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在人工智能行业发展突飞猛进、大数据时代瞬息万变的今天,我国急需一批兼具知识与技能的高级建设性人才。然而,高职教育重实践轻理论,本科教育重理论轻实践,现有教育模式培养的学生不符合社会要求,因此高职与本科分段培养教育模式应时而生。经过近十年钻研,海内学者在该范畴获得良好成绩。为更好进行后续研究,有必要对现有研究成果进行梳理,综述其国内外研究现状,归纳现有成果的优势与短板,提出未来钻研的努力方向。  相似文献   

实践证明,集团化办学是荷兰发展职业教育的有效方式之一。在案例剖析的基础上,分析和总结荷兰职业教育集团化办学的主要模式与特点,以期对我国职业教育集团化办学提供有益的经验与启示。  相似文献   

After a brief introduction the extension of engineering education in the Netherlands after World War II is described. A scheme of the national education system is given. Some attention is paid to post-academic education in engineering and to practical training in industry. Throughout the paper the question of funding is emphasised. The core of the paper is devoted to a new phenomenon at the Universities of Technology in the Netherlands, namely the ‘Transfer Points’ and the help given to new entrepreneurs. A plea is made for a better contact between the Higher Technical Schools and industry, to improve the training and understanding of students as well as staff in industry and for enhancing feedback of experience in industry to the curriculum planners for the future.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,世界主要大国更加重视教育在国家发展中的战略地位,纷纷加大教育战略构思与布局力度。"大力发展职业技术教育,培养各级各类现代产业所需要的人才;加强对劳动者外语、信息、通信技术的掌握能力,以及对市场的应变能力;注重培养青少年开放的态度、创造能力以及关系意识;侧重劳动者在工作中的组织、协调、继续学习的能力",是意大利进行职业教育与培训的目的。通过吸收和借鉴意大利职业教育运行模式,为我国职业教育的发展提供便捷路径。  相似文献   

In-service training within an organization is justified only if day-to-day practice does not meet certain standards. Not all the gaps, however, between the desired and the actual practice can be bridged or even narrowed by in-service training. A preliminary analysis of the practical problems may be warranted before one can decide upon any in-service training programme. Other solutions should be considered as well.  相似文献   

通过对荷兰职业教育体系的分析,洞悉荷兰职业教育预备阶段存在分流较早、过渡性强的特点;中职阶段存在多种模式、灵活衔接的特点;高职阶段存在普职融合、学分互换的特点。此外,还从制度、组织、质量和资金等四个方面分析了荷兰职业教育保障体系。最后,基于对荷兰职业教育体系的分析,提出了我国现代职业教育体系建设的建议,应当保障统一框架下的学校自治,采用以能力为本位的教学方法,建立以就业为导向的三方机构,鼓励职校毕业生向多元方向发展。  相似文献   

This article analyses differences in the availability of school choice in The Netherlands, England and Scotland. A 10 variable model is used to determine that the increased availability of choice leads generally to an increased presence of the market mechanism in the three countries. However, the functioning of the market is most obvious in The Netherlands, to a lesser extent in England and even less in Scotland.  相似文献   

通过中国与澳大利亚职业教育对比,提出制定用人制度的配套政策,加快落实职业资格证书制度,优化职业技术学院与行业之间的关系,解决学与用的矛盾。加快校内人事制度改革,提高教师队伍的整体职业素质。  相似文献   

现代职教课程观与模块化教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
没有现代职业教育课程观,就不会有职业教育的课程改革,更不会有模块化教学的实践。模块化教学的有效实施和健康发展必然也从现代职教课程观开始。模块化教学是一种新的教学理念,也是职业教育界追求的目标。现代职教课程能力观、基础观、过程观等是实施模块化教学的前提条件,离开了这个前提条件,模块化教学的"失败和畸形发展"将是不可避免的。  相似文献   

Recent publications on changes in education have paid considerableattention to the interplay of control and extended autonomy. Thisinterplay takes place on three levels: between government and theindividual school; between school and the individual teacher; andbetween teacher and student. At each level there are issues surroundingthe relationship between a top-down and a bottom-up approach to changesin education. The major questions to be answered are: what goals are tobe achieved; what means of direction and control should be preserved;who exercises control over the goals and processes; how extensive is theautonomy of schools, teachers and students; and will self-regulation andautonomy become a reality? In this article we describe the interplay oftop-down and bottom-up processes in recent changes in senior secondaryeducation in the Netherlands. These changes include introducingself-regulated learning by students, flexibility in teachers' tasks,liaison with advanced studies in higher education, and raisingstandards.  相似文献   

荷兰职业教育与培训体系卓越之处在于其各利益相关者的高度共识与协同:政府根据市场信息制定政策及监督政策实施,雇主提供学徒岗位,培训机构实施培训。荷兰职业教育与培训运行机制主要包括学习路径选择、培训水平、培训方式及培训实施四个环节。为了培养高素质技术技能型人才,荷兰政府对知识中心及区域教育与培训中心提供大量经费支持。此外,为了提升雇主及个人参与职业教育与培训的积极性,荷兰政府对雇主及个人实行退税培训及个人所得税扣除培训费用、培训发展基金等经费支持政策。借鉴荷兰职业教育与培训体系经验,有针对性的审视我国职业教育现状,并提出今后应努力的方向。首先,构建我国职业教育利益相关者共同认可的文化规约;其次,建立职业教育校企合作中介服务组织;最后,重视职业教育经费投入,建立多元经费投入机制。  相似文献   

成人高等教育与中等职业教育的衔接   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党和国家各级政府高度重视中等职业教育工作,近年来,陆续出台政策措施促进其发展。面对中等职业教育的一系列发展机遇,结合多年从事成人高等教育管理的经验并考虑到近几年参加职业院校、成人高等教育教学评估的情况,提出了成人高等教育与中等职业教育衔接的三大方面需求与衔接方式的四项思考。  相似文献   

In a previous series of studies, a model of comprehensive competence-based vocational education (CCBE model) was developed, consisting of eight principles of competence-based vocational education (CBE) that were elaborated for four implementation levels (Wesselink et al. European journal of vocational training 40:38–51 2007a). The model thus consisted of 32 cells, all defined by text. It was developed to provide study programme teams working in vocational education with an instrument to assess the actual and desired “competentiveness” of their study programmes. “Competentiveness” refers to the extent to which study programmes are based on the principles of CBE that we formulated. The model is an instrument for analysing the alignment of study programmes with the defining principles of CBE and clarifying programme teams’ intentions, i.e. the extent to which they wish to achieve higher levels of implementation of the different principles. This article presents the results of two studies, the aim of which was to identify adjustments the teachers felt were necessary to make the CCBE model a valid instrument for assessing the actual and desired “competentiveness” of their study programmes. In study A, 57 teachers evaluated the model during focus group discussions, resulting in a revised CCBE model consisting of ten principles for five levels of implementation. In study B, 151 teachers completed a questionnaire to evaluate the comprehensibility of the revised model. The study showed that teachers understood and interpreted the revised model as intended, were able to position their study programmes by using the revised model and that the content validity of the revised model was good.  相似文献   

中专教育培养目标的偏差与纠正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
培养中级管理人才,是目前中专学校较普遍存在的培养目标错位,偏离了中国政府培养初级应用型人才的战略定位.传统教育模式的影响,人才市场的供求变化以及认识的脱离实际等,是发生偏离的主要原因.落实中央政府的战略定位势在必行,教学计划的制定与课程结构的调整,教学方法的改进与实践性教学的加强,以及弹性课时制的实施将发挥关键作用.  相似文献   

为迎接全球化时代带来的机遇和挑战,荷兰大力推进职业教育国际化发展,构建与国际接轨的国家职业资格框架、采用国际化的职业教育学分转换体系、营造"在地国际化"的多元学习环境、大力促进职业教育的跨国流动,走出了一条非常有特色的国际化发展路径。借鉴荷兰经验,我国应坚定职业教育国际化发展理念,构建具有世界水平的现代职业教育体系,着力提高职业院校国际化办学水平和人才培养质量,坚持职业教育"引进来"和"走出去"并举策略。  相似文献   

如何处理普通知识和职业知识的关系历来是课程抉择面临的一个重要问题.长期以来,人们围绕普通知识与职业知识的价值及其关系展开了讨论,纷争迭起.正确认识普通知识与职业知识的教育功能并处理好两者关系,是职业教育领域处理普通知识与职业知识相互关系的基本策略.  相似文献   

社会主义新农村职业教育与培训   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
社会主义新农村建设是国家实现全面小康战略的重要组成部分,是基本实现社会主义现代化的前提和基础.新农村发展要依托新农民、新农民素质提升需要新教育,构建与新农村建设相适应的农村职业教育体系,使新农村职业教育成为引领农村经济发展、缩小城乡差距的动力源的任务十分艰巨.  相似文献   

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