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也谈高校图书馆新馆的建筑设计   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:5  
论述了高校图书馆在建筑设计中应注意的几个问题,以便建造出符合时代要求、体现新世纪风采的图书馆。  相似文献   

网络环境下图书馆的角色定位   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
信息技术革命给图书馆事业发展带来了机遇和挑战。网络环境下的图书馆应在继续发挥读者和信息之间的中介作用的基础上 ,不断拓展信息推销、信息发布和知识社区中心的作用。  相似文献   

新世纪的图书馆与图书馆的新世纪   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
面对新世纪知识经济文明的到来,我国图书馆工作者,需要对图书馆的性质有全新的认识,树立新观念,即生产性与产业化,开放性与社会化,群众性与知识化,艺术性与科学化,创造性与革命化,以新的思想来开拓中国图书馆事业的新世纪。  相似文献   

Herbert Van de Sompel, Prototyping Team Leader, Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, took the audience on a journey from a paper-based scholarly communication system to a web of objects. Increasingly, the research process, not just its output, is web-based. Objects created and used as part of that process do not have the same sense of fixity that traditional publications had. Van de Sompel explored the problems inherent in the transition and the consequences of failing to proactively archive the full context of the scholarly record on the web.  相似文献   

“NEP: New Economics Papers”, the current awareness service for the Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) digital library, is made possible by volunteer editors who filter new additions to RePEc into subject-specific reports. The official purpose of current awareness service is to filter working papers by subject matter without any judgment of its academic quality. In this article, binary logistic regression analysis (BLRA) estimates the probability of a paper being included in any of the subject reports as a function of a range of observable values. The analysis suggests that, contrary to their claims, editors use quality criteria: the series the paper is coming from and the reputation of the authors. The findings suggest that a current awareness service can issue quality signals.  相似文献   

3月23日是我们的老馆长佟曾功先生的忌日。今年年初他因关节炎引起肾衰竭而离开了我们。我痛惜失去佟馆长这么一位好领导、好师长,难过的心情真是难以表达。他一生清正廉洁、严于律己,当了多年馆长,一直保持高风亮节。佟馆长一生有许多著述,主持了《当代……  相似文献   

沈原 《北京档案》2003,(7):48-49
光绪三十二年五月初十日(1906年7月1日)傍晚,灿烂了一天的阳光依然不肯匆匆离去.北京前门火车站内外,穿戴整洁、神情有些紧张的巡捕们值勤巡逻,把车站秩序维持得井井有条.  相似文献   

财务总监制,即国家凭借其所有者身份,由国有资产管理部门向国有独资、控股企业委派财务总监,代表其履行对经营者的监督权,以加强所有权监督,维护其利益的一种经济监督制度。财务总监督在西方发达国家相当流行,在我国还是一个新事物。它的产生应当说有其客观的必要性。近年来,随着我国经济的迅猛发展,经济体制改革的不断深入,特别是产权制度的改革,企业集团的增多,规模的扩大,资金渠道不断拓宽,暴露出一些比较突出和严重的问题,不少企业忽视财务监督,制订的财务监督制度流于形  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider some game-theory problems of group pursuit of a target under perturbations. Here, the players are unmanned flight vehicles (FVs) whose mathematical models are given by transfer functions that describe a double-loop control system with an autopilot and certain settings to provide the necessary stability of flight. According to the separation principle, without loss of generality, solutions are considered in a pitch plane. In the case of an antagonistic game, the velocity of the target is higher than that of the pursuers. The problem is solved when one of the pursuers gets close enough to the target or when the target manages to evade the pursuers. The target tracking problem implies that a randomly-arranged FV group approaches the target and flights near it during a specified time period. The low-velocity target seeks to evade the pursuers as far as possible. Finally, in the path following problem, each FV needs to fly along the trajectory given by the motion of a corresponding reference target. In the process of problem solving, each FV implements a set of heuristic behavioral strategies in a perturbed environment by following the rules of pitch angle and velocity selection. In the experimental part of this paper, some situations typical for these problems are modeled.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):431-434
This study introduces the communicative ecology model of successful aging (CEMSA). The CEMSA is predicated on the belief that individuals have agency over the aging process and, through communicative practices, construct ecologies within which they are able to age more successfully. According to the model, uncertainty about aging stimulates affective and communicative responses, and, in turn, perceived efficacy to manage growing older. These feelings of efficacy are hypothesized to determine the judgment that one is aging successfully. Hypotheses were tested via structural equation modeling using data from 458 middle-aged and older New Zealanders. Three of seven communicative behaviors investigated had significant indirect effects on successful aging via affect and/or efficacy. This study concludes by suggesting a future research agenda and theoretical refinements relating to the role of uncertainty which, although predictive of affect and efficacy, was less effective as a predictor of communicative behavior.  相似文献   


This report describes a librarian’s development of an interactive and competitive trivia game using Poll Everywhere, an audience response system software. The trivia game was implemented during a live lecture session on drug information mobile applications taught to first-year pharmacy students. To add a fun and engaging reference for students, the librarian decided to model the game after HQ, a free trivia gaming app. Development of the session, student response, changes to future iterations, and lessons learned by the librarian are described.  相似文献   

Based on the features of the knowledge-based society, new cognitive-and-information needs of subjects have been revealed, as well as trends of the cognitivization and individualization of the subjects of cognitive-and-information activities. The reasons for cognitive dysfunction in modern libraries, which contradict the requirements of a knowledge-based society, are explained. The trend of institutionalization of the cognitive-and-information activities of an individual in the virtual environment is identified. The low level of cognitive-and-information competence of individuals is proven; ways to develop it are provided.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(18):255-267
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

基于高校合并后图书馆若干问题的探讨   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
探讨了高校图书馆合并后的用人机制、文献资源建设 读者服务工作模式等问题,并就如何实现各馆的优势互补提出了建议。  相似文献   

At the turn of the 21st century a methodological analysis of the planetary development of civilization became a topical issue in world science. Such an analysis is based on a framework of categorical concepts adopted for active use in globalistics, namely, the biosphere, sociosphere, technosphere, noosphere, and infosphere. The given context provides a new perspective on the phenomenon of information and informatics, with the latter having experienced increasing demands as a popular scientific discipline in the field of information. In the contemporary setting, these phenomena can be adequately evaluated only in connection with the above concepts.  相似文献   

《Learned Publishing》1990,3(3):177-178


In 1987, a new two-semester freshmen-level course in World Civilizations was piloted at Washington State University. Included within the course was a library component offering the question analysis that seemed appropriate to a richly historical, interdisciplinary course. The authors involved with the course from the very beginning, discuss their decade of work on the World Civ project in terms of the project's successes and unrealized hopes, its collegial component, and its growth and adaptation over the years (including examples of library assignments). As a university-wide project, World Civilizations was a forerunner of other projects nationwide and an outstanding example of librarians collaborating with teaching faculty to promote instruction.  相似文献   

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