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在合作学习的学习实验与探索中,我们发现,学生的组织领导能力、交流沟通能力、建立和维持信任的能力、协调能力等四个方面的人际交往技能直接影响合作学习的成功。因此,我们在合作学习的学习实践中应注意训练和培养学生的这些能力。  相似文献   

教师领导是一种集体领导和多元互动式领导,近年在欧美国家成为研究热点.其文化核心是领导与合作,主要目的是促进教师的专业发展和学校的教学.教师领导的实践一般有正式授权和非正式授权两种,美国学校一般通过发展合作性的组织文化、建构扁平化的开放性组织结构和提高教师专业素养对其进行保障.  相似文献   

合作是教师文化的时代诉求。在国家开放大学建设和发展的大背景下,如何通过合作来促进电大教师的专业发展是个重要的现实问题。本文通过问卷调查、访谈、观察等多种方法,从合作意愿、合作能力、合作时间与对象、合作性质与内容、合作的外部支持与合作文化五个方面分析了电大教师的合作现状及其缺乏合作积极性的主要原因,在此基础上提出了培育电大教师合作文化的建议。  相似文献   

“校长合作领导”是西方中小学中一种独具特色的地方性教育实践模式.“校长合作领导”强调校长领导角色不再由一位领导者担任,而是由两位领导者共同或轮流担任;它是分布式领导理论关照下的表现形式之一,也是学校教育改革的必然产物.在实践过程中,“校长合作领导”主要衍生出职责分工型、支持互助型、交替分工型与共同管理型四种模式.这些模式的有效实施依赖于分享学校领导者领导职能、开展学校领导者战略合作、创新学校组织結构和管理方式以及提升学校领导者领导能力四个方面.  相似文献   

管理是一门艺术,作为管理者,如何精通掌握这门艺术,使自已成为一个受欢迎的管理者是摆在每个管理者面前的一道有难度的题目。要想解决这道难题,管理者必须具备下列基本素质,掌握智慧用人的方法,才能提高自身的水平。  相似文献   

我国正处在一个改革开放的年代,教育观、教师观、教材观、学生观、学习观、人才观、成才观都发生了重大变化。校长处于学校管理系统的核心地位、主导地位和决策地位,校长的素质决定着一所学校的教育质量和办学水平。现代教育呼唤现代校长提高专业素养与能力,现代校长应立足于人的个性发展、全面发展和终身发展,最广泛地挖掘受教育者的潜能,以前瞻性的思想理念、完善的教育艺术,使学生成为具有健全人格的、全面的创新人才。  相似文献   

在数学教学的课堂上实施小组合作学习,让学有余力的同学发挥自己的能力,去帮助稍微差一些的学生,在互相帮助的合作过程中,体现每一个同学的价值,从而使不同的人在课堂上得到不同的发展。结合课堂上的一些教学实践来谈一谈如何培养学生的合作意识和合作能力。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展以及现代女性社会地位的上升,许多女性逐步走上了领导岗位。但由于我国地域之间经济、文化、教育等诸多方面的发展不平衡,导致了不同地区之间女性领导的发展不平衡。西部地区的女性走上领导岗位.需要克服更多的困难,付出更艰辛的努力。因此,本文从西部地区女性领导发展的现状调查着手,探析女性领导发展中存在的深层次问题,以期为推进西部地区女性领导的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

加强与发达地区合作 发展欠发达地区的职业教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国欠发达地区经济发展水平制约了职业教育的发展,职业教育与经济发展的良性互动难以形成。要突破经济发展水平对职业教育发展的制约,欠发达地区必须打破行政区域限制,通过加强与发达地区教育与经济的合作,强化地方政府的服务职能,求得职业教育的发展。  相似文献   

高职教育比普通高等教育面临着更多的发展瓶颈,更大的生存压力,新时期,高职院校要解决改革发展上的诸多问题,校长应该具备五大领导能力,包括:洞察规律的前瞻能力、科学判断与决策能力、协调冲突与抗风险能力、引领改革发展的运营能力以及善于选人、用人、团结人的能力。  相似文献   

全球范围内的区域一体化浪潮是当今世界和全球化并行的一个趋势。在世界各地区的一体化进程中,东亚地区的区域一体化进程发展与欧洲、北美相比较为迟缓。本文认为区域内领导力的缺失继而导致制度谈判的低效率是造成东亚地区一体化进展缓慢的最重要原因。在探讨了区域一体化的性质和对领导作用进行详细阐述之后,借助当代国际关系三大理论的视角,对在区域一体化进程中起作用的三种领导作用进行区分:结构型领导、组织型领导和理念型领导。通过对每一种领导力作用的具体分析,认为东亚区域一体化需要三种领导力的混合使用。  相似文献   

厦、漳、泉是我国东南沿海极富个性的城市群,在福建省内属于开发较早、发展程度较高的旅游区域.区域旅游合作的根本思路不仅仪是同质协作,更多的应是在机制、体制上的异质互补.厦、漳、泉同城化以后,通过区域旅游合作异质互补,厦、漳、泉就可以从目前一般性区域合作、城市联盟向紧密型、实质性、一体化融合的大都市区发展,形成全方位、开放式的大旅游网络.  相似文献   

区域经济合作和一体化已经成为世界经济发展的主要潮流.虽然东亚区域合作起步比较晚,但是潜力大,发展速度快,呈现出良好发展态势.东亚国家正探索建立独特的区域合作机制.但东亚合作也面临着许多问题,其中最大的问题是东亚合作机制应如何建立,以推动东亚合作稳步、持续向前发展.  相似文献   

经济全球化和区域经济一体化是当今世界发展的两个重要趋势。东亚区域经济合作越来越引起东亚国家和地区的重视,虽面临诸多问题,但前景看好。中国在东亚地区举足轻重,面对世界经济大势,中国在制定和实施经济发展战略时,应审时度势,发展自己,发挥自身在东亚区域经济合作中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Instructional leadership practices in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a review of the literature on principal instructional leadership in Singapore. The authors investigated the dimensions of instructional leadership in the practices of Singapore principals and highlighted the strategies these leaders adopt to enact their instructional roles. Singapore principals were found to play an active role in defining the school vision and promoting the school climate. However, in the areas of curriculum implementation and classroom instruction, the middle management team in the school played more active roles as compared to principals. Five broad conclusions were discussed to provide perspectives on instructional leadership practices in Singapore. This paper also highlighted limitations on current instructional leadership research in Singapore and pointed to areas of future research.  相似文献   


Middle leadership is a dynamic area of policy in Scottish and Irish education to build leadership capacity. This article reports on a critical policy analysis of sequential sets of Scottish and Irish policy on middle leadership to identify codes of meaning. Two aspects are reported: (1) constructions of the purposes of middle leadership and (2) key themes in changing policy paradigms. While there is a development of policy ideas from delegated tasks to management functions to leadership for learning, there is little on the practice of leading learning. The findings are reviewed to identify issues related to middle leadership professional development.  相似文献   

加强党的执政能力建设作为新时期党的建设工作的一项重要任务,以提高党的执政能力为重点,全面加强党的思想、政治、组织、作风和制度建设,使党始终成为中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心,这对于全面推进党的建设的伟大工程、全面建设小康社会、开创中国特色社会主义事业的新局面,具有重大而深远的意义。  相似文献   

The paper we present here is part of the International Successful School Principalship Project (ISSPP), which is designed to analyse the characteristic traits of successful leadership in different contexts and countries [Day, C., and K. Leithwood. 2007. Successful School Leadership in Times of Change. Dordrecht: Springer-Kluwer; Day, C., and D. Gurr. 2014. Leading School Successfully. Stories from the Field. London: Routledge]. One subgroup of the Spanish research team participating in the ISSPP at the University of Granada has contributed to the project by carrying out a comparative study of the type of leadership for learning at four secondary schools in disadvantaged contexts. Following ISSPP data collection protocols and using a category system specially designed to analyse the leadership for learning carried out by the four principals, the results show that four secondary schools have principals with a similar traits, dispositions and value systems; however, the secondary schools with the best academic results employed practices and strategies more closely associated with leadership for learning than schools with poorer academic results. The data provided by this study confirm the traits and strategies that the ISSPP has been identifying in successful principals in disadvantaged contexts in various countries. It also serves as a source of reflection and discussion on the type of leadership for learning present in some disadvantaged secondary schools in Spain.  相似文献   

This paper locates ‘leadingful leadership literacies’ as a lens for considering changing contexts for leadership and work in higher education management. It makes a contribution to higher education leadership studies by offering an empirical account of expanded notions of leadership. These extend the field beyond those unwilling to critique managerialist knowledge claims. I will argue that not only managerialist practices per se are of concern as we face discontinuous change in the sector – changes which move well beyond rationalist truth claims – but that these remain largely unchallenged and have moved into spaces that should be (re)claimed by leadership.  相似文献   

This article outlines the findings from a contemporary study of principals' leadership practices in Malaysia as part of the 7 System Leadership Study. Recent policy developments within Malaysia have increased principals' accountability and have underlined the importance of the role of the principals in transforming school performance and student learning outcomes. This article draws upon emerging empirical evidence about principals' leadership practices and highlights some of the challenges associated with the new accountability expectations and demands placed upon principals in Malaysia. It provides a contemporary insight into the way in which principals in Malaysia view their leadership practice. The article proposes that despite the pressure on them to secure better school and student outcomes, principals in Malaysia increasingly view their leadership practices as transformational and distributed.  相似文献   

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