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陈思羽 《时代教育》2010,(2):127-127
本文从英语导游翻译的特点出发,阐述英语导游翻译与中西文化的关系,探讨中西文化对接的英语导游翻译  相似文献   

针对考生在英语现场导游口试中出现的问题,从心理因素、知识面及应试技巧三个方面提出对策,以改进“英语导游翻译“教学.  相似文献   

陶暹光 《职教论坛》2001,(12):59-59
导游是靠语言工作的,练好语言是导游的基本功。作为一名英语导游,更多地是用外语直接向外宾宣传、讲解。因此练就一口流利、纯正的英语,是当好一名导游翻译的重要因素。笔者在大学一直从事旅游英语教学,随团担任英语导游翻译,出访过美国、加拿大、法国等国家,对导游翻译这项工作有很深的体验。以下结合自己的教学与工作经历,谈谈对英语导游翻译实践教学的体会。一、课堂实践教学语音、语调的标准清晰是课堂训练的最基本环节,教学中应非常注重学生的实际演练,充分利用每堂课的时间,加强学生的语音练习,选择语音标准清晰的示范带,…  相似文献   

目前导游英语教学中存在的问题主要有教学目标定位模糊、教学内容局限、教材单一、教学模式滞后、教学手段简单等.在建构主义教学观指导下的多媒体导游英语教学,要注重需求调查分析,准确定位教学目标;设计职业工作情境,提升英语导游职业能力;建设丰富的学习资源库,促进探索式自主学习;构建学习过程,建立积极的课程评价体系等,以切实提高导游英语教学的质量,促进英语导游员的培养.  相似文献   

导游英语特点浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
导游英语是一种具有导游职业特点的行业语言。翻译导游员在导游过程中 ,应该做到用语正确而清晰、生动而形象、幽默而不失端庄 ;在形式上注意抑扬顿挫 ,正确使用问答式 ,巧妙地让客人参与。  相似文献   

导游的讲解能力是导游员重要的基本功之一。导游的讲解使游客感到旅游活动的知识性、趣味性和新奇性,对目的地留下美好深刻的印象。作者结合国际旅游岛现场实录的一首资料,归纳了海南英语导游展示语言美的五种方法。还结合纽马克的交际翻译管中的审美功能,提出了英语导游提升语言美的技巧、策略,从而全面提高了英语导游服务人员的素质。  相似文献   

凌斌 《华章》2007,(12):240-240
英语翻译导游应在外事接待工作中增强自我的跨文化交际意识.增强英语翻译导游跨文化意识的有效途径主要有:避免跨文化交际中的语用失误;重视非语言行为的了解和运用;灵活把握跨文化导游翻译中的异化与归化.  相似文献   

肖洪毅 《老年教育》2007,(10):44-44
小汪出身农村,大学毕业后求职无门,只好来到某沿海小镇,在一建筑工地打工.一天,工地上来了几个外国人,随行的只有一名中国导游,且口语不好,小汪就用英语替导游翻译了几句.[第一段]  相似文献   

“英语热”在中国多年持续不衰是事实,翻译人才紧缺也是事实。这是由种种认识误区和实践误区造成的:以为懂一点英语就能作翻译;把英语当作知识或简单工具来掌握;为考试而学英语;不重视翻译与翻译教学。全社会要提高对翻译和翻译人才培养的认识;英语考试应测翻译能力;英语教学中既要英语思维,也要“翻译思维”;建设翻译队伍要抓“正规部队”,也要抓“游击队”。  相似文献   

英语导游跨文化交际中的语用失误包括表达习惯导致语用失误、观念差异语用失误、生活方式和文化差异导致的语用失误。明确目标定位,加强跨文化交际意识,合理进行课程设置,学习跨文化语用知识,加强实践教学,提高跨文化交际能力,是语用翻译视角下英语导游跨文化交际能力培养的有效策略。  相似文献   

韩婷 《鸡西大学学报》2012,12(7):102-103
随着龙江旅游产业的蓬勃发展,从游客、旅行社对导游的基本要求来看,对英语导游的英语专业能力和职业道德标准都提出了较高的要求,能够用英语流利对话具有良好职业素质的导游是涉外旅行社和外国游客都比较看好的,但目前不少英语导游还难以达到这个要求,这就要求开设相关专业的院校在人才培养方面多下功夫,同时也需要相关管理部门对英语导游的服务加大监管力度,力求全面提升黑龙江英语导游的整体素质。  相似文献   

对于《古诗十九首》,众学者历来都立足于从文学和艺术的角度进行鉴赏和解读,本文试图运用认知语言学中的隐喻理论,来给《古诗十九首》中的隐喻加以分类、解读,并尝试运用概念整合理论来分析其中有代表性的诗篇.  相似文献   

春秋称《诗》之风对孔子的影响,主要体现在三个方面:一是在教育理念上,使孔子重视《诗》的传授,以《诗》作为教学内容;二是在学《诗》目的上,使孔子重视《诗》的政治功用,重视《诗》在伦理教化、性情修养和增长见识方面的作用;三是在引诗、解诗的方式上,孔子也深受《左传》一类解诗性质的引诗的影响。春秋时代人们称《诗》时没有文本观念,而孔子却已具有朦胧的文本概念,他在引导学生理解诗歌时,要求他们注意《诗》作者的本意。可以说孔子诗教并非空穴来风,它是对春秋时代称《诗》传统的继承与发扬。  相似文献   

通过句子实例对比分析以及对语言和思维关系的探索,论述汉英文化中人们的思维方式反映在句法上主要有两点差异:汉文化人具有整体性思维,而英文化人具备的是分析性思维;汉文化人注重直觉性思维,而英文化人注重逻辑性思维。  相似文献   

史诗承载着一个民族的历史与文化,是历史上各族人民的百科全书。对应于传统社会中族群成员文化心理需求的多样性、立体性,少数民族创世史诗的文化内涵亦呈现出多样性和立体性的态势。即使同一民族,其创世史诗的叙事方式、意象符号、神话母题等亦同中有异。《查姆》、《梅葛》是彝族的两大创世史诗之一,且主要流传于楚雄州境内的彝族中,但二者也不属于上述情况的特例。以创世史诗中普遍言及的创世主题为例,从文化符号学的角度解码神话中的意象符号、神话母题等对深度解读彝族历史的远古性和文化的多样性有着重要意义。  相似文献   

从获得方式、内容和表现方式上对张载“见闻之知”和“德性所知”的关系进行阐发,而用感性认识和理性认识予以阐释是不妥当的。  相似文献   

Although much research has been conducted on the psychometric properties of cognitive diagnostic models, they are only recently being used in operational settings to provide results to examinees and other stakeholders. Using this newer class of models in practice comes with a fresh challenge for diagnostic assessment developers: effectively reporting results and supporting end users to accurately interpret results. Achieving the goal of communicating results in a way that leads users of the assessment to make accurate interpretations requires a prerequisite step that cannot be taken for granted. The assessment developers must first accurately interpret results from a psychometric, or measurement, standpoint. Through this article, we seek to begin a discussion about reasonable interpretations of the results that classification‐based models provide about examinees. Interpretations from published research and ongoing practice show different—and sometimes conflicting—ways to interpret these results. This article seeks to formalize a comparison, critique, and discussion among the interpretations. Before beginning this discussion, we first present background on the results provided by classification‐based models regarding the examinees. We then structure our discussion around key questions an assessment development team needs to answer themselves prior to constructing reports and interpretative guides for end users of the assessment.  相似文献   

Recent work in reading and writing theory, research and pedagogy has raised questions about relationships between Fluent reading processes and holistic scoring of essays (e.g., Huot 1993). In holistic scoring settings, are the raters behaving as normal Fluent readers (i.e., readers interacting critically and personally with the text) or, are they somehow disconnected From their normal reader responses because they are using reliable scoring guides? Related questions concern the behavior of such holistic raters when they are teachers (e.g., Barritt, Stock, & Clark, 1986), and when those teachers respond to student writing (Connors & Lunsford, 1993). How are teachers/raters behaving, and what are they responding to in judging the writing? Previous research has suggested a role for personality type in the study of the process of writing evaluation (Jensen & DiTiberio, 1984, 1989).Thus, it seems reasonable to ask what role personality types play in the holistic evaluation of writing.This empirical study addressed the general question: What role, if any, do personality types of writers and of raters play in the holistic rating of writing? Moreover, is there a relationship between writers' personalities and raters' personalities?Writers were native English-speaking university freshman composition students; raters were native English-speaking university freshman composition instructors.Results indicate that the personality types of writers affect the ratings their essays receive, and the personality types of raters affect the ratings they give to essays. However, there is no significant relationship between writers' styles and raters' styles. Implications for future research, as well as classroom implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Public school choice has become a common feature in American school districts. Any potential benefits that could be derived from these policies depend heavily on the ability of parents and students to make informed and educated decisions about their school options. We examined the readability and complexity of school-choice guides across a sample of large urban districts. These guides are intended to assist parents in learning about their child's options and to help them make informed decisions about schools. We found that none of the guides examined were written within the range considered appropriate for all adults to comprehend. In large urban districts where there are a large proportion of parents that have low levels of literacy, it is likely that many parents will have difficulty comprehending the information presented in the choice guides. We provide some simple steps that could be taken to improve readability of these guides.  相似文献   

结合英国传统工科学制,本文解读英国布里斯托大学工学院一次Masterclass短期课程的特点———综合学科交叉知识,以科研和工程实践配合课堂教学内容,在传统专业体系框架内引导学生关注工程活动中的能源利用、环境保护、社会责任及可持续发展等综合因素。在此基础上,提出了对我国现行工科教育创新实践环节的建议。  相似文献   

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