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As agenda-setting theory moves toward its 50th anniversary, its productivity in the past and at present augurs a highly promising future. In this essay, the original theorists trace the development of agenda setting and identify seven distinct facets. They explore three of the seven facets—need for orientation, network agenda setting, and agendamelding—in greater detail because those are particularly active arenas of contemporary research. Grounded in more than 40 years of productive collaboration among the authors, this inaugural Deutschmann Scholars Essay offers numerous new ideas about recent trends in and future directions for agenda-setting theory and research. The three authors are all recipients of AEJMC's Paul J. Deutschmann Award for Excellence in Research recognizing a career of scholarly achievement. The Deutschmann scholars observed that this may well be the most original article they have ever written together.  相似文献   

国外新媒体环境下的议程设置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新媒体环境下媒体的议程设置功能是否依然有效是议程设置研究领域中迫切需要回答的问题。国外学者近年来对这一问题的研究主要集中在两个方面:一是检验新媒体环境下媒体对受众是否具有议程设置的功能,二是检验新媒体环境下的媒介间议程设置效果。现有研究表明,在新媒体环境下媒体对受众具有议程设置功能;网络媒体与传统媒体之间、网络媒体自身之间存在媒介间的议程设置效果。  相似文献   

本研究基于议程融合的假设,通过实验的方法对受众在不同媒介信息获取渠道中产生的属性议程设置进行探讨,验证了不同大小的群体规模对属性议程设置效果的不同影响,以及在议程融合过程中群体规模对受众的不同信息依赖程度的倾向的影响。该实验研究对议程融合假设做出了一定的修正并提出了一些值得进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

This study investigates the role knowledge plays in the agenda-setting process, conceptualizing public affairs knowledge as a measure of news reception. Comparing content analysis data and opinion survey results of 2 election campaigns in Canada and the United States, this study finds that, on the individual level, knowledge better predicted media's agenda-setting effects than traditional self-reported exposure items. Furthermore, these findings demonstrate that knowledge mediated the effects of interest on the variance of agenda-setting effects. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Three aspects of the ‘most important problem’ questionused in agenda-setting research to measure issue salience amongthe public were examined. A split-ballot design in a state-widesurvey compared versions of the public agenda with a socialframe of reference versus a personal frame of reference, versionsusing the traditional term ‘problem’ versus ‘issue’,and the effects of question order. High correlations betweenthe different versions were found in all three sets of comparisons.  相似文献   

This study seeks to identify the most memorable visual imagery of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill by comparing a content analysis of television images and a survey of the most-remembered images. The study compared visuals from weeks 1 and 6 of the disaster to a survey conducted a year later that asked respondents to freely recall the most memorable images of the disaster. The comparison showed respondents did indeed choose as the most memorable images the visuals coded with greatest frequency in the content analysis. However, the emotions evoked by the oil-soaked animals elevated that set of images to the most memorable—chosen by almost half of respondents. This set of images was number one with the respondents yet number eight in frequency in the content analysis. This study shows a visual agenda-setting effect heightened by emotion.  相似文献   

2004年,诸暨电视台积极配合诸暨市委、市政府提出的打造旅游强市的战略做好宣传工作,报道既讲求规模又讲究质量,收到了很好的社会效益.本文从新闻传播学的角度,论证了大众媒体的集中报道对于将市委、市政府的战略变成广大群众自觉行动的重要性.  相似文献   

本文以报料信息内容、媒体呈现的报料内容及报料人群体抽样调查三部分资料为基础,以时间序列分析技术对报料信息和媒体呈现内容关系进行了分析,研究发现,报料人群体是公众中积极参与媒体议题建构的群体,他们具有显著的设置议题意识,但是参与议题建构的能力有限,原因之一是多数报料人将媒体视为可借助解决来自草根阶层社会问题的工具。报料信息经过媒体把关人的严格判断和挑选才可能进入媒体议题,这种挑选并非按照各类信息报料的多少来确定,而是根据是否具有新闻价值来判断。报料人群体参与建构媒体议程的目标能否实现,要看各媒介组织自身的定位和媒体框架。  相似文献   

人口统计学变量对议程设置敏感度影响的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、理论背景 克林格(Kerlinger,1986)认为,在社会科学研究中,人口统计学变量具有十分重要的意义。他指出,运用人口统计学变量可以评估社会现状及其变化,检测政府政绩,反映个人的状况,以便明察秋毫并加以改进  相似文献   

This study explores the ability of an interaction between need for orientation (NFO) and selective exposure to explain citizen's motivations to seek information from specific media sources and the consequences of this behavior for attribute agenda-setting effects. It draws important conceptual distinctions between the two moderate NFO categories, distinguishing active involvement NFO (high relevance and low uncertainty) from passive involvement NFO (low relevance and high uncertainty). The results suggest that in a political context, people with active involvement NFO are more likely to seek ideologically congruent media sources and more likely to adopt the media's attribute agenda. This study implies that at the second-level agenda setting, the salience of issue or object attributes on the media agenda is more likely to strengthen preexisting attitudes for people with high political interest and strong partisan identity.  相似文献   

我国图书馆立法现存问题分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从立法心理、立法实践等八个方面分析图书馆立法过程中存在的问题.  相似文献   

高校图书馆现刊管理存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆读者群集中,教学、科研、学习等对现刊需求的及时性与可获得性更是不可忽视。文章对高校图书馆现刊从订购到装订的全程进行了梳理,指出存在的问题,并针对性地提出科学实用的对策。  相似文献   

本文通过对图书馆学情报学6种核心期刊2002年以来刊文进行初步研究和分析,从刊文比较集中的几个研究主题发现图书馆学情报学近一时期的研究重点和热点,为今后的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

许洁  蔡忠伟 《出版科学》2021,29(4):14-22
运用内容分析法和文献计量法对8种出版学期刊在2016年1月至2020年12月期间正式发表的论文进行统计分析,并使用CiteSpace软件进行可视化呈现.结果表明,出版学研究应用量化研究方法的论文数量偏少,占比不到7%;尽管运用的量化研究方法种类多样,但缺乏对新方法的引介,且运用量化方法研究的主题比较单一,还存在方法与目的不匹配等问题.未来出版学研究应规范研究方法,重视对新方法的吸收借鉴,优化量化研究方法的使用,更多尝试量化研究方法和质性研究方法结合,使研究方法更好地为研究目的服务.  相似文献   

亲爱的同仁们, 很高兴能来到这里,很荣幸能在这个会议上发言.正如所有演讲者一样,我肩负着三个任务: 首先,为批判传播研究的发展微进绵薄之力; 其次,为各位建立批判传播研究的核心提供一点见解; 第三,为了完成以上任务着重阐述一个主题--对我来说,就是如何将文化研究重塑为彻底的批判性研究.  相似文献   

In an earlier period of mass communication research, scholars were more adventuresome in advancing “new” theories and less hesitant to “create” theory. The 1970s, in particular, bore witness to the emergence of several such theories—from the knowledge gap and agenda-setting to cultivation. Scholars have generated substantial literatures elaborating work in these and other traditions. Those contributions are now sufficiently robust that it is time to direct some of our energies toward synthesizing theories. This article nominates third-person perception as a candidate for such integration. Several prominent theories of media effects in the mass communication literature are selected to illustrate how the theories can or have been integrated. Results from three surveys provided evidence that the theories of third-person perception, agenda-setting and cultivation can be interrelated. The proposition examined here can serve as a model for further integration of other media theories. This integration attempt harkened back to the times when theory building in media effects was more common and perhaps more optimistic about explaining processes of influence.  相似文献   

在信息时代的大背景下,档案工作者需要与时俱进,对档案馆馆藏档案进行数字化加工和整理。这不仅符合延长档案保存寿命的客观要求,也满足了社会公众方便利用档案的现实需要。在进行了一段时期的馆藏民国档案的数字化加工和整理工作后,结合实际,针对档案数字化过程中部分现实问题进行了研究并提出了一些可行性建议。  相似文献   

This study tested for intermedia agenda-setting effects among explicitly partisan news media coverage and political activist group, citizen activist, and official campaign advertisements on YouTube—all in support of the same candidate. The setting for this investigation was the political activist organization MoveOn.org's “Obama in 30 Seconds” online ad contest, which was held during the 2008 U.S. presidential election primaries. The data provided evidence of first- and second-level agenda-setting relationships. Partial correlations revealed that the citizen activist issue agenda, as articulated in the contest ads, was most strongly related to the partisan media coverage, rather than to the issue priorities of the official Obama or MoveOn.org ads on YouTube. These results extend the intermedia agenda-setting framework to political activist communication efforts and consumer-generated content.  相似文献   

当前我国公共图书馆事业面临的主要问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国公共图书馆事业当前虽然已进入历史发展的最好时期,但仍然面临着无法可依、投入不足、版权保护、改革不力等问题。近期国内公益性博物馆、纪念馆的陆续免费开放,又给公共图书馆带来了新的压力。而公共权威缺乏制度供给、公共财政缺少资金保障,是当前公共图书馆一切问题的主要根源所在。  相似文献   

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