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李倩 《海外英语》2015,(6):15-16
With the rapid and deep development of economic globalization and international exchanges, English as an international common language has been widely used. The importance of English-learning has become more and more obvious, and the elementary school English as English-learning Enlightenment has increasingly become the focus of our attention. At the same time, along with the further implementation of quality-oriented education and the new curriculum standard, stimulate students’ interest in relaxed learning, enhance practical ability and innovative spirit has become the goal of primary school education. This paper discuss the application of situational teaching in English class of elementary school on the basis of analysis about concept of new curriculum of primary school English and present situation of English Teaching in primary school.  相似文献   

Bilingual education has more than 50-years’ history in the world.It has gained the attention from the world since 1960s in some western countries,such as the USA and Canada.With the growth of international business and the appearance of the global village,bilingual education has become a hot issue in China.This article generally outlines the picture of bilingual education in the world.Then,it describes the development of bilingualism under Chinese contexts.Above all,the models of the bilingual education have been explicitly introduced to build up the basis for further investigation.Besides,the two main periods of the bilingual education in China have been described based on the empirical literature.In the end,the influential factors of the development of bilingual education have been discussed from five main perspectives:economic,social,educational,cultural and political framework.However,there is a lack of documentary resources and experimental materials for the scaffolding of bilingual education in China,which requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Increasing and uninterrupted supply of high-level manpower has become a fundamental pre-requisite for social and economic development of any nation. Hence, the direction of the university education in Nigeria is intensifying and diversifying its programmes for the development of high-level manpower within the context of the needs of the nation. To achieve this, the government of Nigeria initiated higher education policy reforms that intended to bring its university system more in line with international good practices. It is however disheartening to note that the quality of university graduates in Nigeria has continued to decline due to inadequate funding. The focus of this paper is to examine how foreign agencies' support would help to increase the quality of Nigerian university graduates.  相似文献   

With the progressing development of economic globalization and increasingly fierce international competition, we need groups of high-quality innovative talents to enhance the overall scientific and technological innovation capacity and competitiveness while also improving the visibility of students on the international stage. Accordingly, the cultivated talents should develop a more open vision, more novel awareness, and a more proactive learning attitude. They will be more sensitive to new things, have stronger practical capacities, and have the courage to break through routines to conduct their work more innovatively. Therefore, we have established a talent cultivation philosophy of "profound foundation, wide range, internationalization, and value innovation" in the physics education and have explored the extra-curricular learning and development pattern of physics students in order to promote a well-rounded development.  相似文献   

王晋琳 《海外英语》2011,(13):375+377
In recent years,as China’s rapid economic development,vocational and technical education has been gradually recognized by the society.As highly educated people,vocational and technical education graduate is an important force in the development of vocational education.But in reality,their employment orientation deviate from the trend of the profession and only a small part of them do related work after graducation.Combined with the current development status of vocational education,the article analysis the reasons of this problem and give policy recommendations,so as to create a good environment for vocational and technical education talented people.  相似文献   

周必正 《海外英语》2016,(15):190-194
With the development of society,people are increasingly aware of the importance of education,especially the good education on women.This paper took one of the heroines of a thousand splendid suns——Laila as an example to elaborate clearly the significant influence of good education on women's body and mentality.In doing so,it made an attempt to achieve the purpose of giving a deeper understanding of the process,the obstacles and the significant meaning of education on women.It was also hoped that this deeper understanding would lead to greater input into women's education and their more comprehensive involvement in social and economic development.  相似文献   

我国民族教育经济研究的回顾与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the development of economic society and the further development of the West,studies on educational economy have gradually developed in ethnic regions with higher level,wider range and more achievements,which have made a great theoretical contribution to the reform and development of education in ethnic regions.However,some problems still exist in the research such as lacking foresight,neglecting special and ethnic characteristics of ethnic regions,and lacking research specialists and methods.Efforts should be made in building a research system,setting up centers to train professional talents,and attaching importance to interaction among ethnic education,culture and economy.  相似文献   

English public speaking proves to play a significant role in the speaker’s whole person education, which has been gaining increasing attention among scholars at home and abroad. The paper analyzes possible relations between them and argues that great importance and awareness are supposed to be attached to the development and promotion of English public speaking especially among English majors for them to be more versatile and more competitive both in job markets and in work places.  相似文献   

In 2006, we launched the @MIT Research Centre (Modification, Intervention Transformation) at the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology. @MIT was founded to respond to the need for an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to the transformation of the built environment. @MIT aims to bring momentum to the renewal of education and research, and sees improved relations between the scientific and the professional community as a key step in this process. The @MIT research programme stands at the epicentre of the current debate on continuity and change in architecture and construction. The conservation and transformation of existing objects is becoming more and more of a necessity, with social, economic and cultural implications. @MIT builds the bridge successfully between the profession, the society, education and research.  相似文献   

In the era of knowledge economy today, social development and progress are much more relying on HEIS (higher education institutions) than ever before. Besides, the three familiar missions of"training capable persons", "doing research" and "serving the society", in the tussle of knowledge race in East Asia, a new mission for HE (higher education) has been added, i.e., upgrading knowledge competitiveness. To attain this target, HEIs should aim at the innovation of HE, accumulation of knowledge capital, ability-building of human resources and blossom of boundless HE.  相似文献   

走向大国的中国需要重视作为重点发展的东北亚地区的崛起,这种崛起不仅仅在于东北亚的中、俄、日、韩、朝及蒙等六国经济发展,更重要的是实现持续发展中达致和平与稳定,因而教育的转型和崛起十分重要。在此,借鉴国际及珠三角教育合作经验,探讨全球化时代东北亚教育崛起的战略思路,建立区域教育合作发展机制,构建中国教育高地,推进地区繁荣与稳定,形成中国走向大国需要的重要区域环境和发展基础。  相似文献   

This article analyzes how Russia’s networks of higher education institutions contribute to their host regions in terms of the following three major facets: the economic development; the human capital development; and the innovative development. To ensure the analytical framework used derives relevant and representative findings given the nature of the Russian socio-economic environment, the authors implement a customized methodology that factors in the most appropriate components from various international best practices in assessing university effects on comprehensive societal development. The study will be of interest to a wide audience of stakeholders in higher education and broader contexts, including policy professionals at the federal and regional levels, institutional leadership, researchers and analysts, students in socio-political, economic, and educational majors, etc.  相似文献   

国际教育服务贸易发展现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济全球化、贸易自由化浪潮的推动下,世界各国在教育方面的交流越来越频繁,交流范围也在不断地扩大,教育服务贸易作为一个全新的教育发展理念正逐步取代国际教育交流的传统观念。本文通过对全球教育服务贸易市场特点的综述、教育服务贸易市场开放承诺的国际比较和国外教育服务贸易对比分析,对国际教育服务贸易发展现状进行了分析。  相似文献   

网络教育是普及高等教育、提升全民素质的新型教育模式,国家将网络(远程)教育作为促进中国社会发展的重要手段。随着信息技术的迅速发展与广泛应用,如今各国政府都十分注重发展国家远程教育,但由于各国经济发展的不平衡,以及在教育基础上存在的差异,现代教育媒体应用的程度和范围也不尽相同。在国际教育大势的催促之下,迫使我们要在市场培育、教育理念、技术手段、资源建设、学习支持服务、观念更新转变等方面进行适时的调整变化。  相似文献   

邬大光  林莉 《教育研究》2005,26(6):48-53,67
教育是一种交流活动,教育交流是一种文化现象,大学是实现教育交流最有效的机构之一。教育服务作为现代教育交流的一种概念和形式,正在赋予原初意义上的教育交流新的内涵,而高等教育层面上的教育交流,正在催生着教育属性的变化,或者说是教育交流在本质上的一种异化。历史上,高等教育国际交流的影响因素和根本动力, 经历了由文化力量为主到政治力量为主,再到经济力量为主的转变,而每次转变都有其独特的时代背景和社会条件。中国近代教育史上的教会大学,集中体现了中国高等教育近代化的过程中中外教育交流背后的利益冲突与政治反抗;当代高等教育的国际交流舞台上,经济因素日益成为重要方面,其中,教育服务是一种具体的表现方式,但却是一种教育异化的形式。  相似文献   

近年来,黑龙江省与俄罗斯远东地区高校间的国际教育合作与交流日益频繁。俄罗斯教育家来黑龙江讲学,黑龙江省部分教师选择去俄罗斯深造的日益增多,对推动黑龙江省与俄罗斯远东地区国际教育合作发挥了巨大的作用。在简要阐述国际教育内涵及发展趋势的基础上,分析了当前黑龙江省与俄罗斯远东地区国际教育合作现状,从发展前景、关系处理、坚持主动权、拓展国际教育合作等四个方面对黑龙江省与俄罗斯远东地区国际教育合作问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,全方位加速教育现代化成为俄罗斯国家创新发展战略的重要组成部分。作为教育现代化重要指征的高等教育国际化一直是俄罗斯努力推进的重要领域,而提升高校影响力、扩大留学生规模又是其中尤为突出的任务之一。但多极化世界中的俄罗斯与昔日的苏联已全然不同,必须探索新型路径方能实现扩大留学生规模的初衷。在国家战略统筹、多元主体协同推进的原则下,俄罗斯通过五大路径取得了吸引留学生的明显成效,不仅数量规模和经济收效并举,而且已成为世界主要非英语留学目的国之一。俄罗斯吸引留学生新型路径的探索因循服务国家战略的三大行动逻辑:服从多方位外交战略,采取区域差别化策略;服务创新经济战略,打造服务型留学产业链;依从文化复兴战略,加强"俄语世界"的国际理解与认同。我国国情与俄罗斯有相似之处,在扩大留学生规模、提升吸引留学生政策效能方面,俄罗斯的主张与探索具有启发性。  相似文献   

苗欣 《中国科教创新导刊》2011,(13):160+217-160,217
在经济全球化的推动下,高等教育国际化趋势日益明显。随着高校学校教育改革的不断深入,留学生队伍日益壮大。多年的工作实践证明,高等学校通过广泛开展留学生短期培训项目,不但在短时期内收效显著,而且对增强中外学生之间的了解和增进友谊具有积极意义。留学生短期培训项目的开展有力地促进了学校国际化教育,扩大了学校的国际知名度。  相似文献   

教育社会学在苏联之前的俄罗斯已经出现了萌芽,真正形成和发展是在20世纪60~70年代的苏联时期。教育社会学在当时具有明显的政治倾向性。由于受到苏联意识形态的影响,20世纪70年代后期社会学被禁止研究,教育社会学也从此失去了十年发展机遇。苏联解体后,教育社会学在俄罗斯得到恢复和发展。目前,俄罗斯正在加速国家现代化建设,随着教育的大发展,教育社会学的作用将会越来越突出。  相似文献   

大学的收益:留学生教育中的经济学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
留学生教育的经济收益是国际教育服务贸易中的重要部分,国外有关学者、政府机构和国际组织都非常关注,但在国内,人们对留学生教育的认识还主要集中在政治和文化层面。通过建构的经济收益测算模型(包括图式模型和数学模型),并以上海一所大学的留学生样本进行试测,研究显现出我国高校留学生教育的经济学意义:留学生教育促进了教育服务贸易,增加了我国经济总量;能够缩减我国在国际教育服务贸易中的巨大逆差;增加了高校的"预算外收入";改变了高校的教育资源结构,提高了教育管理效率。  相似文献   

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