures, research culture, features of task environment for academic work, and resource allocation. To advance the state of science in research productivity literature, we then analyze assumptions and highlight mechanisms that need to be explored in order to improve theoretical and methodological state of the field. We suggest directions for future research with the aim to create a deeper and more cohesive body of knowledge on how organizations, funding bodies, and government agencies can influence scientific performance at the individual level. To advance the practice of research management, we offer a rigorous synthesis of existing empirical evidence that can help academic leaders in supporting and developing faculty research productivity within their institutions.  相似文献   

周程 《科学学研究》2008,26(2):274-281
 晶体管的发明引发了半导体革命。本文系统地梳理了晶体管在贝尔电话实验室的发明经纬,具体地考察了诺贝尔物理学奖获得者肖克莱在晶体管发明过程中所发挥的作用。文章在对拥有超凡创造力,但又颇具争议性的人物肖克莱的生平事迹进行考察之后,还结合科技管理问题进行了多角度的思考。  相似文献   

采用实证研究的方法探讨我国科研人员个体人力资本和社会资本对创新行为的影响作用。研究结果发现:科研人员个体人力资本两维度,即受教育程度和科研工作经验对创新行为产生积极的显著影响,其中科研工作经验的影响更强;科研人员个体社会资本两维度,即人际互动网络规模和人际互动网络密度对创新行为产生显著的二次影响作用,其中科研人员的人际互动网络密度的正向影响和负向影响均更强。  相似文献   

目前,中国个人收入差距的拉大,个人所得税在调节个人收入,维护社会公平方面的意义将更加重要。针对中国个人所得税税制无法正常发挥作用的现象,结合目前中国的实际情况,参考国外个人所得税的经验,对中国个人所得税税制改革进行探讨,具体内容包括税制改革,征管体制的改革和完善个人所得税征收管理的配套措施。  相似文献   

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