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《Research Policy》2022,51(9):104444
By analyzing the tempo-spatial trajectories of startups, this paper proposes a new method to benchmark functions in entrepreneurial ecosystems based on longitudinal data. To demonstrate this novel method, a regional case study of the ecosystem infrastructure in Berlin is considered, for which tempo-spatial trajectories of startups are analyzed with quantitative sequence methods. It is explored empirically how open creative labs such as co-working spaces or seed accelerators supply core functions within entrepreneurial ecosystems based on the aspects of regional integration and trans-local connection. Open creative labs do not only provide important resources for startups and entrepreneurs but also have systemic functions within entrepreneurial ecosystems. Namely, they provide conditions under which critical links within regional entrepreneurial ecosystems can be formed and they facilitate inter-ecosystem ties between regions.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(2):104669
This study was driven by an initial finding that female founders' participation rate in Israeli accelerators is significantly higher (15.3 %) than their participation rate in the Israeli startup sector (7.4 %). Linking accelerators' design to the known barriers to female entrepreneurship, we examined how accelerators may enhance female entrepreneurship by addressing their specific needs. Based on a dataset (N = 779) of structured interviews with startup founders who participated in accelerator programs in Israel during 2011–2019, we present evidence that female founders seek and gain more entrepreneurial knowledge, network building, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy during their participation in accelerators than do male founders. Female founders also seek to increase their legitimacy more than do their male counterparts but did not report making more progress in this aspect. Finally, both the goal of and progress in obtaining access to capital and improving fundraising skills received lower ratings from female founders than from male founders. We further ask whether accelerators are more helpful for women because they are better adapted to the female gender or because they are generally better adapted to founders with those background conditions that often characterize women. We found that the startup's stage of development and the founder's prior entrepreneurial experience mediated most gender differences, supporting the latter possibility. We discuss the implications of our findings for accelerators and other support programs as a means of increasing women's participation rates in innovative entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

创业企业在过去产品失败的情况下如何进行创新策略调整始终是学术界关注的热点问题。本文基于问题导向搜索理论,考察了平台上的创业企业在过去产品失败时,未来产品研发的搜索边界和搜索距离对新产品创新绩效的影响机制,并利用来自苹果APP Store应用商店中获取的2018年5月至2019年2月期间的一组新数据集,借助文本分析的方法进行了实证检验,结果发现:相较于创业初期研发成功的企业,在创业初期研发不成功的企业跨越先前的搜索边界,从事跨市场类别的产品研发更有利于企业下一款新产品创新绩效水平的提高。同时,对于创业初期研发不成功的企业来说,在选定的市场类别中进行非本地搜索更有利于企业新产品创新绩效水平的提升。研究结论旨在丰富平台市场背景下创业企业的问题导向搜索理论,对创业企业在应用平台上的新产品研发策略选择具有重要启示。  相似文献   

夏李慧  罗彪 《科研管理》2021,42(1):10-19
中国经济正处在新旧动能切换的断档时期,高科技新创企业作为促进新动能成长的重要主体,其高效的机会塑造是实现企业发展的关键。效果推理理论为研究高不确定性情境下高科技新创企业机会塑造提供新思路。借鉴高阶梯队理论,分析创业者效果推理对高科技新创企业机会塑造的影响机制。以141家中国高科技新创企业为样本,实证研究发现:创业者效果推理正向影响企业关系网络构建和企业机会塑造;企业关系网络构建在创业者效果推理和企业机会塑造之间起部分中介作用;创业激情不仅正向调节创业者效果推理与企业关系网络构建之间的关系,而且还正向调节企业关系网络构建在创业者效果推理与企业机会塑造之间的中介效应。结论表明在高不确定性情境下,充满激情的效果推理型创业者可以通过促进企业关系网络构建更好地进行机会塑造。  相似文献   

钟榴  余光胜  潘闻闻 《科研管理》2019,40(6):205-214
如何在资源约束条件下实现初创企业的产品创新一直是学界和商界关注的焦点。本文首先介绍了创业决策逻辑理论中的目标导向和手段导向的特征,通过案例分析分别探讨了锤子和小米两个初创企业产品创新流程决策,并以理论模型对比了两种决策理论在实践中的适用性和局限性。研究结果表明,锤子手机的研发过程体现了目标导向的特征,而小米手机的研发过程体现了手段导向的特征。本研究认为,创业更多是介于精密计划和非系统性试错之间,目标导向和手段导向逻辑的适用性取决于不确定情境下创业者战略决策的权变性,权变性影响了企业资源的整合和创业机会的识别;初创企业在发展早期比较适合采取目标导向逻辑进行决策,通过提高资源整合效率,能加快创业机会的识别,而手段导向的作用更多体现在产品创新后期,随着产品的约束性条件不断演化,创业者通过保持资源整合的柔性来持续识别新的创业机会,产品创新是外界环境各种约束性条件不断迭代而成的结果。  相似文献   

徐可  姚飞  孙涛  徐铮 《科学学研究》2018,36(1):176-182
新创在孵企业实施创业导向和创新驱动战略的高风险性、高失败率,以及成长孵化过程的高异质性,引起国内外学者的广泛关注和深入探索。本研究基于组织战略和价值链理论,构建“创业导向-创新驱动-企业绩能”的结构方程模型,首次尝试引入创新价值链条的演进转化诠释创新驱动的实现过程,并提出企业绩能的构念,最后通过中国情境天津市新创在孵企业的256份有效调研数据进行实证分析。结果表明,创业导向和创新驱动分别积极显著影响企业绩能,创业导向积极显著影响创新驱动,同时又发现创新驱动在创业导向对企业绩能的影响路径间存在部分中介效应,外部环境正向调节创新驱动的中介效应。  相似文献   

程德理 《科学学研究》2019,37(1):95-103
推进大众创业、万众创新是激发社会创新潜能和创业活力的有效途径。知识产权在创业活动中的作用备受关注。文章通过对近200家上海科技型创业企业的问卷调查和实地调研,考察了创业活动与专利申请应用之间的复杂关系。调查发现专利对初创企业创新活动的激励作用还比较弱,但是在帮助企业获得竞争优势方面起到较为重要作用,如防止技术复制抄袭、提高融资机会等;初创企业获取专利的目的主要是用于防御战略和获得政府支持;法律保护不力和担心竞争对手跟进研发是其不愿申请专利的主要原因;提出了加强专利的商业化运用和实施企业知识产权战略以及改善专利的管理和执法水平等政策建议。  相似文献   

Accelerating innovation in clean energy technologies is a policy priority for governments around the world aiming to mitigate climate change and to provide affordable energy. Most research has focused on the role of governments financing R&D and steering market demand, but there is a more limited understanding of the role of direct government interactions with startups across all sectors. We propose and evaluate the value-creation mechanisms of network resources from different types of partners for startups, highlighting the unique resources of government partners for cleantech startups. We develop and analyze a novel dataset of 657 U.S. cleantech startups and 2,015 alliances with governments, firms, research organizations, and not-for-profit organizations from 2008 to 2012 and analyze short-term firm outcomes from the different alliances. Our findings highlight the importance of governmental partners in technology development alliances to catalyze cleantech startup innovation (the patenting activity of cleantech startups increases by 73.7 percent with every additional governmental technology alliance when compared to those startups that did not engage in such alliances) and as quality signals to private sector investors for licensing alliances (private financing deals increase by 155 percent for every additional license from a government organization). Overall, these findings extend the alliance perspectives on innovation, contribute to the emerging research on entrepreneurial ecosystems, and underline the need to develop empirical evidence in different sectors.  相似文献   

古家军  沈晓斌 《科研管理》2019,40(11):206-215
创业者对新创企业的发展起着至关重要的作用,且对于新创企业资源局限的情况而言,资源拼凑无疑是极具价值的资源管理行为,然而学界很少有把创业者和资源拼凑联系在一起的实证分析。本研究主要研究了从创业者职业价值观,通过创业者的资源拼凑行为影响创业绩效的作用路径,以及环境动态性的调节作用。通过实证研究表明:创业者职业价值观的四个维度会对创业者的资源拼凑行为产生正向影响;资源拼凑对创业绩效有显著的正向影响;资源拼凑在创业者职业价值观和创业绩效之间有部分中介作用;环境动态性负向调节资源拼凑对创业绩效的正向作用。  相似文献   

This paper employs the 2008 financial crisis as an empirical setting to examine how investment strategies of venture capitalists (VCs) vary in the presence of a liquidity supply shock, and what the performance implications of these strategies are for their portfolio startups. We show that while, on aggregate, funded startups receive no less financing during the financial crisis than in non-crisis times, VCs allocate relatively more resources to startups operating in the VCs’ core sectors. We show that this skew allocation follows from VCs choosing to double down on their core-sector investing, rather than by a changed mix of investors or startups during the financial crisis. These effects are strongest for early-stage startups, for which information problems are most severe. Furthermore, these results are driven by the investment strategies of more-experienced VCs. Building on these findings, we find superior ex post performance among crisis-funded portfolio startups operating in more-experienced VCs’ core sectors.  相似文献   

古家军  沈晓斌 《科研管理》2006,40(11):206-215
创业者对新创企业的发展起着至关重要的作用,且对于新创企业资源局限的情况而言,资源拼凑无疑是极具价值的资源管理行为,然而学界很少有把创业者和资源拼凑联系在一起的实证分析。本研究主要研究了从创业者职业价值观,通过创业者的资源拼凑行为影响创业绩效的作用路径,以及环境动态性的调节作用。通过实证研究表明:创业者职业价值观的四个维度会对创业者的资源拼凑行为产生正向影响;资源拼凑对创业绩效有显著的正向影响;资源拼凑在创业者职业价值观和创业绩效之间有部分中介作用;环境动态性负向调节资源拼凑对创业绩效的正向作用。  相似文献   

项国鹏  黄玮 《科学学研究》2016,33(10):1561-1568
创业扶持是政府和社会提高新创企业存活率和绩效的重要手段。以浙江省9个地市15个孵化器内265家新创企业为研究对象,采用多元回归方法对政府补贴和网络构建两种创业扶持方式与新创企业绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究,并探讨了企业年龄在其中的调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)政府补贴与网络构建均对新创企业绩效存在正向影响;(2)企业年龄在其中分别起到负向和正向调节作用;(3)在设立初期,政府补贴对新创企业绩效的正向影响相比网络构建来说要更为显著,当企业成长到一定阶段后,这一关系会反转。  相似文献   

于淏川  陈卫东  徐可 《科学学研究》2017,35(11):1750-1759
新创在孵企业实施创业导向和创新驱动战略,呈现出高风险性、高失败率和高异质性等特征,如何将创新创业实践循序渐进并稳中求胜,这是学术界竞相探索的议题。本研究基于网络惯例和知识螺旋视角,构建"创新驱动与创业导向—网络惯例—企业绩能"的结构方程模型,并结合中国情境天津市内16个区新创在孵企业调研数据开展实证分析。结果表明,创新驱动、创业导向和网络惯例分别积极显著影响企业绩能,创新驱动和创业导向分别积极显著影响网络惯例;同时也发现网络惯例存在中介效应,知识螺旋正向调节网络惯例的中介效应,进一步考察不同水平知识螺旋开发能力的影响差异。  相似文献   

Innovative new ventures are at the heart of economic development, particularly when these startups are created by employee, academic, and user innovators. We synthesize across literature streams examining each phenomena to document distinctions between firms originating from different “knowledge contexts.” We then integrate the knowledge context into Teece's (1986) theoretical framework identifying factors that impact a firm's ability to profit from innovation. Doing so allows us to develop stylized facts and predictive propositions pertaining to differences in the innovative contributions, roles played in shaping industrial dynamics and evolution, and performance outcomes for startups stemming from the three entrepreneurial origins. These propositions provide unique insights into the causes of patterns of industry evolution, contribute to theory in the areas of entrepreneurship and industry evolution, and yield important policy and managerial implications.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(9):104846
This is the first study to consider the relationship between open source software (OSS) and entrepreneurship around the globe. This study measures whether country-level participation on the GitHub OSS platform affects the founding of innovative ventures, and where it does so, for what types of ventures. We estimate these effects using cross-country variation in new venture founding and OSS participation. We propose an approach using instrumental variables, and cannot reject a causal interpretation. The study finds that an increase in GitHub participation in a given country generates an increase in the number of new technology ventures within that country in the subsequent year. The evidence suggests this relationship is complementary to a country's endowments, and does not substitute for them. In addition to this positive change in the rate of entrepreneurship, we also find a change in direction—OSS contributions lead to new ventures that are more mission- and global-oriented and are of a higher quality. Together, the results suggest that OSS can boost entrepreneurial activity, albeit with a human capital prerequisite. Finally, we consider the implications for policies that encourage OSS as a lever for stimulating entrepreneurial growth.  相似文献   

戴维奇  魏江 《科学学研究》2010,28(10):1502-1510
按照Churchill提出的量表开发程序,对集群企业的公司创业进行了操作化,并探讨了集群企业的公司创业行为与其财务绩效的关系以及任务环境对于"公司创业-财务绩效"关系的权变影响。以浙江永康五金产业集群为背景,研究发现集群企业的公司创业可分为四个维度,其对集群企业绩效提升和升级具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article and the special issue is to improve our understanding of the theoretical, managerial, and policy implications of entrepreneurial innovation. We accomplish this objective by examining the role of context in stimulating such activity, as well as its impact on the outcomes of entrepreneurial innovation. Our analysis begins by outlining an overarching framework for entrepreneurial innovation and context. With reference to this framework we then compare the attributes of national innovation systems, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial innovation, and categorize contextual influences on entrepreneurial innovation. We then situate the papers presented in this special issue within this framework. We conclude by outlining an agenda for additional research on this topic, focusing on the relationships between contexts and entrepreneurial innovation and then discuss policy implications, focusing on how public and private actors can meet these challenges.  相似文献   

   创业卷入作为一种认知活动,在科技创业过程中发挥着重要作用。本文基于卷入理论,根据科技创业者角色认同特征将创业卷入划分为创业情境卷入和创业行业卷入,并从创业学习和吸收能力视角,构建了科技创业者创业双重卷入对创业成长的影响机理模型,通过对收集到的193份问卷进行有调节的中介实证检验。结果表明:科技创业者创业双重卷入有助于提升创业成长水平,创业学习在创业双重卷入与创业成长之间起到了中介作用,吸收能力正向调节了创业学习与创业成长之间关系。进一步的研究发现,吸收能力调节了创业学习在创业双重卷入与创业成长之间的中介效应。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(7):104782
This paper analyzes how US universities contribute to the quantity and quality of VC-backed immigrant entrepreneurship in the US. Using a novel data set that identifies immigration status and education history for the near-universe of VC-backed founders in the US, we document several interrelated facts. First, immigrants contribute disproportionately to US VC-backed entrepreneurship, accounting for approximately 20 % of VC-backed companies. More than 75 % of these immigrant entrepreneurs obtained post-secondary education in the US, which suggests that higher education represents a primary entry channel for foreign entrepreneurial talent into the country. Given these facts, we assess how universities shape both the geographic distribution and the quality of immigrant entrepreneurship. Close to 40 % of US-educated immigrants start a company in the state of their alma mater, suggesting that place of education substantially impacts immigrant entrepreneurs' startup location choice. Regarding firm quality, immigrant founders are also more likely to found financially successful and scientifically innovative startups than their US-born counterparts. Altogether, the results suggest that foreign students educated in US universities substantially contribute to local and national VC-backed entrepreneurship, thereby identifying higher education's global scope as a potential tool to attract entrepreneurial talent and encourage entrepreneurial growth.  相似文献   

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