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人的认知的基础是对句子深层结构的认知。机器作为形式化的认知手段 ,很难理解非形式限制的靠常识和逻辑判断的各种歧义。人的认知在识别一个句子时 ,是把句子作为一个语义整体来处理的。怎样使机器认知的层次从词和词组的层次上升到句子或段落的层次上 ,怎样使机器认知依靠相邻信息来排除人的认知靠常识或逻辑才能排除的歧义 ,是汉英机器翻译在今后的分析环节中需要解决和完善的问题  相似文献   

具身语义观认为,语义和知觉的加工本质上是相同的,这两种加工过程有部分重叠的加工机制和神经基础。关于颜色概念的加工机制可以用来检验具身语义观。采用适应范式,探讨具有“红—绿”颜色的物体名词在加工时是否产生颜色知觉后效,以揭示物体词的颜色属性在加工时是否也运用了颜色知觉相类似的感知机制。实验1先让被试阅读与特定颜色相关的物体词,之后再判断色块的颜色。结果表明,让被试加工多个指代同种颜色的物体名词后,他们对互补色的反应快于对非互补色的反应,表明颜色物体词的加工会即时地激活相应的颜色知觉系统,进而产生相应的颜色知觉的后效。实验2先让被试看色块,之后再判断物体词指示物的颜色。结果表明,当延长色块的呈现时间后,对与色块颜色互补的物体词颜色判断时间显著更快,快于对非互补色的物体词颜色的判断时间,即颜色知觉加工也会直接影响物体词的颜色加工。两项实验从对词汇颜色特征加工与颜色知觉加工之间的关系出发,证明了互补促进效应的存在,表明物体词颜色属性的加工与颜色知觉有着密切的关系,可能存在部分重叠的神经机制。这一结果为具身语义观提供了重要证据,表明语言理解是具身的,而不是独立于身体之外的加工过程。  相似文献   

讨论了抽象分析中几种重要的收敛性之间的关系,并给出了相应的证明及一部分反例。  相似文献   

本文以集合的观念介绍了数列的收敛和有界之间的关系.函数在某一点存在极限.连续和可导的关系,以及函数在闭区间的有界,连续,一致连续,可导和可积之间的关系.  相似文献   

Conclusion Convergent technologies are beginning to make an impact on the delivery of learning material at a distance in the U.K. The author predicts that as course providers purchase more telematics equipment, two things will happen. First, as has been historically the case with the adoption of new technologies, costs of units will decrease as the user base increases. Second, and perhaps more important, users will discover and develop new and innovative techniques to exploit the capabilities of the technology. The only limits to innovation will be the imagination of the proponents of the new technologies. Time will reveal just how fast these developments occur  相似文献   

阐释认知对情绪影响、情绪对认知影响的相互作用,提出认知与情绪之间的关系是相互依赖、相互作用的。指出对认知与情绪的关系、现有情绪研究方法的总结以及对二者关系的未来研究趋向的探讨具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to construct an integrated approach to collaboration and conceptual change. To this end, a case of conceptual change is analyzed from the point of view of conversational interaction. It is proposed that the crux of collaboration is the problem of convergence: How can two (or more) people construct shared meanings for conversations, concepts, and experiences? Collaboration is analyzed as a process that gradually can lead to convergence of meaning. The epistemological basis of the framework of analysis is a relational, situated view of meaning: Meanings are taken to be relations among situations and verbal or gestural actions. The central claim is that a process described by four primary features can account for students' incremental achievement of convergent conceptual change. The process is characterized by (a) the production of a deep-featured situation, in relation to (b) the interplay of physical metaphors, through the constructive use of (c) interactive cycles of conversational turn-taking, constrained by (d) the application of progressively higher standards of evidence for convergence.  相似文献   

长期以来,初高中物理的台阶太大,高一物理难教难学,一直是困扰着教师和学生的问题.现就初高中物理的衔接教学造成高中阶段物理难教难学的的原因,以及如何应对这一困难进行分析.  相似文献   

现代收养法趋同化取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
各国法律对收养的实质要件、形式要件以及收养效力的规定千差万别。但是,不同国家的收养法的分歧和对立并不是绝对的。一方面,现代国际社会的收养法逐渐从简单收养、完全收养并存的格局转向以完全收养为主的立法取向;另一方面,各国收养法逐渐摒弃将收养视为纯契约行为的当事人放任主义,改采强化收养的行政或司法程序的国家监督主义。保护儿童利益的原则在现代国际社会的收养法律制度的改革中得到更大程度的体现。这些不只是表明了各国国内收养立法的趋同化取向,而且也表明了国际社会有关收养问题统一立法的选择。  相似文献   

用渐近分数得到了两个结果:(1)用√n的渐近分数表示了纯循环二次无理数α=(α+√n)/b的循环节所构成的分数,从而引出了用辗转相除法给出α的连分数的算法.(2)当A为合数时,用渐近分数给出了不定方程x^2-ny^2=±A的另一解法.  相似文献   

赵霞 《南昌教育学院学报》2010,25(6):166-166,168
隐喻的本质是用一种事物理解和体验另一种事物,是两个认知领域的语义互动。本文通过认知视角下的隐喻与翻译研究,进一步明确了隐喻、认知与翻译三者之间的内在联系,并探讨了一些具体的翻译策略。  相似文献   

本文通过构造二元傅立叶级数的部分和积分算子,讨论了该算子收敛阶对二元连续周期函数类的最佳逼近情况.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the convergent validity of individual clinical task interviews as presented by Piaget and Inhelder paired with three widely used group tests of cognitive development. These tests are designed to assess the acquisition of cognitive abilities. The three group test raw scores paired with summed raw scores on four concrete-formal task interviews yielded the following Pearson product-moment correlations: Reasoning Test (Ankney and Joyce), 0.43; Logical Reasoning Test (Burney), 0.61; Classroom Test of Formal Operations (Lawson), 0.37. The raw data was then ranked into cognitive level groups and presented on contingency tables. The following contingency coefficients were determined: Logical Reasoning Test, 0.52; Logical Reasoning Test (adjusted), 0.61; Classroom Test of Formal Operations, 0.50. This study reflects that the Reasoning Test tends to indicate lower cognitive levels of subjects when paired with summed scores on the clinical task interviews, whereas the Logical Reasoning Test and the Classroom Test of Formal Operations tend to indicate higher cognitive levels of subjects when paired with summed scores on the clinical task interviews. In each case the correlations do not appear to be sufficiently strong to warrant selection or categorization of an individual student based on his/her test performance.  相似文献   

本文对幂级数的乘积级数与商级数的收敛半径的有关问题进行了讨论,更正了参考文献中的一些错误,并得到了一些有用的结论。  相似文献   

对Dirrchlet级数的收敛情况,从系数列{an}的条件去考虑,得到了当系数的幅角满足一定的条件时三类收敛横坐标相等。  相似文献   

隐喻从本质上讲是一种认知活动,隐喻意义是两个类属不同的语义场之间的语义映射。本文试从语义学的角度,探讨隐喻中的语义转移及其特点,以进一步揭示隐喻的认知机理。  相似文献   

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