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Psychological attribution theories can be applied to understanding the motivators of information seeking. Attribution theory, which was developed by Bernard Weiner in the 1970s and subsequently updated, suggests that an individual's willingness to engage in information seeking in a current situation is dependent on how the person attributes the causes of past success or failure of information seeking efforts. The main causal factors affecting information seeking efforts are ability, effort, task difficulty, and luck. Motivation to seek information depends on whether the causal factors are seen as internal or external, stable or unstable, and controllable or uncontrollable. Weiner's ideas can be used to examine the motivators for information seeking and information avoidance. The theory can also be used in information literacy education approaches.  相似文献   

This article investigates the information needs and seeking habits of lawyers in England in the United Kingdom. Specifically, it seeks to ascertain the type of information lawyers require to meet their needs; the reasons prompting them to seek information; to establish from where lawyers obtain information; and to determine the factors that influence their information needs and seeking habits. This study was carried out as part of a wider research project for a doctorate programme. Data collection was carried out by semi-structured interviews. The participants comprised lawyers, essentially solicitors, in London and the Midlands.It was found that lawyers' information needs are greatly influenced by the nature of the work they do. It was noted that experience has a considerable influence on their needs: it is generally assumed that experienced lawyers do not require as much information support as newly qualified lawyers. The lawyers' needs for information in turn influences their information seeking habits. It was noted that the card catalogue as an information retrieval tool is fast disappearing from law libraries in the UK. Its ultimate future is likely to be determined by the needs of small firms which are presently unable to afford automated systems.The study confirms the validity of the findings of earlier studies conducted in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. It appears that very little has changed since these studies were published. The legal profession continues to rely heavily on printed media. Electronic media is used only as a last resort. Practising lawyers continue to rely on their junior colleagues for legal research. Many are apathetic to legal research. Despite the fact that law is a dynamic subject, the legal discipline remains a conservative profession.  相似文献   

Immigrants encounter cultural adaptation challenges impacting their health behaviors and outcomes, with health information and cultural factors influencing their actions. A survey of 340 participants from Finland, Norway, and Sweden was conducted, and the data were analyzed using structural equation modelling. Results show that health beliefs and access to health information, mainly via the Internet, significantly predict immigrants' intentions to engage in health-related actions, while perceived barriers negatively affect their adoption of healthy behavior. The findings underscore the importance of information professionals in providing culturally relevant health information and resources to immigrants and emphasize the need for policymakers to consider cultural factors and information sources in health promotion efforts targeting immigrant populations. This study adds value to the information science literature by highlighting the role of information access and cultural context in shaping health-related actions among immigrants in Nordic countries.  相似文献   

Health information programming in public libraries: a content analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Health information programs, defined as library programs focusing on health-related topics, are an essential way for public libraries to reach out to their user communities, raising awareness of and interest in healthy lifestyle, promoting access to quality health information, and ultimately enhancing health literacy of the citizenry. This study presents a content analysis of the health information programs provided by a large urban public library system in the past year, seeking to strengthen the professional understanding of how public libraries can contribute to health literacy improvement through effective programming, and help other libraries gain insights on health information program planning and implementation.  相似文献   

Health information seeking is an important part of older adults' everyday lives as they cope with their health conditions. Semi-structured interviews conducted with 21 older adults in the United States were analyzed using Savolainen's everyday life information seeking (ELIS) model, especially its key concepts such as way of life and mastery of life. The interview data revealed that except for health care providers, a spouse or partner was mentioned as a credible interpersonal source of health information among older adults in a marital or romantic relationship. Characteristics of older adults' health information behavior in the ELIS context were identified based on types of way of life and mastery of life. For example, those who had more varied types of hobbies, including cognitive, affective, and social hobbies, were exposed to diverse people as they performed their daily routine, potentially resulting in different sources of useful health information. In couple relationships, those with an optimistic as opposed to pessimistic attitude toward a problem-solving situation played the information provider role rather than information receiver role.  相似文献   

老年人网络健康信息查寻行为影响因素研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
[目的/意义] 探索网络环境下我国老年人健康信息查寻行为的影响因素,构建相关概念框架模型,为更合理化地开展老年人健康信息服务予以理论指引和支撑.[方法/过程]采用半结构访谈法收集35位老年人在网络环境下进行健康信息查寻活动的相关数据,通过扎根理论归纳出影响老年人网络健康信息查寻行为的14个概念范畴并聚焦为4个核心范畴.基于对概念范畴的分析,指出影响老年人网络健康信息查寻行为的4个主要因素,并构建网络健康信息查寻行为影响因素模型.[结果/结论]个人心理因素、个人实施成本、信息因素和社会因素是影响老年人网络健康信息查寻行为的主要因素.其中,个人心理因素和个人实施成本是内部因素,直接决定老年人网络健康信息查寻行为模式;信息因素、社会因素是外部情境条件,分别影响着内部因素与信息查寻行为之间的关系强度.  相似文献   

Purpose: The research examined use of the Internet to seek health information among Hispanics in the United States.Methods: A secondary analysis used the Impact of the Internet and Advertising on Patients and Physicians, 2000–2001, survey data. Pearson''s χ2 test, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), analysis of variance (ANOVA), and independent samples t tests were conducted to test for relationships and differences between facets of Hispanic and non-Hispanic white online health information seeking.Results: Findings indicated lower Internet health information seeking among Hispanics (28.9%, n=72) than non-Hispanic whites (35.6%, n=883). On a scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree), Hispanics were likely to agree that Internet health information improves understanding of medical conditions and treatments (M=1.65), gives patients confidence to talk to doctors about health concerns (M=1.67), and helps patients get treatment they would not otherwise receive (M=2.23). Hispanics viewed their skills in assessing Internet health information as good. Overall ratings were also positive for items related to sharing Internet health information with a doctor. Conflicting with these findings, Hispanics (M=3.33) and non-Hispanic whites (M=3.46) reported that physician-patient relationships worsened as a result of bringing online health information to a visit (scale 1=a lot better to 5=a lot worse).Conclusion: This study provides further evidence of differences in Internet health information seeking among Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites. Cultural discordance may be a possible explanation for Hispanics'' view that the Internet negatively impacts physician-patient relationships. Strategies to increase Hispanics'' access to Internet health information will likely help them become empowered and educated consumers, potentially having a favorable impact on health outcomes.


  • Consistent with prior studies, a lower proportion of Hispanics compared to non-Hispanic whites reported using the Internet to seek health information.
  • Overall, Hispanics tended to agree that the Internet is a helpful resource for health information.
  • Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites reported that bringing Internet health information to doctors'' visits worsened the physician-patient relationship.
  • Consistent with prior literature, the odds of seeking Internet health information were decreased for Hispanics with low (<$25,000) and middle ($25,000– $49,000) household incomes.


  • More studies are needed to provide evidence to develop culturally appropriate interventions to examine differences in Internet use and potential digital disparities among Hispanics.
  • Concurrent with increasing Hispanics'' use of Internet health information, efforts to address the Internet''s impact on physician-patient relationship are warranted.

This study assesses the radio as a source of health information and identifies contributing factors to listeners' intentions to change health-related behavior. After listening to a 1-hour health-talk radio program, 99 participants completed an Internet-based survey instrument. Results indicate 27.3% of participants regularly obtained health information from the radio and 68.7% from the Internet; 92.9% of participants reported an increase in knowledge and 65.7% reported intentions to change health behaviors. Participants were more likely to report behavior change intentions if they obtained health information from multiple sources (OR = 1.47). Implications of this study emphasize making radio content available via the Internet.  相似文献   

The Web continues to rapidly evolve as a medium of information exchange. One major area where the Web is now playing a definitive role is in increasing consumer accessibility to health information for personal health and disease-related questions. The comprehensiveness of health information on the Web has the potential to empower consumers when making critical health-related decisions. Conversely, the myriad of information resources presents an array of challenges when seeking specific, credible, and timely health information. As the United States health care system continues to change, community concerns about the quantity, quality, and broad nature of information has become critical. In particular, the Web can play a vital role in health awareness and promotion by disseminating health information for traditionally underrepresented groups, particularly African Americans. Increased accessibility for this group has not always been the focus of attention; however, the growth of the Web coupled with heightened awareness of public health initiatives brings to the forefront numerous opportunities to provide tools that promote essential health information literacy.  相似文献   

跨源健康信息搜寻的动机、信息源选择及行为路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在探究用户面临多种健康信息源时的跨源健康信息搜寻行为,揭示这类信息搜寻行为的动机、信息源选择和行为路径。结合日记法和半结构化深度访谈法,收集并分析了26名参加者的健康信息搜寻日记及跟踪访谈数据,使用NVivo11分析数据。研究发现医生-用户交流障碍、信任缺失、用户自我调节和用户安全心理的需要是促使跨源健康信息搜寻行为产生的动机。相似病症用户的自我陈述、用户的路径依赖(习惯)、从众心理、信息源的权威性及可信度是影响用户跨源过程中信息源选择的主要因素。此外,用户跨源搜寻健康信息的过程中,其心理需求大于实际需求、凭“感觉”感知网络健康信息质量等特征较明显。本研究构建了跨源健康信息搜寻行为路径模型,研究的结果有助于提升用户健康信息搜寻行为认知,改善其跨源健康信息获取能力,提升其健康信息素养;同时,也为相关部门制定提升公民健康信息素养策略及支持跨源健康信息搜寻行为的信息系统的开发和设计提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Eating disorders affect millions of people, and their prevalence demonstrates that the condition exists across gender and cultural boundaries. The Internet is a major channel for publishing and disseminating electronic information, allowing worldwide access of massive health-related, lay- and professional-oriented information. However, much research has found that health-related information on the Internet can be overwhelming, incomplete, and/or inaccurate. The success of health promotion in the 21st century depends on whether available consumer health information (CHI) is adequate, accurate, and easy to use. Usually, health disclaimers, caveats, and other health-related alerts are messages to notify users that the information provided is not intended nor implied to be a replacement or an alternative for professional health-related advice. These messages also serve as indicators to show that information providers take ethical responsibility for quality control in terms of providing valid and reliable consumer health information on the Internet. The study used content analysis1to examine the provision and assess the quality of health disclaimers, caveats, and other health-related alerts included in adult CHI on eating disorders published on the Internet in 1998. The researcher-generated instrument was based on evaluative criteria derived from Alexander and Tate;2Health On the Net Foundation;3Mitretek Systems;4and Silberg, Lundberg and Musacchio.5Web search engines (Northern Light, HotBot, and Excite) were used for data collection on Internet-based publications. The results indicated that the CHI on eating disorders on the Internet did not include disclaimers, caveats, and other health-related alerts which demonstrates a lack of quality control and ethical responsibility on the part of the information providers and site administrators.  相似文献   

Eating disorders affect millions of people, and their prevalence demonstrates that the condition exists across gender and cultural boundaries. The Internet is a major channel for publishing and disseminating electronic information, allowing worldwide access of massive health-related, lay- and professional-oriented information. However, much research has found that health-related information on the Internet can be overwhelming, incomplete, and/or inaccurate. The success of health promotion in the 21st century depends on whether available consumer health information (CHI) is adequate, accurate, and easy to use. Usually, health disclaimers, caveats, and other health-related alerts are messages to notify users that the information provided is not intended nor implied to be a replacement or an alternative for professional health-related advice. These messages also serve as indicators to show that information providers take ethical responsibility for quality control in terms of providing valid and reliable consumer health information on the Internet. The study used content analysis1to examine the provision and assess the quality of health disclaimers, caveats, and other health-related alerts included in adult CHI on eating disorders published on the Internet in 1998. The researcher-generated instrument was based on evaluative criteria derived from Alexander and Tate;2Health On the Net Foundation;3Mitretek Systems;4and Silberg, Lundberg and Musacchio.5Web search engines (Northern Light, HotBot, and Excite) were used for data collection on Internet-based publications. The results indicated that the CHI on eating disorders on the Internet did not include disclaimers, caveats, and other health-related alerts which demonstrates a lack of quality control and ethical responsibility on the part of the information providers and site administrators.  相似文献   

健康信息搜寻行为非常普遍且日益重要,全面了解与探究用户的健康信息搜寻行为,能够促进用户对健康信息的关注,优化健康服务,提高公众的健康信息素养,也有利于构建用户健康信息搜寻行为的模型框架。文章对国内外用户的健康信息搜寻行为进行回顾和梳理,提出当前健康信息搜寻行为研究的整体框架,以健康信息搜寻行为为中心,从影响因素、搜寻过程以及后续影响三方面评述相关成果;分析现阶段研究的不足,为未来研究提出方向。  相似文献   

This study investigates distance learners' information literacy skills in using digital library resources and the factors (online learning and information manipulation) that correlate with learners' information seeking self-efficacy. In addition, distance learners' preferences with regard to digital resources selection and interests of developing information seeking skills were examined. 3517 students enrolled in one or more distance education courses were invited to participate in the online survey; 219 students completed the survey, for a response rate of 6.2%. The results revealed that distance learners who have higher self-efficacy for information seeking and proficiency in information manipulation exhibited higher self-efficacy for online learning. Moreover, students with high self-efficacy demonstrated superior knowledge of digital resources selection. Students who have low self-efficacy with regard to information seeking were more likely to express interest in learning how to use the library resources, although learning techniques for database searching was the exception.  相似文献   

Call for Papers     
Issues with unemployment, underemployment, and inadequate preparation have raised concerns about what colleges are doing to ready students for post-graduate careers, but little discussion exists regarding students’ roles in the process. Students play active roles in the anticipatory socialization process, so this study examines the factors that influence college students to seek career information from the Internet, using the comprehensive model of information seeking (CMIS) as a framework. Results demonstrated a good fit to the model, with Internet experience exerting the strongest influence on participants’ Internet self-efficacy, perceptions of information source quality, and, in turn, perceptions of information source usefulness and information seeking intentions. However, several proposed paths were not significant, suggesting the need for replication studies and further research. Results provide theoretical support for the CMIS as a viable framework beyond health information seeking and identify multiple practical applications and opportunities for future research on career information seeking.  相似文献   

This paper is based on Rachel Butler's dissertation carried out at the University of Sheffield as part of the MA Library and Information Services Management. The study examines people's online health information seeking skills, with the specific aim to identify how libraries and health services can work together in supporting digital and health literacy. A survey approach is used to explore online searching habits as well as librarian and health professionals’ views on health literacy. The key findings indicate that whilst the majority of respondents consider themselves to be health literate, there was an overall agreement that effective education and support could be achieved through the collaboration between libraries and health services, and specifically to signpost information and to provide targeted education. The limitations of the research for dissertation are recognised leading to recommendations that further study focuses on the impact of signposting and education on health literacy.F.J.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 结合网络健康信息搜索情境,从健康知识素养和健康信息检索素养两个视角出发,对用户健康信息搜索行为的过程变量和结果变量进行影响分析,探究健康素养对用户健康信息检索行为的影响机理。[方法/过程] 采用情境模拟实验和问卷调查相结合的方法,选取在校大学生为实验对象,利用SPSS多变量方差分析和独立样本T检验归纳出用户健康信息检索过程呈现的规律特点,并探究用户健康素养及搜索经验与网络健康信息搜索行为过程变量和结果变量的影响关系。[结果/结论] 结果表明,用户的健康知识素养和健康信息检索素养对搜索过程变量分别有较大影响,对搜索结果变量有交互影响。  相似文献   

In today's fast-paced world, anecdotal evidence suggests that information tends to inundate people, and users of information systems want to find information quickly and conveniently. Empirical evidence for convenience as a critical factor is explored in the data from two multi-year, user study projects funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The theoretical framework for this understanding is founded in the concepts of bounded rationality and rational choice theory, with Savolainen's (2006) concept of time as a context in information seeking, as well as gratification theory, informing the emphasis on the seekers' time horizons. Convenience is a situational criterion in peoples' choices and actions during all stages of the information-seeking process. The concept of convenience can include their choice of an information source, their satisfaction with the source and its ease of use, and their time horizon in information seeking. The centrality of convenience is especially prevalent among the younger subjects (“millennials”) in both studies, but also holds across all demographic categories—age, gender, academic role, or user or non-user of virtual reference services. These two studies further indicate that convenience is a factor for making choices in a variety of situations, including both academic information seeking and everyday-life information seeking, although it plays different roles in different situations.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在线健康信息替代搜寻是基于人际关系协作的日常信息实践模式,基于经典理论探究该行为的影响因素和机制对于深入理解该信息行为具有重要意义。[方法/过程]基于健康信念模型和社会支持理论,构建健康信息替代搜寻影响因素模型,提出12个研究假设。通过问卷调查收集475份有效数据,使用SmartPLS软件进行数据分析。[结果/结论]结果发现:同理心、信息支持意愿、感知严重性和感知收益正向影响健康信息替代搜寻意愿,感知障碍负向影响健康信息替代搜寻意愿,感知易感性和自我效能对健康信息替代搜寻意愿没有直接相关关系。通过中介效应分析发现,同理心对感知易感性与健康信息替代搜寻意愿之间的关系存在完全中介效应;同理心对感知严重性与健康信息替代搜寻意愿的关系存在部分中介效应;信息支持意愿对自我效能与健康信息替代搜寻意愿之间的关系存在部分中介效应。这一研究结果为进一步激励、管理和干预在线健康信息替代搜寻实践提供参考。  相似文献   

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