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More and more enterprises are outsourcing activities that are neither cost efficient if done in-house nor central to their businesses. Most of the studies in outsourcing decision making focus on vendor selection. However, little research has been done about location selection, which is also a critical step in offshore service outsourcing. The purpose of this paper is to offer a new method to deal with the destination selection problem in China. We employed the additive SE-DEA model to overcome the drawbacks of traditional DEA and SE-DEA methods, and calculated the relative efficiency of 20 service outsourcing model cities (excluding Xiamen). Based on two years of longitudinal study, we made a comparison of the 20 cities. Finally we classified the model cities by combining them with the service outsourcing ability dimension and also gave some selection suggestions and development suggestions for outsourcers' outsourcing service and the model cities, respectively.  相似文献   

Utilizing Overseas Chinese - related Journals to Integrate Resources and Promote Work on Overseas Chinese Affairs (by YAO Ting)
Abstract: Overseas Chinese -related journals are an important tool in today' s external publicity, play an important role in the field of overseas Chinese affairs, and perform a series of intended functions. All this depends on the existing organizational structure and the resources within the operating mode. Faced with the impact of changes on the forms of overseas Chinese affairs and information technology, one way to maintain the value of the journals is to re - understand, integrate and optimize existing resources so as to promote people's overseas Chinese affairs at multiple levels and through multiple channels. Key words: Overseas Chinese - related journals; resources; People' s overseas Chinese affairs  相似文献   

English language learning strategy is an important part in the process of learning,and the selection and use of it has a direct impact on the effect of English learning.Now there are some problems in the use of college English learning strategy,which have many factors,such as:learning environment,learning concepts,learning motivation and so on.Therefore,some corresponding strategies must been taken so as to improve the quality of teachers’teaching and the efficiency of students’learning.  相似文献   

屈亚媛  王庆怡 《海外英语》2012,(21):130-133
One of uses of machine translation(MT),is helping readers to read for the gist of a foreign text through a draft transla tion produced by MT engines.Rapid post-editing,as Jeffrey Allen defines it as a"strictly minimal editing on texts in order to re move blatant and significant errors without considering stylistic issues",can help present the reader with a roughly comprehensi ble translation as quickly as possible.The purpose of this article is on a proposed set of rapid post-editing guidelines for Biblical Chinese-English MT,with its application on editing the English MT version of Chapter one of Mark(马尔谷福音) of the Chi nese Catholic Bible(天主教思高本圣经) as an example.  相似文献   

A review through the origination,development and prospect of Human resource accounting(HPA) is presented based on the study of plentiful literatures about if.HRA is defined as an accounting procedure and method to discriminate and meaure the data of human resources,aiming to provide information which is concerned with the change of human resources for the outside people to serve human resource management,It is experiencing a nearly frozen period following its hot time in 1970s after its origination in America in 1960s.The theoretic foundation of HRA is classical plutonomy dated back to 17th century,There were two preeminent persons in the higtory of HRA,One was Theodore Schultz who established his human capital theory relating education that improves the human capital value with economy;the other was Eric G.Flamholtz who enriched the concept,research methods and application of HRA,In China,the research on HRA started i 1980s beginning with introducing overseas achievements.Multiple views coexist i the academy on whether human resources should be taken as accounting assets and on where to put the HRA information in financial statements.The application of HRA is constrained by the absence of ull-blown theories and methodological systems about it as well as difficulties in evaluating human resources and the obstacle of conventional understandings,However,with the coming of intellective economy,the globalization of competition and the entry of China into WTO.The day of HRA will surely come.  相似文献   

Machining titanium is one of ever-increasing magnitude problems due to its characteristics such as low thermal conductivity, modulus of elasticity and work hardening. The efficient titanium alloy machining involves a proper selection of process parameters to minimize the tangential force (Fz) and surface roughness (Ra). In the present work, the performance of PVD/TiA1N coated carbide inserts was investigated using response surface methodology (RSM) for turning Ti-6A1-4V. The effects of process parameters such as speed (v), feed (/'), depth of cut (d) and back rake angle (Ty) on Fz and Ra were investi- gated. The experimental plan used for four factors and three levels was designed based on face centered, central composite design (CCD). The experimental results indi- cated that Fz increased with the increase in d, f and decreased with the increase in v and yy, whereas Ra decreased with the increase in v and 7y, and increased with d and v. The goodness of fit of the regression equations and model fits (R2) for Fz and Ra were found to be 0.968 and 0.970, which demonstrated that it was an effective model. A confirmation test was also conducted in order to verify the correctness of the model.  相似文献   

The basic requirement of mechanical construction of cast-in-situ concrete is that it could not only conduct quality qualification and safety production, but also achieve most economic benefits with less investment under the condition to meet the needs of project duration. Therefore, the selection of construction machinery scheme plays an important role. However, in the actual construction, it is usually that operators rely on their own experience and field conditions to determine the mechanics. Such a method is subjective and arbitrary, and it is not conducive to make the construction rationally. Considering the above reasons, an improved weight coefficient method was used to establish an estimation model to estimate the construction machinery scheme of cast-in-situ concrete, so as to make the procedure much rational.  相似文献   

Although the impact of road transport on urban air quality has achieved a high profile in China, still greater attention is required as it has not yet been considered fully even in relation to the road network linking cities and urban areas. Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is a systematic and comprehensive process for evaluating the environmental impacts of a policy, plan or program in publicly accountable decision-making. Air pollution has been recognized as a significant issue in most transport SEA practices. The Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Hubei Road Network Plan (2002-2020) (HRNP) was introduced as one of the World Bank's pilot SEA projects. An effective framework was developed to investigate the functional relationship between the road network and its potential air pollutant emissions. In this study, two indicators were identified: emission intensity/ inventory of pollutants and the spatial distribution of the most polluted areas. Because strategic actions are inherently nebulous and data quality is often disappointing, three alternative scenarios were employed to address uncertainties and data/scale issues. Calculations were made using emission models and results were analyzed with the help of statistical tools and the geographic information system (GIS). The results from the project implementation and the feedback from the World Bank have both shown that the proposed framework is effective in the transport SEA process.  相似文献   

This paper concerns with modeling and design of an algorithm for the portfolio selection problems with fixed transaction costs and minimum transaction lots. A mean-variance model for the portfolio selection problem is proposed, and the model is formulated as a non-smooth and nonlinear integer programming problem with multiple objective functions. As it has been proven that finding a feasible solution to the problem only is already NP-hard, based on NSGA-II and genetic algorithm for numerical optimization of constrained problems (Genocop), a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is designed to solve the model. Its features comprise integer encoding and corresponding operators, and special treatment of constraints conditions. It is illustrated via a numerical example that the genetic algorithm can efficiently solve portfolio selection models proposed in this paper.This approach offers promise for the portfolio problems in practice.  相似文献   

图书的编辑策划,主要是考虑市场行情,主要是对市场的应对,较少考虑学术本身;已有定评的学术名著编辑策划出版成功的多一些,而原创性学术著作策划成功较少或极少。学术刊物编辑的策划,在凸现某些学术话题的同时,也无意中遮蔽了另外一些有意义的学术话题。编辑策划为不少学者定了选题、定了研究方向。不应当是学者们跟着编辑的策划走,正相反,编辑策划应当为学者们的学术创新、学术原创服务!特别是那些带有原始创新特点的研究成果更应当成为图书或刊物选题策划的首选。编辑策划在一定程度上指挥学术研究的状况必须改变。一定要给自由来稿留下应有的空间,这应当成为出版社和学术刊物的工作惯例。  相似文献   

在全国学术期刊"转企改制"的迅猛推进中,学报的竞争已经转化为品牌的竞争。只有实施品牌战略,学报才能做强做大,突破困境,在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地。围绕学报品牌的内涵、发展战略和研究进展,品牌学报的栏目策划、基本特征和编辑素质,以及学报实施品牌战略的作用和途径等问题,学界、业界作了深入的研究,并取得了一批有价值的理论成果。  相似文献   

高职学报品牌建设与拓展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
面对激烈的市场竞争,高职学报为了更好地生存与发展,实施品牌建设发展战略成为必然选择。高职学报品牌化建设可以通过准确定位、资源整合、名栏创建、培育作者群、建立高素质的编辑队伍、宣传策划等策略来进行。而品牌的拓展和延伸,有助于实现高职学报品牌效益的最大化。  相似文献   

网络时代提高高校学报办刊质量探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对当前的网络信息时代,在日渐激烈的竞争环境下,高校学报应立足并求得生存发展的关键就在于不断提升期刊的质量,树立科学的办刊理念。尝试采用CNK I知识资源总库采编平台,实现期刊整个编辑流程网络化、期刊的正确定位和结合实际设置栏目、坚持严格做好匿名审稿工作等几个方面来提高办刊的质量。  相似文献   

发行危机作为专科学报发展存在的重要危机之一,阐述了其现状,分析了其主要原因,即学报质量较低,宣传不力和编辑的弱读者、市场意识;提出了利用网络解决这一危机的具体措施,主要有依靠网络提高学报质量、借助网络加强学报的自身宣传和利用网络平台联系作者、读者、市场及建设高素质的现代化编辑队伍。  相似文献   

高校学报责任编辑应该好好履行自己的基本职责,即设计好学报的总体结构,为了不断地提高学报的质量,一定要重视各种学习,并且在编辑工作实践中锻炼自己,不断提高自身的政治素质、科学文化知识、编辑专业知识和职业道德素养。  相似文献   

文章以编辑视角为切入点,诠释了高校学报质量的内涵,分析了地方高校学报出版过程中存在的问题,并在出版物质量保障制度的基础上,从内容质量、编辑质量、校对质量、印制质量等方面出发,提出适用于地方高校学报质量提升的具体路径,以期助力于我国高校学报整体质量的有效提升。  相似文献   

阐述了学报编辑必须树立市场观念,坚持为读服务的正确办刊宗旨,指出了满足读需求是办刊的根本目的,只有做好读分析,才能了解读需求,提出扩大读群的几项措施,强调了提高刊物质量是扩大读群的保证,其中包括提高学术质量,突出刊物特色和提高编辑质量。  相似文献   

创造性:学报编辑必具的品格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创造性是学报编辑必具的品格。创造性品格不仅有利于编辑人员发现、组织、鳊发优秀稿件,而且有利于开放办刊,加强刊物对外交流,协调各方面关系,扩大学报影响,提高学报整体质量。创造性品格在学报编辑活动中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

高校学报的编印工作是整个编辑工作的重要组成部分 ,它对提高学报编辑出版质量具有重要的支撑作用。对高校学报编印业务工作的规范化管理进行了探讨  相似文献   

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