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The Japan-based Chinese painting artist Li Yan is preparing for her retrospective in National Art Museum of China this autumn and asked me to write something for her. Although I feel extremely flattered by her trust in me, I have little experience neither in writing nor in art despite my interest in painting. Thus I can only tell my impression about Li Yan's life and her paintings.  相似文献   

Renowned Chinese oil painter Chen Kezhi has enjoyed a legendary artistic career. He is slow in ,speech but passionate in art. His oil works showcase cultural richness and stylish magnificence, generally considered rare masterpieces in China's painting arena today.  相似文献   

<正>Fan Mingdong, born in Yanyuan County, Liangzhou Prefecture, Sichuan Province in 1971, is a professional painter and member of the Artists Association of Sichuan Province.  相似文献   

Rao Yongtang, born in 1929 in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, is a listed artist of national first grade, member of the Artists Association of Sichuan Province and the Artists Association of Chengdu City, council member and fellowship of Sichuan Province Painting Society for Senior Artists, honorary president of the international Xizhi Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, and tenor professor of the China Art Creation Center for Calligraphers and Artists.  相似文献   

I got to know Zhang Qiang by accident.He is a Chinese oil painter living in Tokyo,Japan.His career as an artist began with a woodprint works entitled “The Great Leader”depicting Chairman Mao reading in his study.  相似文献   

陈三弟 《寻根》2005,(1):24-27
我是从《读画录》中最初认识周亮工的。明清以来的画论画史专著可以说成篇累牍,但平心而论,没有一部及得上《读画录》那么耐看耐品味的。无论其思想之精湛,还是品评当时画家画风之深刻,或者其以诗论画论人之匠心独特,其散文化行笔之凝练、隽永,那种诗人哲人一般的深邃目光,实在是当时乃至后来诸多相关著作无法比拟的。其对中国文人画的理解和诠释,可以说是真正触及到了其中的生命真谛。亮工是河南祥符(今开封)人。明清以还,河南曾诞生过不少文化俊杰,其中最有才华的有两位,一位是因孔尚任《桃花扇》而出名的商丘侯朝宗,另一位就是周亮工了。…  相似文献   

Fu Yiyao is well known among the Chinese fine artists who live in Japan, She was born in 1947. As tine daughter of Fu Baoshi, a world-renowned Chinese fine arts master, shereceived good education from her father, In 1979, she traveled to Japan furthering her study on arts, and 1981 witnessed her success in that country where the artist competed for an international quality and a sense of eastern aesthetics,  相似文献   

Hepingli, a working-class residential district developed in the 1950s in Beijing. At 9 am everyday, Duan Xiaoying appears in a first-floor apartment in the district after driving his daughter to school and his wife to office respectively. This small apartment is the legacy of his diplomat father who liked doing woodwork for leisure. Duan recalls that his first oil painting box was made by his father. Now the apartment becomes his studio where he spends the whole day for oil creation. Duan us…  相似文献   

If there is any miracle in the modern fine affs history of China, you can't point anyone but him. His name is Qi Baishi who lived through 1864 to 1957 and was a benchmark of Chinesefine arts and a great man of his time. He used to be a carpenter, but because of his persistence on the exploration of art, he climbed onto the peak of Chinese fine arts and eventually became a world renowned Chinese painting master.  相似文献   

Ararely seen perspective on the Imperial City was unveiled in a just-concluded exhibition of images of old Peking from Western eyes at the time, As part of the 4th China Beijing International Cultural and Creative industry Expo, "Imperial City Impression: Old Peking Images in Western Prints" opened at Beijing World Art Museum, revealing valuable insights into the old city during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 ).  相似文献   

Zhang Yahui's painting works in his studio in Dashilan, a historic quarter in Qianmen in the downtown of Beijing, have attracted manyviewers. His paintings represent a bold blend of freehand and fine bmshwork. Years of hard practice in inking painting have enabled him to obtain virtuosity in overall layout. Created from depth of heart, Zhang's works fascinate viewers with well-designed layouts, innovative techniques, vigorous brushworks, artistic profundity and poetic beauty. By mixing characteristics of Chinese ink painting and Western oil painting,  相似文献   

Hailed as “one of the great artists of our time” (The Washington .Times), choreographer, direc-tor, dancer, painter, and designer Shen Wei is internationally renowned for the breadth and scope of his artistic vision.  相似文献   

Zhang Daqian is celebrated as a legendary Chinese painter of international renown in the 20th century, With extraordinary skills, he is considered the most outstanding artist in carrying forward the traditions of Chinese ink painting. Zhang began to stand out in the 1920s and obtained a leading status in the then painting arena in the 1930s His replicas of ancient master artists' paintings are so superb that they can be hardly distinguished from original works. Mr. Xu Jichuan, a prestigious collector, recalled an interesting experience as evidence to highlight Zhang's unparalleled ability to replicate ancient painting masterpieces.  相似文献   

吴锡平 《寻根》2009,(2):69-71
郑板桥不仅是扬州的文化名片,更是扬州的一个文化符号。作为“扬州八怪”的领军人物,他的声名不仅表现在他的诗文书画成就上,还在于他耿直刚正的土人品格向来为人所乐道。前者从随处可见的“难得糊涂”字画上可见一斑,后者则有无数流传甚广的趣闻佳话可以佐证。他的名字不仅凝结了一个城市盛世的记忆,更绵延着一种文化精神和品格。  相似文献   

李亚群 《寻根》2008,(5):122-124
“柳台石屋接澄潭,云雾深藏蔚竹庵。十里清溪千尺瀑,果然风景似江南。”缓慢地拾山级而上,踏着蔚竹梵径,观苍松竞茂、怪石奇秀,听涧溪成韵、泉水叮咚,呼吸着清新幽静的气息,  相似文献   

周舟 《寻根》2021,(2):93-98
元湛墓志 元湛,字士深,河南洛阳人.北魏、东魏宗室,北魏太武帝后裔,袭封广阳王,官至太尉,谥号"文献".元湛墓志于民国初年在安阳发现,新乡市博物馆现藏有元湛墓志拓片.《魏书》《北史》对元湛记录较少,其墓志对其家世、经历和历任职务记载详细.  相似文献   

李乔 《寻根》2005,(4):114-115
石姓历史悠久,早在先秦时期,中原许多诸侯国,如卫、郑、齐、楚、宋、魏等国部已出现了石姓。根据有关史籍记载,石姓主要有四个来源,三个出自姬姓,分别为春秋卫国大夫石诺;晋国大臣杨食我及郑国公孙段之后;一个出自子姓,为宋国公子段之后。  相似文献   

熊海英 《寻根》2005,(2):30-33
人们对魏晋士人的印象多来自于《世说新语》,其所记的名士们发言则“玄远冷隽”,行为又“高简瑰奇”,“千百年来,学士大夫家,无不玩而习之”(王日卓《〈今世说〉序》),此书几成为名士教科书。宋人有《唐语林》、《续世说》记唐人风度,却没有人专门写一本书记载宋人风度。不过读宋人笔记会发现很多有趣的地方,可以和《世说新语》所记对照来看,大约能知道宋人怎样看魏晋风度,自己风度又如何。宋人对魏晋风度自然有企慕之感,但也不乏争胜之心:《邵氏闻见录》卷第二十引李言:“东坡自海外归毗陵,病暑,着小冠,批半臂,坐船中。夹运河岸,千万人随观…  相似文献   

韦庄于乾宁四年奉使入蜀,后仕蜀为掌书记,前蜀时,官至吏部尚书同平章事。他的一生行迹基本清晰,但其入蜀仕蜀的情形各本记述有异。结合韦庄的诗歌创作及相关史实考辨,韦庄仕蜀并非出于本心。  相似文献   

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