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This review of the literature on A Classification System for Libraries of Judaica by Elazar provides a brief history of the System along with a summary of its basic functionality. The themes explored in this review are the purpose for which the Elazar System was developed, specifically how standard classification and cataloging schemes were problematic for libraries of Judaica, and the challenges of balancing the needs of specific user groups with the need for standards that can be understood and applied in ways that allow for the broadest possible access.  相似文献   

记述了在法国巴黎,南锡等地访问,考察法国国家科研中心总部,有关文献信息机构和部分高等学校图书馆并与相关人士进行友好交流的情况。  相似文献   

This study is aimed at examining the impact of an institution's medical library on the clinical decision-making of medical officers in two Nigerian University Teaching Hospitals. Medical information sources consulted by medical officers in Nigeria University teaching hospitals were examined. The results of the study revealed that the information provided by the library was appropriate to their clinical decisions. Medics rely mostly on their institution's library and personal data collections for information. Information is sought for the purposes of managing patients, evaluating new drugs, and support for the diagnosis of ailments. Scientific and technical journals, Index Medicus, Excerpta Medical, CD-ROM (MEDLINE) databases and foreign magazines are widely consulted. Respondents judged the library collection as fair. The study recommends that the existing medical libraries and information centers in Nigeria be well stocked for the retraining of librarians in modern information technology.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at examining the impact of an institution's medical library on the clinical decision-making of medical officers in two Nigerian University Teaching Hospitals. Medical information sources consulted by medical officers in Nigeria University teaching hospitals were examined. The results of the study revealed that the information provided by the library was appropriate to their clinical decisions. Medics rely mostly on their institution's library and personal data collections for information. Information is sought for the purposes of managing patients, evaluating new drugs, and support for the diagnosis of ailments. Scientific and technical journals, Index Medicus, Excerpta Medical, CD-ROM (MEDLINE) databases and foreign magazines are widely consulted. Respondents judged the library collection as fair. The study recommends that the existing medical libraries and information centers in Nigeria be well stocked for the retraining of librarians in modern information technology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to study a broad set of journal papers related to metadata and quality in digital repositories and libraries, and to provide a quantitative analysis of the relevant research. It also aims at identifying open issues and future directions for research. A detailed search was carried out in relevant journals of information science, computer science, and library science; mainly, that allowed us to identify an extensive corpora of relevant work. The identified papers were classified based on an existing framework and a statistical analysis was carried out on the main classifications used within the framework. The analysis of the 702 papers identified, led to a series of statements for the field examined, focusing on the type of research carried out, the research methods deployed, and the research claims made. In addition, the papers were classified based on their target audiences, disciplines, as well as institutional and geographical origins. The article identifies areas in the literature that have not been addressed, as well as areas for future research. It also provides a clear image of the areas already researched, analyzing scientific literature that covers 20 years of repository/library deployment. This article makes an original contribution for researchers, practitioners, and managers of digital repositories and libraries alike as it provides a set of specific recommendations for the metadata and quality in digital repositories and libraries research agenda, along with a thorough analysis and classification of the research carried out so far.  相似文献   

分析2001-2010年我国公共图书馆弱势群体信息服务的研究现状,包括理论研究、具体措施、信息/知识援助、实证研究、信息咨询、各类弱势群体的研究和国外经验介绍。目前的研究存在着概念界定模糊、论文数量偏少和可行性有待验证等问题。  相似文献   

采用教育部高校图书馆事实数据库及问卷调查的数据,统计分析了2010年至2014年"985工程"及"211工程"高校、普通本科高校以及高职高专院校的图书馆在文献资源经费、当年新增纸质文献情况、纸质文献资源累积量、电子资源采购等方面的情况。  相似文献   


Nearly 25 years have elapsed since the last comprehensive measure of the percentage of academic libraries that employ the Dewey and Library of Congress systems of classification. To provide updated statistics, the researchers surveyed all 3793 academic libraries via their online catalogs. The findings indicate that the use of Dewey has declined over the past four decades. Teachers’ Colleges and Community Colleges in particular have higher rates of Dewey use than large research or professional universities. This information may help support academic library reclassification decisions.  相似文献   

《中国图书馆分类法》第四版的特点(三)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈树年 《图书馆杂志》1999,18(11):40-42
4.2调整局部体系结构的方法技术 对重点修订类或体系结构明显不合理的局部做必要的调整,是各版修订时均涉及到的,关键是采用什么技术进行调整最为科学、对用户影响较小。本次修订主要采用:4.2.1在原有体系的基础上增加新的结构或成分,实现对原体系的改造,这种方法基本不影响用户的使用,如 TP316操作系统,保留并扩充按类型划分的操作系统,增加按名称划分的操作系统;4.2.2对类分资料的类目进行重组,由于资料一般不采用分类排架,重组局部类目体系不涉及文献改编问题,也不影响已入藏图书的排架,如TP334外部…  相似文献   

《中国图书馆分类法》第四版的特点(二)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈树年 《图书馆杂志》1999,18(10):46-47,39
3 《中图法》第四版对类目体系、类目内容修订的特点 分类法的每一版修订,都是为了缩小分类法已编列的知识体系与社会经济发展和科学技术之间的差距,以便能科学地进行知识组织、更有效地对文献信息进行检索,这样必然涉及到对原有类目体系和类目内容的修订。第4版修订的重点是全面增补近十年来出现的新事物、新学科、新主题,同时也适当地对某些类的局部类目体系作调整,并进行类目的规范化,提高分类法组织文献和检索文献的功能。修订主要包括以下几个方面:3.1 增加新的学科、主题内容。 这方面的修订量最大,通过全面、系统的增…  相似文献   

随着全球对生态学科研究的不断深入,对生态学的研究转为研究人类与地球之间的关系,与生态学科相关的交叉学科和边缘学科不断涌现,关于生态学科的中外文献大量出版。本文通过对环境与生态学的认识,根据《中图法》的编制原则和类目体系,就有关生态学科中外文献的归类作了探讨。  相似文献   

以民族类文献及其分类工作为出发点,针对《中图法》(第四版)民族文献的类目设置,建议增设民族学科相关类目和类目注释。  相似文献   

分析《<中国图书馆分类法>(第5版)文学大类存在的问题》一文所提出的文学类分类问题,指出其中值得商榷的文学类分类观点,并提出修改意见。  相似文献   


Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the use of web-based information services in university libraries in Kerala, India.

Design/methodology/approach: A survey method was used for the collection of data. The questionnaire method was used to collect data for the study. The study was conducted among the research scholars of four selected universities in Kerala, India.

Findings: This study has analyzed the services and resources in the libraries which are provided through the medium of the internet and also the usage patterns of web information services by the scholars of the selected universities. The analysis reveals that most of the university libraries have implemented web-based information services. However, the extent of usage is not to the expected level and this is due to the lack of sufficient awareness about the usage methods of web resources and services. With the help of proper user education and training programs, the present situation can be ameliorated. The findings of this study can be helpful to the authorities to improve the services in the libraries.

Originality/value: Proper use of library resources is essential for scholars to bring forth productive research outputs. This study provides recommendations for enhancing web-based services in university libraries in Kerala to provide better services to the users.  相似文献   

《中图法》(第四版)客家文献归类与民族类目设置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客家民系在其发展过程中形成了丰富的客家文献,文章探讨客家文献在<中图法>(第四版)中归类的局限性,提出对<中图法>改进民族类目设置,以明确客家文献归类的建议.  相似文献   

杨兴菊 《图书馆论坛》2006,26(2):173-175
从医药、卫生新兴学科文献归类问题、类目的设置问题、类目的注释问题、多学科交叉文献归类问题等几方面进行研究探讨,提出相应的建议及解决办法,力求科学准确归类。  相似文献   

高校图书馆建立学科馆员制度论略   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
网络环境使现代图书馆呈现出明显的社会性、开放性和学术性特点。学科馆员针对各学科进行的专业化、深层次的学科服务,已成为高校图书馆一种新型的主体性和定位性服务形式。文章介绍了学科馆员及学科馆员制度产生的时代背景,强调了学科馆员在高校图书馆信息服务中的主体地位,提出了选拔、培养学科馆员以及建立学科馆员制度的措施。  相似文献   

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