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Objective:To observe and evaluate a method that is effective and practical for treatment of cerebral palsied(CP)children in China.Method:The patient's age and disease type and individual specific conditions were considered in choosingtherapy methods accordingly:Chinese herbs,acupuncture,auricnlar seed pressure,point finger pressing,massage,orthopedichand manipulation,physiotherapy,occupational therapy,language therapy,etc.Meanwhile we created a new CP treatment modelthat combines hospitalized treatment with family therapy.Results:The majority of CP patients improved greatly in motor andsocial adaptation capacities after treatment.Wilcoxon paired rank sum test analysis showed that there were significant differencesbetween the data before and after treatment(P<0.01).Conclusion:This combined therapy method,based on traditional Chinesemedicine and western medicine plus family supplemental therapy,is an effective and practical treatment strategy for CP children inChina.  相似文献   

主题统觉测验是最主要的投射测验之一,它的理论基础是需要——压力理论。研究者对主题统觉测验材料,标准化及信效等方面进行了深入的研究。虽然对主题统觉测验还存在不少争议,但作为一种重要的间接测量技术,它在一定程度上避免了直接测量的缺陷,通过与直接测量技术结合,其应用也正走向多样化。  相似文献   

This study investigated the validity of the Roberts Apperception Test for Children (RATC) with an elementary school sample by examining the appropriateness of the standardization norms with other nonclinical samples. A sample of 86 children, ages 8–11 years, completed the RATC. Analyses revealed that the current sample of nonclinical children differed significantly from the standardization sample on six of the eight Adaptive Scales and three of the five Clinical Scales. Findings suggest that the children in this study form a separate and distinct group from the well‐adjusted children upon which the RATC scales were normed and supports previous research that suggests the standardization of the RATC is inadequate. The current findings strongly suggest that the norms for the RATC not be used for clinical diagnosis until restandardization is completed. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Metalinguistic and literacy abilities were studied in twenty-seven nonvocal cerebral palsied school children. The participants of the study were presented four tests of phonological awareness: rhyme recognition, sound identification, phoneme synthesis and word length analysis. Their verbal comprehension was measured using a semantic and a syntactic task. Two tests of nonverbal memory: the visual sequential task from ITPA and Corsi blocks and the Digit Span task from WISC, were also included. These measures were related to their reading and spelling ability. The nonvocal children performed on a lower level on the reading and spelling tasks than did the children of two comparison groups, one matched for mental age and one for mental and chronological age. There were no differences in phonological awareness or in verbal memory. The disabled children performed worse on the verbal comprehension task than the children in the comparison groups. Although the reading and spelling results were low in the nonvocal group there were children showing some literacy skills. A within-group analysis performed in the nonvocal group showed that the reading children performed better on all memory tests, and on the sound identification and the word length analysis tasks than the nonreading ones. They also showed better results on verbal comprehension, the semantic task and used more symbols in their communication. Synthetic speech was more often used in reading and spelling education in the reading subgroup than in the nonreading. Metalinguistic abilities and possibility of acoustic rehearsal are discussed as important factors in reading and spelling acquisition in the nonvocal population.  相似文献   

Anatomical (sexually explicit) rag dolls are frequently used in interviews of children suspected of being sexually abused. Abused children have been noted clinically to be aggressive and sometimes sexually precocious in their doll play, and testimony to that effect is often accepted in the courtroom as pertinent evidence. However, to date, normative data on the play behaviors with the sexually explicit dolls have been unavailable. This pilot study provides empirical information on the play interaction of a relatively large number of normal (nonreferred) children with anatomical dolls. One hundred forty-four children (ages 3 to 8 years) were observed in a playroom containing these special dolls during three conditions: (1) with an adult present, (2) without an adult, and (3) with the dolls undressed. The observations showed that nonreferred children found these dolls no more interesting than other toys. Little aggression and no explicit sexual activity were observed. In contrast to clinical observation of abused children, the doll play of nonreferred children is unlikely to be characterized by aggression or sexual concerns; thus these behaviors when observed in interaction with these dolls should be taken seriously.  相似文献   

阅读障碍是学习障碍中最常见的一种障碍。1993年的一项统计资料表明,有80%的学习障碍儿童出现阅读方面的困难。另据统计,美国在发展方面存在障碍的儿童占儿童总数的5.25%,在学习障碍儿童中有至少50%是阅读障碍儿童。可见,阅读障碍儿童所占比例之大。那么,到底什么是阅读障碍呢?所谓“阅读障碍”是指对阅读技能的掌握落后于年龄常模,而落后的原因又不是智力落后、重大脑损伤或严重的情绪不稳定”。([美]E.J.Gibson)儿童阅读障碍主要包括认字和理解两大部分。具有阅读障碍的儿童在学习过程中一般会出现以下特征:①阅读速度慢,…  相似文献   

对于儿童来说,生活有多少种可能,他们就有多少幸福,生活的可能性是幸福生活的前提。人们总以为父母的爱是儿童幸福的源泉,但不幸的是,大多数父母的爱却直接导致了对儿童生活的封闭,事实上剥夺了儿童的幸福。要解决这个问题,最关键的一点是要追问父母是否具有真正的“爱的能力”。  相似文献   

Children''s Relationships with Caregivers: Mothers and Child Care Teachers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Infant, toddler, and preschool children's relationships with mothers and teachers were examined in this study. 110 children were observed with their mothers during child care arrivals and reunions. 403 children were observed with their teachers in child care. 3 categories of relationships were derived from these observations. Children in the secure relationship category experienced more teacher involvement than children in the avoidant or ambivalent relationship categories. Children in the ambivalent relationship categories experienced more teacher involvement than children in avoidant relationship categories. A subsample (n = 23) of children were seen with their mothers both during child care arrivals and reunions and in the Strange Situation. Relationship classifications were similar.  相似文献   

The Dutch Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Children with Cerebral Palsy was translated and administered to an English sample. This scale was developed to assess the child's perception on cognitive, physical and social domains. Thirty-two children, aged 4 to 9 years, were tested twice. The results indicate good test/retest reliability and good internal consistency. The results on the intercorrelations between the four sub-scales supported internal validity of the pictorial scale. It is concluded that the pictorial scale for young children with cerebral palsy is a reliable and valid instrument for determining the perception of children with cerebral palsy, and application in clinical and class settings is discussed.  相似文献   

农村留守学生的心理健康问题及策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
留守学生的心理健康问题正逐渐成为严重的社会问题。亲情的缺失、家庭教育的缺失、家庭监管不力和社会环境的不良影响是产生留守学生心理健康问题的主要原因。在以学校心理健康教育为主导的前提下,家庭与之配合,社会给予关注,三方形成合力是解决留守学生心理问题的主要措施。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects on normal children of the presence in the family of siblings with disabilities, attempting to measure both their level of stress and attitudes towards disability. The stress level and attitudes towards disability of normal siblings of children with disabilities (SCD) and siblings of normal children (SNC) were compared in terms of gender, family size and educational level. The stress level was measured by Holroyd's Questionnaire on Resources and Stress; attitudes towards disability were examined by Attitudes Towards Disabled Person Scale. 60 subjects participated in this study; 30 of them were SCD and 30 of them were SNC. t-test was used for data analysis. Results revealed a significant difference between the stress level of SCD and SNC. However, no significant difference was found between two sibling groups' attitudes towards disability. Also, gender, family size and educational level showed no significant difference either on the stress level of both sibling groups nor on their attitudes towards disability.This study is based on the master thesis of the first author.  相似文献   

Piaget has suggested that the reason why children find it difficult to draw foreshortened views is because they lack any conscious awareness of their own viewpoint. Instead, it is proposed that most of these difficulties derive from the constraints of drawing as a representational system: for example, although a round region shows a true view of a foreshortened stick, it is unsatisfactory as a representation. To test between these alternative proposals, 4-, 7-, and 12-year-olds were asked to draw sticks and discs in foreshortened and nonforeshortened positions. As predicted, fewer 7- and 12-year-olds used a round region to represent a foreshortened stick, compared with children of the same age who used a long region to represent a foreshortened disc. In addition, the 12-year-olds used a different and more effective denotation system compared with the 7-year-olds.  相似文献   

图画故事书与学前儿童的发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
图画故事书是学前儿童阅读的起点,是儿童人生的第一本书.图画故事书通过文字和图画共同传达故事信息,有别于其他形式的语言或视觉艺术,它独特的表达系统比较契合儿童心理特点.同时,图画故事书阅读又是一种复杂的心理过程,需要学前儿童具备大量的知识、经验和策略.因此,对学前儿童的语言、想象、思维、情感、社会化及审美能力发展都具有重要的价值.  相似文献   

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