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作为一门学科,教育学的发展历程非常独特。教育学产生之时,普通教育兴起,教育学随之以普通教育为研究对象,以师资培训和学生培养为学科旨趣而迅速发展起来,其结果是教育学长期被等同于普通教育学。事实上,就在普通教育学兴起之时,伴随着对幼儿教育的关注,学前教育学作为教育学的一部分也同时兴起。但正像学前教育长期被划分在正规国民教育之外、不属于义务教育范畴一样,学前教育学虽然名义上属于教育学的分支学科,但长期以来由于教育学几乎等同于普通教育学,学前教育学一直独自发展。二战以后,伴随世界范围内高等教育的蓬勃发展,高等教育研究迅速兴起。20世纪70年代末,东西方学者共同提出了高等教育学这一概念。随着高等教育学的最终出现并逐渐成熟,目前教育学已面临“三分天下”的困局。在未来的学科建设中,能否破解学科分裂的困局,有机地融合学前教育学、普通教育学与高等教育学,将成为教育学重建过程中走向学科统一的关键。  相似文献   

教育学中国话语体系研究虽然已取得一定的成果,但目前教育学中国话语体系尚缺乏大教育学的建构视野。新时代的中国教育学人,应进行教育学中国话语体系的大教育学建构,使教育学既成为面向所有教育领域的教育学,又成为能涵盖各教育领域的大教育学,在每个教育领域,都形成独特的教育学中国话语。目前,教育学中国话语体系进行大教育学建构亟待突破的问题主要有四个方面:突破学校教育、基础教育领域;突破教育学学科界限;突破西方话语;突破抽象形式。教育学中国话语体系的大教育学建构应当通过四方面路径:聚焦终身教育体系;立足大教育学学科视野;回归中国文化传统;扎根中国教育实践。  相似文献   

把汉满语音作了系统的对比,并得出了一些对于对外语音教学法的启示,即运用国际音标把母语和目的语(汉语)语音联系起来,采取对比分析的方法,将母语中接近目的语(汉语)的语音以改变发音部位和发音方法的方式进行加工,再教授给第二语言学习者,从而促进其母语语音在目的语(汉语)语音学习中的正迁移作用。  相似文献   

北京师范大学教育学原理学科是国家重点学科,有着悠久的历史和独特的学术传统,在国内外教育学界有着重要的学术影响和很高的学术地位.在她的百年发展历程中,特别是中华人民共和国成立后的50年和改革开放以来的20多年中,取得了以下几方面的基本成就:一,确定了合理的学术方向;二,产生了一批重要的和标志性的研究成果;三,形成了良好的学风和学术传统;四,培养了大批高级教育学术人才.目前,她正以饱满的精神面貌,迎接新世纪的挑战.  相似文献   

在20世纪上半叶中国教育学的发展过程中,由于唯科学主义和西方教育学的交织影响以及要把教育学建设成为一门独立学科的需要,形成了教育学科学化思潮。在教育学科学化问题上,20世纪上半叶的中国教育学者形成了三种认识:教育学就是一门科学;教育事实是教育学的唯一研究对象;科学方法是教育学的唯一研究方法。20世纪上半叶中国教育学者的教育学科学化追求产生了一定的积极作用,但这种追求也带来了消极的影响。  相似文献   

依附于当下学科体制生活的教育学者采用专业化的方式批量地生产出拥有教育学文凭的人,而只有很少的一些可以成为蹩脚的教育学教授,很难造就出真正的教育家.教育学者应该反思自己惯常的生活方式,做出自己的选择,走出非主体性的自在生活状态.当前,教育学者可以采用一种谨慎的技术化批判,承认现代学科体制下教育学专业化的合理性成分,然后再用这种教育学专业化许诺的目标来审视我们当下遭遇的问题,寻求方案化的渐进的改善和改革.  相似文献   

Structure and content of teacher education depend on a deeper rationale, which is a result of cultural boundaries. At the same time teaching is a cultural practice that differs across countries. Like the water in the fish's tank, such cultural givens are too often invisible as we debate research designs. In this article, we focus in particular on the understanding of three main components of teacher education: mathematics, mathematics pedagogy and general pedagogy, and on juxtaposing two extreme models: Germany and the US. It turns out that benefits and problems of international comparisons are closely related to each other.  相似文献   

The rise of standardization signals that Paulo Freire's critique of the banking concept of education continues to be relevant today. But Freire's theory of critical pedagogy has not gone without its critiques. On the one hand, the fact that these criticisms exist should not blind us to the fact that Freire's intention was to formulate an emancipatory pedagogy because of oppressive systems of education. On the other hand, we cannot continue Freire's project without heeding the warnings issued by these criticisms. In this paper, we address pressing issues concerning Freire's libratory pedagogy and the way it has been taken up by recent Marxist theorizing in education while at the same time maintaining the importance for thinking through an emancipatory pedagogy. We are clear: the real culprit in this situation is the persistent life of oppression itself. We utilize psychoanalysis and the theories of Michel Foucault in order to pinpoint and work through a specific problematic concerning Freire's theories – namely: oppression has an existence in the unconscious such that those who are oppressed form passionate attachments to the forms of power that oppress them. Indeed, such a problematic is not flattering for all who are concerned with forms of social oppression, but, we contend, that unless this problem is recognized and worked through, no real liberation is possible  相似文献   


This article explores how mosque pedagogy was imported from Turkey through imams who were appointed to the Netherlands, and textbooks developed and printed in Turkey. Furthermore, this article examines how a range of contextual factors have reshaped the imported pedagogy in mosque classes. The factors identified in the analysis include language policies, the influence of pedagogical practices in mainstream Dutch schools, concerns about student motivation, and in the backdrop of fears of cultural alienation and assimilation in a Western context, the imperative of nurturing an Islamic and Turkish identity among ethnic minority children. This paper is based on a case study in a Turkish mosque in the Netherlands. The findings demonstrate how a myriad of individual, societal, cultural and institutional factors reshaped imported pedagogy. At the same time, this paper highlights how mosque pedagogy is not only an educational matter but increasingly immersed within competing societal and political agendas of two states.  相似文献   

教育学自产生之日起就朝着科学化的方向迈进。但是,漫长的科学化追求与改造,并未使教育学成为一门被公认的所谓“真正的科学”,在充分发挥它在现代社会中应有的作用的同时也面临着诸多困惑。为此,要改变其唯科学化的价值取向,使之真正成为一门服务于社会、深入到生活世界的学科。  相似文献   

It is difficult to respond creatively to humiliation, affliction, degradation, or shame, just as it is difficult to respond creatively to the experience of undergoing or inflicting violence. In this article Aislinn O'Donnell argues that if we are to think about how to address gun violence — including mass shootings — in schools, then we need to talk about violence inside and outside schools. Honest, and even difficult, conversations about violence and vulnerability can take place in schools, and there are ways of working with curricula and student voice that can allow for this. If pedagogy is to play a role in reorienting responses to violence and vulnerability, discussion of equivocal and ambivalent responses to corporeal vulnerability, and of histories and genealogies of violence, must be invited. We need to acknowledge that we do not have, and we may well never have, a world without violence. Drawing upon the experience of teaching philosophy in nontraditional learning environments, including prison, O'Donnell argues for an approach to pedagogy and curricula that invites difficult conversations about the complexity of violence.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the kindergarten curricula of Norway, Sweden, Japan and New Zealand in terms of whether they recommend or suggest teachers unify play and pedagogy by employing a pedagogy of play. These countries were selected because, while they have to provide for children's right to play, they cover different geographical and cultural parts of the world – Europe, Asia and Oceania. Their curricula were examined because they can influence teachers in favour or against employing a pedagogy of play, since they express the official-state expectations regarding young children's play and learning. The documentary analysis indicates that Japan focuses on child-initiated and teacher-directed play only, which does not imply a pedagogy of play. In Norway and New Zealand, there is evidence of almost all aspects of a pedagogy of play, which is not recommended for all learning, while the Swedish curriculum recommends a pedagogy of play.  相似文献   

20世纪初,赫尔巴特及其学派教育学导入中国。特定的导入动机、导入路径和导入时机,使得我们在学习赫尔巴特教育学方面埋下了诸多的“先天不足”。1919年以后,中国学习别国教育学的主潮几经更迭,先是杜威的实验主义教育学,后是苏联的凯洛夫教育学,由于缺乏对后二次学习与先前一次之间内在关联性的发现,学习杜威、学习凯洛夫成了变相批判赫尔巴特的过程,遂又导致对赫尔巴特甚至对整个教育学理论的学习都流于表层而无法深入。  相似文献   

论全球化时代中国教育学的本土化问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育学本土化是近代以来中国针对“教育学进口”现象的一种反动,是一百多年来中国教育学人的一个“情结”。在20世纪,中国教育学的问题意识先后经历了“中国化与现代化”、“中国化与科学化”和“中国化与全球化”的变迁历程。从教育学的学科性质人手,分析了在全球化时代中国教育学本土化的可能性,教育学本土化过程中有“移植”、“借鉴”和“对话”三种境界以及“走进教育现象,进入教育的日常生活”和“走进教育学术,进入教育的意义世界”两种方式。  相似文献   

大学交往教学视教学为一种交往过程。交往过程乃是大学教学过程的本质,师生的自由解放和全面发展是交往教学追求的目标,交往教学过程是一个民主的教育过程。 在此过程中,会受到诸如化心理、教学传统、教育环境和社会环境等因素的干扰,而发挥学生的主体性、更新教育观念、重视交往的教育价值和转变教师职责则能消除这种种干扰。  相似文献   

自赫尔巴特提出要创建具有独立学科意义的教育学后2,00余年以来,已有许多学者为此作了可贵的探索,先后提出过各种样式的教育学学科(知识)形态,从而丰富了教育学学科史(教育学史)的素材。但仍有不少教育学研究者仍在构想教育学的学科(知识)形态。基于此,笔者认为可以着手建构人-文化-哲学相统整的教育学,并希冀为建构真正独立学科意义上的教育学知识形态探寻新的路径,将教育学的研究引向深入。  相似文献   

自从《普通教育学》诞生以来,就对世界各国的教育学产生了不可估量的影响,这当然也包括中国。20世纪初期《普通教育学》传入中国,影响了中国教育学界的发展。回顾一百余年的历史,赫氏这篇巨著的命运可谓跌宕起伏。反思我们曾经的所作所为,《普通教育学》对现阶段教育学的发展依然有所启示。  相似文献   

内在的理论体系与外在的组织建制是学科建设两大重要维度。作为“大科学”时代的新兴学科,研究生教育学应当采取“由外向内”的路径开展学科建设。在四十年的建设过程中,研究生教育学已通过“内外兼修”取得了显著的建设成绩。在组织建制上,形成了国家、省市二级专业学会、高校和第三方组织共同支撑的研究机构、依托自设二级学科搭建的专门人才培养单位以及专门的学术期刊;在理论体系建设上,明晰了研究生教育不同于其他层次教育的特殊性,并在基本理论研究、招考研究、课程与教学研究、质量评价研究以及战略规划研究方面形成了系列重要的研究成果。未来研究生教育学的学科建设应“外聚内观”:进一步汇聚合力,充分发挥各利益相关者的能动性,加强组织建制的建设;进一步以“前沿知识”为逻辑起点加强研究生教育学基本问题研究,推动分支学科的建立和发展,综合运用多种方法研究相关现实问题。  相似文献   

教育学的内容体系是一个长期以来得到人们的关注,但却没有得到很好解决的问题。现有的教育学教材大多存在内容庞杂、贪多求全,缺少深度、逻辑性差,叙述枯燥,语言贫乏等诸多缺点。确立教育学内容体系的主要依据应当是该课程的目的。作为一个未来的教师通过学习教育学这门课程主要应达到三个目的,即获得教育的基础知识和了解教育的基本规律,树立基本的教育理念以及掌握教育的一般艺术。与此相适应,教育学的内容体系应当由教育原理、教育理念和教育艺术等三个部分构成。  相似文献   

Pedagogy: East and west,then and now   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This is the first of six commentaries discussing Zongjie Wu’s essay, ‘Interpretation, autonomy, and transformation’. Wu’s analyses of pedagogy have opened a new window for looking at the essence of education. The comparison of Confucius’s pedagogy with contemporary teaching in China provides a striking contrast. However, perhaps it is unfair and inaccurate to attribute the evolution of Chinese pedagogy to western influences alone. Such an evolution is also underpinned by changes in society during the process of industrialization. Meanwhile, despite the modern structure, much of the cultural heritage is still retained in China’s contemporary education. Nonetheless, when society further advances, the Confucian pedagogy, which amazingly embraced the essence of contemporary learning theories, should have a role to play.  相似文献   

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