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This qualitative, multi-case study explored the use of science-content music for teaching and learning in six middle school science classrooms. The researcher sought to understand how teachers made use of content-rich songs for teaching science, how they impacted student engagement and learning, and what the experiences of these teachers and students suggested about using songs for middle school classroom science instruction. Data gathered included three teacher interviews, one classroom observation and a student focus-group discussion from each of six cases. The data from each unit of analysis were examined independently and then synthesized in a multi-case analysis, resulting in a number of merged findings, or assertions, about the experience. The results of this study indicated that teachers used content-rich music to enhance student understanding of concepts in science by developing content-based vocabulary, providing students with alternative examples and explanations of concepts, and as a sense-making experience to help build conceptual understanding. The use of science-content songs engaged students by providing both situational and personal interest, and provided a mnemonic device for remembering key concepts in science. The use of songs has relevance from a constructivist approach as they were used to help students build meaning; from a socio-cultural perspective in terms of student engagement; and from a cognitive viewpoint in that in these cases they helped students make connections in learning. The results of this research have implications for science teachers and the science education community in developing new instructional strategies for the middle school science classroom.  相似文献   

Undergraduates entering science curricula differ greatly in individual starting points and learning needs. The fast pace, high enrollment, and high stakes of introductory science courses, however, limit students' opportunities to self-assess and modify learning strategies. The University of Washington's Biology Fellows Program (BFP) intervenes through a 20-session, premajors course that introduces students to the rigor expected of bioscience majors and assists their development as science learners. This study uses quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess whether the 2007-2009 BFP achieved its desired short- and long-term impacts on student learning. Adjusting for differences in students' high school grade point average and Scholastic Aptitude Test scores, we found that participation in the BFP was associated with higher grades in two subsequent gateway biology courses, across multiple quarters and instructors. Two to 4 yr after participating in the program, students attributed changes in how they approached learning science to BFP participation. They reported having learned to "think like a scientist" and to value active-learning strategies and learning communities. In addition, they reported having developed a sense of belonging in bioscience communities. The achievement of long-term impacts for a short-term instructional investment suggests a practical means to prepare diverse students for the rigors of science curricula.  相似文献   

新的课程改革着眼于学生音乐学习潜能的发掘 ,要求音乐课堂教学促进学生有特色、可持续的音乐能力发展 ,帮助学生建立起与音乐终生联系的纽带 ,培养学生富有探究新知、不断进取的精神。大成美育“低、慢、多、高”的教学法原则科学而有效地激活了学生学习音乐的主观能动性 ,是推动课程改革的有力“武器”。  相似文献   

在中学的音乐课堂教学中,"中国民歌鉴赏"采用五种属性分类的形式教学是一种全新的、简单易行的教学立意。作为音乐鉴赏教学的切入点,学生可以从自己生活实际出发,极大丰富了"民歌"的思维想象、感受及体验过程。从而体现了新课程的音乐课堂教学"生本观";通过对"中国民歌鉴赏"教学方法的改革,更好的提升改变学生对学习"中国民歌"的某些陈旧观念、态度;使学生能通过新学会的民歌"分类"方法,洞察到"中国民歌"内涵的真实性、趣味性和传统性。从而达到增强对我国优秀传统民歌的热爱与传承。  相似文献   

"互联网+"时代,在线课程平台已经成为大学生课下自学的重要平台,但在线课程也正面临着高辍学率等问题。为了研究大学生在线课程的持续学习行为,本文基于期望确认理论从平台和用户双重视角构建研究模型。通过调查问卷收集数据,利用SPSS和Smart PLS进行统计分析和假设检验。研究结果表明:学习氛围、课程质量和教学质量以及自控能力显著影响用户的持续学习行为,而期望确认通过感知有用性影响学生的持续学习行为。研究结果对于提高大学生课下在线课程持续学习行为具有重要意义。  相似文献   

声乐作品的练唱自始自终伴随着学习声乐技巧与表现的全过程。歌曲的选择对演唱者来说是十分重要的。声乐教学是以声乐作品作为歌唱的基本教材,教材曲目的合理选用,决定教学的效果与质量。在声乐教学中,为学生选择适合的作品进行演唱锻炼,是教学实践中一个很重要的环节,是培养歌唱者实际运用能力的重要步骤。因此,声乐教学如何科学地选材就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

目前我国面临人才培养总量不足、岗位适应期长和专业素养欠缺等现实困境。其主要原因,一是人才培养理念上的偏失形成的人才培养质量错位,二是专业课程结构失衡造成的师范生专业素养缺失,三是人才培养模式的局限导致的师范生人文底蕴不足。创设丰富的情景性情意课程、优化专业课程结构、创新音乐专业人才培养模式和提供微案例式研究型课程等是有效提升人才培养质量的基本途径。  相似文献   

毛毳 《湘南学院学报》2007,28(4):119-121
成功教育理论是基于教育普及与提高而形成的适用于全体学生的全新教育理念。它为音乐教育改革开辟了新的视野,它通过教师为学生创设成功机会,激发学生音乐学习的兴趣与动机;通过学生主动参与活动的方式强化成就意识,帮助学生内化对音乐文化的认识和理解;通过对学生进行鼓励性的评价,促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

在《计算机应用基础》(本)的教学过程中,山西电大面对不同层次、不同需求、不同条件的学员,充分借助导学群服务平台,扎实运行114教学模式,紧紧围绕学生这个中心,为学生的学习提供一个良好的环境,通过导学、助学、自学、协作学,满足了学生的学习需求,培养了学生信息素养,确保了课程教学质量。  相似文献   

A longitudinal study has been conducted to explore the impact of a new language policy for Hong Kong secondary schools on science learning. According to this policy, only schools that recruit the best 25% of students can teach science in English, the students' second language, while the other schools have to teach science in Chinese, the students' native language. The study involved a student cohort of 100 schools starting from S1 for three years. The outcome of science learning is conceptualized as consisting of students' achievement and self-concept in science. This paper reports the possible effects of English-medium instruction (EMI) and Chinese-medium instruction (CMI) on students' self-concept in science, as measured by students' responses to a questionnaire. Comparing with the CMI students, the EMI students showed higher self-concepts in Chinese, English and Mathematics, but a lower self-concept in science. This finding suggests that the EMI students might experience greater learning problems in science than in other subjects, probably because science learning involves abstract thinking and the mastery of scientific terminology which make a high demand on language proficiency. The EMI students showed a greater interest in learning science than the CMI students, indicating that they were more academically oriented. The EMI students, however, formed a lower perceived self-competence in science than their CMI peers, despite that they performed better in the science achievement test than many of the CMI students. This perception supports the view that using English for instruction may have negative effects on science learning. It is also consistent with the observation that the EMI students perceived science as more difficult to understand and learn than the CMI students.  相似文献   

培养复合型高素质人才是现阶段普通高校的迫切任务,音乐教育的开展情况将对复合型高素质人才培养产生直接的影响。本文选取新疆维吾尔自治区高校较为集中的乌鲁木齐地区,对6所普通高校公共音乐课的开课情况、公共音乐课的课程设置情况和大学生对音乐选修课程的偏好及期望进行了调查。调查结果表明:新疆6所高校开设公共音乐选修课的普及程度参差不齐,公共音乐课课程设置不尽合理,部分高校没有以大学生为主体开设音乐课程。针对调查中发现的问题,本文认为现阶段普通高校应对音乐课程进行重新定位,并对高校音乐课程设置的改革提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Colleges and universities are increasingly using information technologies to enhance the learning environment. Many educational institutions offer Internet-based on-line courses in an effort to meet the educational needs of students. The primary goal of this research was to determine if there is a relationship between students' preferred learning environment (i.e. face-to-face or on-line) and their learning style. The secondary goal was to determine if there were any differences in the academic success of students in the face-to-face versus on-line sections. Participants were adult (ages 22+ years), non-traditional computer science students given the option to take a face-to-face lecture-based or an on-line Internet-based computer science course. Results revealed that computer science students in the face-to-face learning environment were more likely to have the Assimilator learning-style, whereas computer science students in the on-line Internet-based learning environment were more likely to have the Converger learning-style. Student academic success did not reliably differ as a function of learning environment selection. Implications of these results are discussed in terms of learning style characteristics of computer science students, learning styles and gender differences and implications of student academic success in on-line vs face-to-face environments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

信息技术与高师音乐教学法课程整合的内涵,是通过信息技术所创建的学习环境和学习方式,改变音乐教学法传统教学结构,提高课程教学质量。目前信息技术与高师音乐教学法课程的整合存在课程资源不够丰富、教师综合信息技术不高、滥用信息技术等问题。实现信息技术与高师音乐教学法课程的有效整合,必须加强音乐课程网络资源建设,提高音乐教师综合信息素养,创新高师音乐法课程教学模式。  相似文献   

流行音乐与中学教材音乐的碰撞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流行作为一种文化现象将长期存在。因此,提高学生的审美能力是非常关键的。当审美能力提高到一定程度以后,就会形成相应的免疫力。对流行歌曲进行鉴别,能吸取精华去其糟粕比较是最好的教学手段。音乐教师应把词曲俱佳的优秀作品和低俗的毫无价值的作品放在一起,和学生共同探讨辨别,并有计划、有步骤地加强学生的基础音乐教育,让学生掌握歌曲的演唱方法和欣赏音乐所具有的知识,多让学生接触一些思想性和艺术性较高的音乐作品,以此来荡涤他们的心灵,使他们的情感通过优秀的作品得到升华,从而提高学生的欣赏水平和音乐鉴赏能力。  相似文献   

目前我国高等学校尤其是民族院校,普遍存在选修课开设不合理、学生对选修课“选而不修、修而不学”、选修课人数过多、教学质量难以保证、选修课的考核方式过于简单等现象。必须努力为学生开设门类多样的选修课,创造便利的选课空间;对选修课的课程进行严格筛选:限制选修人数,规范考核制度;加强选修管理,充分发挥校园网作用等,使选修课尽快适应培养高素质综合型人才的需求,满足民族地区经济社会发展需要,为西部大开发服务。  相似文献   

文章认为,在音乐教育中导入思想政治教育内容,是搞好思想政治教育的重要途径。文章首先分析了在音乐教育中导入思想政治教育的意义:在音乐教育中导入思想政治教育内容,有助于提高大学生综合素质;在音乐教育中导入思想政治教育内容,可以提高思想政治教育的效力;在音乐教育中导入思想政治教育的内容,可以激发学生学习思想政治理论的兴趣。其次,文章对如何将热爱中国共产党的教育内容导入音乐教育中、如何将爱国主义的教育内容导入音乐教育中、以及如何将歌颂改革开放的教育内容导入音乐教育中等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

流行歌曲与校园文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流行歌曲是深受大学生喜爱的通俗文艺形式之一,但其中有一些内容庸俗、格调低下的作品在校园里传播,对大学生的身心健康产生了一些消极影响,形成校园文化建设的不利因素。因此,必须通过加强音乐审美教育等多种途径进行综合治理,以培养高素质的跨世纪人才  相似文献   

论高师钢琴集体课   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
钢琴集体课是传统钢琴教学与现代科技相结合而发展起来的一门新型键盘教学课程。它符合高等师范音乐教育为社会输送合格中小学音乐教师的目的和音乐教育改革的需要。与传统钢琴课相比较,钢琴集体课多样化的教学方式、互动式的教学过程和综合性的教学内容,有利于培养学生键盘演奏的应用、合作、表现和创造能力,提高学生的音乐综合素质。应当充分发挥其优势,拓展教学内容,改进教学方法,提高教学质量,促进高师音乐专业学生综合素质的全面拓展。  相似文献   

视唱练耳作为一门提高学生综合音乐素质的必修课,是学生学习音乐专业技能及理解和体验音乐内涵的基础。笔者将视唱练耳与相关课程的教与学问题进行了探讨,建议采用设定目标、教学互动、实践反馈的有效方式,针对课堂学习水平和效率,进行多方位评价和教学监控。  相似文献   

高校音乐教育课程一直以来是我国高校教育的一个组成部分,然而在理工科院校开展声乐实践教学实属少数。鉴于理工科院校学生的相关特点与特殊性,在理工科院校进行声乐实践教学,有利于培养学生的人文艺术素养与综合素质,同时还能够提高学生的审美能力和创造性思维。对理工科院校开展声乐实践教学的目标和意义进行探讨,并通过实际开展教学的相关经验,提炼出区别于普通声乐教学、理工科院校声乐教育实践的新方法,这对于促进理工科院校声乐教学的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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