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<正>8月3日,中国人民大学博士生导师安小米教授到昆明市档案局调研,并与我局分管领导、相关处室负责人展开座谈。安小米教授此次是为完成国家社科基金重大招标项目"国家数字档案资源整合与服务机制研究"项目任务赴滇考察调研,该项目的研究旨在解决目前制约我国数字档案资源整合发展的瓶颈问题,为目前档案资源分散,查阅利用不便等问题提供有效的解决方法。昆明市档案局  相似文献   

文章从图书馆主页是否设置教学支持栏目、网络教学资源、教学与培训、学科服务四个方面,对国内42所“双一流”高校图书馆开展的教学支持服务现状进行调研,对调研中发现的问题进行分析,提出要重视开展教学支持服务、完善教学支持服务栏目等建议。  相似文献   

赵帆 《大观周刊》2011,(31):66-66
专业导师制度是高职院校与学分制配套的一种学生管理和教学管理制度,特别是在实践教学方面独具特色。本文结合新时期大学生特点,婿讨构建高职导师制的创新管理模式、专业导师制度的目的和意义、构建模式、实施建议以及管理过程中有待思考的几个问题。  相似文献   

高校新闻专业教学中理论与实践脱节的矛盾,成了众多高校共同面对的课题。2005年11月15日,在中国人民大学诞生了内地首个自负盈亏的校园媒体——接力传媒,2006年3月底,笔者赴京对此校园传媒进行调研,之后又关注半年之久,发现这是内地高校传媒人才培养的新模式。本文接下来便向读者展示它的特点,以供借鉴。接力传媒的创办背景2005年4月,中国人民大学新闻学院教授、博士生导师,新闻与社会发展研究中心研究员蔡雯对密苏里新闻学院进行调研时,该院自办商业学生媒体的人才培养模式引起蔡雯的极大兴趣,为以后接力传媒的创办提供了借鉴。“创建于190…  相似文献   

曾建雄  戴玉庆 《今传媒》2007,(11):36-38
编者按 暨南大学新闻与传播学院教授、博士生导师曾建雄先生目前主持一项国家社科基金重点项目"报业集团核心竞争力与改革创新问题研究",出于课题研究的需要,他与课题组成员对全国多家党报及报业集团进行了广泛深入地调研,并通过对社长、总编等一线工作者的深度访谈,获取了大量党报改革创新的第一手资料.  相似文献   

为提高教育、教学质量和培养创新型人才,结合本科生导师制和项目工作室制的特点,提出了"导师工作室制"的教学新模式,并参照在相关的录音艺术专业进行了两年多的探索与实践的经验。论述了导师工作室制教学模式的基本理念及其具体运行和管理办法,同时对实施过程中存在的问题以及如何去完善作了分析。  相似文献   

毕业设计(论文)作为大学生最重要的实践教学环节,要求学生在导师的指导下,运用已经掌握的基础理论、基本知识和基本技能来独立完成,是对学生分析问题、解决问题能力的实际锻炼。毕业设计(论文)档案属于教学档案范畴,不仅是学校教学质量和  相似文献   

最早接触发展传播学是20年前参加我的导师张国良教授的课题.这是一个覆盖全国10省市的实证研究,我参加了其中浙江、上海、四川、河南等地的调研,深入高山密林和喧嚣都市,考察大众传播媒介对于中国社会发展的作用机制,尤其关注中国经验与西方既有结论之间的冲突,希望有所收获.在我们调研的时候就听说,郭建斌也在做针对独龙族个案的发展...  相似文献   

通过网络调研、实地调研和文献调研方法,选取24家高校图书馆硕士点为调研对象,总结出高校图书馆硕士点授权现状--培养模式由联合培养向独立培养转变,学术型硕士点初现并入博士点或调整增列为MLIS。得出高校图书馆硕士生培养具有入学考试弱化数学科目、研究方向得到进一步凝炼、课程设置突出实务性和实用性、实习与实践环节突出等特点。最后,提出加强学科建设规划,完善导师梯队建设,提高学生学术能力,多设置实用性跨学科课程等建议。  相似文献   

笔者在河南省四所本科院校调研读者对图书馆迎接教育部教学水平评估,推进图书馆建设效果的满意度,严格控制调研活动质量。定性与定量两部分调查结果表明,迎评促进了高校图书馆的建设。文章根据调研发现的问题,提出评估应常规化、周期化,在评估方案中加入图书馆服务质量量化评估指标,建设高校图书馆专业评估机构。  相似文献   

文章通过对首都经济贸易大学师生以及北京20所高校的图书馆负责人做详细的问卷调查以及深度访谈,听取他们的看法和建议,笔者得出了在首都经济贸易大学图书馆以及北京地区高校图书馆实施体验式服务的主要措施和一些设想。  相似文献   

The Association of College and Research Libraries developed information literacy standards and associated performance indicators for undergraduate psychology students. A survey of tenure-track faculty members and full-time lecturers in the Psychology Department at Eastern Michigan University was conducted to discover how those professors viewed the importance of these indicators, and how those professors perceived their role, as well as the role of librarians, in supporting instruction that develops those skills. The psychology faculty acknowledged the curricular value of the information literacy performance indicators and perceived librarians as having a supportive role relative to their own more primary role in developing the skills.  相似文献   

University professors are important sources of social support for students who have been sexually harassed. However, research has not investigated how professors communicate with students who seek help in coping with this distressful problem. This study examines the types of social support provided by 96 professors in response to a student’s narrative of unwanted sexual attention, and factors that influence their support. The results show that professors provided the student with more problem solving than emotional support. Consistent with the social support model that was a foundation for the study, the types of support were associated with the sex of the professors and student, and the professors’ tolerance for sexual harassment.  相似文献   

已故教授的私人藏书具有很高的利用价值,是馆藏文献的有益补充。高校图书馆为已故教授的私人藏书设立书架、对这些藏书进行开发与利用不仅必要而且可行。高校图书馆应打破放在图书馆的已故教授藏书便是图书馆财产这一观念,吸引已故教授家属将教授生前藏书存放于图书馆;建立管理工作细则对已故教授藏书征集工作进行管理;对已故教授私人藏书进行合理的分类排架。  相似文献   

基于读者到馆行为分析的图书馆服务优化策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用问卷调查和数据统计的方法,对上海财经大学图书馆总馆自开馆以来涉及读者到馆行为的数据进行统计、分析,总结读者到馆行为的现状、规律及问题,找寻其形成原因,并为改善读者服务工作成效,提出若干优化建议。  相似文献   

作为大学学科发展研究的重要保障体系之一的专业资料室应该及时了解学科发展和变化,调整图书、期刊的结构,适应学科发展研究的需要,为学科的建设提供优质的服务。  相似文献   

Relationships between professors as textbook authors and publishing houses as textbook producers have always been fragile. L. Kathy Heilenman examines this relationship and describes how current changes in the climate of universities and in the structure of publishing houses have converged to render this relationship more than usaually problematic. She concludes with suggestions for restructuring the relationship so as to encourage the production of high-quality, innovative textbooks in a partnership between publishers and professors. L. Kathy Heilenman teaches French at the University of Iowa and is one of the authors ofVoilà! a first-year college-level French textbook.  相似文献   


This paper reports the results of a survey of student satisfaction with electronic library resources other than the online catalog at Wayne State University. Undertaken in Fall Term 2000 as a class project for a marketing course, a student team designed, administered, and analyzed a survey of a random sample of students. Almost 40% of the responding students said that they were unaware of electronic resources though 53.8% of these same students answered subsequent questions about use of these resources. Students aware of electronic resources learned about them much more from their professors (38.3%) than from library efforts to publicize them (18.5%). Students were generally satisfied (68%) except when things went wrong. A high percentage of all students (92.4%) answered that the library should continue to expand electronic resources.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey of professors of management regarding their evaluation of management journals. The thrust of the questionnaire was on a journal's appropriateness as a forum for scholarly research. Results are reported for the total group of respondents, and for subgroups of professors of general, behavioral, and quantitative management courses.  相似文献   

"中国人民大学经济学学科数字图书馆"的研究与开发   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了“中国人民大学经济学学科数字图书馆”的建设目标、基本原则、内容结构和主要特征与功能。  相似文献   

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