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台湾的公共电视诞生于一个有线电视、卫星电视极度发达,电视市场完全竞争的时候。有人认为这是对商业化越演越烈的台湾电视业的一次反省;也有人不得不担心,面对这样一个完全竞争的市场,收视率至上的电视时代,公共电视能否达成其设立之初的目标?本文从台湾公共电视的经营体制入手,分析收视率对于公共电视评估的作用。  相似文献   

伴随着台湾公共电视三十年的发展历程,台湾公共电视评估体系也经历了以收视率作为标准、纳入收视质作为标准和由公共价值评量指标构建标准的三个发展阶段。台湾公共电视评估体系博采众长,从收视率为导向的商业电视评估模式下突围,发展出收视质的概念,最终确立了涵盖25项指标的"台湾公广集团公共价值评量指标",并体现出以法律法规作为根本保障、以公共价值为核心指标、以研究机构主导模式为主的特点。  相似文献   

电视节目传播效果评估系统是节目价格价值评估的重要一环。科学的节目传播效果评估系统应将收视率与满意度(或欣赏度)评估相统一、把节目播出的收视效果和节目播出的社会传播效果相统一,兼顾节目的覆盖率、市场份额和占有率以及广告创收等经济效益指标,并与主持人竞争力等后续节目品牌开发内容相结合。  相似文献   

作为电视市场分析、节目评估的指标,眼下收视率具有垄断地位,是当仁不让的权威;从央视到地市级电视台、从电视广告经营战略确定到具体节目的去留,收视率几乎都拥有生杀予夺的大权。于是许多人把收视率看成电视各项指标评估的"万能码"。但笔者认为:尽管收视率的作用不可怀疑,而迷信收视率、过分夸大或依赖收视率作用却大不应该;收视率自身存在的先天不足决定了它无法独立承担起评估尤其是节目评估的重任。  相似文献   

作为电视市场分析、节目评估的指标,眼下收视率具有垄断地位,从央视到地市级电视台、从电视广告经营战略确定到具体节目的去留,收视率几乎都拥有生杀予夺的大权.于是许多人都把收视率看成电视各项指标评估的"万能码".但笔者认为:收视率的作用当然不可怀疑,而迷信收视率、过分夸大或依赖收视率作用却大不应该;收视率自身存在的先天不足决定了它无法独立承担起评估尤其是节目评估的重任.  相似文献   

许鑫 《今传媒》2009,(8):41-43
改革开放三十年来,我国电视频道资源和节目资源日益丰富,节目制作水平有了质的提高.与此同时,我国电视机构对节目的评估也更加重视,大多数电视台已经建立起一套涵盖收视率、满意度、专家评价和成本指标在内的节目评估体系,然而在实际操作中,收视率已经成为国内电视机构开展节目评估和"末位淘汰"的唯一参考依据,"收视率崇拜"已经成为一种客观存在.  相似文献   

贺丹 《新闻前哨》2007,(5):62-63
一、公共电视简述公共电视首先是个舶来的概念,在某些国家又叫公共服务电视。公共电视的含义为:第一,以服务公众为原则,不以盈利为目的;第二,以制播具教育性、文化性节目为主,节目内容一方面要  相似文献   

作为电视市场分析、节目评估的指标,眼下收视率具有垄断地位,是当仁不让的权威;从央视到地市级电视台、从电视广告经营战略确定到具体节目的去留,收视率几乎都拥有生杀予夺的大权。于是许多人把收视率看成电视各项指标评估的“万能码”。但笔认为:尽管收视率的作用不可怀疑,而迷信收视率、过分夸大或依赖收视率作用却大不应该;收视率自身存在的先天不足决定了它无法独立承担起评估尤其是节目评估的重任。  相似文献   

美国公共电视的节目一度以多样化、高品质和干净著称,节目内容和类型都相当丰富,涉及众多领域,节目来源亦不乏多样性。但松散的组织结构不利于节目的宣传、推介,加之资金体系、政治压力、商业媒介竞争和新技术挑战种种压力,美国公共电视不仅在渐渐丧失原有的优势特色,更面临诸多新问题。如何在日益多元化的媒介版图中继续生存下去,这是公共电视必须要深思的问题。  相似文献   

市场化免费电视不能对所有观众一视同仁。其原因在于广告经营对节目安排的影响。收视率成了广告时段的标价签。其标价的依据是节目的收视人数、收视密度、观众购买力和观众广告弹性等四个因素。因此,不同的观众群体也就因为其人数、密度、购买力和观众广告弹性在电视面前有了高低强弱之分。在我国当前条件下,扶助弱势观众应该综合运用公共电视、国营电视、付费电视、税收、补贴等措施。  相似文献   

Inheritance effects, especially high levels of audience duplication between adjacent programs, are a widely observed but little understood feature of audience behavior. This study places inheritance effects within a theoretical model of television program choice that attributes the general phenomenon to underlying patterns of audience availability. The absolute level of audience duplication between adjacent programs broadcast on the same network is determined by the rating of each program, the structure of available program options, and similarities in program type.  相似文献   


This study examined the impact that program scheduling and market characteristics had on people's exposure to the early evening local news. Three factors combined to explain 81% of the variation in local news ratings across the U.S.: a station's network news rating, the lead‐in rating for the local news, and the size of the available television audience. We discussed how such structural factors might be better integrated into research and theory that emphasize individual characteristics as determinants of exposure to television programming.  相似文献   

The mountains of data amassed by the various audience research services are rarely mined for the underlying factors of audience behavior. Published as part of the rating service reports is a vast amount of qualitative information that can be used to build a coherent picture of some of the many audiences to broadcast programs. (See “Qualitative Information Concerning Audiences of Network Television Programs” by Harrison B. Sommers, Journal op Broadcasting, Vol. V, No. 3, pp.147–160, Spring 1961.) The present study offers some predictable and some unpredictable findings from such published data on television program types and audience composition.  相似文献   


Readers with young children may have noticed the occasional Spanish language vignettes appearing from time to time on Sesame Street, the popular public television program for pre‐schoolers. The following article describes the development and audience impact of a program designed to reach a Spanish‐American audience in a Texas city. The study is presented primarily as a guide for other programmers desiring to evaluate audience effects of such content. This article is a summary of a longer report done under an Office of Education subcontract to the Center for Communication Research at the University of Texas. Dr. Williams is Director of the Center and professor in the school of communications, while Diana Natalicio is now an assistant professor of linguistics at the University of Texas at El Paso after having completed her doctorate in linguistics at the Austin campus in 1970.  相似文献   

Despite their low pay and clerical status, the women who staffed the National Broadcasting Company’s (NBC) Information Department played an integral role in shaping the national network’s program and public relations policies. As the network’s first line of contact with its audience, Information Department workers influenced public opinion by shaping the networks’ responses to individual audience members’ written complaints. They also processed and molded the information NBC executives used to sell programming to advertisers. Still, as women, they were routinely devalued and their labor dismissed as simultaneously rote, irrelevant, and hyperemotional. This paper brings together internal documents from across NBC’s corporate structure to recover the careers of Anita Barnard and Kathryn Cole, two women who managed the Information Department through the 1940s and 1950s. During this period, the network underwent enormous transitions, including the shift from radio to television and renewed threats of federal regulation. The Information Department’s status waxed and waned along with NBC’s need to appease its audience and recruit and retain sponsors. Barnard and Cole’s status rose when audience information was at a premium, but it fell as soon as network dominance over television was established and financial returns assured.  相似文献   


Although stations, networks and advertisers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars annually on various rating services and audience measurement surveys, they often overlook a gold mine of voluntarily submitted feedback from their audience: the fan letter. It is true that the “pan” letter condemning a program often gets inordinate attention on decision‐making levels, but the run‐of‐the‐mill fan letter, if properly analyzed, can provide a wealth of information about the effect of a program upon its audience. Charles Winick is author of Taste and the Censor in Television (an Occasional Paper for the Fund for the Republic) and numerous articles in publications dealing with the mass media, such as Gazette, and the Journal op Broadcasting (“Censor and Sensibility,” Spring, 1962). Dr. Winick is a research psychologist and children's television program consultant at NBC who has taught and conducted research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Columbia University and New York University.  相似文献   

This study examines audience duplication, the extent to which the audience of one program also watches the other, and its determinants. Using peoplemeter data from Guangzhou, a multichannel and multicultural television market in China, the study tests the intertwining effects of media structural factors and audience preference factors on audience duplication levels of program pairs. The results show significant effects of the two types of factors. A regression model was established in which these two types of factors together explained 59% of the total variance in audience duplication.  相似文献   

This study investigated implications of viewing The Biggest Loser, NBC’s popular reality television show. Using online survey data collected from 613 participants, results suggest that exposure to the program is positively associated with perceived realism of the program, which in turn is positively associated with developing internal weight locus of control. Meanwhile, internal weight locus of control is positively associated with audience members’ exercise behavior, meaning the higher level of internal weight locus of control the audience members develop, the more likely they are to engage in physical exercise. This study offers evidence that health-related reality television might be a useful tool to influence audience members’ cognitions on health issues, which could potentially lead to healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   


The current emphasis placed by the television industry on the development and production of public affairs programing has led to increased reliance upon perhaps the oldest, most simple, and least costly form of informative programing: the interview. This recent attention should not be allowed to obscure two facts: 1) the average interview program, valuable as it may be, rarely attracts audiences (and sponsors) to the same extent as does an “entertainment” program; and 2) some programs are exceptions. For eight years the “Paul Coates Show” has fascinated a loyal audience that has amply repaid the program's sponsors. Why has this particular program done so well? Mr. Coates, a widely‐read newspaper columnist, does not fit the stereotype of a television “personality,” neither are his questions so probing as those of some other television interviewers. In an attempt to uncover the factors underlying the popularity of the “Paul Coates Show,” Dr. Borgers has analyzed the structure of a number of programs and has arrived at some useful conclusions.  相似文献   

This study investigated social television viewing by introducing the social engagement construct. Three categories of factors, television program related perceptions, social media characteristics, and audience attributes, were proposed to predict the social engagement experience. This investigation tested 10 audience motives for using social media to engage with television content. It was found that social engagement is a complex process driven by multiple factors, particularly, program-related variables such as affinity, involvement, and genre preferences, as well as individuals' innovativeness trait.  相似文献   

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