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The article gives a survey about the development of archival education in some central European countries within the past 15 years. Although there are similar problems and challenges in all these countries, the different Universities and Archives Schools have developed different strategies for dealing with them. The range of reactions reaches from small reforms of the curriculum to completely new orientations of the entire education.  相似文献   

Abstract One of the key challenges for the art museum today is how to make the discourses and interpretive repertoires that constitute art both visible and available to the public. Rising to this challenge requires a shift in the way the museum both imagines and carries out its interpretive responsibilities. This essay argues that such a shift is taking shape around the question of how to model ethical thinking in the art museum. Ethical thinking helps people (both museum visitors and staff) to make links between thinking and action: between beliefs (morals) and actions (ethics).  相似文献   

以参观博物馆的4~7岁儿童为测试对象,探查他们对博物馆动物剥制标本的认知。结果发现,4~7岁儿童可对动物剥制标本做出有生命或无生命、自然物或人造物两个层面的判断区分。进一步细分,儿童对动物标本现状的认知可分为真的自然物、假的人造物、真的生命体和假的非生命体四种类型。儿童对标本生物属性和真实属性理解的正确率均随年龄的增长而提高。年龄对儿童的认知具有显著性的影响。随着年龄的增长,儿童逐渐接近和达到成人的认知水平,即可认识到博物馆中陈列的动物剥制标本代表真实的自然物,能够体现自然界中真实存在生物的科学信息。  相似文献   

博物馆讲解是博物馆一项重要的业务活动,也是博物馆教育的核心内容之一。本文将博物馆讲解提升到一门专业的高度来认识,从理论和实践的层面,对博物馆讲解做为一门专业所涉及的一些基本命题、专业特征、教育模武、研究对象等方面进行了剖析和研究,提出了自己的见解,进而指出要用更如理性和科学的态度对待这门专业,并逐步建立和完善的其专业体系。  相似文献   

宋路霞 《档案与史学》2010,(8):46-49,50
<正>胡适(1891-1962)是中国现代史上有名的新派人物,有很多耀眼的头衔,诸如:新文化运动的主将、新红学派的创始人、"新诗老祖宗"、白话文运动的旗手;出版了中国第一部白话新诗集《尝试集》;写出了"中国第一部新的哲学史"—《中国哲学史  相似文献   

关于博物馆事业创新的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新 ,是一个民族进步的灵魂 ,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。当人类跨入 2 1世纪的时候 ,“创新与发展”成为时代的主题 ,不论是经济领域 ,或是文化领域 ,都高扬着创新的旗帜 ,把创新精神贯彻到各行各业的实践之中 ,人们在探讨科技创新、教育创新、农业创新、文化创新、旅游创新…… ,博物馆事业的创新理所当然地摆在我们面前。创新 ,是在现有知识水平和科研成果基础上的突破和飞跃。新中国博物馆事业经过5 0多年发展取得了很大成绩 ,突出表现在发展了近 2 0 0 0座博物馆 ,奠定了中国博物馆事业的物质基础 ,建立了一支文博专业队伍 ,形成…  相似文献   

一、一个关于土地的悖论中国是一个农业大国,现在还是。土里刨食是中国人最基本的生存方式,今天也是。虽然刨食的方法在变,土地的产出物在变,但中国人对土地的依赖,千百年来始终没变。哪怕当下,中国的年GDP总量除了赶不上美国,已经飞速成长为世界老二,但2010年全国单单土地出让金这一项获益,就高达2.7万  相似文献   

Patrons and scholars are increasingly likely to first encounter a collection in a digital space rather than a physical one. This article considers how to utilize data visualization in an academic library to promote a unique collection to remote visitors. In order to create awareness of the Valente Italian Library at Seton Hall University, one of the largest Italian collections in the United States, subject librarians considered ways to convey and describe the collection beyond the search box or the discovery filters of the catalog. After considering meaningful data points available in the records data, the authors harvested, cleaned, and mined the data for interesting collection facets. Visualizations were created from the data and the authors explore whether they offer a greater understanding of the collection and aid in telling its story, as well as recreate a sense of browsing for the online visitor.  相似文献   

Wendy Robertson shared her experience with digitization projects in which she had been involved at the University of Iowa Libraries. She emphasized the need for serialists to take a participatory role in any digitization projects that include serials. Serialist participation is necessary due to the complications that may occur when digitizing serial runs. Robertson provided practical information regarding digitization projects in general terms, while also mentioning some of the specific technical aspects. She presented a wide variety of existing serial digitization projects in order to show how they are organized. Robertson concluded that a serial digitization project will benefit greatly, by being better organized and more accessible, when a serialist is included in its production.  相似文献   

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