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Changes in Child-Teacher Relationships in a Therapeutic Preschool Program   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper was to examine the processes and outcomes of teacher-child attachment relationship formation in a therapeutic preschool. Although the average child did not form a secure teacher-child attachment relationship, as a group and over time children became more secure in their teacher-child attachment relationships. Children who were least secure, most avoidant, and most resistant in their initial teacher-child relationship were the children who moved the most rapidly towards security. Children who moved the most rapidly towards security were the least resistant, and most likely to seek comfort within their teacher-child relationships by the final data collection point.  相似文献   

This study tested a conceptual model of a psychosocial pathway to academic competence in preschool. Developmental theory and research with older children suggest that social and psychological factors could have a significant impact on young children's learning and school readiness. Children in 3 preschool classrooms (N = 31) participated. Mothers' perceptions of their children as more or less trusting and secure at age 3 years were rated on the Attachment Behavior Q-Set (Waters, 1987 Waters, E. 1987. “Attachment Behavior Q-Set”. (Revision 3.0). Unpublished instrument, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Department of Psychology. [Google Scholar]). Sociometric ratings were collected from classmates 1 year later through individual picture interviews. Preschool teachers rated children's academic competence and trait anxiety. Attachment Behavior Q-Set scores at age 3 were associated with teacher ratings of academic competence the following year (ages 4–5 years). However, this effect was mediated by 2 intervening psychosocial variables: anxiety and peer acceptance. Early secure attachment to parents may (a) potentiate less anxiety, removing emotional barriers to learning; and (b) enhance positive relationships with peers, perhaps motivating children to engage more in the preschool curriculum and leading to relatively greater academic competence. Adopting preschool curricula that foster positive peer relationships, anxiety regulation skills, and supportive parent—child relationships could indirectly enhance preschool children's academic competence and school readiness.  相似文献   

Child-Mother Attachment of Six-Year-Olds and Social Competence at School   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
89 children and their mothers participated in a study examining the association between attachment and peer social competence. During the summer following kindergarten, quality of attachment was assessed from reunion episodes following a 1-hour separation. In the fall, measures of sociometric status, peer behavior nominations, and peer liking ratings were collected. Teachers completed liking ratings and ratings of behavior problems and competence. Consistent with longitudinal studies of infant attachment and peer relations, insecurely attached boys were less well liked by peers and teachers, were perceived as more aggressive by classmates, and were rated by teachers as less competent and as having more behavior problems than were their secure counterparts. No such associations emerged for girls. Possible explanations for unanticipated differences in the pattern of results for boys and girls are discussed.  相似文献   

40 mothers and their 12-month-old infants were observed twice at home by 2 observers for 2 hours. After the second visit, the observers described the infant using the Waters Attachment Behavior Q-sort and the mother's interactive behavior with the Maternal Behavior Q-sort developed by the present authors and Ainsworth's rating scales. Maternal sensitivity was unrelated to maternal age, income, or SES, but correlated positively with maternal education. Mothers of more difficult children were less sensitive. A strong relation was found between infant attachment and maternal sensitivity as measured by the Maternal Behavior Q-sort and by the Ainsworth scales. Using the Q-sort procedure, mothers of more secure infants were more frequently characterized as noticing their babies' signals and using these signals to guide their behavior; they also were more knowledgeable about their infant and appeared to enjoy them more than mothers of less secure infants.  相似文献   

Research Findings: We examined whether affective social competence, or the ability to effectively send and receive emotional signals and to manage one's own emotional experience, contributes to preschool children's peer relations. Forty-two previously unacquainted preschoolers were observed while participating in a week-long playschool. Greater nonstereotypical emotion knowledge was related to girls' popularity and boys' likelihood of having a reciprocal friendship. Girls with greater skill at sending emotional communications and managing emotions were more likely to have a reciprocal friendship. Boys who were better at managing emotions compared to others in their group were less popular. The role of social context in the influence of affective social competence on children's peer relations is discussed. Practice or Policy: Results have implications for early childhood educators' promotion of children's socioemotional skills.  相似文献   

Research Findings: We examined whether affective social competence, or the ability to effectively send and receive emotional signals and to manage one's own emotional experience, contributes to preschool children's peer relations. Forty-two previously unacquainted preschoolers were observed while participating in a week-long playschool. Greater nonstereotypical emotion knowledge was related to girls' popularity and boys' likelihood of having a reciprocal friendship. Girls with greater skill at sending emotional communications and managing emotions were more likely to have a reciprocal friendship. Boys who were better at managing emotions compared to others in their group were less popular. The role of social context in the influence of affective social competence on children's peer relations is discussed. Practice or Policy: Results have implications for early childhood educators' promotion of children's socioemotional skills.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Few rating scales measure social competence in very young Spanish or Catalan children. We aimed to analyze the psychometric characteristics of the California Preschool Social Competence Scale (CPSCS) when applied to a Spanish- and Catalan-speaking population. Children were rated by their respective teachers within 6 months following their 4th birthday in two population-based birth cohorts in Spain (N = 378). A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to compare the underlying structure of the Spanish–Catalan version with that of the original version. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determine the internal consistency of each of the confirmed factors. Cohen's kappa formula was used to calculate the test–retest reliability in a small subset of children who were rated again one month later. Five correlated factors (Considerateness, Task Orientation, Extraversion, Verbal Facility, and Response to Unfamiliar) were optimally confirmed as a result of CFA. The first three factors had robust internal consistency. The kappa coefficient was satisfactory in 29 items out of 30. Children's cognitive abilities as assessed by the McCarthy Scales, children's gender, maternal social class and level of education were related to the social competence scores as indicators of criterion-related factors. Practice or Policy: The bilingual version of the CPSCS has good psychometric properties allowing it to be used in further studies in either Spanish or Catalan populations.  相似文献   

The present study examined (1) the emotion regulation of preschool children by observing their emotional responses to a distressed younger sibling during a separation episode; (2) whether children's regulatory responses were related to sibling interaction observed during the separation episode, and (3) whether individual differences in these children's regulatory responses and the quality of sibling interaction could be predicted from early attachment relationships. Older siblings who ignored their younger siblings' distress were more likely to experience personal distress and use avoidant coping strategies. Emotion regulation strategies were related to the quality of sibling interaction such that older siblings who offered comfort to a distressed younger sibling were more likely to express positive affect in sibling interaction, whereas older siblings seeking adult assistance were less likely to engage in conflict and hostile behavior with a younger sibling. Preschool children who had an insecure-resistant infant-mother attachment at 1 year, were more likely to seek comfort from their younger siblings and engaged in more sibling conflict and hostility when they were 4 years old. The quality of infant-father attachment relationships was not significantly related to the child's emotion regulation at 4 years of age. Results are discussed with respect to the social origins of preschool children's emotional self-regulation and the consequences of emotional dysregulation in preschool settings.  相似文献   

The present study examined (1) the emotion regulation of preschool children by observing their emotional responses to a distressed younger sibling during a separation episode; (2) whether children's regulatory responses were related to sibling interaction observed during the separation episode, and (3) whether individual differences in these children's regulatory responses and the quality of sibling interaction could be predicted from early attachment relationships. Older siblings who ignored their younger siblings' distress were more likely to experience personal distress and use avoidant coping strategies. Emotion regulation strategies were related to the quality of sibling interaction such that older siblings who offered comfort to a distressed younger sibling were more likely to express positive affect in sibling interaction, whereas older siblings seeking adult assistance were less likely to engage in conflict and hostile behavior with a younger sibling. Preschool children who had an insecure-resistant infant-mother attachment at 1 year, were more likely to seek comfort from their younger siblings and engaged in more sibling conflict and hostility when they were 4 years old. The quality of infant-father attachment relationships was not significantly related to the child's emotion regulation at 4 years of age. Results are discussed with respect to the social origins of preschool children's emotional self-regulation and the consequences of emotional dysregulation in preschool settings.  相似文献   

使用教师评定法对279名3-5岁儿童进行研究,探讨幼儿同伴侵害现象及其与社会能力、适应问题的关系。结果发现:幼儿中存在身体侵害和关系侵害现象,部分儿童同时受身体和关系两种形式的侵害,身体侵害的稳定性随年龄增长而变化;与不受侵害的儿童相比,受侵害儿童的外化问题明显偏多;问题行为在儿童社会能力和半年后身体侵害之间起到完全中介作用,而在儿童社会能力和半年后关系侵害之间起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

The generality of a multilevel factorial model of social competence (SC) for preschool children was tested in a 5‐group, multinational sample (N = 1,540) using confirmatory factor analysis. The model fits the observed data well, and tests constraining paths for measured variables to their respective first‐order factors across samples also fit well. Equivalence of measurement models was found at sample and sex within‐sample levels but not for age within sample. In 2 groups, teachers’ ratings were examined as correlates of SC indicators. Composites of SC indicators were significantly associated with both positive and negative child attributes from the teachers’ ratings. The findings contribute to understanding of both methodological and substantive issues concerning SC in young children.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Children's (n = 980) social competence during prekindergarten was assessed as a function of their teachers’ (n = 233) exposure to the Preschool Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) curriculum and 2 levels of support through MyTeachingPartner, a Web-based approach to professional development. Children in classrooms that implemented PATHS had increased levels of teacher-reported social competence over the course of the year. There were no associations between the use of PATHS and reductions in teacher-reported social problems. The results also suggested that teachers who used the MyTeachingPartner website more often reported greater gains in children's social competence. Practice or Policy: These findings have implications for the development and dissemination of social-emotional learning curricula and the provision of effective implementation supports for teachers. Continued work on the best ways to integrate technology into the professional development of teachers, both in service and preservice, is likely to enhance the accessibility and quality of supports for teachers.  相似文献   

同伴关系与儿童行为能力中的社会能力关系密切,对儿童发展社会能力有重要的影响。产生影响的原因主要在于同伴关系的影响是客观世界的整体、系统性对个体、分支的影响,是儿童成长发育过程中的自然生理需求和认知心理需要,由此,一定的家庭早期干预措施是必要的。  相似文献   

A Twin Study of Attachment in Preschool Children   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The degree to which individual differences in child-parent attachment were mediated by genetic, shared environmental, and nonshared environmental influences was investigated. One hundred and ten preschool-aged twin pairs (N = 220) were assessed in the Strange Situation and coded using conventional four-way classifications and a continuous measure of attachment security. The degree of sibling similarity in attachment was substantial, with an overall concordance rate of 67% at the secure/insecure level. The degree of concordance was equally high in monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs, 70% and 64%, respectively, suggesting little genetic influence but a moderate degree of discordance. Twin similarity on the continuous measure of attachment security was r(57) = .48 and r(53) = .38 for monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs, respectively, also consistent with a modest role for genetic influence but a significant effect for shared and nonshared environment. The implications for genetic influences on the environment and for understanding nonshared and shared environmental influences are discussed.  相似文献   

Effective regulatory skills are essential in busy preschool classroom environments where children must maintain some control over their emotions and behavior to interact effectively with peers and teachers. Regulatory abilities can play a crucial role in a child's successful adjustment to preschool. We investigated whether individual differences in dysregulation (emotional and behavioral) as observed in the naturalistic classroom context were associated with peer social competence and teacher ratings of classroom adjustment in a sample of low-income preschoolers. Naturalistic observational methods were used to assess dysregulated emotions and behaviors in Head Start classrooms. Findings demonstrate that although displays of observed dysregulation were relatively brief, about one-quarter of children showed high levels of dysregulation, and individual differences in dysregulated behavior predicted teacher-rated classroom adjustment and peer conflict. Research results are discussed with regard to implications for classroom practice and prevention.  相似文献   

This study examined the stability and growth over a 3‐year period of individual differences in preschool children's social competence, which was assessed in three domains: social engagement/motivation, profiles of behavior and personality attributes characteristic of socially competent young children, and peer acceptance. A total of 255 children (126 girls and 129 boys) participated in this study. Growth curve analyses demonstrated both stability and change with regard to social competence over early childhood. Social competence measures and latent variables were invariant over this time period, individual differences in social competence were largely stable from year to year, and significant increases over time were observed for the domain most closely reflective of specific personal attributes skills.  相似文献   

本文基于对评价功能问题的思考,介绍了两种新出现的以发挥评价发展和促进功能为基本出发点的学前教育评价方案,即多彩光谱评价方案和米歇尔的作品取样系统评价方案,并对每种评价方案产生的理论基础、具体内容以及优缺点进行了分析,以揭示它们之间的异同及其对当前我国学前教育评价的启示.  相似文献   

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