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我国民族教育经济研究的回顾与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the development of economic society and the further development of the West,studies on educational economy have gradually developed in ethnic regions with higher level,wider range and more achievements,which have made a great theoretical contribution to the reform and development of education in ethnic regions.However,some problems still exist in the research such as lacking foresight,neglecting special and ethnic characteristics of ethnic regions,and lacking research specialists and methods.Efforts should be made in building a research system,setting up centers to train professional talents,and attaching importance to interaction among ethnic education,culture and economy.  相似文献   

A balanced allocation of teachers in ethnic minority regions is the demand of and guarantee for balanced development of ethnic education.An analysis of the current teaching body structure in ethnic regions shows that there is a serious imbalance in terms of both quantity and quality of teachers.This paper attempts to put forward theoretical ideas to help realize balanced allocation of teachers in ethnic regions from aspects of making policies,setting up a special subsidy system for teachers in ethnic regions and building a teachers' training system to meet the needs of ethnic regions.  相似文献   

Through policy analysis,literature review,observation,experience and logical analysis,this paper holds that optimizing training scheme for undergraduates of normal universities in ethnic regions is the demand of social development of these regions and also the result of reflections on the present situation and problems in the traditional training scheme for undergraduates.Therefore,reform must be carried out in talents training goal and curriculum so as to cultivate advanced bilingual talents of Mongolian and Chinese.  相似文献   

In order to build a harmonious society of bilingualism in ethnic regions,language planning and policy for language education should be made in accordance with both immediate need and long term interest of ethnic minorities.In other words,we should take into consideration of the tool function and social and cultural functions of language on one hand;and on the other hand,we should not neglect emotional factor and identity function of language.Efforts should be made to encourage and guarantee the application of both mother tongue and national common language,support coexistence of schools using different teaching models in ethnic regions,integrate traditional culture of ethnic minorities into economic development of modern society,balance spiritual and material needs of ethnic minorities and effectively coordinate relations between ethnic identity and national identity.  相似文献   

庞琳 《海外英语》2012,(6):58-60
After China’s entry into the WTO,the interchange and communication between China and the international community has increased,which exerts great influence on pushing forward the modernization and construction of the various industries in China and requires a large number of people with good command of English.Under these circumstances,English education becomes extremely important.Guangxi,an old revolutionary base area inhabited by minority ethnic groups,is falling behind with its economy,culture and education in comparison with eastern regions of China.A number of English teachers,especially those in middle schools of the rural areas,are provided with little education and few opportunities for advanced study;most of them lack the new teaching ideas,models or methods which could replace the traditional teaching model that centers on the teacher and textbook.As a result,students can’t give full play to their subjective initiative with low communication and application capability in English.To confer impetus to English language teaching reform,researchers and scholars have made great efforts in experimenting various teaching models with the hope to find a language teaching model which can meet the demands of the new era and B-SLIM model put forward by Dr.Olenka Bilash is such a model.  相似文献   

In higher education,the concept and model of general education has become the concern in recent researches.Traditional culture of ethnic minorities is an important part of the Chinese traditional culture.To integrate traditional culture of ethnic minorities in general education is both the social requirement for the training goal of general education and also one of the indispensable ways to inherit ethnic traditional culture.Exploring education of multi-cultures in general education is not only an issue to be considered in education and teaching reform of higher learning institutions,but also a perquisite for safeguarding social stability and harmonious development.  相似文献   

Written language is an important symbol of civilization of an ethnic group.Application of written language and integrating it into school education is a step into social progress in the development of an ethnic group.This paper discusses the history of the Miao written language from its creation to its integration into school education system in order to illustrate the importance of ethnic written language in the current edu-cational development of ethnic regions.  相似文献   

Preferential policy for ethnic minority students in college entrance examination has been implemented on the basis of historical and present social conditions for the purpose of respecting national differences and realizing national equity and fair education.It plays an important role in promoting the level of ethnic education in China.However,there are some problems in the process of implementing the policy.After reflections on the problems,this paper puts forward some countermeasures: in enrolling ethnic minority students,we should take into consideration of both the overall planning of the State and students' personal choice,adopt the strategies of open-door enrollment,strict graduation,learning diagnosis and taking responsibility for one's own surpluses or deficits,and establish schools or departments of ethnic minority studies in comprehensive universities.  相似文献   

This paper has analyzed the discrepancies of the perception of English learning between ethnic students and Han studens in a trilingual language context.The research results will be expected to broaden our understanding of the ethnic group students in the minority regions,and to provide some empirical references and implications for teachers.  相似文献   

With some reflections on the management culture of higher educational institutions in China, this paper presents that it is not adequate to make analyses of rules and regulations from the mere perspective of institutional economics to get rid of short-term, which can be accounted for on a deeper level by the absence of management culture in the prevailing assessment system of teachers' achievements; while the key to reform the system of assessing teachers' work is to rebuild cultural conceptions in the management of higher educational institutions.  相似文献   

新疆广电事业的繁荣,关键在于要有一大批高水平的、民汉语兼通的少数民族播音与主持专业人才的参与.因此,在艺术教育中开展少数民族的双语教育,对培养传媒领域的专业人才有着十分重要的意义.本文论述了新疆少数民族"双语播音与主持艺术"专业的必要性、特殊性、可能性、教学方法改革及其培养前景,并对双语教育在少数民族艺术教育中的教学实践提出了一些创意性的见解.  相似文献   

论清朝少数民族教育政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
清朝少数民族教育政策是在后金政权少数民族教育政策的基础上继承和发展而来的,是清朝民族政策体系的重要组成部分。清朝政府突破了“华夷之变”的局限,制定和实施少数民族教育政策,对发展少数民族教育采取倾斜政策,在少数民族地区和少数民族中积极倡导教育,程度不同地改变了少数民族轻视教育的观念。通过广设学堂,推进普及的方式,有效地缩小了中国各民族之间在教育方面的差距,在一定程度上推动了少数民族及其教育的发展,特别是近代少数民族地区新式教育的兴起和发展,开创了少数民族地区现代教育的先河,对维护和巩固多民族国家的统一产生了积极的促进作用。虽其政策在实施中尚存在不足,但其成功的经验对于我们今天积极发展少数民族教育事业仍具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Improving the quality of education has been a central goal of the People’s Republic of China since its founding in 1949. Particular concern has been focused on ethnic minority areas where educational quality lags behind that of other regions. Since 1986 the State Education Commission has been working toward the implementation of nine years of compulsory education for all Chinese children nationwide. Implementing this policy has been particularly challenging in the less developed areas of western China where many ethnic minorities live. The solution rests in training an adequate number of teachers who are themselves from ethnic minority groups or who are willing to teach ethnic minority children. This article reviews a significant and growing body of English-language literature, drawn from the sociology of education, on minority teachers and teachers of minorities in the People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   

多、散、少、陋、偏、贫的外部特征和落后的教师管理体制是民族教学点长期处于教师素质低下、教师积极性低下、教学秩序性低下和教育质量低下的教育生存状态的根本原因,这种状况严重制约了教育均衡发展、新农村建设和和谐社会构建。因此,通过制度创新、形式创新和加大投入以促进现阶段民族教学点的健康发展已成为一项紧迫的现实任务。在不久的将来,民族教学点将随着寄宿制学校和民族新村的繁荣而逐步退出历史舞台。  相似文献   

少数民族体育文化是广西文化资源的重要组成部分,广西拥有着众多少数民族,同时拥有着丰富多彩的少数民族体育文化.当前,传统文化受到外来文化的冲击,培养并发展传统文化显得迫在眉睫.通过对广西边境地区少数民族体育文化的现状分析,结合其人才队伍的建设现状与紧迫性,提出加强民族体育文化人才队伍建设的建议.  相似文献   

少数民族汉语教学是当前我国民族教育教学改革的热点和重点。少数民族基础教育在整个教育体系中起着重要的作用。而教材作为教育工作的三大要素之一,它的质量不仅是教育过程中教学质量和科研学术水平的综合反映,而且直接关系到人才的培养质量。本文试图以新疆少数民族中小学汉语教材为切入口,依据一定的评估理论基础,对如何把握教材评估、确定教材评估标准、控制教材质量进行探讨。  相似文献   

WTO规则与民族地区教育服务业的发展和保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育服务是WTO服务贸易的重要内容之一,中国政府对教育服务业的开放做出了承诺。必须高度重视民族地区教育迟发展效应的现实状况,依法改革和促进西部地区的民族教育。通过立法加强扶持少数民族教育的力度,引导和鼓励优质教育资源到民族地区办学。要依法保证少数民族充分受教育的权利,提高少数民族地区教师的福利待遇;依法促进少数艮族地区民办教育事业的发展,实施少数民族地区教育服务业的可持续发展战略。  相似文献   

民族高等院校实施民族法学教育研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着建设法治国家理念的不断深入,民族地区急需民族法制专业人才。为民族地区担负培养高级人才任务的民族高等院校应该实施民族法学教育。民族高等院校通过开展民族法学教育,使学生较为系统地了解、掌握以《民族区域自治法》为主干的民族法制方面的知识,为他们到民族地区工作奠定民族法制的基础,以便更好地利用民族法律法规,保障民族地区和少数民族的特殊权益。  相似文献   

政府绩效评估是提高政府管理效能的重要手段。我国对于政府绩效评估进行了有效探索,随着政府改革的深入取得一定成果,但仍存在运用一般地区政府绩效考核体系来考核民族自治地方政府,忽略民族自治地方在地理位置、生态环境、心理状态等方面独特性,对民族自治地方政府工作产生负面影响。民族自治地方政府绩效考核体系需要结合民族自治地方特殊性不断完善。  相似文献   

少数民族信息化建设的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨改学  田健 《现代教育技术》2009,19(10):25-27,14
少数民族信息化与教育信息化建设关系到每一个少数民族的发展,文章从一篇报道文章引起的思考,对我国少数民族文化的表征性和民族信息化建设引起的三个方面的问题进行了论述。虽然信息化改变了人们的工作方式、生活方式和学习方式,在这一变革与变化过程中如何运用信息技术,促进少数民族的发展,以及对信息化建设中的网络建设与资源建设不同步,信息需求对民族发展的影响两个方面进行了较为深入的阐述。  相似文献   

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