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教育部提出卓越教师培养计划以来,高师教育人才培养面临着一系列改革问题。针对卓越中学语文教师培养过程中重要环节——教师教育实践环节,提出改革设想与具体举措,着重探讨贯穿高师汉语言文学(师范)专业本科教学四年的实践教学如何进行,以及进行的方式方法、依据与目标。拟通过本改革研究与实践,初步建立起卓越中学语文教师实践能力培养的新机制和新模式,为卓越教师培养计划改革提供创新成果、新经验、新理论、新观念。  相似文献   

郭永发 《广西教育》2013,(17):17-17
“学程导航”是一种全新的教学理念,它是在“以人为本”教育思想的导向下,变“先教后学”为“先学后教”“以学定教”的新教学模式。这一模式旨在把学习的主动权交给学生,让学生成为学习活动的主人,是学习观和学习方式的根本变革。小组合作学习是“学程导航”模式的精髓,主要运用于课始预习成果的分享交流、课中自主探究后的深入交流、解决疑难问题时的智慧碰撞。通过合作实现自主探究,从而达到“以学定教”。  相似文献   

以对2009年高考大规模弃考现象的思考为研究的逻辑起点,界定学程概念并设计学程的体系结构。运用加涅的信息加工理论并结合目前流行的学习管理系统(LMS)对学程各个组成部分作有益的阐述说明,使得学程为当代教育领域中理论与技能脱节的问题提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

针对小组合作学习中存在的问题,我校全面整合学生的学习模式和教师的指导模式,构建导师指导下的小组合作学习模式。该模式是根据组间同质、组内异质的原则构建6~8人的学习小组,选出组长,确定小组学习目标,选聘导师强化监控和指导,通  相似文献   

奚圣兰 《考试周刊》2013,(77):65-65
学习活动是一项群体性的互助学习过程,既有学生个体的有效独立活动,又有学生个体之间的互助合作过程。教学实践证明,合作学习活动有助于学生协作能力的提高.有助于集体主义精神的养成。基于此,作者对高中生数学合作学习能力的培养方法进行了论述。  相似文献   

张莉云 《成长》2020,(4):11-11
本文分析了构建高职院校全学程就业指导体系的必要性,探讨了构建的途径,希望能为高校做好大学生就业指导工作提供参考。  相似文献   

本文阐述了当下各大高校针对师范生教学实践能力的培养,实施"双导师"指导的这一现状,旨在探讨双导师指导下师范生教学实践能力的提高对师范生的影响,并提出了通过加大执行力度、增设相关课程等措施完善双导师体系,以此提高师范生的教学实践能力。  相似文献   

研究生培养的“合作导师”模式是指学校聘请校外的专家、学者、管理与技术精英等为兼职导师与校内导师共同培养研究生的模式。它是解决现行研究生扩招与导师数量不足,研究生知识与能力的反差等矛盾而衍生出的新模式,它与“导师组”培养模式有一定的相同之处。不同专业研究生的培养对“合作导师”的要求各有不同,同时,实施这样的模式还需要一定的制度作保障。  相似文献   

学程导航从儿童立场出发,关照儿童的主体精神,彰显教师的导学智慧,体现了教学的不确定性.实践中,通过翻转式的教学设计、精准化的导学策略和阶梯式的教学评价,唤起学生学习的动力,激活学生的体验,促进思维发展的飞跃,进而为他们的数学学习提供强大的推力.  相似文献   

“学程导航”是一种全新的教学理念,由上海市教育局倡导,在“以人为本”教育思想的导向下,变“先教后学”为“先学后教”“以学定教”的新教学模式。这一模式旨在把学习的主动权交给学生,让学生成为学习活动的主人,是学习观和学习方式的根本变革。为了研究有效教学,大同中学开展了学程导航的教研工作。以高中英语大纲为依据,探讨学程导航模式在外语课堂的运用,培养学生探究式的学习,提高学生自主学习能力,打造活力课堂。  相似文献   

Cooperative small groups are frequently used in Japanese schools. The principles of Buzz Instruction, one model of CL, are outlined as an illustration of Japanese CL. Additional applications of cooperative guidance and teaching to resolve problems such as delinquency, discrimination, and maladjustment to school are also described. Japanese culture facilitates cooperation, but there are serious obstacles to its use originating in the organization of school education. In addition to the historical development of cooperation in education, trends in educational policies and prospects for CL in Japan are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite decades of appreciation of CL in scientific discussions of education and in curriculae, it is a rare event in the average German classroom. Rather than looking for external circumstances impeding the realization of a promising idea, this chapter focuses on internal conditions of dissemination strategies. The discussion offers the optimistic outlook that discrepant orientations toward CL may be resolved.  相似文献   

合作学习是新课程大力倡导的主要学习方式之一 ,本文结合化学教学实际从精心设计讨论问题、把握合作学习时机和明确个人责任等方面进行了论述 ,以促进学生有效地合作学习。  相似文献   

Cooperative learning in computer-based instruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High equipment and materials costs, limited access to computers for instruction in many schools, and the success of cooperative learning strategies in traditional classroom instruction have prompted researchers to examine the potential of cooperative computer-based instruction (CBI). In this article, recent research on cooperative CBI is reviewed and findings related to achievement, patterns of study, social interchange, motivation, and gender are discussed. In addition, guidelines on the implementation of cooperative CBI that have been gleaned from the literature are presented.This paper was prepared with partial support from MECC/University of Minnesota Center for Study of Educational Technology, and presented at the AECT Annual Convention, January 31–February 4, 1990, Anaheim, CA.  相似文献   

针对目前合作学习中存在的重形式轻方法、重学生轻教师、重教学轻研究等问题提出解决方法.反思学习方式转变过程中存在的问题.  相似文献   

Cooperative learning and computer-based instruction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much published research focuses on the benefits of learning in small groups. However, little research has differentiated small-group learning methods or considered the implications of related research for designing instructional software. In this article, the origins of small-group learning are traced, and one method, cooperative learning, is distinguished from other small-group learning methods. The instructional and social benefits of cooperative learning are examined and theoretical explanations for the effects of grouping are presented. Finally, issues relevant to designing instructional software for cooperative learning are examined and suggestions for future research are made.Thanks are extended to Jim Klein for his review of an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

Cooperative learning refers to instructional methods in which students work in small groups to help each other learn. Although cooperative learning methods are used for different age groups, they are particularly popular in elementary (primary) schools. This article discusses methods and theoretical perspectives on cooperative learning for the elementary grades. The article acknowledges the contributions from each of the major theoretical perspectives and places them in a model that depicts the likely role each plays in cooperative learning outcomes. This work explores conditions under which each perspective may operate, and suggests further research needed to advance cooperative learning scholarship.  相似文献   

随着新课程改革的发展,合作学习更多地被应用与英语教学中。它在增强学生们合作意识的同时也改变了课堂氛围,从而有效地提高了教学的效率。  相似文献   

In Africa there has really been no historical development of cooperative learning because of the influence of missionary and colonial education in establishing a Western form of schooling. This is why a discrepancy exists between African culture, which may be seen as defining some form of cooperative learning, and the present school culture. The new philosophy of African socialism has not markedly permeated the schools or methods of classroom teaching. Cooperative learning has special significance for South Africa, but its implementation is hardly possible because of serious educational inequalities which have to be redressed first. Nevertheless, the building of positive relations between Black and White youth has occurred with a cooperative learning approach developed by the author and used in non-formal settings.  相似文献   

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