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电大文化是电大在近三十年的办学过程中由历届师生创造、传承、积累的物质成果和精神成果的总和,是电大赖以生存和发展的重要根基,电大文化的建设应该成为电大凝聚力和创新力的重要源泉。电大的水土养育电大文化,电大核心价值是电大文化的本质体现,电大在长期实践中形成了电大精神。  相似文献   


In the course of the fundamental reform of studies at the Austrian universities the education of grammar school teachers was renewed in 1971. In a long tradition (since 1855) teachers for upper secondary education, especially for grammar schools (which lead pupils to the matriculation qualification for university education) were prepared for their teacher admission examination by studies at the universities which comprised besides of subject matters theoretically introducing courses in pedagogy and psychology. Their practical training was organised in a guided probationary year at schools (apprenticeship‐type).

Since 1982 a new integrated (concurrent) preservice teacher education programme is realised at the Austrian universities, which combines subject studies (in two fields) with teachers’ professional preparation (comprising theoretical studies and practical activities and experiences in education and teaching). The new teacher education programme takes 4#fr1/2> years and leads to the academic degree of a master of arts or science, which gives full professional teacher qualification. The profession‐oriented parts include studies in education and psychology (10 semester course units: 150 hours), subject teaching studies (12‐24 semesters course units: 180‐360 hours) and a 12‐week period of practical teaching experience. Each university designs within this framework a specific study programme. An overview is given in the paper; the programme of the university of Graz is shown in more detail as an example.

At present the introduction of a one‐year‐lasting induction period as a second phase of teacher education is discussed and planned, which should be established in 1988‐89.  相似文献   

Many teacher education programs in the United States (US) face increasing demands to better prepare teachers for entry into and retention in urban schools. Through a US Department of Education grant, a university–school partnership was formed to develop a community‐based model of teacher preparation that placed pre‐service teachers in urban schools for a full year. Based on questionnaires and interviews with university teacher education faculty, and both pre‐service and novice classroom teachers who took their first jobs in urban schools, this research considers the common concerns and disparate roles that the three groups considered paramount in preparing new teachers for urban schools.  相似文献   

创新人才培养是新时期我国人才战略的核心任务,是清华大学人才培养的崇高使命.经过多年努力,清华大学探索和建立了一种创新人才培养的新模式,即以高水平学科建设为基础的创新性实践教育.  相似文献   

自2008年开始,日本诞生了第一批教师研究生院(日文为"教职大学院"),这一新型的教师教育机构以培养教师的高水准专业实践力为宗旨,以教育理论与教育实践的紧密结合为原则来编制课程,开展教学。市川博教授主持创立的帝京大学教师研究生院经过日本文部科学省的严格审查于2008年获得认定。在市川博(Hiroshi Ichikawa)教授来我校访问之际,笔者约请市川教授就日本设立教师研究生院的背景以及教师研究生院的理念、课程和教学上的特点作答。市川教授早年毕业于东京教育大学,曾任教于东京教育大学、横滨国立大学等,从事社会科教育以及教学论和教师教育的研究。2003年从国立大学退休后,受聘于私立的帝京大学。他担任过日本教育学会秘书长、日本社会科教育学会会长、日本学科教育学会副会长等。他所主编的《社会科的使命与魅力——日本社会科教育文选》于2006年在中国翻译出版。  相似文献   

对大学生创业教育的文化思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
创业教育作为一种新的教育理念,已摆到高等教育日程上来。培养大学生的事业心、创业精神、创业意识、创业技能,不仅需要构建适合不同类型高校的创业模式,更重要的是在大学文化层面上形成创业理念、创业的氛围,从而使创业的思想与大学使命、大学的办学理念、大学的人才培养目标等融合在一起,才能更好地推进创业在高校的开展。  相似文献   


The disparities between the education of the rich and poor of this nation will continue to grow until educators are more willing and better prepared to work effectively in a variety of schools operating within a variety of models. Teacher education must prepare new teachers with open minds, willing hearts, and myriad strategies to address the realities, strengths, and critical needs of poor, culturally diverse urban schoolchildren and their families. This article describes an initiative that engages one teacher education program with an innovative urban “full‐service” elementary school in a joint effort to serve children and families and to provide a deeper and broader experience for preservice teachers. Education students complete traditional and nontraditional field work in a full‐service school with an “educational village” mission that extends from preschool to adult education.  相似文献   

高师音乐教育专业是培养合格中小学音乐师资的摇篮。伴随着我国国民基础教育改革的不断深入发展,中小学音乐教育出现了前所未有的新局面,特别是《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准(实验稿)》的颁布与实施,对高师音乐教育改革提出了新的使命,高师音乐教育专业必须从延伸培养目标、扩展通才教育两方面来调整自身的改革意识与行为。  相似文献   

This paper explores the social and academic effects of term‐time working on undergraduate students at an English university. Data initially collected via a survey of student social relationships were enhanced by the inclusion of end‐of‐year academic performance. Various inferential statistical techniques were used to identify these effects. Path analysis was employed to disentangle significant variables and to show that term‐time working had direct and significant effects on the two factors shown to be affected most significantly by term‐time working: end‐of‐year average grade and participation in university societies. A major finding was that almost all students who worked came from state schools rather than from independent privately financed schools. The findings are discussed within the context of the recent history of funding policy regarding higher education in England. A key conclusion is that structured inequality, an inherent feature of a divided secondary education system, is being pulled firmly into higher education.  相似文献   

The post-communist Czech Republic provides a laboratory in which to investigate possible responses to the adoption of universal education vouchers. Private schools appear to have arisen in response to distinct market incentives. They are more common in fields where public school inertia has resulted in an under-supply of available slots. They are also more common where the public schools appear to be doing a worse job in their primary educational mission, as demonstrated by the success rate of academic secondary schools in obtaining university admission for their graduates. Public schools facing private competition improve their performance. They spend a larger fraction of their resources on classroom instruction and significantly reduce class sizes. Furthermore, Czech public academic secondary schools facing significant private competition by 1996 substantially improved their relative success in obtaining university admissions for their graduates between 1996 and 1998. The rise of private schools, however, also spurred maneuvering by the administrations of public schools to preserve these schools’ entrenched position, pointing out how important it is that any voucher system be simple and leave as little opportunity as possible for discretionary actions on the part of implementing officials.  相似文献   

一所大学的校训是大学自身发展与经济社会需求的契合点,是大学之于学生的期待和训导,更是体现大学人文精神和社会理想追求的核心价值理念。基于对桂林旅专20余年办学历史的研究,结合现代旅游业发展和高等旅游教育的实际,文章从历史背景和理论依据、科学含义和理论内涵、理论困惑和现实意义等三个方面对"志存高远,脚踏实地,献身旅游,服务社会"的校训进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Mississippi's system of public community and junior colleges developed as a response to changing educational needs in the state. The need to provide secondary education to rural areas of the state led to the agricultural high school movement in 1908. Time diminished the need for these schools, so the state's educational leadership proposed using the facilities to offer college‐level coursework. In 1928, Mississippi counties were authorized to join together in forming junior college districts. The colleges began as agencies of local government and continue so to the present. A state‐level office with coordinating responsibilities was established at the State Department of Education. The state's system of 2‐year colleges began just 1 year before the national economic depression. Easy access and low costs made the junior colleges attractive to Mississippians then and now. The junior college mission was to offer university transfer programs to students. After World War II, the junior colleges expanded their missions to include vocational and technical training. This was in response to the demands of business and industry as well as the needs of veterans returning to the workforce. Postwar industrial development in the state gave the junior colleges a greater role in workforce training. Mississippi's two‐year colleges have experienced demographic and technology changes that reflect national trends. In contrast to most other states, Mississippi's community and junior college leadership continues to identify university parallel programs as their primary mission.  相似文献   

培养具有创业精神和创业能力的创业型人才成为新时期高校的重要使命,创业教育的探索与实施成为不同高校、不同专业面临的现实问题。本文从勘察技术与工程专业开展创业教育的实践出发,从创业教育与学科教育的融合,建立和储备适应创业教育的优秀师资及功能齐全的创业教育实践基地, 培养学生综合创业素质等方面进行了积极的探索。  相似文献   

The diversity of fieldwork education models and practices ranges from mandatory to voluntary, from graded to ungraded, from paid to unpaid spectrums and they vary in length from less than a week to up to one year. Colleagues who work in the same university but in different schools, faculties or campuses are often so busy working within their discipline‐specific arena that there seems to be little opportunity to learn from and collaborate with other disciplines about fieldwork education programs. This paper provides a report on a project that trialled and evaluated an online debate with university staff about fieldwork education issues. The aims were to establish a sustainable university‐wide fieldwork education discourse, to break down profession‐specific silos, to inform the development of university‐wide fieldwork education benchmarks and to foster fieldwork education leadership through online debates. The findings demonstrate that, collectively, participants shared a wealth of experience and wisdom that remained largely untapped at a university‐wide level. Participants’ evaluation highlighted the perceived value of creating a communicative space for a fieldwork education discourse and it exposed aspects of the online environment and time constraints as its biggest barrier.  相似文献   

日本高等师范学校遭遇数次“存废”之争,最终以“教育大学”的姿态延续至今。教师培养课程(师范类专业)和新课程(非师范专业)共同组成日本国立教育大学的本科专业体系。作为全国教师教育体系的核心据点,日本国立教育大学始终秉行使命,深耕教师培养课程,全面涵盖与初中等教育和教学科目对应的专业,以培养具备高度专业水准的教师为己任。新课程作为应对少子化造成教师需求量下降问题而采取的权宜之计,改变了日本国立教育大学本科专业的单一结构,其体量相对较小。政府在新课程的开设及其从激增到式微的过程中占据主导地位。由于特定历史根源与社会背景,日本国立教育大学本科专业形成了综合、细分、立体等结构特征。在自主与自律的基础上,日本国立教育大学持续优化专业结构,以寻求自立发展。  相似文献   

Mission schools in Africa in the first half of the twentieth century were in many ways microcosms of the great educational debates of the times. The objectives of policies regarding access, governance and curriculum were part of a historical evolution of mission education but they were also increasingly a reflection of significant new trends that were to reshape the theory and practice of colonial education. New forms of educational research and professional expertise were to play an ever‐increasing role in shaping the forms and content of the education provided. The brief of the mission churches was to meet with the increasing demand for schooling. Church and state gradually expanded their cooperation in the field as the costs of education outstripped the resources of the missions and the demand for mass education came to be linked to nationalist demands for political and economic rights. This paper is concerned to map the background to those international influences that shaped the policy and practices of mission education and the increasing engagement of colonial governments with the field of education. It addresses the question of the worldwide Protestant mission church’s response to the changing political, social and economic environment of the first half of the twentieth century. In particular it seeks to explore how mission initiatives shaped thinking about education in Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America by the 1930s. It also attempts to situate those issues within a wider educational framework by linking them to the emergent debate concerning pragmatism and utilitarianism in regard to progressive education in the USA and the quest for social democratic education in the United Kingdom and Europe as part of a response to socialism, nationalism and totalitarianism. In short, the paper explores the influence of the Christian mission churches with regard to social policy, in general, and the provision of education, in particular, during the interwar years, with special reference to areas influenced by the work of the International Missionary Council. At a time when there was a crisis of support for ‘foreign missions’ how did the debates between fundamentalist‐evangelicals and supporters of a ‘social gospel’ transform themselves into debates regarding the role of missions in non‐Western societies? And how did these essentially ecclesiastical/theological issues come to influence public policy, specifically educational policy, in the long term? The conclusions are that mission churches had a very significant influence on the shaping of educational thinking in the colonial and imperial context at a time when state influence in the sector was still often quite weak. The origins of the conference and research culture that has informed educational policy since the establishment of the United Nations Organization had its roots in the broad context of the Charter of the League of Nations, with a meeting of religious and secular goals, prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. Between 1910 and 1939 there was a significant history of educational reform and community development that has only been partially documented in relation to its global significance. This is an attempt to build a framework for understanding the nature of those changes and what was achieved. The investigation is conducted through an exploration of the three great World Mission Conferences of the International Missionary Council (IMC) held at Edinburgh (1910), Jerusalem (1928) and Tambaram, India (1938). The attempts of Christian churches to engage with dramatic social changes associated with industrialisation, urbanisation, poverty, cultural change and the rise of anti‐colonialism, with specific regard to the field of educational policy, are documented and analysed.  相似文献   

办学经费是支撑高等教育健康、有序发展的基础,是高等教育办学质量的保障。俄罗斯高等教育是大众化的。转轨后的俄罗斯受经济发展的影响,出现政府对高等教育资金投入不足等问题。俄罗斯教育最棘手的问题是严重的财政投入问题。一名技术专业的大学生的教育成本每年是2200美元,而国家只能投入500美元。每年俄罗斯有150万人中学毕业。面临如此大的升学压力,多渠道筹措资金成为俄罗斯政府和各高等院校的首要任务并取得一些成效,其有些积极的经验值得我们学习与借鉴。  相似文献   

Secondary education has the dual mission of training a labor reserve for the state and providing higher educational institutions with qualified entrants. In its present condition, however, it falls far short of meeting these requirements. The deployment of secondary schools must be readjusted and practical effective reforms carried out in the structure of secondary school education.  相似文献   

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