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《Public Services Quarterly》2013,9(1-2):111-126

The UCLA Library has had a long-standing commitment to the attributes espoused by the teaching library model outlined in the seminal essay by Stoffle, Guskin and Boisse, “Teaching, Research, and Service: The Academic Library's Role” (1984). Information literacy was identified as a goal in the Library's strategic plan in late 2001. This served as the catalyst for the library's two-year Information Literacy Initiative (ILI). The ILI provided a mechanism for systematic library-wide and campus-wide planning and collaboration to promote information literacy among the campus community. This case study outlines the multi-faceted approach of the ILI program to further information literacy at a large, research-based university, addresses problems and barriers, and offers some solutions for collaborating with campus and library constituents. Program assessment, impact, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This column examines the experience, over three years, of a librarian embedded in an online Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine course, which is a requirement for students pursuing a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies at Pace University. Student learning outcomes were determined, a video lecture was created, and student learning was assessed via a five-point Blackboard test during year one. For years two and three, the course instructor asked the librarian to be responsible for two weeks of course instruction and a total of 15 out of 100 possible points for the course. This gave the librarian flexibility to measure additional outcomes and gather more in-depth assessment data. The librarian then used the assessment data to target areas for improvement in the lessons and Blackboard tests. Revisions made by the librarian positively affected student achievement of learning outcomes, as measured by the assessment conducted the subsequent semester. Plans for further changes are also discussed.  相似文献   

In order to prepare for the 2013 SACS reaffirmation, the Joyner Library instruction librarians developed a systematic assessment program using Oakleaf's Information Literacy Instruction Assessment Cycle (ILIAC) to plan for instruction, assess student learning and improve future student learning by reviewing data and enacting changes. The paper outlines the systematic development, implementation, assessment, and improvement of an information literacy instruction assessment program for freshman classes over a three-year period from 2008 to 2011. It also analyzes student learning outcomes assessment data from 1,956 freshman students using quizzes and formative assessment during the 2010–11 school year.  相似文献   

《Public Services Quarterly》2013,9(1-2):147-163

In an attempt to gauge the effectiveness of their information literacy program, librarians at Stephen F. Austin State University began comparing average course grades in course sections that receive IL instruction to grades in sections that do not. The results varied, revealing no clear benefit to information literacy instruction. We discuss possible explanations for inconsistent results and suggest improvements to this methodology that may make it more effective.  相似文献   

Ensuring quality library instruction in an online-exclusive First Year Writing (FYW) course is important and challenging. Assessing what the students learned and how is equally important. The authors collaborate and co-teach the information literacy portion of an online-exclusive second semester FYW course at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. To teach information literacy skills, the authors developed tutorial videos, worksheets, and a Librarian AMA (Ask Me Anything) discussion forum for the students. The authors completed formative and summative assessments to measure the efficacy of the activities. This article explores their assessment, findings, and recommendations.  相似文献   

Libraries have become increasingly interested in studying the use of spaces within their buildings. Traditional methods for tracking library building use, such as gate counts, provide little information on what patrons do once they are in the library; therefore, new methods for studying space usage are being developed. Particularly promising are mobile technologies, which make it possible to directly observe and track user behaviors throughout library spaces. We found that observation combined with mobile technologies enabled the library to assess user study behaviors and space usage patterns anywhere in the library. Observations were tracked using an iPad with two different types of mobile apps, CloudOn and Counter+. The results were compared to the more traditional statistics gathered by the study room reservation system. The findings showed that the mobile observations more accurately reflected actual library usage and provided additional details on specific study behaviors such as studying in groups and using technology while studying.  相似文献   


Ria Lukes and Angie Thorpe, librarians from Indiana University Kokomo, presented a conference session exploring the use of course syllabi as a core tool for measuring and enhancing library support of curriculum needs and service integration. The researchers described their process and the results from a review of 477 syllabi collected from numerous departments spanning diverse disciplines at their institution. Their findings demonstrate how syllabi may be used to identify collection weaknesses, discover misconceptions about library holdings and services, and ultimately serve as a starting point to interact with faculty and librarians to improve and clarify library holdings, services, and outreach initiatives.  相似文献   

This case study provides insights into how one academic library scaled and structured its information literacy program for a rapidly growing online learning division. Particular attention is paid to strategies for reaching learners who bypass portions of the liberal studies requirements and techniques for designing information literacy modules taught by the instructor of record. This case study demonstrates how this library’s online information literacy program reached a new population of student while creating efficiencies with staff time. Attention is also paid to aspects of the program still under development, such as additional modules and a comprehensive assessment strategy.  相似文献   


The Writing in the Discipline (WID) concepts lend themselves to execution in an online realm, where written communication is the primary means of contact between students and instructors. The author instituted WID in an online section of a 1-credit research class and found the WID framework also made it easier for students to demonstrate information literacy. WID provides space within a course for students to become accustomed to the discourse of a discipline, writing to understand before being asked to formally communicate. This article explains the concepts behind WID and outlines how it was executed within an urban community college online class.  相似文献   


Information literacy instruction has become a core responsibility of many academic librarian positions in recent years. Online information literacy tutorials have gained increasing popularity among librarians struggling to keep up with the growing demand for this type of instruction. The availability of high-quality, open source tutorials has prompted some librarians to customize existing tutorials rather than build their own resource from scratch. This article provides an overview and checklist for librarians who are considering customization of an existing online tutorial as a means of meeting student information literacy needs.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]高校图书馆利用状况及其对学生学习结果的影响是图书馆成效评估的重要方面之一,高校如何提升图书馆对学生学习活动的支持水平,学生自身又怎样提高利用图书馆的能力是本研究之价值意义所在。[方法/过程]基于"2017年首都大学生就读经验调查",研究采用t检验、单因素方差分析、相关分析以及回归分析等方法分析高校图书馆利用现状及其对学生学习结果的影响。[结果/结论]结果显示,不同学生群体对图书馆利用程度存在差异,图书馆利用与学生学业成绩、在校满意度、学习收获呈显著正相关关系,且图书馆利用影响学生学习结果。基于此,建议高校加强对低年级、农村学生等图书馆利用情况较差学生群体的引导;图书馆自身提升综合实力,提升信息化服务质量,加强图书馆学习空间、专业馆员队伍、学生信息素养教育等资源建设;大学生自身要提升利用图书馆资源的意识与能力。  相似文献   


Library orientation at an academic health sciences library consisted of a five-minute overview within new student orientation. Past experience indicated this brief presentation was insufficient for students to learn about library resources. In 2014, an effort was made to supplement orientation by developing an online game aimed at enabling students to become self-sufficient through hands-on learning. A gaming model was chosen with expectations that competition and rewards would motivate students. Although the pilots suffered from low participation rates, the experience merits further research into the potential of a broader model of online library instruction in the health sciences environment.  相似文献   

周文骏教授长期致力于图书馆学和情报学的教学、科研和教育管理,不仅培养了大批学子,而且著述颇丰,学术思想深刻精湛。他构建了图书馆学内容体系,倡导“文献交流说”,倡议“建立图书馆哲学”等,为拓展提升中国的图书情报事业作出了较杰出的贡献。  相似文献   

The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm is centuries old, but its focus on student-centered learning is cutting edge. When the Gonzaga University library was asked to collaborate with an online graduate studies department, the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm provided the guiding framework. The first principle of Ignatian pedagogy is Context, which involves understanding and meeting students where they are. Building on this foundation, the other principles of Experience, Reflection, Action, and Evaluation keep the student at the centre of the learning process. Reflection is the fulcrum of the paradigm, prompting students to think consciously about what they have learned and how it impacts them, thereby taking ownership of the learned material. Applying these principles to a self-paced Online Library Orientation resulted in self-reported student confidence with library resources, and the integration of better sources into their work.  相似文献   

This study measures how online library instructional tutorials implemented into an evidence-based practice course have impacted the information literacy skills of occupational and physical therapy graduate students. Through a rubric assessment of final course papers, this study compares differences in students’ search strategies and cited sources pre- and post-implementation of the tutorials. The population includes 180 randomly selected graduate students from before and after the library tutorials were introduced into the course curriculum. Results indicate a statistically significant increase in components of students’ searching skills and ability to find higher levels of evidence after completing the library tutorials.  相似文献   


Iowa Wesleyan University (IW) has historically struggled with both assessment and supporting online students. Newly-appointed librarians and an impending re-accreditation visit prompted an increase in involvement and presence with assessment. In an attempt to expand the library's influence on campus, librarians took on a nontraditional role in the institutional implementation of LiveText, an assessment software. Librarians at IW have played an active and integral role in not only the initial roll-out of this software, but also in training and continuing support for students and faculty. Because of its importance to institutional learning outcomes, information fluency (IF) is being recognized as a high-impact practice across disciplines, and based on the results of this case study, librarians will pursue the creation of a required online IF course for online learners.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以学分课形式开展信息素养教学的挑战在于如何在一个相对较长的时间里,激发并保持学生的学习兴趣,传授课程内容和技能,使课程学习效果转移到学科学习的过程中。本文主要讨论引导性探究应对这种挑战所发挥的作用和局限性。[方法/过程]引导性探究、教学支架、小组学习是设计引导探究式信息素养教学的关键。以案例分析的方式,介绍引入引导性探究设计实施本科生信息素养学分课的过程。[结果/结论]运用引导性探究设计信息素养学分课,提供更多近距离观察学生的机会,培养学生合作学习的能力;引导性探究需要教师设计教学支架、观察和诊断学习表现、迭代改进教学设计,但也存在教师学科视角缺位、知识转移效率评估困难等局限。  相似文献   

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