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体液环境代谢状态对于越野滑雪运动员体能恢复具有重要作用。通过液体补充 ,达到运动训练过程中 ,快速减轻疲劳现象 ,补充用于运动的能量源 ,重新激活运动机能。运动员需要把握体液补充与恢复的时机 ,这也是专项训练一种有效补充。在系统训练过程中就要养成高素质的体液补充与恢复意识和能力。  相似文献   

范静  姜跃金 《冰雪运动》2010,32(1):46-49
越野滑雪是周期性耐力项目,运动时间多、距离长,能量消耗大,对运动员的心理和机体能力要求较高。越野滑雪运动员的运动训练恢复是运动训练中的重要组成部分,良好的消除疲劳方法,能提高运动水平。结合越野滑雪运动训练实践,运用理论分析方法阐述越野滑雪运动疲劳产生的机理和检测方法,并提出恢复训练、营养补充和心理训练等方法,旨在为促进越野滑雪运动员运动疲劳的积极恢复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

越野滑雪运动员力量训练的重要性   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
阐述了越野滑雪运动员进行力量训练的重要性,具体介绍了力量训练的方法手段以及力量训练时应注意的几个问题,旨在为越野滑雪运动员的力量训练提供参考,从而有效地提高越野滑雪运动员的力量素质,为越野滑雪运动员取得优异的运动成绩提供保证。  相似文献   

姜韬 《冰雪运动》2006,(2):49-50
针对青少年越野滑雪运动员雪期训练期短的现状,提出利用滑轮训练来提高青少年运动员速度、力量、耐力等素质的方法和手段,为提高青少年运动员越野滑雪运动成绩奠定基础。  相似文献   

本文结合多年教学训练工作的实践,阐述了决定肌肉力量耐力因素的三个主要方面,建议加强力量耐力训练应制定多年计划,进行系统训练;训练方法要与专项动作要求相一致;专项力量训练应在肌肉快速收缩的练习中完成;注重心理素质的培养。  相似文献   

张东荣 《冰雪运动》2001,(3):39-40,50
对黑龙江省28名越野滑雪运动员294份心电图进行了分析研究,得出∑T/R比值与训练负荷的增加、负荷量的累积及痰病的发生率呈负相关;与运动训练年限和调整的程度呈正相关。同时还发现当运动员∑T/R比值处于1.0以上的时期,其心脏功能属于良好状态,在此阶段运动更承受训练负荷的能力强;并在比赛中很有可能取得优秀成绩。  相似文献   

定向越野的特征是在未知的地形里找出标绘在地图上的地面检查点,并沿着最佳路线与时间赛跑,根据这一特征着重分析了对定向运动员的体能与技能的要求,专项耐力是运动员体能重要的素质,并提出了发展专项耐力的各种训练方法和手段。另外,运动员在奔跑中要掌握和克服各种复杂自然条件的运动技能,同时提出了应对各种障碍和条件的技能方法。  相似文献   

越野滑雪运动员的身体素质训练及技术运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
越野滑雪是历史上最为悠久的雪上运动项目之一。在我国起步较晚,目前仅有40年的历史。虽在训练、竞赛、场地建设和运动员群众培育等方面都达到了一定的规模和水平,在亚洲各项比赛中也占有一席之地,但我们的整体实力和世界先进水平相比仍处于落后状态。上世纪80年代出现了一种蹬冰步,首先被芬兰运动员掌握,并在第十三届奥运会上大显神威,  相似文献   

运动员在运动训练中经常出现不同程度的疲劳状态,机体器官的机能水平不同程度的变化,以及运动能力下降和不同程度的训练能能力下降,较大的疲劳还会对本人的身体和生理造成不良的影响。所以对运动员的疲劳和恢复以  相似文献   

越野滑雪运动历史悠久,是一项考验参与者体能、力量和耐力的项目,对于运动员的身体素质要求较高。其中,力量训练对于越野滑雪运动员的能力培养意义重大,具有深刻的学理基础,但国内对此尚疏于重视。因此,提出制定合理的选材与训练规划、提高运动员的专项技能、采取科学的力量训练方式等策略,以期强化我国越野滑雪运动员的力量素质,助其提高比赛成绩。同时,使力量训练与越野滑雪技术训练有效结合,也更加符合越野滑雪运动规律和项目发展的要求,有助于我国越野滑雪运动的长远发展。  相似文献   

关于高山滑雪运动损伤的调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在高山滑雪运动中,容易发生运动损伤,通过对黑龙江省部分滑雪者的调查,找出造成运动员损伤的原因,建议采取一系列相应的预防措施,尽量把运动损伤降低到最低限度.  相似文献   

通过运动实践,探讨室内滑雪场的重要作用,旨在进一步提高我国越野滑雪技术水平,推动该项目的快速发展.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis was carried out on 1263 injured downhill skiers and 85 cross-country skiers with regard to risk of injury, diagnosis, localization and age distribution. While 48% of the injuries to cross-country skiers involved the upper extremities, 77% of the injuries to downhill skiers involved lesions of the leg. Contusions accounted for 31.8% in the case of cross-country skiers, while 37.8% of downhill skiers suffered distortions, 22.8% sustained torn ligaments and 22.2% suffered fractures. A total of 57% of downhill skiers are under the age of thirty, while 87% of cross-country skiers are at least 30 years of age. Female cross-country skiers tend to suffer more injuries. The chief causes are falls on downhill slopes, but also on the level usually on icy or well-trodden courses. Another course is the ski getting caught. Good equipment, a good state of fitness and preparation, protection against hypothermia, appropriate choice of cross-country courses and cross-country skiing lessons are ways of preventing injuries.  相似文献   


The aims of the study were to: (1) adapt the “double-push” technique from inline skating to cross-country skiing; (2) compare this new skiing technique with the conventional skate skiing cross-country technique; and (3) test the hypothesis that the double-push technique improves skiing speed in a short sprint. 13 elite skiers performed maximum-speed sprints over 100 m using the double-push skate skiing technique and using the conventional “V2” skate skiing technique. Pole and plantar forces, knee angle, cycle characteristics, and electromyography of nine lower body muscles were analysed. We found that the double-push technique could be successfully transferred to cross-country skiing, and that this new technique is faster than the conventional skate skiing technique. The double-push technique was 2.9 ± 2.2% faster (P < 0.001), which corresponds to a time advantage of 0.41 ± 0.31 s over 100 m. The double-push technique had a longer cycle length and a lower cycle rate, and it was characterized by higher muscle activity, higher knee extension amplitudes and velocities, and higher peak foot forces, especially in the first phase of the push-off. Also, the foot was more loaded laterally in the double-push technique than in the conventional skate skiing technique.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to: (1) adapt the "double-push" technique from inline skating to cross-country skiing; (2) compare this new skiing technique with the conventional skate skiing cross-country technique; and (3) test the hypothesis that the double-push technique improves skiing speed in a short sprint. 13 elite skiers performed maximum-speed sprints over 100 m using the double-push skate skiing technique and using the conventional "V2" skate skiing technique. Pole and plantar forces, knee angle, cycle characteristics, and electromyography of nine lower body muscles were analysed. We found that the double-push technique could be successfully transferred to cross-country skiing, and that this new technique is faster than the conventional skate skiing technique. The double-push technique was 2.9 +/- 2.2% faster (P < 0.001), which corresponds to a time advantage of 0.41 +/- 0.31 s over 100 m. The double-push technique had a longer cycle length and a lower cycle rate, and it was characterized by higher muscle activity, higher knee extension amplitudes and velocities, and higher peak foot forces, especially in the first phase of the push-off. Also, the foot was more loaded laterally in the double-push technique than in the conventional skate skiing technique.  相似文献   

Six Danish male cross-country skiers were studied during the end-of-summer and winter seasons. Their maximal oxygen uptake was measured while running on a treadmill and using a ski ergometer incorporating the double-poling technique. Maximal oxygen uptake during treadmill running and double-poling was correlated with performance, expressed as a ranking score during 10 ski races. The tests were undertaken in September, December and April. Upper body maximal oxygen uptake increased 5.8% from September to December, decreasing to 2.3% above the September level in April. Upper body work output (2 min at maximal intensity) increased 11.8% from September to December (P less than 0.05). The relationship between upper body and leg maximal oxygen uptake--the upper body/leg ratio--was 89.4% in September. In four skiers, both treadmill and upper body tests were undertaken on each test occasion. The upper body/leg ratio changed from 87.7% in September to 95.7% in December. In April, the ratio was 91.0%. The maximal oxygen uptake measured using the ski ergometer during double-poling was significantly correlated with performance (P less than 0.05). It is concluded that the upper body ski ergometer can be used in the evaluation of elite cross-country skiers.  相似文献   

对我国业余高山滑雪运动员赛前准备活动的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈松  王兵 《冰雪运动》2005,(4):29-30
通过对业余高山滑雪运动员的赛前观察与赛后访问调查的分析,论述了准备活动 的作用和赛前准备活动过程中应用科学系统.准备活动方法的重要性.在高山滑雪运动项目中,运动员做准备活动时要依据运动项目及技术特点、运动能力、生力和心理的个别差异进行练习,决不可以盲目模仿他人的准备活动.应通过比赛和训练总结出适合自己的准备活动,以适合比赛的需要,为比赛的发挥奠定基础.  相似文献   

The physiological demands of cross-country skiing require competitive skiers to have high maximal oxygen uptakes and anaerobic thresholds. Anaerobic capacity has a relatively less important role, but may be of greater importance today with the faster race velocities resulting from the new skiing techniques of ski skating. Although use of the ski skating techniques results in faster race velocities than the classical techniques, it has been found that under some conditions the double-pole technique is more economical than other skiing techniques. It is suggested that this results from a more effective storage and recovery of elastic energy, a greater proportion of the forces being directed along the line of travel, and a lower air resistance due to greater trunk and hip flexion with the double-pole technique. The greater economy of the double-pole technique suggests that this may be advantageous in certain race conditions if the upper body is adequately prepared. The greater propulsive forces generated with the upper body with ski skating also suggest that training of the upper body should receive more emphasis. The potential cardiovascular adaptations from cross-country ski training appear to be similar for the classical and skating techniques, yet training specificity is important for optimal performance.  相似文献   

Cycle and force characteristics were examined in 11 elite male cross-country skiers using the diagonal stride technique while skiing uphill (7.5°) on snow at moderate (3.5 ± 0.3 m/s), high (4.5 ± 0.4 m/s), and maximal (5.6 ± 0.6 m/s) velocities. Video analysis (50 Hz) was combined with plantar (leg) force (100 Hz), pole force (1,500 Hz), and photocell measurements. Both cycle rate and cycle length increased from moderate to high velocity, while cycle rate increased and cycle length decreased at maximal compared to high velocity. The kick time decreased 26% from moderate to maximal velocity, reaching 0.14 s at maximal. The relative kick and gliding times were only altered at maximal velocity, where these were longer and shorter, respectively. The rate of force development increased with higher velocity. At maximal velocity, sprint-specialists were 14% faster than distance-specialists due to greater cycle rate, peak leg force, and rate of leg force development. In conclusion, large peak leg forces were applied rapidly across all velocities and the shorter relative gliding and longer relative kick phases at maximal velocity allow maintenance of kick duration for force generation. These results emphasise the importance of rapid leg force generation in diagonal skiing.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to assess fatigue during a simulated cross-country skiing sprint competition based on skating technique. Sixteen male skiers performed a 30-m maximal skiing speed test and four 850-m heats with roller skies on a tartan track, separated by 20 min recovery between heats. Physiological variables (heart rate, blood lactate concentration, oxygen consumption), skiing velocity, and electromyography (EMG) were recorded at the beginning of the heats and at the end of each 200-m lap during the heats. Maximal skiing velocity and EMG were measured in the speed test before the simulation. No differences were observed in skiing velocity, EMG or metabolic variables between the heats. The end (820–850 m) velocities and sum-iEMG of the triceps brachii and vastus lateralis in the four heats were significantly lower than the skiing velocity and sum-iEMG in the speed test. A significant correlation was observed between mean oxygen consumption and the change in skiing velocity over the four heats. Each single heat induced considerable neuromuscular fatigue, but recovery between the heats was long enough to prevent accumulation of fatigue. The results suggest that the skiers with a high aerobic power were less fatigued throughout the simulation.  相似文献   

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