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第一轮高校评估对地方高校进一步明确办学指导思想和教学工作思路、提升对本科教学中心地位的认识、改善办学条件、规范教学管理以及总结和凝练本科教学的传统和特色等方面起到了重要作用;同时存在没有充分发挥被评地方高校积极性、分类指导不够、效益不高以及过分强调结果等不足。建议对地方高等院校的评估应尊重被评学校的意见,分类指导,注重办学效益评价,最终引导地方高校通过评估建立和完善内部教学质量保障体系。  相似文献   

自1924年首次实施博士生教育质量评估以来,美国博士生教育评估模式经历了以休格斯和肯尼斯顿为代表的声望研究、以美国教育委员会实施的两次质量评估为代表的客观指标研究和以全美研究委员会为代表的相关定量研究三个阶段。评估方法论的不断改进也意味着质量评估的目的从单纯的声望排名转向了真正的质量改进。  相似文献   

The assessment of quality in higher education from the perspective of students has three dimensions: students’ assessment of teaching, students’ satisfaction and students’ learning engagement. These differ in conceptions of quality, evaluation methods, evaluation content, evaluation purposes, traits and priorities. The authors conducted three rounds of empirical investigations to study higher education quality assessment from students’ perspective and concluded that students play multiple roles in higher education evaluation and assessment, all of which can be improved by strengthening students’ objectivity and participation, evaluating the added value of a college education oriented to student development and taking the students’ perspective as an important way to contribute to higher education quality enhancement, assurance and control, and make proper use of higher education evaluations and assessments.  相似文献   

This paper provides a case-study of the Australian quality assurance or quality assessment program which ran for three years from 1993 to 1995. The program was somewhat unusual among recent experiments with quality assurance in OECD countries in that, while it was based on annual academic audits of participating institutions, it also included publication of detailed annual reports on each institution, national rankings of institutions, and performance funding with additional funds coming from a special additional government allocation. In each of the first two years of the program, the most highly rated universities received an amount of additional funding equal to three per cent of their annual government operating grant.  相似文献   

教育问责背景下学生学业评测的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,教育问责背景下学生学业评测作为教育改革与发展的重要内容备受人们关注。学业评测主要在三个领域得到了广泛的发展:在监测教育质量的宏观层面,为了扩大考查范围或测试覆盖面,同时缩短被试的测试时间,包含矩阵取样设计、测验等值技术的大尺度学业测评的新技术广泛应用在教育质量监测的实践当中;在对学校效能进行评价的中观层面,使用发展性评价方法如增值性评价,用学生多次考试成绩的追踪数据来评价学校的教育情况,不仅能够更合理地评价学校和教师的工作,也使学生的成长和发展更加受到关注;在促进学生学业发展的微观层面,为了学习的评价理念和认知诊断技术的发展使得测验对教学反馈作用得以显现和发展。当前学业评测的新理念、新技术和新实践,要求教育部门和教育工作者只有重视测量与评价技术、改变考试观念,才能更好的使学业评测工作服务于教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

地方院校加强对院系本科教学工作的考核,是提升教学管理水平、提高人才培养质量的 重要举措。本文以安康学院院系本科教学工作的考核评估为例,介绍了院系考核评价指标体系的构 建及依据,列出了 7个一级指标及25个二级指标详细的评价标准;阐述了考核实施的过程和遵循 的原则,考核评估计算方法及考核结果;并在此基础上提出几点建设性的思考意见,希望为我国其 他地方本科院校实施院系教学工作的考核评估提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

邹良 《考试研究》2020,(2):4-10
为不断深化教育综合改革,从育分走向育人,发挥教育评价的"指挥棒"功能,长沙市历经六年的探索与实践,逐渐形成基于增值理念的教育质量综合评价体系,从"学生成长、教师发展、学校管理三方面进行综合评价,从入口看出口、从起点看变化进行增值评价"。引导学校树立"育人为本、德育为先、能力为重、全面发展"的办学理念,全面推动素质教育,促进学生全面健康发展,推进构建良好的教育生态。  相似文献   

针对地方本科高校在转型发展中面临的问题,应结合应用技术型人才培养特点,构建体系完备、运行有效的教学质量保障体系,完善以“岗位需求”和“学习产出”为导向的教学监控与质量评价体系,完善以专业评估为重点的应用技术类高校自我评估机制,构建基于数据分析的人才培养质量考核评估体系与机制。  相似文献   

Beginning with an overview of various international initiatives which have been taken in recent years with regard to exchanges of information and experiences on quality assessment in higher education, this article reflects on the adoption of quality assessment techniques and accreditation in the higher education systems of eastern and central Europe. The principles of Total Quality Management (TQM), self‐evaluation, the structures of formal accreditation, and methodological issues of quality assurance are discussed, examples being drawn from several countries. The point is made that the countries of central and eastern Europe must individualize the evaluation and accreditation systems which they choose to adopt in ways which are compatible with specific cultural and national factors while at the same time upholding international norms of quality.  相似文献   

高职教育的评价原则,既是高职学校教育质量评估与人才培养质量监测整个过程中必须遵循的准则,也是构建评价体系、确定评估目的、制订评估方案、组织评估实施、得出评估结论的整个过程中必须体现和贯彻始终的原则,是做好评估工作的根基。文章从方向性、科学性、客观性、可测性、可行性和可比性六个方面对构建高职教育评价体系进行了论述,提出了构建高职教育评价体系的原则。  相似文献   

网络技术的发展推动形成性考核方式的改革,目前越来越多的广播电视大学开放教育课程实施网络化形成性考核,考核方式发生重大变化,形成性考核质量能否得以保障有待进一步思考。研究结合基层电大实际,主要从学生学习意愿、教学模式、教师评阅、考核任务设计及班主任管理五个维度展开质量评价,并就如何提高网络化形成性考核质量进行策略探讨。  相似文献   

办学成效和办学特色评价是开放大学质量评估的重要内容,设计什么样的指标价体系对于开放大学地方学院有着十分重要的意义。本文比较分析国内外开放大学质量评价特点,吸取其成功的经验,设计出既符合开放教育特征又结合本地实际的,能充分发挥出学习评价各项功能的系统方案。  相似文献   

Effectiveness and correct procedure have come into focus at institutions of higher education. Quality becomes a strategic factor for competition and cooperation among universities. A quality-aware organization is not created spontaneously—it requires a committed, visible leadership that promotes the relevant issues. It is important to engage the staff in work on quality evaluation. Furthermore, the top management of the university should be evaluated against university objectives. The quality status of universities must be evaluated on an ongoing basis, but the evaluation perspectives needs to be changed.

Interest from the superiors' point of view should focus on whether and how departments follow up their quality. A workable model for this type of assessment can be based on three (or rather four) dimensions. In the first one the rector can expect departments to report on how they are implementing measures to ensure the quality of their work. The second dimension is to investigate to what extent departments have actually applied those approaches in daily routine; this is known as deployment. The third dimension implies that each department is held accountable for the results of this application. The relevant question here is what trends or levels can be presented relative to internal goals or external benchmarks. From the results, it is necessary to go back and assess in the first dimension again. The question in this (fourth) phase is how the people responsible for the evaluation will validate the relevance of their approach and deployment.  相似文献   

高等教育质量评估体系有效性问题实质上是一个政策评估问题。从宏观层面看,高等教育质量评估体系主要指外部质量评估体系,它包括政府评估、质量认证和大学排名等。根据政府介入程度的不同,外部质量保障体系可分为认可型评估和认证型评估。从问责制的视角看,中国实施的第一轮本科教学评估实质上是一种政府对高校的问责制度安排,属于行政问责。第一轮本科教学评估的有效性被认为"一般",基本上被认可,但改进空间巨大。提高中国高等教育质量评估体系的有效性,必须建立社会问责机制。  相似文献   

随着大数据和智能技术在教育中的广泛应用,教师数据素养测评研究已进入实践层面。国内教师数据素养领域的研究现状表明,借鉴国外研究成果对促进我国该领域的发展非常必要。在国外文献调研的基础上,本研究首先将教师数据素养的测评工具归纳为问卷调查、知识测试和情境访谈等三种类型,继而详细分析有代表性的测评工具的内容及形式特点,并结合案例描述各种测评工具的应用场景和测评效果。结合证据中心设计模式的相关要素,本研究从开发过程、测评效度和应用程度等角度总结和比较各种测评工具,最后分析了我国该领域在评价体系建构、测评任务设计和测评实施等方面得到的启示,以期为大数据时代教师专业发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文章对所建立的精品课程教学质量评估体系进行实验性评估,通过对3门精品课程的评价,以检验评估指标的合理性。结果:所建立的专家权重模糊综合评估模式具有综合评价的效果,所选用的M(×+)合成算子所计算的结果可信。该评估体系不仅能反映出精品课程教学质量的总体,也能反映出精品课程中各个组成因素的优劣,在一定程度上可克服其主观因素对评价结果的影响,显示出所建立的评估体系有较高的可信度、较好的区别性和可比性。  相似文献   

随着经济发展和土地市场活跃,不动产估价在国有土地资产化管理中具有越来越重要的作用。根据"不动产估价"课程的特点和教学过程中存在的问题,本文结合社会对专门不动产估价高层次人才的需求,从教学内容、教学方式、考核方式三个方面,建立基于研究型的理论与实践互动的"不动产估价"教学体系,并提出实现该教学体系的建议和措施,从而进一步提高"不动产估价"课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

培养应用型人才是新建本科院校转型发展的迫切需要,教学质量评价是检验应用型人才培养模式成效的重要途径,前端工程师是近年来颇受重视的一个新兴职业。在分析新工科建设内涵及重要特征的基础上,针对当前应用型院校课程建设存在的共性问题,结合前端工程师岗位需求现状,以太原工业学院数字媒体技术专业为例,提出采用“案例驱动+翻转课堂”混合教学模式,建立健全多元化课程考核方案,构建面向前端工程师的应用型课程体系结构,探索适合本科院校转型发展的课程建设改革之路。  相似文献   

科学合理的人才培养质量评价体系是衡量高职院校人才培养质量的重要保障,通过对当前高职人才培养质量评价现状的分析,结合柯氏四级评估模型创新高职人才培养质量评价机制,构建多元化的人才培养质量评价体系,为高职院校人才培养质量评价提供理论依据.  相似文献   

We describe six hallmarks of high quality service-learning and explain how these considerations guided the development of a Transitional Coaching Program (TCP) during the first three years of implementation. We have demonstrated that the TCP is acceptable, feasible, and sustainable. Improvements have been seen in the degree of impact on learning objectives, but statistically significant change has not yet been achieved. This project highlights the importance of looking beyond satisfaction and engaging in rigorous assessment of learning objectives and ongoing quality improvement through attention to best practices and evidence-based, continuous quality improvement.  相似文献   

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