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新颖型商业模式创新是当今的热点问题。然而,既有的文献尚未充分揭示新颖型商业模式创新与企业绩效之间的关系机制。吸纳创业领域有关决策逻辑的分析框架,以200多家珠三角创新型企业为研究对象,考察新颖型商业模式创新与绩效间的关系,以及效果推理、因果推理这2种决策逻辑在其中的作用。研究发现:新颖型商业模式创新对绩效有直接的正向促进作用;效果推理逻辑正向地调节了新颖型商业模式创新与组织绩效间的关系;与因果推理逻辑相比,效果推理的调节作用更为显著。结论有助于理解商业模式创新价值增值的内部机制,以及为何效果逻辑理念成为新颖性商业模式创新成功的助推器。  相似文献   

一、国家融合与分裂的历史轨迹上个世纪90年代初两极格局解体后,人们普遍预测将很快出现多极化局面。然而,国际格局的发展变化有其自身的内在规律,是不以人们的意志为转移的。一个特别值得关注的趋势,那就是在多种因素的作用下,“强国融合与弱国分裂”的趋势可能  相似文献   

针对离散型制造业技工群体缺失这一问题,基于该行业的生产模式和特殊的用工需求特征,从粗放式管理带来的团队建设弊端和特殊职业周期下员工的离职波动两个方面,剖析该群体稀缺的原因,并从新生代技工群体的再培养补给、内部知识管理与岗位帮扶机制、融职管理和人性化管理几个方面,探讨该问题的解决对策。  相似文献   

Gliboff S 《Endeavour》2005,29(4):162-167
Paul Kammerer's career ended in scandal in 1926 over tampering with his evidence for "Lamarckian" evolution--the infamous midwife toad. But although Kammerer's conclusions proved false, his evidence was probably genuine. In any case his arguments were not simply for Lamarckism and against Darwinism, as the theories are understood today. If we look beyond the scandal, the Kammerer story shows us a great deal about early 20th-century biology: the range of new ideas about heredity and variation, competing theories of biological and cultural evolution and their applications in eugenics, new kinds of laboratories and professional roles for biologists, and changing standards for documenting experimental results.  相似文献   

We often assume that policy and laws are the outcome of national deliberative discourse. As we have seen with other domains such as intellectual property and trade, policies that influence privacy and civil liberties are increasingly resulting from international policy dynamics. This article presents a number of these policy mechanisms used to take advantage of international dimensions of our current environment. These mechanisms include policy laundering, modeling, and forum shifting. Using these mechanisms, policies are being developed outside of national deliberative forums and then adopted locally in the interests of national governments. A number of policy instances are presented, tracing the influence of national and international actors, and the implications for national discourse. The article concludes with discussion of some implications for an open society.  相似文献   

We often assume that policy and laws are the outcome of national deliberative discourse. As we have seen with other domains such as intellectual property and trade, policies that influence privacy and civil liberties are increasingly resulting from international policy dynamics. This article presents a number of these policy mechanisms used to take advantage of international dimensions of our current environment. These mechanisms include policy laundering, modeling, and forum shifting. Using these mechanisms, policies are being developed outside of national deliberative forums and then adopted locally in the interests of national governments. A number of policy instances are presented, tracing the influence of national and international actors, and the implications for national discourse. The article concludes with discussion of some implications for an open society.  相似文献   

个人信用征信是解决我国目前信用缺位、维护市场经济秩序的有力手段。我国加入WTO的服务贸易特定义务承诺对国内个人信用征信业的长远发展产生了较为不利的影响:由于我国对消费者个人信息隐私权保护立法的缺失而创设的行业经济租可能导致大量的寻租活动和巨大的社会成本。为了使我国的个人信用征信体系能得到较全面的法律基础支撑、与国际惯例接轨,需要以立法的形式保护消费者的个人信息隐私权以使个人信用征信业的外部成本内在化。  相似文献   

图书情报事业的信息资源战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾君枝 《情报科学》2007,25(5):680-683,689
为确保信息资源战略制定全面性、系统性与针对性,本文把信息资源作为图书情报大系统的一个子系统研究,认为信息资源系统由信息资源获取与组织、信息资源加工、信息服务三大要素构成,依据“目标-原则-战略”的通用战略模型,信息资源战略需基于战略目标确定的基础上,明确信息资源建设所遵循的战略原则,依此构建出信息资源战略:信息资源协调共建战略、信息资源集中化开发战略,基于用户的多层次信息服务战略。  相似文献   

Current interest in the electronic highway is the latest expression of a technotopia that is about to resolutely tilt Western contemporary society into postmodernity, or at least into virtual modernity. The enthusiasm for the electronic highway is already having numerous 'power effects' (Burchell et al., 1991). One of these effects is to radically intensify modern forms of power in a new regime we call electronic governmentality. This article examines these effects by drawing on examples from the Internet, and demonstrates how this communication and information infrastructure challenges some of our most tightly held beliefs about progress, technology, and power.  相似文献   

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