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目前,英文绘本在我国幼儿教育中掀起了一股热潮。本文以受欢迎程度较高的英文绘本《Peppa Pig》为例,借助全语言教学理论,分析英文绘本的特色,明确英语绘本教学的意义,发挥英语绘本对幼儿启蒙英语的促进作用。  相似文献   

Teaching young children to make picture books provides the opportunity to both record and to share personal experiences in a unique format. Two powerful modes of thought and expression, the linguistic and the visual, are naturally integrated in the process of picture bookmaking. The public recognition of picture bookmaking efforts empowers young children who are struggling to master the reading and writing processes as they gain an understanding of how text and image work together to tell the story. The increased self-confidence which comes from mastery of both bookmaking and illustrating techniques is beneficial for all children.  相似文献   

图画书是图画和文字的完美结合,儿童是图画书阅读的主体,图画书文字的蕴藉传神,图画富有表达性和叙述性,都能给人以发现的乐趣与探索的期待,我们要以儿童为本位,引领孩子们在图画书阅读中健康发展.  相似文献   

The theory of the multiple intelligences are discussed in relation to working with young children and young children with disabilities. A rationale for the use of the multiple intelligences is discussed as well as practical suggestions on how they can be incorporated into early childhood programs.  相似文献   

《大众哲学》致力于将辩证唯物主义的哲学观中国化、大众化,让普通百姓懂得,哲学其实就在我们自己的生活之中。将深奥的哲学理论生活化是艾思奇的贡献,将《大众哲学》图象化与如何图象化,成为我们要探讨的问题。  相似文献   

大班幼儿合作编制图书活动的过程与特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究综合运用情境观察法、作品分析法对大班幼儿合作编制图书活动过程及其特点展开研究,结果发现:在大班幼儿合作编制图书活动中,幼儿的合作类型可以分为平行型、交互型、领导型和冲突型,其中领导型合作小组的合作效果优于其他类型;幼儿的合作水平可以分为形式化水平、松散性水平、组织化水平,其中组织化水平的合作小组制作出来的图画书内容水平最高;整体而言,大班幼儿在没有教师指导的情况下,合作编制的图画书水平偏低;合作类型、合作水平都与作品内容水平显著相关,但是与作品的结构水平无关.合作编制图画书活动对于大班幼儿来说是一个颇具难度和挑战的任务,是一种落在大班幼儿"最近发展区"的活动.教师首先需要在幼儿合作确立故事主题和创编故事时提供一定的支架,让幼儿意识到合作编制图画书时需要有共同的主题及故事,并引导幼儿围绕主题和故事进行讨论协商,而后在幼儿合作编制图画书的具体过程中能够针对不同合作类型小组的特点进行个别化指导.  相似文献   

绘本不应该只是一个“插图故事”.绘本里的图画和文字以一种特殊方式相辅相成,每一幅图画都留下了空白让读者去填补,读者甚至可以从不同类型的分析和理解中衍生出不同的故事.由于儿童的大脑和眼睛更愿意与直观图片打交道,所以催生了读图时代.并且儿童对图画的观看不只是机械的复制,而是带有批判性和创造性的思考,这一思考同时还包含了儿童学习和成长所需要的的抽象、分析、综合、补足、纠正、比较、结合、分离、在背景中突出某物等一系列能力.为此,教师可以组织运用以儿童为中心的VTS策略,借助儿童的理性思考和丰富想象,将感性与理性、感知与思维相融合,为我们以绘本实施儿童哲学教育开辟一种新方式.  相似文献   

Dynamic/interactive assessment (DA) has been motivated by the inadequacy of conventional static tests to provide accurate information about the individual's learning ability, specific deficient functions, change processes, and mediational strategies that are responsible for cognitive modifiability. A growing need for DA with young children has emerged recently because decisions about treatment should be made as early as possible. The objectives of this paper are to review the major criticism of the standardized static testing approach, present the theoretical basis of the DA approach, describe current research on DA of young children within educational and intervention perspectives, and suggest some directions for future research. The theoretical foundations of the presented research derive from Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, specifically the zone of proximal development concept, and Feuerstein's mediated learning experience theory. DA has been applied with different clinical and educational groups and was found to be more accurate in reflecting children's learning potential than static tests, especially with minority and learning disabled children. The mediational strategy is also reported as more effective than other intervention approaches (e.g., graduated prompt). The DA approach was found useful in assessing outcome effects of cognitive education programs aimed at enhancing learning how to learn skills. Crucial issues of cost-effectiveness, training, reliability and validity, and generalization are discussed.  相似文献   

Quilts, with their bright colors, puzzle-like patterns and comforting touch, naturally appeal to children. Quilts may cover beds, blanket naps, or serve some other function in childrens homes, and the family context of quilts makes them appropriate for exploring diversity with young children in the classroom. A rich and extensive collection of quilt-centered picture books is available that explores cultural, intergenerational and social awareness themes through engaging text and captivating illustrations. Quilts and quilt-themed picture books are useful additions to an early childhood environment that explores, celebrates and integrates diversity in the daily life of the young child.  相似文献   

为教师和家长指导特殊儿童绘本阅读提供有效的服务和指导,是当前特殊教育向融合、平等、开放、支持趋势发展的新要求之一.通过对智力障碍、听力障碍和自闭症三类特殊儿童进行调查,探讨这些特殊儿童家庭绘本阅读的影响因素,并对相关数据进行分析得出如下结论:三类障碍儿童对家庭绘本的选择存在着一定的共性及差异,家庭绘本共读活动情况良好,但三类障碍儿童家庭绘本阅读投入不足;三类障碍儿童家庭绘本共读策略、共读态度、共读兴趣越高,特殊儿童的阅读水平越高;三类障碍儿童家庭绘本阅读时间、频率和家庭年购买绘本数量越高,特殊儿童的阅读能力越强.因此,教师和家长在对这三类障碍儿童提供绘本阅读指导时,应针对不同障碍特点制定适宜的指导方案,以有效的策略、积极的态度、良好的兴趣促进其阅读水平的提升,保障家庭阅读的全方位投入,以推动特殊儿童阅读能力的发展.  相似文献   

One of the aims of ‘equal opportunities’ policies is to encourage teachers into non‐traditional areas. Consequently, the early years of schooling has witnessed an increase in the number of men teachers opting for this age‐group. This article focuses on the experiences of 11 early years male teachers. The findings suggest that men teachers undertaking a non‐traditional career option will do little to effect a positive change in female educational inequalities. It will be argued that individual and institutional patterns of masculinity and femininity are so entrenched that as more male teachers enter nursery/infant education, male power secures an even deeper hold.  相似文献   

A pre-test questionnaire was conducted in a kindergarten and it showed that, although the children were able to give various examples of objects, from their everyday lives, that are similar to solid shapes, the examples they gave for plane figures were also tangible objects. Since it is suggested that geometry instruction has to begin early, children need rich experiences of the connections between plane figures and solid shapes. The researchers provided a picture book as an impetus for kindergartners’ mathematical thinking. We developed and shared a picture book, The Prints, as an auxiliary means for helping kindergarten children identify the print of a solid shape. Through the picture book—which presents plane figures as prints of solids real life objects—children could link plane figures and solid shapes. The research questions we posed were: (a) Can kindergarten children identify the origin of the plane figures presented? (b) Can they relate the objects presented to the plane figures presented? After sharing the picture book—through the storytelling tradition—and completing the related activities, the identification of the print of a solid shape became more accessible and more engaging to children. They were also able to give appropriate examples of plane figures from their everyday lives. This finding was affirmed by the post-test conducted.  相似文献   

Spirituality is a concept which is hard to define, not least because it is not a neutral idea. How you understand it depends in part on your belief system. However, the quality of a school's contribution to spiritual development of its pupils is something included in OFSTED inspections. This paper describes an investigation which sought to answer the question, 'What are the professional perspectives of OFSTED inspectors and teachers with regard to the provision for spiritual growth of children in schools?' A small sample of inspectors and teachers were interviewed and asked to define spirituality. They were also asked what they looked for to indicate a spiritual dimension in children. The results showed a significant gap between the views and understandings of inspectors and teachers. The writers highlight the significance of these and make a number of suggestions about their implications.  相似文献   

有效教学,能够促进学生和教师的正向、持续变化,它需要有效的教学目标引领、有效的教学过程保证、有效的教学结果支持,并靠三者的和谐统一来实现。一、教学目标确立:瞻前顾后思紧要教学目标的设定离不开对学生和教材进行充分的了解。这样的了解  相似文献   

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