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The preliminary results are reported in a national study of police education. All state police agencies, all municipal agencies serving populations greater than 50,000, and all sheriff's departments with more than 100 sworn officers were surveyed to obtain data on the level of higher education in the departments, policies in support of college education, and the effect of higher education on policing. The survey was followed by indepth site visits to San Diego, San Jose, and Sacramento, California; Kansas City, Missouri; New York City; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Largo, Florida. Significant findings showed that the average educational level of police officers has risen steadily over the past two decades; that only a small proportion of police departments formally require college for employment of promotion; that the great majority, however, have educational support policies and an “informal” criterion of college for selection and promotion or officers. The data also show that minorities are being recruited effectively and hired with educational levels competitive with those of whites; that women are being recruited effectively with mean educational levels nearly a year higher than those of males; and that employment of minorities in law enforcement in the study population is proportionately comparable to the proportions of minorities in the general population.  相似文献   

产学合作培养是全日制专业学位研究生教育过程中的重要环节,二者之间存在着交互耦合关系。本文通过对全日制专业学位研究生教育过程中产学的互动耦合关系分析,运用协同论的观点,构建全日制专业学位研究生教育过程中产学耦合协调度模型及其指标体系,并以我国部分高校为例,对其耦合协调度进行了实证研究。结果表明:全日制专业学位研究生产学之间的耦合协调度较低,处于中度协调耦合阶段;与高校相比,企业对全日制专业学位研究生教育的作用较小;高校耦合要素的作用普遍高于相对应的企业耦合要素;高校和企业内部各要素的作用也存在明显差异。  相似文献   

在前人研究的基础上,结合行业院校特点以及研究生培养现状,对研究生培养质量影响因素进行深入探讨与分析,得出影响行业院校研究生培养质量的主要因素,据此提出了提升改进策略,为提升行业院校研究生的培养质量提供借鉴。  相似文献   


This paper reports the findings of a study that examined the relationship between distance teaching and the faculty reward system. Using a qualitative approach, the study sought to understand how distance teaching is valued, rewarded, and accommodated within the institutional reward structure. Based on interviews with faculty members, distance education program administrators, and the chief academic officers at four research universities, the study describes a reward culture that is not accommodating to and rewarding of faculty work in distance education. The study finds that: 1) distance education occupies a marginal status, 2) distance teaching is neither highly valued nor well‐rewarded as scholarly activity, 3) distance teaching is not highly related to promotion and tenure decisions, and 4) rewards for distance teaching are dependent on the academic unit's commitment to distance education.  相似文献   


This study examines the effects of education on the career paths of Texas law enforcement officers holding advanced or specialized positions. It addresses the distribution of officers by rank and by assignment pattern, and the variance in career paths explained by respondents' education. Findings show that higher education reduces time required for movement in rank and assignment to specialized positions and was positively correlated to promotion into supervisory and administrative posts. Implications are that higher education will enhance an officer's probability of rising to the top regardless of whether the agency requires a college degree as a precondition of employment.  相似文献   

We examine graduate student teaching as an input to two production processes: the education of undergraduates and the development of graduate students themselves. Using fluctuations in full-time faculty availability as an instrument, we find undergraduates are more likely to major in a subject if their first course in the subject was taught by a graduate student, a result opposite of estimates that ignore selection. Additionally, graduate students who teach more frequently graduate earlier and are more likely to subsequently be employed by a college or university.  相似文献   

我国专业学位研究生教育已经进入高速发展期,在这个阶段,不仅需要高质量的实践和探索,还需要高质量的具有国际视野的理论研究。聚焦专业学位研究生教育领域的国际研究,运用文献计量学方法,对2000—2020年收录于WoS核心合集的权威期刊文献进行知识图谱可视化分析,揭示其核心文献增长、核心作者、研究机构、研究国家、研究主题与学位类别等分布特征,提出未来立足中国需要借鉴国际经验统筹开展专业学位研究生教育研究的建议:加强专业学位研究生教育的理论研究;注重不同专业学位类别的案例研究;增加专业学位研究生教育研究的资源支撑。  相似文献   

在专业学位教育快速发展的背景下,城市型大学开展专业学位教育既是机遇又是挑战,文章在研究专业学位教育特点的基础上,分析专业学位研究生培养定位对其导师的要求,并结合当前导师队伍建设面临教育教学观念的、导师职业素养的、教学方法的、教育对象的挑战,提出对策建议:消除对专业学位教育的偏见;促进“双导师制”的推进与落实;建立创新的师生关系;提高导师自身素质。  相似文献   

质量问题是制约专业学位研究生教育内涵式发展的重要因素。由于专业学位研究生教育具备无形性、生产与消费一体性、过程不可储存和服务效果差异化等服务的基本属性,故可采用构建专业学位研究生教育服务质量差距模型的方法,从培养单位认知差距、培养标准差距、教育服务传递差距和沟通的差距等方面分析造成专业学位研究生教育质量问题的主要原因,最终提出通过重视利益相关者的需求、合理制定培养方案、加强人事管理和教育督导、强调内部沟通和对外宣传的一致性等来缩小差距的对策和建议。  相似文献   

While we know a great deal about how justice education may benefit those who work in the justice system, studies have yet to examine the potential impact of justice education among college student citizens more generally. We investigate the impact of police-related courses on students’ satisfaction with police officers. Specifically, we examine how the number of policing courses taken is related to perceptions of officer fairness and reported police satisfaction and whether these relationships vary across race. Analyses indicate that race is an important influence on the relationship between policing education and perceptions of fairness. Among white students, education was unrelated to perceptions of procedural justice in encounters with police. In contrast, policing education was a significant predictor of procedural justice perceptions for African-American males. Among African-American males, students who had completed more police-related education were less likely to report that they had been treated fairly during police encounters. We also find racial variation in the relationship between procedural justice and police satisfaction.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):153-184
We reviewed the literature on "noncognitive" predictors-specifically, personality as it pertains to graduate education. The review is divided into 3 sections. In the first section, we reviewed measures typically used in studies of graduate school outcomes, such as attrition and time to degree. We also reviewed which student qualities faculty and administrators said they desired and cultivated in graduate programs. We also noted that there are many qualities faculty ranked high in desirability but which could only imperfectly be gleaned from sources such as letters of recommendation and personal statements. In the second section, we reviewed general personality factors (e.g., the "Big Five"), specifically, definitions, measures, correlates, and the validity of those measures. We concluded with a discussion of how personality factors might be used in admissions and guidance applications for graduate education.  相似文献   

研究生教育质量:宏观层面及其发展战略的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从宏观层面看,研究生教育的体系质量实际上就是要回答它的适切性问题。对研究生教育体系质量,应从类型维度、层次维度和整体维度上进行分析。研究生教育质量是面向未来的,应确立发展性的质量观,并在此基础上构建研究生教育质量保证体系。  相似文献   

全日制专业学位研究生教育存在问题及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全日制专业学位研究生教育是和学术型研究生教育同等重要的高层次人才教育。文章从全日制专业学位研究生教育的重要性、全日制专业学位研究生教育的特点、学术型与全日制专业学位研究生教育的异同等方面入手,分析全日制专业学位研究生教育目前存在的问题,并探索解决这些问题的方法和途径,以期为我国全日制专业学位研究生教育提供一些有价值的建议或启示。  相似文献   

Toby McMahon
The paper researches the practice of social promotion, where students who fail due to a lack of comprehension of grade level material are promoted along with their classmates who passed. Student and parent interviews, student surveys, and data from students’ graduation records are used to determine that social promotion does not improve the students’ education, instead students who are socially promoted are more likely to dropout of high school, less likely to graduate high school on time or at all, and the alternative practices are needed if students are to be successful and graduate high school.  相似文献   

There is no consensus regarding the benefits of a minimum education level of a four-year college degree for law enforcement officers. No state requires this for entry into policing and Minnesota is the only state to require an associate’s degree. This study examines the unique perceptions of a random sample of 627 Minnesota police officers relative to higher education degree requirements and their level of support for increasing the requirement to a four-year degree. Approximately, 30% of officers think the four-year degree should be required and 70% of officers would have still entered the profession if this were the requirement. Multinomial logistic regression analysis reveals factors that shape one or both of these opinions which include age, position in the department, education level, and agency support. Implications and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

合作教育:我国研究型大学研究生教育发展的新方向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
经过20余年的持续发展,我国研究生教育已经进入了一个重要的转型时期,研究型大学要培养科学大师,也要培养工业企业技术研发英才。发展研究生合作教育既是我国研究生教育发展的必然选择,也是研究型大学走向社会,促进经济发展和工业繁荣的重要手段。发展研究生合作教育应当理顺校企关系,建立完善的合作教育机制;加大研究生教育制度改革力度,创造有利的制度环境;加强研究生实践创新能力培养,造就大批企业高级研发人才;开展“双师型”教师的培养,建设一支能够胜任合作教育的导师队伍。  相似文献   

Within the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering of Monash University concerns have been raised about the prevalence of cheating amongst the IT students. Many isolated reports from staff of different cheating incidents collectively present a view of a problem that is widespread and multifaceted. Although indications are that these practices exist across all year levels in both undergraduate and graduate programmes, the actual extent of the problem, and whether any particular groups of students are more inclined to cheating behaviours, is difficult to gauge. Many studies have investigated undergraduate cheating; however, there have been very few studies of graduate students. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of studies of the cheating behaviour of information technology students. In some reporting of student cheating there is a tendency to take a general view of the problem, and preventative or educative measures to address this problem do not differentiate between undergraduate and graduate students. It is of concern that strategies that do not focus on attitudes or behaviours that are exhibited by a particular group are not as effective as they could be. The results of the study reported here show that there are differences between the undergraduate and graduate IT students in regard to their attitudes towards cheating and practice of cheating. The study hypothesises a relationship between maturity and motivation, and cheating behaviour. The possible reasons for this are explored and implications for the design of future education programmes are presented.  相似文献   

This study looks at the importance of refereed and nonrefereed publications in tenure and promotion decisions within 26 English speaking graduate colleges, faculties or schools of education in Canada. One hundred and thirty-nine administrators, within both master and doctoral degree-granting institutions, were polled. The first part of the questionnaire asked respondents to rate the importance of publication in 40 pre-listed Canadian serials on tenure and promotion decisions. The second part allowed respondents to add a maximum of 15 Canadian serials which, in turn, were to be rated as in Part I. An analysis of variance revealed that publications in refereed serials were significantly more important than publications in nonrefereed serials. Neither the title of the respondent nor the graduate designation affected the results. It was tentatively concluded that there is a community of Englishspeaking scholars in Canada and that this community distinguishes between the importance of refereed and nonrefereed publications in tenure and promotion decisions. Recommendations for further research are proposed.  相似文献   

There has been continued debate regarding educational policies and practices regarding the lifelong learning social order with significant focus upon the preparation of educators of children and youth for this global lifelong learning society. However, there has been limited discussion and research regarding the professional preparation of lifelong learning adult educators. This article investigates the current status of graduate professional programs to prepare lifelong learning adult educators (individuals who are prepared and credentialed through a professional graduate master's degree in adult education and human resource development). Because of differing international policies and structures of graduate education, this discussion will present a comparative examination of current structures and characteristics of master's degree programs at two institutional sites located in Denmark and the USA. Current objectives, characteristics, and understandings of graduate professional preparation programs will be delineated between these two case studies. Contextual issues and influences in the preparation of lifelong learning adult educators will be discussed, with comparative discussions of cultural norms and policies regarding graduate professional preparation, innovative programmatic and instructional efforts, engagement of theory and best practices in lifelong learning, and comparative cultural differences between program students and faculty.  相似文献   

美国在研究生教育发展过程中构建了一套完整独立的研究生培养体系,通过侧重学生素质综合评价的招生录取制度、促进学生全面发展和综合能力的课程设置以及层层考核的学位审核制度等先进经验培养了大批高素质人才。文章以哈佛大学等三所美国大学高等教育学专业硕士研究生招生录取制度、课程设置和学位审核制度为例进行对比分析,可以在一定程度上揭示美国硕士研究生教育的办学特色和优势,并为我国研究生教育改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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