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In 5 investigations we examined a new procedure for assessing children's understanding that messages arise from speakers' internal representations. 3- and 4-year-olds watched the enactment of a message-desire discrepant story in which a speaker doll, who believed wrongly that bag A was in location 1 and that bag B was in location 2, gave a message referring to the bag in location 1. In a message-desire consistent control condition, the speaker had a correct belief about the bags' locations. Children frequently judged correctly in the discrepant story that the speaker (who specified location 1) wanted the bag in location 2, and judged correctly in the consistent story that the speaker wanted the bag in location 1. That is, young children attended to the speaker's internal representations, and not just the real-world referent of the message, when judging what the speaker wanted. In one of the investigations, children performed better on the message-desire discrepant task than on a false belief task. We discuss why they might find it particularly easy to take into account false belief when inferring desire on the basis of behavior.  相似文献   

贺小华 《海外英语》2011,(11):220-221
Each utterance occurs in different situational context.Situational context imposes constraints on communication by providing a common ground for uttering.Owing to it,speaker is limited to make contextual appropriate utterances according to the environment in which the communication is going on.  相似文献   

“文革”文学作为中国当代文学一例特殊的“个案”,呈现出一种独特景观,一方面,政治权威话语将民间话语,知识分子话语等大面积覆盖,另一方面,民间与知识分子等形态又以隐形的方式在夹缝中突围。一方面,私人性话语被排挤出生活空间,另一方面它又在地下艰难地生长。因了这种突围与生长,“文革”文学令人在十分遗憾之余又有一丝丝宽慰。  相似文献   

在日常言语交际中,当人们要表达自己的情感或者意愿时,某一种表达法(初始表达法)会在第一时间浮现于脑海中。但是出于种种原因,人们常使用有别于这一表达法的间接礼貌言语。后者与前者在命题内容上相差无几,但是在表现形式上却可能迥然不同。互动参与者付出更多的努力来构建并表达这一经过人际修辞包装过的言语的动机,成为亟待探究的问题。从四种语用学理论的角度对同一间接礼貌言语进行考察与分析,我们可以知晓隐藏在这一言语背后的本质动机。  相似文献   

Speech disfluencies can convey information to listeners: Adults and children predict that filled pauses (e.g., uhh) will be followed by referents that are difficult to describe or are new to the discourse. In adults, this is driven partly by an understanding that disfluencies reflect processing difficulties. This experiment examined whether 3½‐year‐olds' use of disfluencies similarly involves inferences about processing difficulty. Forty children were introduced to either a knowledgeable or a forgetful speaker, who then produced fluent and disfluent utterances. Children exposed to the knowledgeable speaker looked preferentially at novel, discourse‐new objects during disfluent utterances. However, children who heard the forgetful speaker did not. These results suggest that, like adults, children modify their expectations about the informativeness of disfluencies on a speaker‐specific basis.  相似文献   

在言语交际中,说话人违反合作原则使听话人迫使自己超越话语的表面意义去领悟话语的隐含意义,即会话含义.人称代词复指格式在已经足量表述话语理性意义的情况下重复使用同指向的人称代词,违反了量准则,我们以此为线索研究该结构的话语功能.语料分析结果显示该结构通常用于口语对话体中,常以反问语气在原有语句信息的基础上表现说话人的某种强烈情感,传达[+否定]、[+出乎意料]、[+不满]、[+强主观性]等情感信息,句末“追加”成分是强烈情感所付托的语言形式,为“情感羡余”.  相似文献   

民歌是一种重要的民族音乐体裁 ,它反映了一个民族的历史、经济、文化、风俗、自然环境、精神风貌和性格特征 ,是一个民族生存和发展的真实写照。民歌是集体智慧的结晶 ,而不是个人的创作。近年来 ,许多音乐爱好者甚至音乐工作者对民歌产生了一些错误认识 ,主要表现在误认为具有民族风味的和用民族唱法演唱的歌曲就是民歌。判断一首歌曲是不是民歌 ,关键是要看这首歌曲是不是符合民歌的 3个基本特征。  相似文献   

熊、狐狸和负鼠一起遇到了洪水的袭击。“死神偏爱胆小鬼。”熊说完就挺身上前,跟洪水斗争。“真傻!”狐狸说,“我有个妙计,比这强一倍。”他溜进了一个有空洞的树桩里。负鼠说:“面对一些邪恶势力,智者既不抗击.也不回避。关键是要了解对手的特征。”说完,负鼠便躺下装死。  相似文献   

礼貌是一种语用交际策略,它是话语交际双方为了维系良好的人际关系,实现既定的交际目的而彼此表达切适的态度和情感的方式。话语礼貌的本质是话语对交际双方之间语用亲密度的一种"切适性",也就是礼貌的"度"。决定礼貌"切适性"的关键因素有两个:一个是说话人的话语内容和表达方式,另一个是说话人和听话人之间的语用距离。交际者应当根据特定的语用距离来选择最恰当得体的表达方式以完成交际任务,实现交际目的。  相似文献   

This study examined how child and family factors affect individual differences in the language development of African American children between 18 and 30 months of age. Participants were 87 African American children, primarily from low-income families. Children's vocabulary and grammatical skills were assessed at 18, 24, and 30 months of age using the short form of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory (CDI), a standardized parent report tool. Standardized language tests were administered repeatedly between 1 and 3 years of age. Results showed that children's vocabulary and utterance length grew linearly over time between 18 and 30 months of age. Children from more stimulating and responsive homes were reported to have larger vocabularies, to use more irregular nouns and verbs, and to use longer utterances, in addition to having more rapid rates of acquisition of irregular forms and longer utterances over time. Girls used longer utterances than boys and more irregular forms. Girls also had larger vocabularies in a secondary analysis that eliminated children whose parent report of their vocabulary was substantially lower than children's scores on a standardized language test. There are indications that some parents may be under-reporting their children's early vocabulary and grammatical development, with a high proportion of the parents reporting their child's 30 month vocabulary and grammatical development as being at or below the 10th percentile according to the CDI norms.  相似文献   

This study examined 307 elementary school children’s judgements and reasoning about bullying and other repeated transgressions when school rules regulating these transgressions have been removed in hypothetical school situations. As expected, children judged bullying (repeated moral transgressions) as wrong independently of rules and as more wrong than all the other repeated transgressions. They justified their judgement in terms of harm that the actions caused. Moreover, whereas children tended to judge repeated structuring transgressions as wrong independently of rules (but to a lesser degree than when they evaluated bullying) and justified their judgements in terms of the disruptive, obstructive or disturbing effects that the actions caused, they tended to accept repeated etiquette transgressions by arguing that the acts had no negative effects or simply that the rule had been removed. The findings confirm as well as extend previous social-cognitive domain research on children’s socio-moral reasoning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the structure and informativeness of interviews with 4- to 13-year-old alleged victims of sexual abuse in Sweden. METHOD: Seventy-two alleged victims of sexual abuse were interviewed by six experienced officers from one police district in Sweden. Our evaluation focused on the structure of the interviews, the distribution and timing of the investigators' utterance types, and the quantity and quality of the information provided by the children. RESULTS: Content analysis revealed that the interviewers relied primarily on option-posing and suggestive questions--together, these comprised 53% of their utterances--when interviewing the alleged victims. As a result, most of the details (57%) obtained from the children were elicited by option-posing and suggestive utterances. Only 6% of the interviewers' utterances were open-ended invitations, and these elicited only 8% of the information obtained. CONCLUSION: The reliance on option-posing and suggestive prompts may have reduced the accuracy of the information obtained, thereby interfering with the investigations, and reducing the forensic admissibility of the children's statements. This suggests a continuing need in Sweden, as in other countries, for interview practices that enhance the quality of information provided by young victims.  相似文献   

Students’ talk about identity presents a challenge to teachers and researchers, as its social meaning is often ambiguous and indeterminate. This article adapts the concept of transgressive semiotics, originally developed in relation to linguistic landscapes, to explore moments when unexpected uses of language, involving some mismatch of speaker, utterance, and intention, were taken up in ways that offered profound insight into issues of racial identification and belonging in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. Close analysis of interactional, observational, and interview data from a linguistic ethnographic study of a high school science classroom in southern Arizona shows that students monitored their own and others’ talk for out-of-place utterances, including stylized speech, errors, and gaffes. Students used these semiotic transgressions as opportunities to give voice to their lived experience of being Mexican in a social context characterized by widespread monitoring and surveillance.  相似文献   

隐喻思维和语汇生成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手法 ,它同人类认知也有紧密关系 ,在言语生成机制中具有十分关键的作用。在不同场合之下 ,发话人运用隐喻思维可以创造出相应的巧妙言语表述。而运用隐喻思维进行语汇创造时 ,应注意两方面重点 ,即话语可能给受话人带来的张力感和受话人对言语表述的预先匹配。二者均可能成为隐喻式新创语汇在具体语境中的适恰性的决定因素  相似文献   

“错位说”是导致听话人误解“你是什么垃圾”逻辑语义的原因,而“领属转喻说”则实现了“你是什么垃圾”的逻辑语义,二者都与语言主观性有关。语言主观性作用于“领属转喻”与“概念隐喻”时,“你是什么垃圾”依赖说话人话语中的主观关键词来实现话语的语用功能。其中,语言主观性作用于“领属转喻”时,话语幽默调侃的语用功能得以实现;作用于“概念隐喻”时,客观事件开始主观化,话语自我调侃与行为排斥的双重语用功能得以实现。  相似文献   

Three studies investigated 3‐year‐old children's ability to determine a speaker's communicative intent when the speaker's overt utterance related to that intent only indirectly. Studies 1 and 2 examined children's comprehension of indirectly stated requests (e.g., “I find Xs good” can imply, in context, a request for X; N = 32). Study 3 investigated 3‐ and 4‐year‐old children's and adults' (N = 52) comprehension of the implications of a speaker responding to an offer by mentioning an action's fulfilled or unfulfilled precondition (e.g., responding to an offer of cereal by stating that we have no milk implies rejection of the cereal). In all studies, 3‐year‐old children were able to make the relevance inference necessary to integrate utterances meaningfully into the ongoing context.  相似文献   

Two experiments with 79 monolingual German speaking children between 2.5 and 4.5 years showed a consistent developmental gap between children's memory/inference of what someone wanted and what someone wrongly said or thought. For instance, when John is still playing and mother says, "John should be going to bed," more than 70% answered correctly that mother wanted John to go to bed. However, when mother said, "John is going to bed," about 70% answered wrongly that she thought/said that he was still playing. Correct answers emerged with the mastery of the false-belief task. In German, want sentences (about something to happen) obligatorily take the same grammatical that complement as say or think sentences. Therefore, the observed gap constrains de Villier's (1995) linguistic determinism, which claims that acquisition of the necessary grammatical structures for talking about the mind drives children's ability to think about the mind.  相似文献   

司马光“一生无不可对人言者”,从不做口是心非之事,司马光不是“保守派”、“守旧派”,他的改革主张曾开北宋中期变法之先河。他强烈要求变革赵宋立朝以来的“三冗”、“两积”、“滥赏奢用”积弊,在变法的切入点与如何改的问题上与王安石政见有异。对新法颁行后出现的弊害,他力行罢废,操之过急,犯了与王安石同样的毛病,有得有失,应具体分析,不应以王安石划线,对其妄加诬罪。  相似文献   

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