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In this article, I examine the role of teacher racial identity on teaching strategy and the treatment of race in classroom discussions. I explicate how the pattern of minimizing the negative racial comments made to English language learners played out in participants’ teaching and how it is reflective of socially constructed notions of race and racial discourse. The treatment of racial issues, in this sense, can be seen as a microcosm of larger social, historical, and political factors that shape individuals’ thinking about equity and diversity. I argue that by analyzing these underlying factors in teacher education courses, the unconscious and often subtle ways that stereotypes based on race, culture, or English language proficiency, can be demystified and disrupted.  相似文献   

Engineering has been slowly integrated into K-12 science classrooms in the United States as the result of recent science education reforms. Such changes in science teaching require that a science teacher is confident with and committed to content, practices, language, and cultures related to both science and engineering. However, from the perspective of the science teacher, this would require not only the development of knowledge and pedagogies associated with engineering, but also the construction of new identities operating within the reforms and within the context of their school. In this study, a middle school science teacher was observed and interviewed over a period of nine months to explore his experiences as he adopted new values, discourses, and practices and constructed his identity as a reform-minded science teacher. Our findings revealed that, as the teacher attempted to become a reform-minded science teacher, he constantly negotiated his professional identities – a dynamic process that created conflicts in his classroom practices. Several differences were observed between the teacher’s science and engineering instruction: hands-on activities, depth and detail of content, language use, and the way the teacher positioned himself and his students with respect to science and engineering. Implications for science teacher professional development are discussed.  相似文献   


The teaching and learning of languages has been mainly investigated within educational institutions, especially by applied linguists. However, religious spaces such as churches and church related programs have historically and contemporarily served as important alternative spaces for such teaching and learning to take place. At the same time, such institutions and the way that language teaching and learning unfold in these spaces necessitates both a critical and empirical examination which makes salient the role and consequences of power. The focus of this special issue is to provide examples of studies which seek to fill this gap. This introduction serves as a way to set up this special issue and the articles within it by making salient the themes of language socialization, language ideology, identity, Christianity, ethnography and systems of power, as well as showing how the four studies in this special issue speak to the aforementioned gap and these themes.  相似文献   

Recent calls for social justice to be a key aspect of principal preparation have been made, but content related to the efficacy of dual language education has been a neglected area of educational leadership research, coursework, and principal preparation standards. We draw on scholarship focused on dual language education, social justice leadership, and the new Professional Standards for Educational Leadership to describe how principals can create dual language programs and lead for social justice and conclude with implications for preparation programs.  相似文献   

Research into the language socialisation of migrant-background children in new educational contexts has pointed to a complex relationship between language, identity, and social integration. This article helps us to further define this relationship in two main ways. Firstly, through focusing on the specific (and largely neglected) context of the experiences of newly-arrived migrant school children from disadvantaged backgrounds and with little initial command of English, in the East of England, which has in recent years seen a steep rise in the population of children from Eastern Europe in particular. Secondly, through inductive analysis of the pupils’ accounts of their experience in the new environment, the article identifies four key themes which shed light on the overlap between language, identity, and social integration in this context: perceptions of exclusion in the new language environment, the social boundaries of language use, L1 exchange as communicative capital, and languages and identity simulation.  相似文献   

网络语境下思想政治教育话语创新探析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着网络信息时代的到来,网络话语这种新的社会话语体系应运而生,并呈现出无中心性、虚拟性、情境性、飘浮性、全球性特征,这对思想政治教育的实施提出了严峻的挑战。唯有对现有的思想政治教育话语进行创新,在内容和方式上进行变革,更多地吸收、借鉴网络话语积极向上、进步的内容和形式,才能不断提高思想政治教育话语的可接受性和实效性,进一步完善思想政治教育话语体系。  相似文献   

本论述了英语语篇标记的定义,形式,位置以及其所表达的各种逻辑语义关系,并指出英语教师。英语学习和使用都应该对英语语篇标记的衔接作用给予充分重视,从而达到理解正确,表达连赏、得体、有效。  相似文献   

英语广告在英语教学中的应用探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广告作为一种社会语篇,具有独特鲜明的语言、语用和跨文化交际特色。国外涌入的大量英语广告为英语学习者提供了一个真实语言运用的宝贵资源,如何充分、有效地利用这一资源对提高英语教学质量,特别是提高学生综合的语言运用能力有着重要的意义。在对近年来英语广告研究成果深入的分析和综合基础上,本文提出英语广告用于教学的实用性框架,并指出在教学中充分运用这一资源有着广阔的前景。  相似文献   

Drawing from Chicana feminist epistemology and counter-storytelling, this article argues that Latina high school students’ refusal to attach the culturally constructed and hegemonically imposed label of smartness to themselves, while easily identifying that label within others, stems from a resistance to associate themselves with traditional notions of smartness, a label they often frame as exclusive, inappropriate, and/or incongruous within their experiential contexts. This article suggests that the participants in this study agentically embrace their own constructions of smartness to include alternative funds of knowledge and, in this way, coopt smartness in a culturally relevant and specific way.  相似文献   

语言是民族的核心要素,语言认同是民族认同的重要基础。对丽江玉湖村纳西族语言使用情况调查发现,目前丽江玉湖村纳西族族群成员母语水平较好,母语使用频率高,族群认可度较高,族群成员存在共同的文化心理,这些因素在影响着他们对母语的认同。研究表明:民族语言使用的本质是民族身份认同,民族语言使用的前提是母语认同;语言态度是影响民族认同的重要因素,语言水平是影响民族认同的间接因素。  相似文献   

This article presents a mixed-methods case study of Diego, a bilingual teen who completed public school in Florida. During adolescence, Diego negotiated multiple identities: successful student, Mexican American, bilingual, and typical U.S. teenager. Diego provided interviews and bilingual (English/Spanish) writing (narrative/expository) in 2008 (at age 12, Grade 6) and in 2012 (at age 16, Grade 10). A qualitative analysis of his interviews and a quantitative linguistic analysis of his writing reveal central elements of Diego’s language development as related to academic English and identity. Educational implications for working with bilingual adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

"九五后""〇〇后"作为大学生主流群体,是与网络共同成长起来的一代。伴随着互联网应运而生的产物--网络语言,由于具有简洁大众化、幽默生动性和快速传播性等特点,深受青年大学生青睐。因此,作为高校辅导员,必须提高自身网络素养,关注网络思想动态,熟悉网络对话风格,创新网络表达方式,与大学生建立良性网络话语交流机制。  相似文献   

问题与对策:试论教育学话语方式的改造   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育学话语方式存在的四个方面的问题,即公共性语言的滥觞,语言的非生成性,写作文体与措辞的单一性,学术语言对日常语言的排斥。而教育学话语方式改造的路径有:关注教育的生活世界,倡导教育学的现实关怀;倡导教育学的个体性言说,以己之思启发他者之思;奉行措辞的多元化原则,宽容多种文体写作;加强与相关学科的对话,实现语言的双向渗透;兼融日常生活语言,实现学术语言与日常语言的优势互补。  相似文献   

批评性话语分析是最近20年来兴起的一种话语分析方法,它旨在透过话语的表面形式,揭露不平等的权力关系。政治语言是政治主体在政治活动中用来交流政治信息的语言,其主要功能之一是说服、控制,让公众接受自己的见解或主张,从而影响公众的意识形态。修辞的运用是政治语言的一个显著特征。本文从批评性话语分析的角度,分析政治语言中修辞手法的运用,揭示隐藏在政治语言背后的权力关系。  相似文献   


Critical race theory (CRT) views education as one of the principal means by which white supremacy is maintained and presented as normal in society. The article applies CRT to two real-world case studies: changes to education statutes in the state of Arizona (USA) and the introduction of a new measure of educational success in England, the English baccalaureate. The analysis highlights the globalized nature of neoliberal education reform and its fundamentally raced and racist character.  相似文献   

王芬 《海外英语》2012,(13):11-12
The notion of"Queen’s English",depending on who is the ruler of the time,could be traced back to the sixteenth century,when the idea that the monarch’s usage of the language should be a model in speech and writing.That is where the"Elizabethan English" originated from.From the linguistic point of view,Elizabethan English is categorized into Early Modern English,which dominantly spanned the Renaissance,Elizabethan era and Shakespeare.On a smaller scale,this paper focused upon language itself,trying to exemplify the rise of Elizabethan Language from the second half of 16th century to the outset of 17th century by presenting two factors of self-consciousness and the relevant policy.  相似文献   

近年来,我国高等教育呈快速发展之势,逐步迈向大众化。但是,在大中化进程中也存在一些问题,如办学质量问题、办学层次和专业设置问题、毕业生就业难问题、师资队伍建设和无序竞争问题等。笔者针对这些问题从现状、原因和策略等方面进行分析。  相似文献   

In exploring the relationship between cultural capital, symbolic violence and the diversification of the curriculum the notion of commoditization of race in higher education is developed. The term first and foremost emphasizes how students from “disadvantaged” racialized communities remain significantly under-represented at selective universities and colleges. Commoditization of race in higher education is also concerned with the potentially unequal terms of exchange between racialized communities, whose experiences and collective struggles are increasingly embodied in novels, poetry, non-fictional works, ethnographies, academic discourses, and programs of study, and the educational benefits associated with diversity at 4-year institutions accorded predominantly to white student bodies. In doing so, the paper demonstrates that race-based segregation initiated at the neighborhood and public school levels continues to inhibit racialized students from receiving quality higher education opportunities. Based on an analysis of the economic obstacles disproportionately affecting Black communities, the paper concludes by reiterating that unless selective universities and colleges are prepared to significantly enhance quality educational opportunities for students of color, even the most sincere expressions of support for affirmative action, multiculturalism and diversity will likely legitimate, rather than challenge, racial inequality in the foreseeable future. Gregory M. Anderson is an Associate Professor of Higher Education in the Teachers College at the Columbia University.  相似文献   

语感在整个语文能力结构中处于基础的核心地位,是语言活动的必备前提条件,其高低决定语文能力的高低。因此,培养学生的语感能力应主要进行以下三个方面的工作:注重语言积累,培养语感兴趣;注意课外阅读,增强语感能力;多练多写,提高语言应用能力。  相似文献   

Emotions are important aspects in/for the pedagogy of environmental education (EE). However, the literature on the relationship between emotions and EE has not explored how emotion talk furnishes teaching identity claims and mediates instruction in/about the environment. Therefore, the present study draws on two ethnographic case studies to investigate the rhetorical and situational use of emotion discursive categories in interviews and authentic EE learning situations. Our findings suggest that rather than just being an outcome of effective instructional models designed to instill an environmental consciousness in students, emotion discourses are means to help account for and concretely realize the pedagogy of EE.  相似文献   

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